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English Communication Unit 2 Speaking Skills
English Communication Unit 2 Speaking Skills Notes cover all the exercise questions in UGC Syllabus. The English Communication Unit 2 Speaking Skills provided here ensure a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every Unit and score well in the board exams.
15. A Cashier And A Customer.
Ans: Cashier: Hello, may I take your order?
Customer: Hi, I’II have a double cheeseburger.
Cashier: With everything on it?
Customer: No onions, please.
Cashier: Sure, would you like the combo deal or just the sandwich?
Customer: How much is the combo?
Cashier: The combo is $4.99, it comes with medium fries and drink.
Customer: Okay, let’s change it to a combo then.
Cashier: Certainly, what would you like to drink?
Customer: Coke, please.
Cashier: Diet Coke or regular?
Customer: Regular.
Cashier: Of course, Would you like anything else?
Customer: No. That’LL be all. Thanks.
Cashier: For here or to go?
Customer: For here.
Cashier: That will be $4.45 please.
Customer: Thank you. Here you go.
16. An Interviewer And An Interviewee.
Ans: Interviewer: Welcome to ABC Controls, David. I am Tom.
Interviewee: Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
Interviewer: Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?
Interviewee: I am doing well, and yourself?
Interviewer: Great, thanks. I hope we didn’t keep you waiting for long?
Interviewee: No, I had the chance to talk to one of your engineers while waiting.
Interviewer: That’s good. David, shall we start?
Interviewee: Yeah, sure.
Interviewer: First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our engineering department here and we have an open position, so we have been interviewing applicants to fill the position as quickly as possible.
Interviewee: Yes sir, I read about the position on your website, and I think I am a good fit.
Interviewer: We currently have several ongoing projects and the team is working hard. We are hoping to keep busy for a long time.
Interviewee: What are the essential qualifications required for the position?
Interviewer: This is an entry-level engineering position, we do provide a lot of training here. But we do require that you have at least a bachelors degree in computer engineering. Previous experience in the field is a plus.
Interviewee: What kind of experience would you count as a work in the field?
Interviewer: Even though we provide training, it would be great if you had some hands-on programming experience, knowledge of database systems or skills on developing applications.
Interviewee: My final school project was actually developing a mobile application, so I am fairly competent in developing mobile and web applications.
Interviewer: That’s good to hear, which school did you graduate from?
Interviewee: I was a student at DEF University, and I graduated with a bachelor degree in computer science. I worked as a computer lab tutor in school for about 2 years. Guiding students through their projects helped me get experience in several programming languages.
Interviewer: What are you looking for in a job?
Interviewee: The job should definitely help me grow in my career. I will be happy to learn and grow as I work in a passionate company like yours.
Interviewer: You are right. There is plenty of room for advancement in our company. What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?
Interviewee: I am a diligent person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn. My friends also find me very easy to work with.
Interviewer: Very well. Now, do you mind working overtime?
Interviewee: No, I do not.
Interviewer: Because, sometimes we get overwhelmed with heavy workload.
Interviewee: I understand that’s the nature of the job. When I was going to school, I took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I handled that situation very well.
Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?
Interviewee: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements. I believe that I can handle it with ease, and the fact that you provide all the training sounds excellent. I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.
Interviewer: David, it is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate. Expect to her from us within a week or so about the job.
Interviewee: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for your time.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming.
17. We’ve got a 4-minute speech on topics that people are debating and talking about around the world. What topic should I do ?
Ans : Some possible topics for debate that reflect debates taking place around the country and the world are the following:
– Should students be allowed to have cell phones at school?
– How do social networking sites affect teenagers?
– Are violent video games permissible for children?
– Should the death penalty be allowed in the United States?
When you choose an issue to debate, pick a strong stance and start with n opening that draws in your audience. Do some research on your topic so that you can cite evidence that proves your point. Spend some time thinking about and researching the other side of the issue, and devote some time in your speech to offering counterarguments to the other side. Conclude your speech with a convincing statement, and be sure to make eye contact with your audience and to speak clearly.
18. I need to write a speech on the following topic: your village improvement society has raised a large sum of money to bring either electricity or a health centre to your community. Write a speech you…
Ans: Obviously, both of these projects would be extremely beneficial for your community. Your first step in writing your speech would be to do some research on which of the two projects has the most merit.
