Application for Replace a Ration Card – ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড বদলি বাবে আবেদন

Application for Replace a Ration Card – ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড বদলি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন: You can apply for your or your family Replace ration cards through online mode or physically. Although allowing you to apply for the Replace Ration Cards for almost all localities including urban and rural areas.

Application for Replace a Ration Card

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Application for Replace a Ration Card - ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড বদলি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন
ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড বদলি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন

The Ration Office,

(…………. Zone),     

Address of the Applicant 



  Dear Sir,

   My Ration Card bearing No……….(or The Ration Card No……….of my…….) has been badly soiled due to handling for a long time and I intend to change it. Please, therefore, arrange to change it at the earliest possible date and oblige.

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             The above Ration Card is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

  Thanking you, I remain.   

Yours faithfully,


ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড বদলি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন


ৰেশ্বনিং অফিচাৰ      

আবেদনকাৰীৰ ঠিকনা




 মোৰ ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ডখন (নং………) বহুদিন ব্যৱহাৰ কৰাৰ বাবে ফালি গৈছে আৰু ময়লাও হৈছে। সেয়েহে সেইখন পৰিবৰ্তন কৰাৰ আৱশ্যক। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপুনি ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ডখন পৰিৱৰ্তন কৰাৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিলে বাধিত হ’ম।

       ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ডখন ইয়াৰ লগতে গাঠি দিলো। 



আপোনাৰ বিশ্বাসী


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Apply for a Ration Card

1. The person having no ration card: The eldest woman of a family who is a bonafide citizen of this country with an annual family income of less than Rs 1,00,00.00 ( Rupees One lakh ) may apply for getting a new Ration Card under NFSA’13 provided the person fulfills all the criteria to be eligible as a beneficiary under NFSa’13. In the absence of any adult female member, the eldest male person may apply for the same. In this case, the individual must produce a certificate from the Village Head/Gaon Panchayat President/Ward Commissioner/ Inspector, FCS&CA / Concerned Authority in writing that the person has no ration card. Such a certificate will normally be granted after the person files an affidavit to this effect to the issuing authority. This document is to be attached along with the ration card application form.

    2. Duplicate Ration Card: In case the ration card is lost or becomes defaced, mutilated, illegible, or otherwise rendered unless, for no fault of the holder of the ration card, the competent authority can issue a duplicate ration card after charging the appropriate fee.

    3. The person having a ration card at the previous place: This is applicable in the case of Government officials or other persons who are transferred from one place to another. In this case, the Surrender Certificate is required from the FCS&CA authority of the place from where the person was residing previously. This document is to be attached along with the ration card application form.

    4. After Marriage entry to be made in the ration card: In this case also deletion certificate is required from the previous place of residence, issued by FCS&CA authority. This document is to be attached along with ration card application form and ration card.

    5. In case of birth of a child: For the addition to be made to the ration card, the birth certificate of the child is required along with ration card in which the addition has to be made along with the application neatly handwritten or typed on plain paper addressed to the FCS&CA authority.

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