Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 1 Robinson Crusoe

Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 1 Robinson Crusoe, Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 6 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 1 Robinson Crusoe Class 6 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 1 Robinson Crusoe Notes covers all the exercise questions in Assam Jatiya Bidyalay SEBA Textbooks. The Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 1 Robinson Crusoe provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Robinson Crusoe

Chapter – 1


অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়

পাঠভিত্তিক ক্রিয়াকলাপৰ প্রশ্নোত্তৰ

1. Answer the questions in the complete sentences.পূৰ্ণ বাক্যৰে উত্তৰ দিয়া―

(a) What is the name of the shipwrecked sailor ? (ধ্বংশ হোৱা জাহাজ খনৰ নাৱিক জনৰ নাম কি আছিল ?)

Ans: The name of the shipwrecked sailor is Robinson Crusoe. (ধ্বংশ হোৱা জাহাজ খনৰ নাৱিক জনৰ নাম আছিল ৰবীন্সন ক্ৰুচো।)

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(b) When did the begin his journey by the sea for trade ? (তেওঁ‌ কেতিয়া বেপাৰৰ বাবে যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: He began his journey on 1st September 1654. (তেওঁ ১৬৫৪ চনত ১ ছেপ্টেম্বৰত যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল।)

(c) Who gave him company in the island at the beginning ? (দ্বীপত প্ৰথমে তেওঁক কোনে সঙ্গ দিছিল ?)

Ans: A cat and a dog gave him company at the beginning. (এটা মেকুৰী আৰু এটা কুকুৰে তেওঁক প্ৰথমে সঙ্গ দিছিল।)

(d) What did Crusoe call the man whom he had rescued ? (ক্ৰুচোৱে উদ্ধাৰ কৰা মানুহ জনক তেওঁ কি নাম দিছিল ?)

Ans : He called his name ‘Friday’. (ক্ৰুচোৱে উদ্ধাৰ কৰা মানুহ জনৰ নাম দিছিল ‘ফ্ৰাইডে’।)

(e) which language did Crusoe teach Friday ? (ক্ৰুচোৱে ফ্ৰাইডেক কি ভাষা শিকাইছিল)

Ans: Crusoe taught him English Language. (ক্ৰুচোৱে ফ্ৰাইডেক ইংৰাজী ভাষা শিকাইছিল।)

2. How did Crusoe manage to go back to England ? (ক্ৰুচোৱে ইংলেণ্ডলৈ যাবলৈ কেনেকৈ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: Crusoe found an English ship. He convinced the members of that ship to carry him and Friday to England. ( ক্ৰুচোৱে এখন ইংলিচ জাহাজ পাইছিল। তেওঁ সেই জাহাজত সদস্যসকলক প্ৰত্যয় নিয়াইছিল যে তেওঁক আৰু ফ্ৰাইডেক ইংলেণ্ডলৈ নিব লাগে।)

3. Write whether the following statements are true or false. (নিম্নোক্ত কথনবোৰ সত্য নে অসত্য লিখা।)

(a) Robinson Crusoe did not love to travel on the sea. ( ৰবীন্সন ক্ৰুচোৱে সমূদ্ৰত ভ্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ ভাল নাপাইছিল)

Ans: False

(b) Robinson Crusoe was the only survivor.

( অকল ৰবীন্সন ক্ৰুচোহে বাচিছিল।)

Ans: True.

(c) Robinson tamed horse.( ৰবীন্সনে ঘোঁৰা পুহিছিল।)

Ans: False

(d) Friday was rescued on Sunday.(ফ্ৰাইডেক এটা ৰবিবাৰে উদ্ধাৰ কৰিছিল।)

Ans: False.

(e) Robinson Crusoe went back to England in an English ship on 19 November, 1686 ( ৰবীন্সন ক্ৰুচোৱে ১৬৮৬ চনৰ ১৯ নৱেম্বৰত এখন ব্ৰিটিছ জাহাজেৰে ইংলেণ্ডলৈ ঘূৰি গৈছিল।)

Ans: True.

Present Continuous Tense.

Fill in the blanks with am/is /are.(am/is/are ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) The birds………. Flying in the sky now.

Ans: The birds are Flying in the sky now.

(ii) Rupak…… reading; don’t disturb him.

Ans: Rupak is reading; don’t disturb him.

(iii) Look I…..reading a book written by Chetan Bhagat.

Ans: Look I am reading a book written by Chetan Bhagat.

(iv) At this moment, my father…..drinking tea.

Ans: At this moment, my father is drinking tea.

(v)The woman are busy because they……washing clothes.

Ans: The woman are busy because they are washing clothes.

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks with was/were.(was/were ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) The girl…… Dancing on the stage when they saw her.