On the other hand, we can live without electricity, but we cannot live without our health. On the other hand, electricity has immediate local benefits, while it may be possible to access health care in a neighbouring village. If transportation to a neighbouring village is frequent, affordable, and convenient, electricity seems to be the better choice, but if most villagers would need to travel for more than a few hours to access health care, then the health centre seems the better choice.
Whichever project you choose, you should start out by capturing the goodwill of your audience by praising their money raising effort and thanking the people who have contributed. Your next section should acknowledge that both projects have merit and that the real goal of the community is to pick one to complete first with the hope that eventually the village will have both.
Next, you should outline the major benefits it will project you favour, giving a list of both the benefits it will bring and the problems it will solve. After that, you should give some evidence why the village needs your first choice now but can wait for the other.
You should conclude with a call to action, suggesting that it is now time to honour the hard work of fundraising by making the dream of one of these benefits a reality.
19. Describe the speech communication process in public speaking.
Ans: The communication process in public speaking is confirmed when the message is conveyed by the sender and accepted or understood by the receiver. Simply stated, communication is the exchange of information between two parties. In between those two aspects, there are factors that enter into the process.
First the communicator sends his message. The initiation of the process begins with a clear statement which includes the encoding of the message through both verbal and nonverbal means.
Secondly, the receiver of the communication must decode the message. His interpretation of the missive will determine if actual communication has been completed.
Certain external factors enter into the satisfactory processing. For example, in speech communication the channel through which the message is sent must be either a visual or oral process.
The setting or context of the process further determines the effective decoding of the message. The place and time involved in the communication should also be evaluated.
Interference may also play a part in the receiving of the message. Noise, language barriers, improper encoding—all can deter complete reception of the message.
To determine the progression of communication, feedback is necessary. An exchange between the sender and the receiver in some from will ascertain the success of the process.
A successful communicator must understand these basic aspects of the communication process to ensure favourable results. Thus, he can blossom into an effective speaker.
20. Describe why public speaking is important. Describe why public speaking is important.
Ans: Most people think of public speaking as a very formalised event, but really, there are many instances in life in which we might be called upon to speak publicly, and so at least an acquaintanceship with public speaking principles and some practise at doing so is important.
Certainly, at school, students are called upon to speak publicly, with “Show and Tell” in kindergarten being only the beginning. In many work settings, people are called upon to make presentations, to speak at meetings, or to speak on behalf of their employers in public. In one’s private life, there can be plenty of public speaking, at weddings or funerals, for example. People belong to various kinds of organisations that require them to speak publicly, as well. And as members of communities, people speak at school board meetings, at “town halls” of various sorts, and at hearings that are open to the public. People are called upon to be witnesses at trials sometimes, too.
No matter what the nature of the public speaking, the keys to doing well are organisation and preparation. I always tell my speech classes there are three parts to a speech: tell your audience what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. Present your main idea, support it, review it for your audience, and then sit down. There is really little difference between preparing a speech and writing an essay. If you have done your spadework and you organise your material, you are prepared to do both.
21. How can I write a 1 to 2 minute persuasive speech on the topic of a “living will ?” How can I write a 1 to 2 minute persuasive speech on the topic of a “living will ?”
Ans: In persuasion, the speaker is making an argument. You must take a side. Therefore, your first step is research in order to have a basic understanding of the issue.
Forming the topic into a question also places what you are going to say in an argumentative form. For example, this is the kind of statement you need: “Should a person have a living will?” Your answer to this question gives the argument that you will take in your brief speech. From this, write your claim/or thesis statement.
Work toward the two minute time limit. There is no way a good persuasive argument can be made in just one minute. Start with a brief introductory statement possibly defining and explaining the topic; then give the claim/thesis statement. Again, here is an example:
The living will is a necessity in order to fulfil a person’s wishes when he can no longer make life determining decisions.
The next step is to give two reasons why the argument should be accepted. From your research, you will find those reasons. This is the body of the speech. This is time to give proof of your argument. Here are a two sub claims you might prove for your argument.
