NIOS Class 12 History Chapter 35 Cultural Communication

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NIOS Class 12 History Chapter 35 Cultural Communication

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Cultural Communication

Chapter: 35




 Q. 1. From which script are most modern Indian scripts derived?

Ans: Brahmi.

Q. 2. Name two kinds of books written in earlier times.

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Ans: Religious texts and shastras.

Q. 3. Why was manuscript production expensive?

Ans: Manuscript production was expensive because they were handwritten.

Q. 4. State whether true or false:

(i) Language is not a means of communication. 

Ans: False.

(ii) Hitopadesa is a collection of stories.

Ans: True.

(iii) Rammohan was the only reformer to use the press in the 19th century.

Ans: False

(iv) Writing made long-distance communication possible.

Ans: True.


Q. 1. What do folk songs and dances celebrate? 

Ans: Folk songs and dances celebrate events of natural change and life’s pleasure and sorrows. 

Q. 2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) ______requires intense training. 

Ans: Classical music.

(ii) The compositions of Bhakti and Sufi saints are called ______and _____.

Ans: Bhajans, Qawalis.

(iii) The Bauls of Bengal sing songs about ______ and______.

Ans: universal brotherhood, unselfishness.

Q. 3. State whether true or false: 

1. Folk dances are meant to be performed only on stage.

Ans: False.

2. Classical and folk music have never interacted with one another.

Ans: False.

3. Film songs sometimes borrow classical tunes. 

Ans: True.


Q. 1. What language did the Buddha preach in?

Ans: Prakrit.

Q. 2. Which contacts led to the sculptural representations of the Buddha in human form?

Ans: Greek.

Q. 3. What are the Jataka tales?

Ans: Jataka tales are the birth stories of Buddha.

Q. 4. Fill in the blanks:

1. In the stupa carvings, the Buddha was symbolically represented as ______, ______, _______ etc.

Ans: Gods in human form, birth and lives of Buddha

2. Taras were female divinities associated with the _____.

Ans: Bodhasattva as fertility cult.

3. _______ were circular mounds covering relics of the Buddha or important monks.

Ans: Stupas.


Q. 1. What are the various means of communication of culture?

Ans: There are various means of communication. These include oral, writings, music, dance, folk/story, paintings, sculpture, monuments, radio, television, telephone, telex, computer (internet), newspaper, magazines. In fact, there are a large number of means through which culture can be communicated.

Q. 2. Assess the importance of speech writing and printing in culture communication.

Ans: (i) Spoken language was and remain one of the most important means of communication. However the invention of writing widened the scope of communication. Messages could henceforth be sent over long. distances and preserved over time.

(ii) Initially, rulers and wealthy people had important documents engraved on rock surfaces, stone tablets and copper plates. Cloth, leather, the bark of the tree called bhojapatra and palm leaf called talapatra were used for writing on.

(iii) Printing plays significant role in culture communication. Books could now be produced in far greater numbers in lesser time and lower cost. Through print media people gets information about various events and occurrences around the world. Print media also mould our ways of thinking.

Q.3. What is the importance of musicians in communicating different ideas?

Ans: (i) Music like all expression of culture, carries ideas. The Bauls of Bengal have traditionally carried their messages of universal brotherhood and unselfishness through their songs.

(ii) Devotional songs express not only the emotions of the worshippers but also draw others into the fold. Today music serves as an important bridge in the global village.

Q. 4. How did different culture forms help the spread of Buddhism?

Ans: (i) Different culture forms greatly helped in the spread of Buddhism.

(ii) The Buddha lived in the 6th century BC. He preached that the nature of the world is sorrowful and to free oneself from it, one must overcome desire. He asked his followers to led simple, virtuous lives and to follow a middle path between extreme austerity and luxury.

(iii) The Buddha’s message was quickly accepted by the common people because he spoke in the common language, Prakrit. While the Brahmana’s used Sanskrit, a language which ordinary people didn’t understand.

(iv) The Buddhists also adopted and adapted a number of religious and cultural practices. For example, the worship of trees was a popular practice.

(v) The Buddhists suggested that tree worship was identical with the worship of the bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya. According to Buddhist traditions, the Buddha had meditated sitting under the tree and had attained enlightenment here.

(vi) Another popular practice was the erection of circular mounds over the remains of the dead as a kind of memorial. The relatives and associated of the dead offered worship at such mounds. The Buddha’s followers adopted this practice and erected stupas or mounds which often contained relics of the Buddha such as his teeth or objects he was supposed to have used.

