Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire Because The Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire was written with high school and college students in mind, we have tried to minimize reliance upon specialized academic vocabulary as much as possible. However, we do expect our readers to have basic familiarity with commonly used historical terms and geographical names. With regard to foreign words, Facts On File follows the conventions of Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (MW).

Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire PDF
An encyclopedia is by its nature a collaborative work, and this one is no exception—indeed, to a greater extent than we could have imagined when embarking on the project. Initially, the editors planned to write the lion’s share of the entries for this volume, commissioning only the articles that we did not feel competent to write ourselves.
As the process unfolded, however, we ended up commissioning a substantial part of the work, ordering articles from more than 90 colleagues. These submissions were all handled by Gabor Agosto, who wishes to express his gratitude to the contributors who shared their expertise with us and braved many rounds of revision and clarification.
Our editors at Facts On File, Claudia Schaab (executive editor), Julia Road (editor), and Kate O’Halloran (copy editor) rigorously vetted, queried, and edited the text; we wish to thank them for their meticulous work on the volume.
Thanks also go to Alexandra Lo Re (editorial assistant); Dale Williams and Sholto Ainslie (map designers), as well as to James Scotto-Lavino and Kerry Casey (desktop designers), who reproduced and sharpened our photos.
Some entries were written originally in Turkish and translated into English. The substantial work involved in re-writing and editing these articles was done with the help of a number of talented graduate and undergraduate students at Georgetown University. Elizabeth Shelton worked the most on these articles, but I also got help from Ben Ellis, and Emrah Safa Gürkan translated two articles from French.
As part of Georgetown University’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (GUROP), Anoush Varjabedian and Jon Gryskiewicz edited several entries, and Wafa Al-Sayed searched the Library of Congress and other public domain sites for illustrations.
Finally, I wish to thank Kay Ebel and Scott Redford, directors of Georgetown University’s McGhee Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies in Alanya (Turkey), for their collegiality during my stay in Alanya in the spring of 2008, when I finished the second round of editing.
Most of the photos were taken during our field trips to Bursa, Edirne, Istanbul, Syria, and Cyprus. Kay Ebel helped me in selecting the photos write the captions, and to get through the last phases of the work.
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