Ans: was

(ii) The women……. Wearing traditional dresses then.

Ans: were.

(iii) Lalita …….. swimming in the pool at the time.

Ans: was

(iv) The children………. eating orange at the moment.

Ans: were

(v) When my mother saw him, he…….. riding a bicycle.

Ans: was

Present Perfect Tense

‘Has’ আৰু ‘Have’ verb ৰ পিছত Principal verb টো Past Participle ত লিখি আমি Present Perfect Tense ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁ। যেনে―I have written a letter just now. He has just posted the letter. He has just posted the letter. You have finished your homework just now. ইত্যাদি)

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks with ‘have’ or ‘has’.( ‘have’ or ‘has’ ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) Robin…… Already bought the novel.

Ans: has

(ii) You …… Opened the window just now.

Ans: have

(iii) She……. just cut her finger.

Ans: has

(iv) The dried leaves…… Already fallen from the tree.

Ans: have

(v) The monkey ……. eaten all the bananas just now.

Ans: has

Activity 4

Q.Fill in the blanks with ‘do’, ‘does’ or ‘did’.(do’, ‘does’ বা ‘did’ ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) She…… not teach us English last year.

Ans: did

(ii) Leena and Seema ……. not like to drink milk.

Ans: do

(iii) I ……not quarrel with my friends.

Ans: do

(iv) Smita …….. not go to school yesterday.

Ans: did

(v) My pet dog ……. not bark at strangers.

Ans: does.

Activity 5

Q. Fill in the blanks with ‘do’, ‘does’ or ‘did’.(do’, ‘does’ বা ‘did’ ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) …….. She teach them Hindi last year ?

Ans: Did

(ii) ……… Reena like to eat apples ?

Ans: Does

(iii) …… go to school by bus ?

Ans: Do

(iv) …….. Simanta come here every Sunday ?

Ans: Does

(v) …….. they go to library last Saturday ?

Ans: Did

Wh-question words

‘Who’, ‘ Whom’, ‘Whose’, ‘How’, ‘When’, আৰু ‘Where’ এইবোৰক Wh- question word. বোলে। প্ৰশ্ন সুধিবলৈ আমি এই Wh- question words ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁ।

উদাহৰণ : (i) Who took my pen ?

(ii) Whom did you see ?

(iii) With whom did you go there ?

(iv) Whose book is this ?

(v) What do you want ?

(vi) When will he come ?

(vii) Why are you late ?

Given below is a paragraph on Gautam Buddha. Read the paragraph and frame as many questions as you can on basis of it.(তলত গৌতম বুদ্ধ সম্পৰ্কে এটা স্তৱক দিয়া হ’ল। স্তৱকটো পঢ়া আৰু এইটোৰ ভিত্তিত যিমান পাৰা প্ৰশ্ন যুগুত কৰা)

Gautam Buddha was born in 563 Lumbini. His father’s name was Suddhodhana and his mother’s name was Mayadevi. Another name of Gautam Buddha was Siddhartha. The religion Buddhism was founded on his teachings. He is also called Sakyamuni. He died in 483 B.C. in Kushinagar.

( গৌতম বুদ্ধই খ্ৰীঃপু ৫৬ ত লুম্বিনীত জন্মগ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল। তেওঁৰ পিতৃৰ নাম আছিল শুদ্ধোধন।আৰু তেওঁৰ মাতৃৰ নাম আছিল মায়াদেৱী। গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ নাম এটা নাম আছিল সিদ্ধাৰ্থ। তেওঁৰ শিক্ষানীতিৰ ভিত্তিতে বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্ম গঠন কৰা হৈছিল। তেওঁক শাক্যমুনিও বোলা হৈছিল। তেওঁক খ্ৰীঃপু ৪৮৩ ত তেওঁৰ কুশীনগৰত মৃত্যু হৈছিল।)

Lumbini : a Buddhist pilgrimage site in the Rupandehi district of Nepal.

লুম্বিনী : এখন বৌদ্ধ-ধৰ্ম স্থান, নেপালৰ ৰূপনদেহি জিলাত অৱস্থিত।

Kushinagar : a pilgrimage town in Uttar Pradesh.

কুশীনগৰ : উত্তৰ প্ৰদেশৰ এখন তীৰ্থস্থান।

Questions :

(i) When was Gautam Buddha born ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(ii) When did he born ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(iii) What was his father’s name ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(iv) What was his another name ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(v) On which the religion Buddhism was founded ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(vi) What is he also called ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(vii) When did Buddha die ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(viii) Where did he die ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(ix) Why is Lumbini famous ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

(x) What is Kushinagar ?

Ans: Do Your Self.

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