NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 11 Transportation in Animals and Plants

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NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 11 Transportation in Animals and Plants

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Transportation in Animals and Plants

Chapter: 11


Q. 1. Match structures given in column I with functions given in column II.

Column – IColumn – II
(i) Stomata(a) Absorption of water
(ii) Xylem(b) Transpiration 
(iii) Root hairs(c) Transport of food
(iv) Phloem (d) Transport of water
(e) Synthesis of carbon hydrates.


(i) Stomata(b) Transpiration
(ii) Xylem(d) Transport of water
(iii) Root hairs(a) Absorption of water
(iv) Phloem (c) Transport of food

Q. 2. Fill in the blanks: 

(i) The blood from the heart is transported to all parts of the body by the ____________.

Ans: Arteries.

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(ii) Hemoglobin is present in ____________ cells.

Ans: Red Blood Cells.

(iii) Arteries and veins are joined by a network of ____________.

Ans: Capillaries.

(iv) The rhythmic expansion and contrac- tion of the heart is called …………

Ans: Heart beat.

(v) The main excretory product in human beings is ____________.

Ans: Urine.

(vi) Sweat contains water and ____________.

Ans: Urea.

(vii) Kidneys eliminate the waste materials in the liquid form called ____________.

Ans: Urine.

(viii) Water reaches great heights in the trees because of suction pull caused by ____________.

Ans: Transpiration.

Q. 3. Choose the correct options: 

(a) In plants, water is transported through:

(i) Xylem

(ii) Phloem

(iii) Stomata 

(iv) Root hair

Ans: (i) Xylem.

(b) Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plants:

(i) in the shade 

(ii) in dim light

(iii) under the fan

(iv) covered with a polythene bag. 

Ans: (iii) under the fan.

Q. 4. Why is transport of materials necessary in a plant or an animal? Explain.

Ans: Transport of materials is necessary for plant or animal because due to it nutrients are made available to all the parts of body. If the transport of necessary nutrients does not take place in the body, the body will not be able to survive.

Q. 5. What will happen if there are no platelets in the blood?

Ans: The blood platelets are responsible for the clotting of the blood. When some injury occurs, blood starts flowing. But it clots on its own. If there are no platelets, the blood will not be able to clot and keep on flowing.

Q. 6. What are stomata? Give two functions of stomata.

Ans: There are small openings on the lower surface of the leaves and stems. These pores are called stomata. These openings are covered with guard cells. 

Two functions of stomata are:

(i) It helps in the transpiration of water i.e. the loss of excess water from the plant. 

(ii) Loss of water from the stomata creates an upward pull i.e. a suction pull which helps in absorption of water to great height in tall trees. 

Q.7. Does transpiration serve any useful function in the plants? Explain.

Ans: (i) It produces cooling effect. Thereby saving the delicate cells from the heat of the sun light. 

(ii) Transpiration helps in the movement of water from roots upwards.

Q.8. What are the components of blood? 

Ans: There are four components of blood:

(i) The Red Blood Corpuscles (R.B.C) or Erythrocytes: These are responsible for transporting oxygen to different parts of the body with the help of hemoglobin. 

(ii) White Blood Corpuscles (W.B.C.) or Leucocytes: They protect our body against harmful germs and diseases. That is why they are called soldiers of the body. 

(iii) Platelets or Thrombocytes: They help in clotting of blood at the time of an injury. 

(iv) Plasma: It is the fluid medium which transports digested food as well as metabolic waste products.

Q.9. Why is blood needed by all the parts of a body?

Ans: Blood is needed by all the parts because it contains the digested food in it. It supplies the digested food to various parts of the body and provides energy to them which helps the body to perform various functions.

Q.10. What makes the blood look red?

Ans: A red coloured pigment called hemoglobin gives the blood its red color. This pigment helps in carrying oxygen to various parts of the body by blood.

Q.11. Describe the function of the heart.

Ans: The heart functions in the following way.

The right auricle and ventricle receives blood with carbon dioxide from all the parts of the body. The collected blood is then pumped to the lungs for the purification. In lungs the exchange of gases take place and purified blood is sent back to the left auricle. It pumps it to the left ventricle, which in turn pumps off the purified blood to all the parts of the body through arteries.

Q.12. Why is it necessary to excrete waste product?

Ans: The build up of waste and poisonous products in our body is always harmful. The waste products like urea etc., are toxic. When such toxic materials are not removed from the body, they get mixed with blood and can damage the cells of the body, thus proving fatal. It is, therefore, necessary to remove such poisonous waste materials from our body.

