NIOS Class 10 Science and Technology Chapter 28 Carbon and its compounds

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NIOS Class 10 Science and Technology Chapter 28 Carbon and its compounds

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Carbon and its compounds

Chapter: 28


1. What is the valency of carbon? 

Ans: 4.

2. What is the nature of bonds formed by carbon? 

Ans: Covalent.

3. Why carbon forms a large number of compounds? 

Ans: Because of catenation, possibility of existence of isomers and presence of various functional groups.

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4. Name the branch of chemistry which is devoted to the study of carbon compounds. 

Ans: Organic chemistry.

5. How many electrons are needed by a carbon atom to complete its octet?

Ans: 4. 


1. Which allotropic form of carbon has been discovered few years back? 

Ans: Do Your Self.

2. Each carbon atom is linked to how many carbon atoms in

(i) Diamond.

Ans: The diamond compound is attached with the 4-carbon compound.

(ii) Graphite. 

Ans: The graphite compound attached with the 3-carbon compound.

3. Why diamond has high melting point? 

Ans: The bond in the diamond atoms is covalent so we need high energy to overcome this bonding. So because of this bonding capacity the melting point is high.

4. Is diamond a conductor of electricity? Give reason for your answer. 

Ans: No. Because there are no free electrons.

5. Why is graphite a good lubricant? 

Ans: Because of weak bonding forces between layers of carbon atoms in graphite, they can slide over each other. 

6. Give two uses of graphite. 

Ans: As electrodes, lubricant, pencil leads, vessels for melting metals (any two).

7. What kind of structure is possessed by fullerenes? 

Ans: Closed structure similar to football.

8. Name the three microcrystalline forms of carbon and give their use.

Ans: Charcoal, coke and carbon black Uses: Charcoal – absorption of coloured impurities Coke – reducing agent in metallurgy Carbon black – pigment in inks or in automobile tyres.


1. Classify the following compounds as organic or inorganic: 

(i) Sugar.

Ans: Organic. 

(ii) calcium carbide.

Ans: Inorganic.

(iii) kerosene.

Ans: Organic

(iv) Carbon dioxide. 

Ans: Inorganic.

(v) Carbon disulphide. 

Ans: Inorganic.

2. Give two differences between organic and inorganic compounds.

Ans: Two difference organic and inorganic compounds are mentioned below: 

(i) Organic compounds have low melting and boiling points whereas inorganic compounds have high melting and boiling points. 

(ii) Organic compounds dissolve in organic solvents whereas inorganic compounds dissolve in water and not in organic solvents.


1. What is dry ice?

Ans: Carbon dioxide.

2. Which gas, carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, is a major air pollutant? 

Ans: Carbon monoxide.

3. Which gas is used in carbonated drinks? 

Ans: Carbon dioxide.

4. Name the gas which is a major contributor to the green house effect. 

Ans: Carbon dioxide.

5. Name the products obtained by the fermentation of sugar.

Ans: Carbon dioxide and ethanol.


1. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated compounds? 

Ans: In saturated compounds, single bonds are present between carbon atoms whereas in unsaturated compounds double or triple bonds are present between carbon atoms.

2. Give two examples each of.

(i) saturated compounds. 

Ans: Saturated: methane, ethane.

(ii) unsaturated compounds. 

Ans: Unsaturated: ethene, propyne.

3. Name the alkane which has three carbon atoms. 

Ans: Propane.

4. Define isomers. 

Ans: Isomers are compounds which have the same molecular formula but have different structures.

5. What is the full form of IUPAC?

Ans: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

6. Name the following alkyl groups:

(i) — CH3.

Ans:  methyl.

(ii) — C2H5.

Ans: ethyl.

7. Give IUPAC name of these compounds.

Ans: (a) 2-methylbutane.

(b) 2,3-dimethylbutane. 


1. Identify the functional groups present in the following compounds: 

(i) CH3CH2OH. 

Ans: Hydroxyl. (— OH).

(ii) CH3Cl.

Ans: — Cl. Alkyne.

(iii) C2H2. 

Ans: Alkyne.

(iv) CH3 — COOH. 

Ans: Carboxylic.

In the next section, you will study about some simple compounds which contain some of the above mentioned functional groups.


1. What is wood alcohol? 

Ans: Methanol.