A. Legally, a living will must be in place so that no extraordinary measures will be used to extend your life. (Brief explanation of the point)
B. Quality of life is an important reason for having a living will. ( Brief explanation of point.)
After making completing your arguments, you are ready for your conclusion: a brief summary and possible a quotation to end with a bang. In this subject, probably one that would pull at the heart strings.
Remember, you are going to tell them your argument; prove the argument; and then summarise what you said. The most important way to be sure you are on target with your time is to practice and practice exactly what you are going to say.
All of these steps apply to persuasive speech. If the speaker had 4/5 minutes, everything would just be extended. Remember to be in control. Again, preparation and rehearsal are the keys.
22. How can I write a four-minute speech on racism ?
Ans: The challenge with a topic like “racism,” is that it is so big, it is hard to write a short speech about. Oddly enough, if you narrow your topic, you will find a lot to say about your topic, to the point that you will be concerned about your speech being too long.
One way to narrow your topic would be to investigate attempts in history to deal with racism, from the Underground Railroad and Abolitionism, through the Civil Rights movement and school desegregation, to #black lives matter today. Use some internet sources to look at each one of these historical movements and explain to your audience how these were attempts to end racism. Provide your audience with information and examples and, if you are allowed, create a Power Point with pictures to back up your words (don’t read from your Power Point).
Each movement reflects some progress in the area, but the existence of #black lives matter demonstrates that we still have a long way to go before people stop being judged based on the colour of their rather than, as Martin Luther King, Jr. Said, “the content of their character.”
23. How can I give a good speech on any topic ?
Ans : Very specific things are required of a good speech. First, a good speech must contain correct information on the subject the speech revolves around. A speaker must also be sure not to include too much logos (logic) or pathos (emotion). A speech which contains too much logos may bore the listener. On the other hand, a speech which contains too much pathos may cause the listener to feel as if the speaker only depends upon emotional appeal and no logic. A speech should contain a healthy balance of logos, pathos, and ethos (credibility). The inclusion of ethos insures that the speaker is trustworthy and possesses creditability.
A good speech contains no vocal/verbal pauses (um, ah, uh, you know, repetitive ands). Vocal/verbal pauses show that the speaker has forgotten what comes next in the speech (illustrating that the speaker is not completely prepared).
A good speech does not lead listeners astray, circle around truths/falsehoods, or intentionally provide incorrect information. A good speaker looks his or her audience in the eye.
Essentially, a good speech will be one that is will thought out and researched, practised, contains the right balance of ethos, logos, and pathos, and leaves a call for action for a listener (if necessary).
24. I am in need of topics for a speech on Buddhism. I am in need of topics for a speech on Buddhism.
Ans: This one is going to have to be developed by your own interest. I am not sure there is a stock answer to this topic because all speeches are driven, to a great extent, by what would connect with the audience and what connects with the speaker. It is because of this need for connection with content that I am not sure “listing” topics for the speech can happen. Yet, I do think that Buddhism gives you a wide array of options within which some level of connection can be forged. Exploring these topics might be interesting for you and also interesting to your audience, providing information and an opportunity for reflection to emerge. One interesting element of Buddhism would be to discuss how it grew out of Hinduism, and that the Lord Buddha is seen by many as an avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu. This might be something to explore a there is a very close connection between both Hinduism and Buddhism. Additionally, I think that much can be harvested out of how individual the Buddhist practice of religion is. There is little in way of formal church services, but more along the lines of meditation and reflection within the individual. The lack of a “creator God” is also something that flies in the face of many of the world’s religion and this might be another topic to explore. I think that one can find much in way of interest in the exploration of the Tibetan people and the role that Buddhism plays in the history of Tibet and, in particular, the Dalai Lama. Finally, investigating how Buddhism has been appropriated by the West is something that is really interesting.
25. How can I give a speech about how Cristiano Ronaldo achieved his dreams by overcoming adversity ?
Ans: This sounds like the speech of appreciation that I make my public speaking students perform. It sounds like you need to explain why you appreciate Ronaldo, which means you are going to mix informational facts about him and persuasive opinions of your own. The persuasive opinions to your own will be easy to do by simply concentrating on the positive aspects of him.
Before you begin outlining your speech, pick three events in Ronaldo’s life that you believe helped shape him into the person/prayer that you admire so much. Your speech will contain those three items, and it covers the teacher’ requirement to talk about specific events. Because you chose major events that helped make Ronaldo great, you have built in the ability to conclude with your own opinion about achieving your goals by following his example.