Q.13. Draw a diagram of the human excretory system and label the various parts.



Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q. 1. What is the function of lymphocyte cells? 

Ans: The lymphocyte cells fight against infection.

Q. 2. What is transpiration?

Ans: The loss of water in the form of vapors from the living tissues of aerial parts of the plant is termed as transpiration.

Q. 3. Name the system responsible for transportation of materials in human beings. 

Ans: Circulatory system.

Q.4. Define excretion.

Ans: Excretion is a biological process by which the organisms get rid by excess or toxic waste products of metabolism.

Q. 5. Name the procedure used in the working of an artificial kidney.

Ans: The procedure used in the artificial kidney in place of normal is called dialysis.

Q. 6. Name the excretory unit of a kidney.

Ans: Nephron.

Q. 7. Where is urine carried through the ureters?

Ans: Through ureters, the urine is carried from kidneys to urinary bladder.

Q. 8. What do you mean by ‘transloca- tion’ of nutrients in plants?

Ans: Movement of organic nutrients (such as sugars) from leaves to other parts of plant through living cells (sieve tubes) of phloem is called translocation of nutrients.

Q. 9. Why is urine yellow in colour?

Ans: Urine is yellow coloured due to presence of urochrome pigments.

Q. 10. (a) Which blood cells carry oxygen in the body?

Ans: Red blood cells.

(b) Name one waste product transported by blood.

Ans: Hemoglobin.

Q. 11. (a) Name the useful substance transported by blood. 

Ans: Oxygen.

(b) Name one waste product transported by blood.

Ans: Carbon dioxide. 

Q. 12. Which of the two lie deeper under the skin: arteries or veins?

Ans: Arteries. 

Q. 13. Veins and arteries carry blood. Which of these carry blood:

(a) away from the heart?

Ans: Arteries.

(b) back to the heart?

Ans: Veins.

Q. 14. Which side of the heart (left or right) has:

(a) carbon dioxide rich blood? 

Ans: Right side.

(b) oxygen rich blood?

Ans: Left side. 

Q. 15. Which side of the heart (left or right):

(a) pumps blood into the lungs?

Ans: Right side.

(b) pumps blood into the body organs (except lungs) 

Ans: Left side.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. State two vital functions of kidney.

Ans: The two vital functions of kidney are: 

(i) Removal of toxic waste such as urea and uric acid from the blood.

(ii) It regulates the water balance of the blood.

Q. 2. Why the heart has different chambers?

Ans: Since both oxygen and carbon dioxide have to be transported by the blood, thus the heart has different chambers to prevent the oxygen rich blood from mixing with the blood containing carbon dioxide.

Q.3. What is meant by translocation? Where it takes place?

Ans: The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis from leaves (where they are formed) to other parts of plants is called. translocation. It occurs in the part of the vascular tissue known as phloem.

Q. 4. Why and how does water enter continuously into the root xylem?

Ans: Cells of root are in close contact with soil and so actively take up ions. The ion- concentration increases inside the root and hence osmotic pressure increases the movement of water from the soil into the root which occurs continuously.

Q. 5. What is the function of phloem plants?

Ans: Function of phloem-translocation of dissolved food material such as sugars and starch from leaves to other parts of the plant. It also transports amino-acids and other substances.

Q.6. How the amount of urine produced regulated?

Ans: The amount of urine produced is regulated by the kidneys. The amount of urine produced depends on the amount of excess water in the body and amount of dissolved wastes which are to be excreted.

Q. 7. How do leaves of plant help in excretion?

Ans: Many plants store waste materials in the vacuoles of mesophyll cells and epidermal cells. When old leaves fall, the waste materials are excreted along with the leaves.

Q. 8. The human body has an organ A which acts as a pump. The organ A pumps a liquid B into the whole body continuously. The liquid B supplies the useful substances C and D to all the body cells and removes a waste E from the body cells.

(a) What are: 

(i) organ A

(ii) liquid B?

Ans: (i) Heart. 

(ii) Blood.

(b) What is the color of liquid B?

Ans: Red color.

(c) Name the useful substances: 

(i) C. and 

(ii) D.

Ans: (i) Digested food. 

(ii) oxygen.

(d) What is the waste E? 

Ans: Carbon dioxide.

Q. 9. Why are white blood corpuscles called “soldiers” of the body?

Ans: White blood corpuscles protect the body from infections by destroying foreign matter. They also manufacture antibiotics which are responsible for immunity. Therefore, white blood corpuscles are called ‘soldiers’ of the body.