2. What is glycerin? Which functional group is present in it. 

Ans: Glycerin is 1,2,3-propanetriol. It contains the hydroxyl functional group.

3. How is ethanol produced?

Ans: It is produced by the fermentation of carbohydrates such as glucose and starch present in grapes, barley etc.

4. Give two examples of compounds having aldehyde functional group. 

Ans: Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde.

5. What is the use of acetone? 

Ans: It is used as a solvent.

6. Which acid is present in vinegar? 

Ans: Acetic acid.

7. Name the compound which has an aldehyde group and is used as a flavour. 

Ans: Vanillin.

8. Give IUPAC Name of the following compounds.

(a) C2H5OH.

Ans: Ethanol.

(b) CH3COOH.

Ans: Ethanoic acid.

(c) HCHO.

Ans: Methanal.

(d) CH3-CO-CH3

Ans: Propanone.

9. Name the functional group present in the following compounds 

(a) C2H5OH.

Ans: Alcohol.

(b) CH3COOH.

Ans: Carboxylic.

(c) HCHO. 

Ans: Aldehyde.

(d) CH3-CO-CH3.

Ans: Ketone.


1. Why carbon cannot form ionic bonds? 

Ans: The ionisation energy of the atom is too large and the electron affinity of the atom is too small for ionic bonding to occur. 

For example: carbon does not form ionic bonds because it has 

4 valence electrons, half of an octet. To form ionic bonds, Carbon molecules must either gain or lose 4 electrons.

2. What types of bonds are formed by the carbon atom?

Ans: The most common type of bond formed by carbon is a covalent bond. In most cases, carbon shares electrons with other atoms. This is because carbon has 4 valence electrons and so to complete its octet configuration, either it needs to gain 4 more electrons or lose 4 electrons.

3. What types of bonds are formed by the carbon atom?

Ans: The most common type of bond formed by carbon is a covalent bond. In most cases, carbon shares electrons with other atoms. This is because carbon has 4 valence electrons and so to complete its octet configuration, either it needs to gain 4 more electrons or lose 4 electrons.

4. Name the three allotropic forms of carbon.

Ans: The three allotropic forms of carbons are mentioned below: 

(i) Graphite.

(ii) Diamond.

(iii) Fullerene.

5. How do natural diamonds form?

Ans: At depths of over 120km, through intense heat of between 900°C and 1300°C, pressures of 45 kbar and above and over millions and often billions of years, this incredible miracle happens – carbon crystallises to form diamonds.

6. Name two places where diamonds are found.

Ans: Russia and Botswana have emerged as the top players in producing gem-quality diamonds. Australia, on the other hand, produces most industrial-quality diamonds. Similarly, diamonds are also found in the US, Siberia, Brazil, China, Canada.

7. Why is diamond hard?

Ans: The four valence electrons of each carbon atom participate in the formation of very strong covalent bonds. These bonds have the same strength in all directions. This gives diamonds their great hardness. Since there are no free electrons to wander through the structure, diamonds are excellent insulators.

8. Give two uses of diamond?

Ans: Two uses of diamond are mentioned below: 

(i) Industrial purpose.

(ii) sharpening hard tools.

9. Compare the physical properties of diamond and graphite.

Ans: Graphite is very soft and has a hardness of 1 to 2 on this scale. Diamonds are the hardest known natural substance and have a hardness of 10. No other naturally occurring substance has a hardness.

10. How can graphite be converted into diamond?

Ans: It is known that graphite can be converted into diamond when subjected to high pressure and high temperatures. The graphite-diamond transformation can be achieved directly by subjecting graphite to ultra pressures (>100 kbar) and temperature (>2000 °C).

11. Create a flow chart as shown below to compare the various allotropes of carbon.

Ans: Do your self.

12. What is activated charcoal? How is it prepared?

Ans:  If we heat at temperature of 8000-to-9000-degreeselkies in closed air contact and passes the steam over it then we will get the activated charcoal.

13. Given below are pictures of three microcrystalline or amorphous forms of graphite. Name them and write one use of each? 

Ans: Do yourself.

14. Name the products formed when.

(i) Wood is strongly heated in the absence of air. 

Ans: If wood is heated in absence of air, then charcoal will be produced.

(ii) Coal is strongly heated in the absence of air. 

