Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 2 When Autumn Came

Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 2 When Autumn Came The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Assam Board HS Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 2 When Autumn Came, Class 11 Alternative English Question Answer, HS 1st year Alternative English and select needs one.

Class 11 Alternative English Chapter 2 When Autumn Came

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When Autumn Came – Faize Ahmed Faize 

Chapter: 2



1. With what does that poet compare the yellow leaves? 

Ans: Withered bodies of nature that remains undisturbed on the ground with on single moan of protest. 

2. Who remains undisturbed by the ‘single moan of protest’?

Ans: The yellow leaves that have been stripped off from the tree. 

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3. Who are exiled from their song in autumn? 

Ans: The birds. 

4. With whom does the poet plead for mercy? 

Ans: God of May.  

5. What does the poet mean by the ‘gift of green’?

Ans: Rejuvenation of nature with the flowering of the greenery of nature as experienced during the season of Spring. 

6. What happens to the leaves in autumn? 

Ans: The leaves in autumn get stripped from the branches and then get trampled by travellers. 

7. What do you understand by the expression ‘ebony bodies naked’?

Ans: Is refers to the dark bark of the trees that are stripped off their greenery 

8. What does the poet mean by ‘birds that herald dreams’?

Ans: The song of birds instils a sense of hope, creativity, imagination and dreams among its listeners. 

9. How does autumn affect the birds lives? 

Ans: The birds are left in exile with their voice been torn out its throat. 

10. Why does the poet invoke God of May? 

Ans: The poet invokes the God of May to bless the withered bodies of nature. 

11. How does the poet describe the helplessness of the trees in autumn? 

Ans: The poet described the helplessness of the trees in autumn as the leaves were stripped from the trees to only get trampled by travellers; in silence and remain undisturbed by a single moan of protest. 

12. How does the poet create the impression that autumn is a time of silence? 

Ans: The poet created the impression that autumn is a time of silence through the use of description of the birds that were made to exile “from their song, each voice torn out of its throat”.

13. How does the poem represent the trees as human entities? 

Ans: The poem represented the trees as human entities through the phrase “ebony bodies naked”, “withered bodies” and “dead veins flow with blood again”.

14. Do you think that despite the dismal mood of the poem, it expresses the poet’s hope for a positive change? 

Ans: Yes.

15. Why does the poet associate God of May with the ‘passion of resurrection? Why does he say ‘Let one bird sing’?

Ans: The poet associated God of May with the ‘passion of resurrection’ for it brought the revival of greenery, growth newness and freshness in nature. The phrase, “Let one bird sing”indicates hope and the revival of the national cycle of birth, growth and greenery. 

16. How does the poet depict autumn through a series of images of violence? 

Ans: The poet depicted autumn through a series of images of violence such as the tress being ‘stripped’ off leaves, that were “shook out”and “trampled”; while the birds were “exiled” and their “voice torn out of its throat”,whom the hunters “strung his brow”.

17. It shook out their hearts, the yellow leaves, 

scattered them over the ground. 

Anyone could trample them out of shape.

undisturbed by a single moon of protest. 

(a) Who is it? Whose yellow hearts did it shake out? 

Ans: Is the autumn season. It shakes the yellow hearts of the trees.

(b) What happens to the leaves that are scattered on the ground? 

Ans: Anyone can trample the leaves out of shape that are scattered on the ground. 

(c) When will these withered trees bloom again? 

Ans: When the God of May will show mercy on them, these withered trees will bloom again. 

18. Give some tree the gift of green again. 

Let one bird sing. 

(a) What is the gift of green? Who will receive it? 

Ans: The gift of green is to endow the trees with life and make them green again. The trees will receive it. 

(b) What is the poet asking for when he says ‘Let one bird sing’?

Ans: The poet asks for the gift of green again when says ‘Let one bird Sing ’.

(c) What had happened to the birds in autumn? 

Ans: In the autumn season, the birds go away from far off please as if they spend time in exile. No birds can be seen on the trees and the song of birds could not be heard. 

19. Who do you think the post has personified the trees? 

Ans: The post has personified the trees as the poor labourers and working – class people who are the victims of exploitation by the capitalist class i.e. the autumn season.

20. What condition of the trees during autumn does the poet forward?

Ans: The poet forwards that during the autumn season the condition of the trees are pitiable. They are stripped down to the skin and their ebony is naked. Their leaves turned yellow and fall off all over the ground No birds can be seen on the trees.

21. How does the poet pray to the God at May?

Ans: In the poem “When Autumn Came”, the poet prays to the God of May to shower his blessings on the exploited trees. He prays to God to receive the revolutionaries and to rekindle the dead bodies of the trees. The poet prays to God for life, regeneration. He prays for vegetation full of life again i.e. he wants to see the trees with green leaves, with covered bodies and he wants to see trees with green leaves, with covered bodies and he wants to see the birds on the tree so that they can sing the melodious song again. 

22. Who do you think the God of May is? 

Ans: Here the God of May is the God of the spring season. 

23. Why will there be no single mean of protest? 

Ans: The are so weak that they have lost the voice of protest. The labourers or workers were created in such a way that they could not make any protest. 

24. What is the significance of yellow in the description of the trees leaves? 

Ans: The poet says ‘yellow leaves’ which signifies dull, lifeless and weak because levels are matured and old. 

25. Explain with reference to the context

(a) This is the way…………………………Left their ebony bodies naked. 

Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem “When Autumn Came” composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. 

