Top 10 Best Online Copyright Courses [Free & Paid]

Copyright Course

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Copyright also known as author’s right is the legal right of the owners intellectual property that protects original works of authorship. In simple terms copyright is the right to copy.

Copyright course is very useful for one who is an artists, author, song creator or interested in YouTube, or music. They can opt for this course. In this content we are going to discuss some of the best online copyright courses, which you can pursue at your own pace. Here are some of the best copyright courses we are going to discuss today.

Copyright Certification Course
1.Copyright for Educators & Librarians (Coursera)
2.Copyright Law in the Music Business (Coursera)
3.Copyright Basics: How to Protect Your Work from Piracy (Udemy)
4.YouTube Trademark and Copyright Use – Avoid Strikes (Udemy)
5.Copyright Made Easy (Udemy)
6.Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries (Future Learn)
7.Introduction to Trademarks and Copyright (Alison)
8.Copyright for Creatives: Protecting your Work (LinkedIn Learning)
9.Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright (Coursera)
10.Copyright Law (Coursera)

This course is one of the top-rated copyright courses provided by Coursera. This course is offered by Duke University, Emory University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill via Coursera. This course is a free course you can enroll in this course for free with sufficient study material but for the whole course and full study material as well as for the certification you will have to pay a little amount of fee. The certification is shareable on LinkedIn profile, on your resume, CVs, or other document. This course is a professionally designed course which provides basic opportunities to the learners and gives basic introduction to US copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels. This course is designed to help the educators and the librarians. Kevin Smith, M.L.S., J.D., Lisa A. Macklin, J.D., M.L.S., Anne Gilliland, JD, MLS, are the instructors of this course.

Course NameCopyright for Education & Librarians
Offered ByDuke University, Emory University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Instructor (s)Kevin Smith, Lisa A. Macklin, Anne Gilliland
FounderAndrew Ng and Daphna Koller
TypePublic Company
HeadquartersMountain View, CA
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

In this course you will learn the following topics

  • Week 1: Welcome to Copyright Law (1 hour to complete)
  • Week 2: A Framework for Thinking about Copyright (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 3: Owning Rights (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 4: Specific Exceptions for Teachers and Librarians (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 5: Understanding and Using Fair Use (4 hours to complete)

Some of the other Certification Courses provided by Coursera are:

Benefits of choosing Coursera:

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  • Online Platform
  • Best free courses
  • Job ready
  • You can decide your own learning space
  • You can build your skills
  • You can learn from top Universities
  • You can save money
  • You can choose between self-paced and accelerated options
  • You will also earn certification after completing the course

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • Free enrolment
  • 100% online
  • Flexible deadlines
  • The course is provided in English
  • Shareable certificate

In this course learners will learn the basics of copyright law including what is and is not covered by copyright law. In this course you will learn six exclusive rights of copyright law, describe the concepts of fair use, and know when it applies and when it does not, describe the various aspects involved in a copyright lawsuit, differentiate between the composition copyright and the sound recording copyright. This course is offered by Berklee College of Music. Students will also learn what to do if someone copies their work and what to do if they are accused of copying someone else. This course is part of multiple programs. Finally, this course discusses how technology has changed copyright from best to worse and how copyright laws may be change in the coming years. The rating of this course is 4.8. You will get a free enrolment for this course. After completing the course, you will gain your skills in copyright, how to create a music legally, read legal documents, writ a co-writing agreement etc. The instructors of this course are well trained, Leah Waldo, Dr. E. Michael Harrington are the instructors of this course. This course takes approximate 10 hours to complete.

