SEBA Class 10 Agriculture Dairy Work Chapter 2 Prevention of Diseases

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SEBA Class 10 Agriculture Dairy Work Chapter 2 Prevention of Diseases

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Prevention of Diseases

Chapter – 2

Session – 1: Guidelines for Prevention of Diseases in Dairy Animals
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A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Milk fever is a ____________.

(a) Nutrition related metabolic disorder.

(b) Symptoms of fever in an animal.

(c) Disease caused due to vaccination.

(d) None of the above.

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Ans: (a) Nutrition related metabolic disorder.

2. Feeding optimum nutrition to dairy animals leads to ____________.

(a) Increased milk production.

(b) Prevention of diseases like milk fever.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b).

3. Vaccination of dairy animals is ____________.

(a) Routinely required.

(b) Seldom required.

(c) Required as per the needs of the animals.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) Routinely required.

4. Various types of animal parasite can be controlled by ____________. 

(a) Maintaining hygiene in a farm.

(b) Applying parasiticides.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b).

5. Farm records can help _____________.

(a) Trace the origin and spread of diseases.

(b) Get indications as regards to the occurrence of diseases.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b).

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. A dairy farmer must ensure that the animals are taken for regular ____________ check-ups.

Ans: Veterinary.

2. ___________ and ___________ are of paramount importance in a dairy farm.

Ans: Cleanliness, hygiene.

3. Shortage of clean drinking water can lead to ____________ and ____________.

Ans: Dehydration, heatstroke.

4. Prompt disposal of ____________ is important to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases in animals in a  dairy farm.

Ans: Waste.

5. Vaccines are administered to animals as per the  recommended ___________ and ____________.

Ans: Schedule, guidelines.

C. Mark True (T) or False (F).

1. Farm animals are affected by prolonged hunger.

Ans: T.

2. Prolonged water shortage does not affect farm animals.

Ans: F.

3. Most farm animals are not affected by diseases. 

Ans: F.

4. Disease in a dairy animal poses a threat to both animals and humans.

Ans: T.

5. Some animal diseases can be prevented if timely preventive steps are taken.

Ans: T.

Session – 2: Vaccination of Dairy Animals
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A. Multiple Choice Questions: 

1. Common side-effects observed after vaccination include ____________.

(a) Redness, mild swelling and tenderness at the vaccination site.

(b) Decreased activity levels (fatigue).

(c) Loss of appetite.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

2. Vaccines can be administered through the _____________ route(s) in an animal.

(a) Subcutaneous.

(b) Intradermal.

(c) Intramuscular.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

3. Vaccination must be avoided during _____________.

(a) Adverse weather conditions.

(b) Nutritional imbalances.

(c) In the last months of pregnancy.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

4. FMD vaccination cannot be done at an age of ____________.

(a) 6–8 months.

(b) One year.

(c) Two years.

(d) Less than three months.

Ans: (d) less than three months.

5. Re-vaccination is required in case of _______________.

(a) FMD.

(b) Haemorrhagic septicaemia.

(c) Black quarter.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (a) FMD.

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Once a vaccine has been reconstituted, it is administered within ____________.

Ans: 60 Minutes.

2. An angle of _____________ is the angle of administering a vaccine through the subcutaneous route in a dairy animal.

Ans: 45 degrees.

3. ___________ is required to control diseases in animals.

Ans: Vaccination.

4. All animals must be ____________ before vaccination.

Ans: De-wormed.

C. Mark True (T) or False (F).

1. Vaccine is not administered in weak animals.

Ans: T.

2. The date and route of vaccine administration must be documented. 

Ans: T.

3. A vaccine does not require appropriate disposal.

Ans: F.

4. Mildly sick animals can be vaccinated.

Ans: T.

5. Vaccination makes an animal sick. 

Ans: F.

Session 3: One Health Approach
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A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. One health approach means collaborative efforts by _____________.

(a) Local experts.

(b) National experts.

(c) Global experts.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

2. Carona virus is an example of ______________.

(a) Zoonotic disease.

(b) Bacterial disease.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) Zoonotic disease.

3. Under the one health approach, we take the help of experts from the field of _____________.

(a) Public health.

(b) Environmental and forest sciences.

(c) Veterinary sciences.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

4. The main aim of the one health approach is to take care of the health of ____________.

(a) Human beings.

(b) Animals and plants.

(c) Environment.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

5. E. Coli is harmful for ______________.

(a) Cattle.

(b) Humans.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) Humans.

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. ______________ is an example of a zoonotic disease caused by dog bite.

Ans: Rabies.

2. _____________ drug discovery is one of the aims of the one health approach.

Ans: Accelerated.

3. Environmental pollution can further ____________ zoonotic diseases.

Ans: Aggravate.

4. Many diseases from animals can be ___________ to humans.

Ans: Transmitted.

5. Anthrax and brucellosis are examples of ____________ diseases.

Ans: Zoonotic.

C. Mark True (T) or False (F):

1. Expansion of scientific knowledge is not an aim of one health approach. 

Ans: F.

2. The one health approach is not useful for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases.

Ans: F.

3. Approximately, 75 percent of newly traced human diseases are zoonotic in nature. 

Ans: T.

4. Human, animal and environmental health are not interrelated. 

Ans: F.

5. Contaminated meat, eggs and milk can spread zoonotic diseases.

Ans: T.

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