Ans: Activated charcoal.

(iii) Hydrocarbons are heated in a limited supply of oxygen.

Ans: Carbon monoxide or CO.

15. Why is CO toxic in nature?

Ans: This is because carbon monoxide combines with the haemoglobin present in the blood cells of our body to form a stable compound called carbonyl-haemoglobin. This does not allow us to absorb oxygen. Thus depriving our body cells of oxygen. This causes obstruction in respiration and causes death.

16. Give two uses of CO and CO2.

Ans: In the reduction of carbonyl base metal CO is used but the CO2 is used in the making of carbonated soda.

17. For the following state one point of differences between the following pairs of terms.

(i) Organic compounds and inorganic compounds.

Ans: Organic compounds has low melting and boiling point but inorganic compound has high melting and boiling point.

(ii) Carbon Monoxide and carbon dioxide. 

Ans: In the reduction of carbonyl base metal CO is used but the CO2 is used in the making of carbonated soda.

(iii) Aliphatic and aromatic compounds.

Ans: Aliphatic is highly reactive and less stable but the aromatic is less reactive and highly stable in nature.

(iii) Aliphatic and aromatic compounds.

Ans: A homologous series means the functional group is same in each of the compound.

18. What is a homologous series?

Ans: A homologous series is a group of chemicals which have similar chemical properties and can be represented by a general formula.

19. Name 10 carbon compounds of a homologous series. Write their molecular formula and derive a general formula for the series.

Ans: Do your self.

20. What is general formula for the homologous series of

(i) Alkanes.

Ans: CnH2n+2.

(ii) Alkenes. 

Ans: CnH2n;

(iii) Alkynes.

Ans: CnH2n-2.

21. What is the molecular formula for ethane?

Ans: C2H6.

22. Give here four prefixes: But- , Eth- , Meth- , Prop- , and Suffix –ane to develop the names of alkanes. How many carbon atoms do each of these alkanes contain?

Ans: So, these are Butane, Ethane, Methane, Propane, Butane.

23. Draw the Chemical Structure of Butane and Isobutane and based on it justify that they are isomers.

Ans: DO your self.

24. Give IUPAC name of the following compounds:

(i) CH3 — CH = CH2

Ans: prop-2-in.

(ii) CH3 — HC = CH — CH3

Ans:  But-2-in.

(iii) CH3 — OH

Ans: Methanol.

25. Give an example of a compound which has carboxylic (-COOH) functional group.

Ans: Example CH3−COOH is known as acetic acid.

26. (a) Of the following which has single bond, double bonds and triple bonds between C, C atoms? Alkynes, alkane, alkene

Ans: Single bond: – Alkane, Double bond: – Alkene, Triple bond: – Alkynes.

(b) Name their simplest compounds and write the molecular formula

Ans: The simplest compound is methane or CH4.

27. Give one use of each of the following: 

(i) Methanol. 

Ans: Methanol is used in organic synthesis.

(ii) Ethanol. 

Ans: In engine fuel.

(iii) Glycerin.

Ans: For the prevent of dry or rough like a moisture.

28. What is the difference between the structure of an aldehyde and a ketone?

Ans: Do yourself.

29. What is: 

(i) Dry ice.

Ans: Solid CO2.

(ii) wood alcohol.

Ans: Methanol.

(iii) formalin.

Ans: HCHO.

(iv) vinegar.


30. To which group of carbon compounds do each of the carbon compounds used for the following belong? 

(i) To ripen fruits 

Ans: Ethylene gas is used.

(ii) In oxy-acetylene torch

Ans: Oxyacetylene torch: – acetylene.

31. Name the carboxylic acid present in vitamin C.

Ans: Ascorbic acids.

32. Which acid is present in citrus fruits?

Ans: Citric acid is present in citrus fruits.

33. Your teacher has asked you to procure sources of formic acid and butyric acid. Which two sources will you collect and bring?

Ans: For the formic acid the source is ants.

And butyric acid found in animal fat.

34. Name the carboxylic acids found in:

(i) Lemon. 

Ans: Citric acid.

(ii) Vitamin C.

Ans: Ascorbic acids.

(iii) Sour milk. 

Ans: Lactic acid.

(iv) Rancid butter. 

Ans: Acetic acid.

(v) Ants.

Ans: Formic acid.

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