Course NameCopyright Law in the Music Business
Offered ByBerklee College of Music
Instructor (s)Leah Waldo, Dr. E. Michael Harrington
FounderAndrew Ng and Daphna Koller
TypePublic Company
HeadquartersMountain View, CA
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

The course includes the following contents

  • Week 1: Welcome to Copyright Law in the Music Industry (1 hour to complete) Copyright and Intellectual Property (1 hour to complete)
  • Week 2: Copyright in practice (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 3: Sound Recording and Sampling (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 4: Copyright Litigation (2 hours to complete)

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • 100% Online
  • Beginner Level
  • Flexible deadlines
  • The course is offered in English
  • Practice Quizzes
  • Course videos & Readings
  • Graded Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Shareable certificate

In this copyright course you will learn the basics necessary to protect your work from piracy, including how to create the copyright symbol. The difference between copyright, patenting, and trade mark protection. Why protecting a product design is different from a graphic design, the ins and outs of registering copyright, how the music industry and book publishers are protecting themselves against internet Pirate sites. This course is for the anyone who wishes to protect their creative work from piracy. Writers, artist, graphics designers, website owners and developers, photographers, musicians, and start-ups can opt for this course. It is very necessary to understand the basics of copyright protection. This course will help you to understand all the basics of copyright protection. Len Smith, and Sean Kaye are the instructors and the guide of this course. The course fee is Rs 799.

Course Offered ByUdemy
Course NameCopyright Basics: How to Protect Your Work from Piracy
Instructor (s)Len Smith, and Sean Kaye
FoundedMay 2010
FounderEren Bali, Gagan Biyani and Oktay Caglar
HeadquartersSan Francisco
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

The course includes 3 sections 11 lectures

  • What is it all about?
  • Copyright protection
  • Conclusion

Some of the other Certification Courses offered by Udemy are:

Benefits of choosing Udemy:

  • Online video Content
  • Instructor direct message
  • Instructor Question and Answers
  • Money back guarantee
  • Certification of Completion

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • 28 mins on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile, TV, and computer
  • Certification of completion
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

This course is for the YouTube creators who does not wants to get any copyright strikes on YouTube. This course is a kind of course which you take in one day. This program is very beneficial for the YouTubers. So, enroll into this course now and invest in your YouTube channel and protect all your hard work. In this course you will learn to avoid YouTube policy strikes, create videos with more confidence, learn about copyright, learn about trademarks. This course will teach you how to find royalty-free music and protect your monetization. This course is only for the YouTube creators or those who are interested in YouTube field. The course rating is 4.7 and the course fee is Rs 799. Alex Genadinik is the creator and the instructor of this course.

Course Offered ByUdemy
Course NameYouTube Trademark and Copyright Use – Avoid Strikes
Instructor/CreatorAlex Genadinik
FoundedMay 2010
FounderEren Bali, Gagan Biyani and Oktay Caglar
HeadquartersSan Francisco
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

This course includes 3 section 9 lectures and its total length is 38 minutes

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Copyright and trademarks
  • Conclusion

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • 38 mins on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile, TV, and computer
  • Certification of completion

In this course learn quickly about copyright law and how to use a copyright to protect your work. This course is a completely free course. In this course you will learn to choose the right type of protection: Copyright, Patent, or Trademark, understand the benefits that intellectual property brings, understand what copyright really means, learn how to apply copyright law and protection to your content. Enroll into this free course for the basic knowledge about copyright. Udemy also offers various paid copyright courses, you can also enroll into the paid courses for the certification. Chris du Toit is the creator and the instructor of this course.

Course Offered ByUdemy
Course NameCopyright made easy
Instructor/CreatorChris du Toit
FoundedMay 2010
FounderEren Bali, Gagan Biyani and Oktay Caglar
HeadquartersSan Francisco
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

The course includes 4 sections, 8 lectures and 1 hour 36 minutes

  • Introduction to Intellectual Property
  • Copyright
  • Adding power to your copyright
  • Conclusion

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • Online course
  • Free
  • Online video content
Future Learn

On this course you will able to know the role and importance of copyright in the business of cultural and creative industries. You will also learn in this course how copyright rules are applied. This course is developed by CISAC University. After completing this whole course, you will develop your understanding towards copyright, you will be able to compare the business models of the different sectors of creative industries. This course is for the creators of the artistic works of any kind, for the producers, publishers, broadcasters, digital service providers, professionals involved directly or indirectly in creative industries, and anyone interested in culture and creative industries. This course has been certified by the CPD Certification Service. Marisa Gandelman is the instructor of this course. The course duration is 4 weeks. While enrolling into this course, you can also meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

