Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 1 The Suitor And Papa

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Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 1 The Suitor And Papa

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The suitor And Papa

Chapter: 1


1. Who is the suitor in the story?

Ans: Pyotr Petrovitch Milkin.

2. Who asked for a stag party?

Ans: Pyotr Petrovitch Milkin’s friends.

3. How many daughters did Kondrashkin have?

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Ans: Seven.

4. What ‘heredity vice’ did Pyotr refer to as an excuse to avoid getting married?

Ans: Drinking bouts.

5. For which crime did Pyotr say that he was on trail?

Ans: Forgery.

6. What ‘horrible secret’ did Pyotr contrive to get rid of the Kondrashkin family?

Ans: Runaway convict.

7. Why did Pyotr meet his friend Dr. Fituyev?

Ans: Fake Certification of his mental insanity.

8. Why did Pyotr’s friends ask for a stag party? 

Ans: Pyotr’s friends asked him for a stag party, for they believed that pyotr would soon marry Nasty. 

9. Why did Kondrashkin allows Pyotr to come to his house and meet Anastasia? 

Ans: Kondrashkin allowed Pyotr to come to his house and meet Anastasia because he was in the hoped that pyotr would marry her and they loved each other. 

10. Kondrashkin accuses Pyotr of evading the issue and being dishonest why? 

Ans: Kondrashkin accuses Pyotr of evading the issue and being dishonest because Pyotr wants to leave the place without marrying Nastya. 

11. What did one of Pyotr’s friends ask him at the summer – fall? 

Ans: One of Pyotr’s friends asked him when Pyotr was going to give his stag party. 

12. Why was Pyotr blushed? 

Ans: Pyotr blushed because one of his friends asked him where he was going to give the stag party. Pyotr blushed because of such an unexpected question from his friend. 

13. What did kondrashkin hope? Why? 

Ans: kondrashkin hoped that Pyotr would marry his daughter Anastasia (Nastya)as they hed developed relations between them. At the seme time, Pyotr behaved like a suitor. He spent whole days with kondrashkin. So kondrashkin thought that both of them were in love with each other. 

14. How did Pyotr try to evade from the issue? 

Ans: When Pyotr realised that everyone expected him to marry Nastya and even Kondrashkin was compelling him into proposing to the daughter at any cost. But Pyotr was unwilling to marry her and he presented a number of reasons to run away from this matter like he said that he was a drunkard, poor, and took a bribe. He even tried to prove himself as mad. 

15. What did kondrashkin says about the doctor’s certificate? 

Ans: Kondrashkin said that he would believe the doctor’s certificate but never believe Pyotr being mad. 

16. How did kondrashkin counter Pyotr’s argument that his convictions and views were different from those of Nasty? 

Ans: Kondrashkin countered Pyotr’s argument that his convictions and views were different from those of Nastya by saying that he will never find you will never find any wife whose views will be completely alike yours. 

17. Why did Pyotr say that he was unworthy of Nastya? How did Kondrashkin react to it? 

Ans: Pyotr considered himself unworthy of Nasty, for he was poor and suffered from drinking bouts. To this, Kindrashkin dismissed Pyotr’s faults as he never saw Pyotr drink before. 

18. How did Kondrashkin dismiss Pyotr’s claim that he was guilty of taking bribes? 

Ans: Kondrashkin dismissed Pyotr’s claims of being guilty of taking bribes by saying that everyone takes bring. 

19. Why did kondrashkin fear that Pyotr might be sent to Siberia? 

Ans: Kondrashkin feared that Pyotr might be sent to Siberia for he was on a trial for embezzlement. 

20. Why did kondrashkin call Pyotr dishonest? 

Ans: kondrashkin called Pyotr dishonest for he hid that he was a runaway convict. 

21. Why did Dr. Fituyev refuse to give Pyotr the certificate he wanted? 

Ans: Dr. Fituyev refunded to give Pyotr, a fake certificate for insanity as Pyotr refused to marry and Dr. Fituyev believed that anyone who didn’t want to marry isn’t crazy, on the contrary he is wise. 

22. Why did Pyotr get so disturbed by the rumours of his marriage? What did he try to do to get rid of the disturbing situation?

Ans: Pyotr was disturbed by the rumours of his marriage for he did not want to marry. This was because he was mainly a playboy who was on a flirting spree with girls and didn’t want to commit any responsibilities to his lovers. To avoid a probable marriage, he made a direct confrontation with the Kondrashkin father, to whom he revealed his vices, crimes and real identity. 

23. Which crimes of Pyotr, according to Kondraashkin, might land him in Siberia? How did he react to pyotr’s ‘confession’ of these crimes and why? 

Ans: Kondrashkin feared that Pyotr might be sent to Siberia for he was on a trial for embezzlement. Initially kondrashkin was dumbfounded with the criminal history of Pyotr to later get more stung and petrified as he got to also know that Pyotr was a runaway convict. He was speechless and motionless as he was filled with horror. Following this, he collapsed to his armchair while he groaned with guilt, of harbouring a snake in his home and thereafter demands that Pyotr leave their company and home forever. 

