Rebuilding – West Africa’s Food Potential Food and Agriculture PDF

Rebuilding West Africa’s Food Potential Food and Agriculture PDF the price hike on international food markets in 2007-2008 was a turning point in world agriculture. Despite the surge in food prices, the expected supply response for most smallholder farmers, particularly in Africa, did not occur.

Rebuilding West Africas Food Potential

Rebuilding West Africa’s Food Potential – Food and Agriculture

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The present book focusing on West Africa embodies a thorough analysis of past and present policies pertaining to food value chains without overlooking export commodities. It examines detailed value chain case studies conducted in several countries, covering both staple food commodities (rice, maize, sorghum, millet, and cassava) and export crops (cocoa, cotton, oil palm, mangoes and horticultural products).

It reviews public and private initiatives and includes thematic analyses on not only the private sector but also farmers’ organizations seen as market agents. This book aims to contribute to filling an existing gap in the literature on food value chains in West Africa.

It identifies good practices in value chain development and provides policy guidance to agricultural and rural development stakeholders. It is intended to be a sourcebook for decision-makers, especially at a time when many countries in the region have embarked on implementing their national agricultural strategies derived from the CAADP process.

The book recommends several priority areas for action. Key among these are:

(a) Policy support to agriculture to achieve food security and poverty reduction must place greater emphasis on staple food crops and build stronger market incentives for smallholders’ inclusiveness, with particular focus on women’s access to inputs, credit, better organization, and market/business capabilities;

(b) Investment strategies aligned with CAADP must ensure greater policy coordination between public and private actors and enhance market opportunities, especially through domestic marketing and intra-regional trade;

(c) Policy support should focus on developing market-based input delivery services, enhancing capacity for producers’ organizations to self-reliably access information, inputs, credit and forge credible business linkages with other value chain actors.

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