Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom, AHSEC Class 11 Biology Question Answer, HS 1st year Biology notes to each chapter are provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapter Assam Board Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Question Answer and select needs one.
Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom
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Animal Kingdom
Chapter – 4
Q.1. Name the phylum where the level of organization cellular?
Ans :- Phylum Porifera.
Q.2. What is the meant by radial symmetry?
Ans :- When any place passing through the central axis of body divides organism into two identical halves it is called radial symmetry.
Q.3. What is meant by bilateral symmetry.
Ans :- If the body of an animal can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane, it exhibit bilateral symmetry.
Q.4. Name the embryonic layers present in diploblastic animals.
Ans :- Ectoderm and endoderm.
Q.5. Which animals are termed as triplo blastic animals?
Ans :- Those animals in which developing embryo has a third germinal layer mesoderm between ectoderm and endoderm are termed as trophoblastic animals.
Q.6. What is Coelom?
Ans :- Presence of cavity between the body wall and the gut wall is called coelom.
Q.7. Name the phylum where coelom is absent ?
Ans :- Platyhelminthes.
Q.8. Name the phylum where true coelom is absent?
Ans :- As chelminthes.
Q.9. What is notochord?
Ans :- Notochord is mesodermally derived rod like structure on the dorsal side during embryonic development in some animals.
Q.10. What is hermaphrodite?
Ans :- If the sexes are not separate is an animals it is termed as hermaphrodite.
Q.11. What is indirect development?
Ans :- A development is said to be indirect if it has a larval stage which is morphologically distinct from the adult.
Q.12. What is spongocoel?
Ans:- Spongocoel is a central cavity of the sponges.
Q.13. Name the 2 basic forms resent in phylum cnidaria.
Ans:- Polyp and medusa.
Q.14. What is the other name given to the ctenophores.
Ans :- Sea walnut/comb jellies.
Q.15. What is bioluminescence?
Ans :- The property of the living organism to omit light is termed as bioluminescence.
Q.16. Name the cell present in platyhelminthes, to perform excretion?
Ans :- Flame cell.
Q.17. Name the organ of phylum Annnelida and arthropoda.
Ans :- Annelida – Nephridia
Arthropoda – Malpighian tubules.
Q.18. Name the largest phylum of Animals?
Ans :- Arthropoda.
Q.19. What is radula?
Ans :- Animals belonging to phylum mollusca have a file like rasping organ for feeding called rudula.
Q.20. What type of circulatory system is present in phylum Arthropoda?
Ans :- Open type.
Q.21. Write the function of parapodia in Nereis ?
Ans :- Locomotion.
Q.22. Write the distinctive feature of echinoderms ?
Ans :- Presence of water vascular system.
Q.23. Name the execratory organ of Balanoglossus.
Ans :- Proboscis gland.
Q.24. Name the subphyla of phylum chordata?
Ans :- Urochordata, Cephalochordata and vertebrata.
Q.25. Name the different types of scales present in pisces.
Ans :- Placoid, ctenoid and cycloid scales.
Q.26. What is the other name given to paikilo thermous animals?
Ans :- Cold blooded animals.
Q.27. Warm blooded animals are also known by another name? What is it?
Ans :- Homoiothermous animals.
Q.28. What is the difference between oviparous and viviparous animals?
Ans :- Egg laying animals are termed as oviparous and animals giving birth to their young ones is termed as viviparous.
Q.29. What is meant by complete digestive system?
Ans :- If the alimentary canal has opening in Mouth and Auns it is termed as complete digestive system.
Q.30. Name the type of scales present in Chondrichthyes.
Ans :- Placoid scales.
Q.31. Why chondrichthyes have to swim constantly ?
Ans :- They lack air bladder and to avoid sinking they
have to swim constantly.
Q.32. How class Chondrichthyes differ from class osteichthyes.
Ans :- Class Chondrichthyes :-
(i) Operculum abrent.
(ii) Ain bladder absent.
(iii) Placoid scales present.
Class osteichthyes :-
(i) Operculum present.
(ii) Ari bladder present.
(iii) Ctenoid/cycloid scales present.
Q.33. What is the difference between close types and open type circulatory system.
Ans :- In close type circulation blood is circulated through closed chamber (heart) and blood vessels whereas in open type circulation, blood is pumped into open spaces in the body.
Q.34. What is mesoglea?
Ans :- Mesoglea is an undifferentiated layer present in between ectoderm and endoderm in a diploblastic animal.
Q.35. When an individual is considered as asymmetrical? Give 1 eg.
Ans :- If any plane that passes through the centre does not divide them into two equal halves is considered as asymmetrical eg. Sponges.
Q.36. With the help of diagrams show the triploblastic and Diploblastic germinal layers.
Ans :-

Showing germinal layers :-
(a) Diploblastic
(b) Triploblastic.
Q.37. Write 2 distinctive characters of the animals of phylum porifera.
Ans :- (i) Canal system present.
(ii) They are hermaphrodite.
Q.38. Write 2 common characters between phylum cnidarian and ctenophora.
Ans :- (i) Both are diploblastic animals.
(ii) Both exhibit tissue level of organisation.
Q.39. Why platy helminthes are also termed as flat worm ?
Ans :- They have dorsoventrally flattened body, hence are called flatworms.
Q.40. Write the function of following organ in phylum Arthropoda.
Book gills, Statocysts
Ans :- Book gills – respiration
Statocyst – sensory organ.
Q.41. How chordates differ from non chordates.
Ans :- Chordates possess notochord where as notochord is absent in non chordates.
Q.42. All vertebrata are chordates but all chordate are not vertebrata explain.
Ans :- Members of verte brata possesses notochord during embryonic period.
The notochord is replayed by vertebral column in the adult so all vertebrates are chordate but all chordates are not vertebrates.
Q.43. Write 3 characters of class cyclostomata.
Ans :- (i) Cyclostomes have a sucking and circular mouth without jaw.
(ii) They are devoid of scales and paired fins.
(iii) They are marine but mitigate for spawning to fresh water.
Q.44. Based on the presence-absence of coelom how animals are clarified?
Ans :- Based on the presence-absence of callum animals are classified into the following groups :-
(i) Coelomate :- Presence of coelom annelids.
(ii) Pseudocoelomate :- False coelom like structure is present eg. As chelmin.
(iii) Acoelomate :- Absence of coelom eg. Platyhelminthes.
Q.45. Name the phylum where all the organism are radially symmetrical. Name the phylum where their laval state show bilaterally symmetrical and their adult stage radially symmetrical.
Ans :- Cnidaria and phylum ctenophora. In phylum echinodermata, larval stage show bilaterally symmetrical and adult stage shows radially symmetrical.

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