24. Why did Pyotr decide to adopt ‘Hamlet’s device’? Why did he fail in this venture?  

Ans: Pyotr decided to adopt ‘Hamlet’s device’ for he wanted to use it as means to escape his marriage with Nastya Kondrashkin. He failed in this venture as his friend, Dr. Fituyev refused to give Pyotr, a fake certificate for insanity as Pyotr refused to marry and Dr. Fituyev believed that anyone who didn’t want to marry isn’t crazy, on the contrary he is wise. 

25. When did Pyotr realized that everyone expected him to marry Nastya?

Ans: Pyotr realised that everyone expected him to marry Nastya when his friend had told him expected him to marry Nasty when his friend had told him that everyone knew that he spent whole days with kondrashkin’s daughters, eat dinner almost every evening, walked together, and also gave bunches of flowers to her. And Pyotr’s friend had asked for a stag party also. So all these make him realized that everyone expected him to marry Nastya.

26. The more Pyotr petrovich tries to avoid ‘getting hitched’ to Anastasia, the more Kondrashkin pushes him to commit himself. List Pyotr’s many reasons for not proposing to Anastasia and Kondrahkin’s rebuttals.

Ans: Pyotr presents a number of reasons to run away from proposing to Anastasia:

(i) Pyotr said that his conviction and view were different from Anastasia. Their view cannot match each other. Kondrashkin countered this argument by saying that all men and women have different views and convictions and never meet any women who shared the same views.

(ii) Pyotr said  that  he  was unworthy for Anastasia because he was a poor man. The Kondrashkin reminds Pyotr that he was a salaried man. 

(iii) Pyotr said that he was a drunkard. Kondrashkin said that he did not believe that Pyotr took a drink. 

(iv) Pyotr said that he took a bribe. The Kondrashkin reminds him that everyone in this world took a bribe. 

(v) Next Pyotr goes a little more dramatic and said that he could be arrested at any time for robbery. At this kondrashkin goes silent for a while and predicts that Milkin will be sent to Siberia jail if he is caught.He said that Anastasia will follow him to jail as her love is pure. 

27. When he failed to convince Kondrashkin, what did Pyotr finally decide to do? 

Ans: when he failed to convince Kondrashkin, Pyotr finally decided, to bring a certificate from his friend’s doctor certifying him insane (mad). 

28. Why did Fituyev refuses to certify Pyotr as mad, despite being his friend? 

Ans: Fituyev refused to certify Pyotr as mad, despite being his friend because Pyotr was not mad as he does not want to marry. The only wise man can say that he does not want to marry. As Pyotr refused to marry then or course he is a wise man. A doctor can not certify a wise man as message. 

29. Do you think Pyotr really courted Anastasia? Why then he develops cold feet when it came to proposing to her? 

Ans: Pyotr never courted Anastasia. On the contrary, she was interested in him. But Pyotr was not in a position to marry her. So he reductant in proposing to her. 

30. Do you think Kondashkin is right in pushing Pyotr, to his daughter at any cost? 

Ans: Kondrashkin is absolutely right in pushing Pyotr to his daughter at any cost. Because he had seven daughters and Pyotr was his chance to be one of them as Pyotr spend lots of time with Nastya, drinking, chatting to the girls all the time Pyotr behaved like a suitor. 

31. When are you going to throw stag party? 

(a) Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to? 

Ans: One of the friends of Pyotr is the speaker. He is spending to Pyotr. 

(b) What is ‘stag party’?

Ans: A stag party is a party for a men who is going to get married, to which only his male friends are invited. 

(c) How does the listener reacted to the question?  

Ans: The listener i. e., Pyotr became red in shame and anger and? ain that it was a fool who thought about his marriage. 

34. You ean’t drive over a new – made road, but after it’s been in use for a while, the going’s smoother?

(a) who is speaker? Who is he spending to? 

Ans: Kondrashkin is the speaker. He is spending to Pyotr. 

(b) Why does the speaker say these words? 

Ans: The speaker says these words to motivate Pyotr to marry Anastasia. 

(c) what does he mean by these words? 

Ans: He wants to say that Pyotr will not be able to find a girl who is absolutely fitted to him. After a few days of marriage, the rough edge would be rubbed off and there will no difference in their life. 

35. ‘My friend. I have a favour to ask you! ’ he said to the doctor. The fact is …the want me to get hitched at all costs. To avoid this calamity, I have decided to feign insanity… Hamlet’s device, after a fashion… ’ 

(a) Who is the friend being spoken to?  

Ans: The friend being spoken to his Doctor Fituyev. 

(b) Why has the speaker gone to his friend? 

Ans: The speaker has gone to his friend to obtain a certificate from him saying that he is mad. 

(c) What is the ‘calamity’ that is likely to be fall the speaker? 

Ans: The ‘calamity’ that is likely to befall the speaker is that Kondrashkin in pushing Pyotr to marry his daughter at any cost. But the speaker (Pyotr) is unwilling to do so. He was not in a position to marry Anastasia.

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