To start your speech, you need an “attention getter.” Some teachers call it the hook. Regardless, the first words out of your mouth need to get your audience interested. If they are not, they will not listen. I teach five attention-getting tools.
Make a bold statement. Lean toward opinion here. Facts are seen as boring.
Use a quote. For you, I recommend using something Ronaldo said or a famous quote about achieving your goals.
Give a definition. I don’t see how this would work well for your speech. Stay away.
Ask a question. It’s simple and effective, because it forces your audience to immediately engage mentally with your speech.
Use an anecdote. Tell a brief story that lies into your speech topics.
After your opening attention getter, then you will move into the body that contains the three main things about Ronaldo that you want to talk about. Pre-plan your transitions that move you from main point to main point. Those must be smooth. In your conclusion, emphasise why Ronaldo matters to you and why his example can inspire your audience as well. Good luck and have fun!
26. He should I answer this job interview question: “What software application have you used ?”Job interview type question, what is the best way to answer this question.
Ans: Always tailor your answer to the audience. As the above posts have suggested, the type of programs you would want to list for one job could vary greatly from the type you would list for another job. If you are applying for a specific job, you may want to express how you are familiar with a particular program. For instance, if you were applying for an architectural or design job, you might want to talk about CAD and briefly touch on projects you have used it to create. If you are applying for a clerical job, you would certainly want to mention word processor programs and perhaps specifics on your typing abilities. Once you have given a description of the key programs, I would also include a list of any other programs you know. Today’s employers are looking for someone who know about technology. It’s important to show what skills you already know. In a generic resume, you may want to simply list the programs you are familiar with. Remember to edit your resume (or verbal answers) to fit the job you are seeking. You might have the same programs on your list, but edit the order so that the program they are most likely interested in is first.
27. How do you prepare for an interview? Which are the steps to prepare for an interview ?
Ans: The single most important thing you can do to prepare for an interview is to research the company and, if possible, the interviewer. You will want to know as much about the job you are applying for a possible. You also will want to know about the company. Knowing that you are right for the job begins with knowing exactly what the job is, and then you can convince others.
The California Employment Development Department has some advice.
It is important to be on time for an interview. It is best if you arrive about 15 minutes early. This will give you time to relax and fill out an application, if necessary. Dress appropriately, since the first impression is a lasting one.
1. Submit a neat (and accurate) resume and application.
2. Write a neat, specific, grammatically correct cover letter or letter of introduction for each application. In it, detail specifically what makes you good for the job.
3. Be honest! Do you lie and say you can do something you can’t. Admit you will learn if you don’t know something.
4. Arrive early, but not too early. Do not be over or under-dressed. Be clean and neat.
5. Introduce yourself warmly to each interviewer and shake hands. If you are offered water or a snack, take it but don’t consume it.
6. Do not bring your dog, your kids, your mother, or your friend to the interview.
7. Take your time to think about interview question. Don’t just jump into answering.
8. Try to bring up your best traits and skills in answers.
9. Explain why you are best for the job.
10. Thank the interviewers, but don’t sound too desperate.
28. How do you get the interviewee to talk during an appraisal interview ?
Ans: In a performance appraisal interview, the key is to be honest with the employee and request honestly in return.
An employee performance appraisal interview is an interview in which a supervisor discusses an employee’s performance and compares it to a standard or expectation. Any time a person is being evaluate, the person is going to be nervous. Begin the interview by reminding the employee of the purpose for the interview. Explain that strengths and weaknesses will be identified, but the purpose is to increase employee performance.
If the employee is not honest, you will not get enough information to correct the problem. Employees have to trust the interviewer and be at ease. The interviewer should begin by explaining the purpose of the meeting and reassuring the employee that he or she is doing well, but could do better. There is always room for improvement.
If the supervisor is honest with the employee and provides constructive criticism with specific suggestions, then the employee is more likely to listen and more likely to be honest in return.
The supervisor can get the employee to be honest by pointing out specific areas that need improvement and asking the employee to make suggestions on what he or she thinks can be done to improve. This puts the ball in the employee’s court, and reduces the adversarial relationship to a partnership.

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