(vii) With the spread of Buddhism, Buddhists came into contact with the Indo-Greeks who had settled in the north west of the subcontinent. The Greeks had an old tradition of representing their gods in human form. The Buddhist adopted this tradition as well, depicting the Buddha in an identical fashion.

(viii) The Buddhists also adopted hundreds of popular folk stories. In the Buddhist tradition they were known as Jatakas or birth stories of the Buddha. These were regarded as stories about the previous births and lives of the Buddha. Many of these stories were also depicted in sculpture.

(ix) Stories form the Jatakas were also depicted in paintings on the cave walls at Ajanta as well as on the railing surrounding the Sanchi stupa (MP). Men and women who visited these places and saw these works of art would be reminded of stories they knew. At the same time, they would be taught about Buddhism through these stories.

(x) Buddhist teachers were not the only ones to use a variety of cultural means to spread their message. If we look at any of our major religious traditions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Jainism, we will find that they owe their long lived success to the many ways in which their message has been transmitted through music, painting, story telling, and through the use of a variety of architectural styles to build centres of worship.

(xi) Ancient and popular fertility cults centering around worship of mother goddess were also incorporated in the growing religious mythology of Buddhism. Each Bodhisattva was associated with a female divinity called Tara. The Bodhisattvas were believed to act through these goddesses, This paring of male and female powers is a characteristic feature of numerous fertility cults. The adoption of such cultural motifs of folk beliefs and practices made accentance of Buddhism very easy.

Multiple Choice Questions

Tick (✓) the correct answer.

Q.1. Which of the following languages is widely spoken language in Pakistan?

(a) Hindi.

(b) Bengali.

(c) Punjabi.

(d) Sindhi.

Ans: (c) Punjabi .

Q. 2. Writing was known in India over:

(a) 1000 years ago.

(b) 2000 years ago.

(c) 3000 years ago.

(d) 4000 years ago.

Ans: (d) 4000 years ago.

Q. 3. The Harappan Civilization declined around:

(a) 1200 BC

(b) 1800 BC

(c) 1600 BC

(d) 2400 BC

Ans: (b) 1800 BC

Q. 4. Initially, rulers and wealthy people had important documents engraved on:

(a) rock surfaces. 

(b) stone tablets.

(c) copper plates.

(d) all of the above.

Ans: (d) all of the above.

Q. 5. Which of the following was known as bhojapatra? 

(a) Cloth.

(b) Leather.

(c) The bark of the tree.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) The bark of the tree.

Q. 6. Which of the following was known as talapatra?

(a) Copper plate.

(b) Palm leaf. 

(c) Silver plate.

(d) Steel plate.

Ans: (b) Palm leaf. 

Q. 7. The books of earlier times were related to:

(a) religion. 

(b) political.

(c) economic.

(d) social.

Ans: (a) religion. 

Q. 8. Shastras were:

(a) religious books.

(b) political books. 

(c) law books.

(d) social books.

Ans: (c) law books.

Q.9. Drama and poetry were composed for the enjoyment of the: 

(a) villagers.

(b) rural people.

(c) wealthy.

(d) urban people.

Ans: (c) wealthy. 

Q. 10. Printing was introduced in the mid:

(a) 14th century.

(b) 15th century. 

(c) 16th century. 

(d) 17th century.

Ans: (c) 16th century.

Q. 11. Who started publishing ‘Samachar Kaumudi’?

(a) Raja Rammohan Roy. 

(b) Dayanand Saraswati.

(c) Bipin Sen.

(d) Lala Lajpat Roy.

Ans: (a) Raja Rammohan Roy.

Q. 12. ‘Chandrika’ was published in:

(a) 1822

(b) 1823

(c) 1824

(d) 1825

Ans: (a) 1822

Q. 13. Tansen was one of the nine jewels in the court of the Mughal emperor: 

(a) Babur.

(b) Humayun.

(c) Akbar.

(d) Jahangir.

Ans: (c) Akbar.

Q. 14. The Banks of Bengal sing songs about:

(a) universal brotherhood.

(b) religion.

(c) tribes.

(d) none of the above.

Ans: (a) universal brotherhood.

Q. 15. The Buddha preach in:

(a) Pali language.

(b) Prakrit language. 

(c) Sanskrit language.

(d) Hindi language.

Ans: (b) Prakrit language.

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