Q. 10. Where urine is produced? Name the ducts which carry urine. Where is urine stored?

Ans: Urine is produced in the kidneys. This urine is carried by ureters into the urinary bladder where it is stored until it is released through the urethra.

Short Answer Type Questions 

Q. 1. Write one function each of the following components of the transport system in human beings:

(a) Blood vessels.

Ans: Transport the blood between heart and various organs.

(b) Blood platelets.

Ans: Help in blood clotting, thus, saving its loss.

(c) Heart.

Ans: Receives blood from body through veins and pumps blood with enough force into the major arteries so that it reaches every part of the body.

Q. 2. What are the functions of blood? 

Ans: The functions of blood are:

(i) It transports nutrients, respiratory gases, waste products, hormones etc.

(ii) It maintains body temperature. 

(iii) It provides protection to body by forming antibodies.

Q.3. Differentiate between arteries and veins.


1. Arteries are the blood vessels which carry blood from the heart to different parts of the body.1. Veins are the blood vessels which carry blood from different parts of the body to heart.
2. Arteries are thick- walled.2. Veins are thin walled.
3. Arteries have no valves.3. Veins have valves.

Q. 4. How does transpiration help in upward movement of water from roots to leaves?

Ans: Water, filled in the xylem tracheids and vessels, forms a continuous unbroken column due to forces of adhesion (sticking to the surface) and cohesion (attraction between similar molecules). Evaporation of water from cells of the leaf creates suction force, which pulls this water column upward. This force is called transpiration pull which helps upward movement of water from roots to leaves.

Q. 5. Where are the following located in human body? 

(a) Stomach.

Ans: Stomach is located in upper left abdominal cavity.

(b) Heart.

Ans: The heart lies near the middle of the chest cavity, close to the front of the chest than to the back.

(c) Kidneys.

Ans: Kidneys are located in the abdomen, one on either side of the backbone.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q. 1. (i) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart.

Ans: Pulmonary vein.

(ii) Which chamber of human heart receives oxygenated blood? 

Ans: Left atrium.

(iii) Explain how oxygenated blood from this chamber is sent to all parts of the body.

Ans: After receiving the oxygenated blood the atria contract. During this contraction the oxygenated blood of left atrium is poured into left ventricle. Then the ventricle contract and the oxygenated blood flows into the largest artery, called aorta from where it is distributed to all parts of the body.

Q. 2. (a) List two important functions of human kidney.

Ans: Two important functions of human kidney are:

(i) To remove toxic waste such as urea. 

(ii) To control water balance and levels of mineral ions in the body.

(b) Write any two causes that may damage the kidney of a person. 

Ans: Two causes that may damage the kidney of a person are:

(i) Kidney infection or injury to kidneys. 

(ii) Restricted blood flow to kidneys.

(c) Name the procedure used in the working of an artificial kidney. 

Ans: The procedure used in the working of an artificial kidney in place of normal kidney is called dialysis.

Q. 3. (a) (i) Draw the diagram of heart and label its four chambers. 

(ii) Construct a table to show the functions of these four chambers. 

Ans. (i)


S.NOName of chamberFunction
1.Left atriumReceives oxygenated blood from lungs through pulmonary veins and pours it into left ventricle.
2.Right atriumReceives deoxygenated blood from various body parts through superior and inferior vena cava and pours it into right ventricle.
3.Left ventriclePumps oxygenated blood to various parts of body through aorta.
4.Right ventriclePumps deoxygenated blood into lungs through pulmonary artery.


Q.1. If a person drinks very little water during the day, the quantity of urine passed by him decreases. Which important body waste will not be flushed out properly under these conditions?

Ans: Urea.

Q.2 (a) Name an animal which excretes cell waste in gaseous form (ammonia) which drives dissolves in water.

Ans: Fish.

(b) Name an animal which excretes a semi-solid white coloured compound uric acid.

Ans: Lizard.

Q.3. Why is blood circulation in human heart called double circulation?

Ans: Blood circulation in human heart is called double circulation because the blood passes through the heart twice in order to complete one cycle of the body, ie, through the right side of the heart as deoxygenated blood and through left side of the heart as oxygenated blood.

Q. 4. Name the excretory wastes of the following: 

(a) Digestive systems. 

Ans: Faeces.

(b) Kidneys. 

Ans: Urea.

(c) Skin. 

Ans: Sweat.

(d) Lungs. 

Ans: Carbon dioxide.

(e) Plants stem. 

Ans: Resin.

(f) leaves.

Ans: Oxygen, water and carbon dioxide.