NameFuture Learn
Course NameCopyright and the Business of Creative Industries
Course Offered ByCISAC University.
InstructorMarisa Gandelman
FounderSimon Nelson
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

This course includes the following syllabus

  • Week 1: Definitions
  • Week 2: Sectors
  • Week 3: Royalties
  • Week 4: Creative Industries and the Internet of Things

Some of the other Courses offered by Future Learn are:

Benefits of choosing Future Learn:

  • It is an online learning platform
  • It offers multiple courses
  • Global classroom
  • You can get unlimited access to short courses
  • It is a flexible way to learn in this platform
  • You can learn at your own place
  • It saves both time and money

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • Short course
  • Flexible online course
  • Free to access and learn
  • Certification

This free course will help you to understand intellectual properties such as trademarks and copyrights. This course is published by NPTEL. This course will teach you about trademark law, the importance, and the registration process of a trademark, how trademarks are used to identify or distinguish goods and services that are used in business. This course will also teach you about trademark law. And finally, this course will teach you about copyright laws, as well as how they are established in the world and how they are incorporated in the country of India. This course is for anyone who wants to develop their knowledge about trademarks and copyrights. After completing the course, you will be able to distinguish between trademark and business, describe the intellectual arrangements on trademarks, state the criteria for protection of a copyright. The duration of the course is 4 to 5 hours. After completing the whole course and to become an Alison Graduate, you will have to give exam and you must achieve 80% in each assessment to earn your certification. Alison offers three types of certificates

  • Digital certificate
  • Certificate and
  • Framed certificate

You can purchase these certificates from the Alison shop.

Course Offered ByAlison
Course NameIntroduction to Trademarks and Copyright
Founded21 April 2007
FoundedMike Feerick (Founder & CEO)
Typee-learning, online education
HeadquartersGalway, Ireland

Course Details:

This course includes the following modules


  • Trademarks – Learning Outcomes
  • Trademarks
  • Case Study and International Arrangements
  • Trademarks in India
  • Trademarks – Lesson Summary


  • Copyright – Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction to copyright
  • Origin and Evolution of Copyright
  • Copyright in India
  • Subject Matter – Right and Infringement
  • Copyright – Lesson Summary

Course Assessment

  • Introduction to Trademarks and Copyright Course Assessment

Some of the other certification courses offered by Alison are:

  • Digital Marketing Certification Course
  • Content Marketing Certification Course
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Project Management Course
  • Social Media
  • Amazon Certification Course etc.

Benefits of choosing Alison:

  • Online Platform
  • Free courses
  • Offers various courses
  • Multiple languages are available while you enroll into the Alison’s course
  • Certification of Completion

Advantage of choosing this course:

  • Free course
  • You will be able to distinguish between trademark and business
  • You will develop your knowledge towards trademark and copyright
  • You will get to know about copyright law
  • This course is a highly rated course and completely free of cost
LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform with free trials, which offers various online courses. This copyright course by LinkedIn Learning will teach you to protect your work from copyright infringement. This course will teach you about the basics of copyright, how to register a copyright, business entities, how to properly respond to infringement etc. This course is a self-paced course and its duration is 1 to 2 hours’ worth of material. You will get a free enrolment in this course. You will also earn a certification after completing the course. This course is taught in English. This course is for anyone who wants to know about the basics of copyright and how to protect their work from copyright. Von Glitschka is the instructor of this entire course.