Through these lines, the poet wants to show that how autumn, representing season has destroyed the trees and left them without their outward protection. Through these lines, the poet expresses the intensity of the oppression – with a period of hopelessness, a time when the upper class  tormented and humiliated the lower classes.

(b) It shook out their………………………single moon of protest. 

Ana: These lines have been taken from the poem, “When Autumn Came” composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. 

Through these lines, the poet has attempted to show how badly the trees were hurt and wounded from the big change that occurred earlier. With the coming of autumn, the yellow leaves which were once green fall of from the trees and scattered all over the ground. Here the poet expresses how the upper class (autumn) humiliated the working class (trees) so mercilessly that they did not even have the courage to protect. Even if they protest they are not heard. The poet use personification to express his feelings. 

(c) The birds that………………….bunter strung bis bow. 

Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem “When Autumn Came” composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. 

Through these lines, the poet expresses how autumn has brought such a change that all trees become lifeless. Even birds are known as the proclaimer of colourful days are sent away so that no voice can be raised. Here birds refer to poets, writers, reformers and revolutionaries. They are the messengers who bring in new thoughts and ideas in the minds of people. However in the time of oppression and censorship even they lose their voices. They cannot express themselves because society does not allow them to do so. Even before they literally die, they give in. Here the poet used personification and metaphors. 

(d) Oh God of May…………………..Let one bird sing. 

Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem “When Autumn Came” composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Through these stanzas the poet prays to the God of spring to have mercy on the trees and to bless them with a new life. The poet prays to the God of May (spring) to revive the revolutionaries and to rekindle their dead bodies. The poet prays to God for life, regeneration, happiness and shared prosperity so that the exploited trees can be brought back to life again. The poet wants to see vegetation full of life again and coming back to colourful days among those victims of exploitation. The poet feels that a classless society is the need of the hour.


Q.1) The autumn season is characterized by a few things.what are they? (see the dictionary definition) 

Ans: The things that are used to characterize the autumn season in the poem are:obey bodies, naked,the yellow leaves scattered over the ground; a single mean; bird exiled from their song; they dropped into the dust; these withered bodies;dead views. 

Q.2) Does the poet talk about all those characterstics? 

Ans: The poet talks about how with the coming of autumn season vegetation are affected and the poet has attempted compare the season of autumn with the capitalist class and the trees with the labour class people. The above characteristic of autumn is the expression of pitiable condition of the labourers and working-class people. They are exploited by the capitalist class During I.e.the autumn season. 

Q.3) what is the impact of autumn on the trees? 

Ans: During autumn the trees become naked. Autumn is the season of dry and dust. The leaves of the trees turn yellow and fall from the trees and scattered over the ground. The trees are stripped down to the back. No birds can be seen on the trees. 

Q.4) What happens to the bird when autumn comes? 

Ans: During the autumn season no birds can be seen on the trees as if the birds spend time in exile. They forgot to sing. They go away to far off places and drop into dust even before hunters can aim at them. 

Q.5) Why does the poet invoke the God of May? 

Ans: The poet invokes the God of May for his blessings to the withered trees so that they can get back their life.

Reference to the context : Read the following extract and answer the question that follow:

Q.1)It shook out their hearts,the yellow leaves, scattered them over the ground. 

Anyone could trample them out of shape undisturbed by a single moan of protest. 

(a) Who is it? Whose yellow hearts did it shake out? 

Ans:It is the autumn season. It shakes the yellow hearts of the trees.

(b) What happens to the leaves that are scattered on the ground? 

Ans:Anyone can trample the leaves out of shape that are scattered on the ground. 

(c) When will these withered trees bloom again? 

Ans:When the God of May will show mercy on them, these withered trees will bloom again. 

Q.2) Give some tree the gift of green again.Let one bird sing. 

(a) What is the gift of green? Who will receive it? 

Ans: The gift of green is to endow the trees with life and make them green again. The trees will receive it. 

(b) What is the poet asking for when he says ‘Let one bird sing’?

Ans: The poet asks for the gift of green again when he says,  ‘Let one bird sing’. 

(c) What had happened to the birds in autumn? 

Ans: In the autumn season, the bird goes away from far-off places as if they spend time in exile. No birds can be seen on the trees and the song of birds could not be heard.

Q.6. What is the significance of yellow in the description of the trees leaves?

Ans: The poet says ‘yellow leaves ‘ which signifies dull and lifeless and weak because leaves are matured and old.

Q.7. Personification is giving human characteristics to an inanimate object or animal. Poets commonly use this technique to create images in the mind and to give their writing a greater sensory appeal.

e.g. Coleridge personality the storm as a beast of prey chasing a victim.

And now the Strom-blast came, and the
Was tyrannous and storms:
He struck with his O’ ertaking wings,
And chased us south along.
In the first stanza, the poet has personified autumn. What do you think he has personified autumn as? Why?

Ans: In the poem, the poet personifies autumn as the capitalist people. Autumn represents a period of hopelessness, a time when the upper classes tormented and humiliated the lower classes. The upper or capitalist class humiliated them so mercilessly that they did not even have the courage to protest. The laborers are deprived of their due share of production and live a life of distress without any voice to protest against their boss.

Sl. No.Contents
Unit 1 Poetry
Chapter 1The Daffodils
Chapter 2When Autumn Came
Chapter 3The Listeners
Chapter 4Once Upon A Time
Unit 2Prose
Chapter 1The Suitor And Papa
Chapter 2The Rule Of The Road
Chapter 3The Many And The None
Chapter 4Box And Cox

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