Q. 5. Why do veins have thin walls as compared to arteries?

Ans: Arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to various body parts. The flow of blood is fast and jerky under pressure. Therefore, arteries have thick, elastic walls. Veins collect blood from various body parts and bring to the heart. They have valves. So flow of blood is smooth, under no pressure. The thin walls of veins therefore, allow smooth flow of blood towards heart.


Q. 1. Draw diagram of human heart and label pulmonary artery, right and left atrium, right and left ventricles, septa, pulmonary vein, aorta.


Fig. 11.18. Sections of human heart.

Q.2. Draw a diagram of stethoscope and write its use.


Fig. 11.19. Instrument to hear heart beat.

Stethoscope is used by a doctor as a device to amplify the sound of heart. 

Q. 3. Draw a diagram to show transportation of water through cells.


Fig. 11.20. Transportation of water through cells.


1. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(i) Hemoglobin is present in ______ blood cells.

Ans: Red.

(ii) Arteries and veins are joined by a network of _________.

Ans: Capillaries.

(iii) Atria and ventricles are the chambers  of the _________.

Ans: Heart.

(iv) Our heart has _________ chambers.

Ans: Four.

(v) The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart is called _________.

Ans: Heart beat.

(vi) The oxygenated blood is found in the __________ side of the heart.

Ans: Left.

(vii) Urine contains nitrogenous waste in the form of _________.

Ans: Blood plasma.

(viii) Light yellow liquid in our body which contains lymphocytes is __________.

Ans: Urea.

(ix) _________ carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body.

Ans: Aorta.

(x) Left lower chamber of the heart is called _________.

Ans: Left ventricle.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) The cells in blood which destroy disease causing germs are red blood cells.


(ii) A blood vessel which carries blood back to the heart is artery.

Ans: False.

(iii) There are valves present in arteries.

Ans: False.

(iv) Blood appears red due to the presence of hemoglobin. 

Ans: True.

(v) Heart acts as a pump for the transport of blood.

Ans: True.

(vi) When blood reaches the two kidneys, it contains only harmful substances.

Ans: False.

(vii) Heart has two chambers an atrium and a ventricle.

Ans: False.

(viii) Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes from the body. 

Ans: True.

(ix) Sweat contains salts and water.

Ans: True.

(x) Kidneys act as filters to remove waste from the blood.

Ans: True. 

3. Matching Type: Match the structures given in column A with functions given in column B.

Column – AColumn – B
1. Artery(a) Carries deoxygenated blood
2. Vein(b) Largest artery
3. Vena cava(c) Carries oxygenated blood
4. Aorta(d) Empties blood into the right atrium.


Column – AColumn – B
1. Artery(c) Carries oxygenated blood
2. Vein(a) Carries deoxygenated blood
3. Vena cava(d) Empties blood into the right atrium.
4. Aorta(b) Largest artery

4. Write one word for the following:

(i) The component of blood that transports oxygen from lungs to the tissues.

Ans: Red Blood Cells.

(ii) The blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body. 

Ans: Arteries.

(iii) The rhythmic contraction followed by expansion of heart muscles. 

Ans: Heart beat.

(iv) The process involving the transport of food in plants.

Ans: Translocation.

(v) The phenomenon by which plants lose water from the leaves.

Ans: Transpiration.

(vi) A blood vessel bringing deoxygenated blood into the heart.

Ans: Vein.

(vii) The upper two chambers of the heart with thinner walls. 

Ans: Auricles.

(viii) The lower two chambers of the heart with thick walls.

Ans: Ventricles.

(ix) The process of removing metabolic wastes from the body of an organism.

Ans: Excretion.

(x) A technique used to remove nitrogenous waste from the blood of a kidney failure patient.

Ans: Dialysis.

5. Multiple Choice Questions: 

(i) The component of the vascular system which transports water in plants is:

(a) xylem

(b) phloem

(c) leaves

(d) none of the above

Ans: Xylem.

(ii) What prevents the back flow of blood inside the heart during contraction?

(a) thick muscular walls of ventricles

(b) valves

(c) thin walls of atria

(d) all of the above

Ans: (b) Valves.

(iii) Which vein brings clean blood from the lungs into the heart?

(a) renal vein

(b) pulmonary vein

(c) vena cava

(d) hepatic vein

Ans: (b) Pulmonary vein.

(iv) Which blood vessel does not carry any carbon dioxide ?

(a) pulmonary artery

(b) vena cava

(c) hepatic vein

(d) pulmonary vein

Ans: (d) Pulmonary vein.

(v) The phloem tissue in plants is responsible for the transport of:

(a) water

(b) water and minerals

(c) glucose

(d) all of the above

Ans: (c) Glucose.

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