Course Offered ByLinkedIn Learning
Course NameCopyright for Creatives: Protecting your Work
InstructorVon Glitschka
Founded1995, 2015
FoundersLynda Weinman, Bruce Heavin.
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

This course includes the following topics

  • Introduction
  • Infringement
  • What is Copyright?
  • What can you Copyright?
  • Copyright Registration
  • Copyright Infringers
  • Sole Proprietors
  • Business entitles
  • What is Public Domain?
  • Responding to Infringement
  • Common Copyright Misconceptions
  • Conclusion

Some other Certification Courses provided by LinkedIn Learning are:

Benefits of choosing LinkedIn Learning:

  • Online platform
  • Free trial
  • Affordable
  • High-Quality Courses
  • You can learn from top experts
  • Certification of completion
  • Lifetime access

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • 100% online
  • Free trial available
  • Self-paced
  • Certification of completion

This course helps the learners to understand copyright law and how it can be used to protect business innovation. This course focuses on protecting innovations with copyright. In this course the learners will learn how copyright works in theory, as well as the situations in which copyright might not be effective in protecting innovations. This course is one part of a four-course series focusing on protection of business innovations using copyright, patent, trademark, and strategy. This course also focuses on the legal issues involved from a practical business perspective rather than from a purely legal viewpoint. The course is offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Associate Professor Theodore Henry King Clark is the instructor of this course. You can enroll into this course for free. The course will take approx. 13 hours to complete.

Course NameProtecting Business Innovations via Copyright
Offered ByThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Instructor (s)Theodore Henry King Clark
FounderAndrew Ng and Daphna Koller
TypePublic Company
HeadquartersMountain View, CA
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

The course includes the following syllabus

  • Week 1: Introduction to Copyright (2 hours to complete)
  • Week 2: Copyright Limitations (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 3: Derivative Work & Parody (2 hours to complete)
  • Week 4: Protecting Software Innovations (3 hours to complete)
  • Week 5: Final Exam (1 hour to complete)

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • Flexible deadline
  • 100% online
  • Beginner level
  • Free trial
  • Shareable certificate

This course is offered by The University of Pennsylvania. This course is a part of intellectual property law specialization. This copyright law course is designed for creative professionals such as screenwriters, musicians, documentary filmmaker and artists. The course will introduce students to understanding copyright law and copyright protection, identify the basic elements of copyright, describe what copyright does and does not protect, explain the limits of copyright protection etc. Shyam Balganesh is the instructor of this course. He is a Goldman Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. This course offers free trial for audit track and for the whole course and study material you will have to pay a small amount of fee.

Course NameCopyright Law
Offered ByThe University of Pennsylvania
Instructor (s)Shyam Balganesh
FounderAndrew Ng and Daphna Koller
TypePublic Company
HeadquartersMountain View, CA
IndustriesE-learning Providers

Course Details:

This course includes the following topics

  • Week 1: What is Copyright?
  • Week 2: Copyright’s Basic Rights
  • Week 3: Copyright’s Advanced Rights
  • Week 4: Limitation and Exceptions to Copyright

Benefits of choosing this course:

  • Free trial for audit track
  • 100% online
  • Lifetime access
  • Multiple job opportunities
  • Certificate


1. What do you mean by Copyright?

Ans: Copyright also known as author’s right is the legal right of the owners intellectual property that protects original works of authorship. In simple terms copyright is the right to copy.

2. What are the things can be protected by copyright?

Ans: Copyright protects original work of author which includes literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, architecture as well as layouts or typographical arrangements of publishing work, sound recordings, film, and broadcast.

3. Name some of the best copyright courses.

Ans: Some of the best copyright courses are as follows:

  • Copyright for Educators & Librarians (Coursera)
  • YouTube Trademark and Copyright Use – Avoid Strikes (Udemy)
  • Copyright Law in the Music Business (Coursera)
  • Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries (Future Learn)
  • Introduction to Trademarks and Copyright (Alison) etc.

4. What is the difference between copyright and trademark?

Ans: Copyright protects original works of authorship such as creative or intellectual works but trademarks apply to commercial names, phrases, and logos.

5. What are the advantages of copyright?

Ans: Some of the advantage of copyright are:

  • It prevents from monetary loss
  • Legal protection
  • It fosters an atmosphere of creativity and innovation
  • It protects the original work
  • Another advantage of copyright protection is that it gives the holder the prestige that a certain work belongs to him or her.

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