Class 9 Geography Elective Chapter 6 Economic Activities or Occupation

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Class 9 Geography Elective Chapter 6 Economic Activities or Occupation

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Economic Activities or Occupation

Chapter – 6


Q.1. What do you mean by occupation? 

Ans: Occupation generally refers to a person’s regular work or profession. It encompasses the specific job, role, or vocation that a person engages in to earn a living or pursue a career. An individual’s occupation typically involves specific tasks, responsibilities, skills, and expertise related to a particular field or industry.

Occupation can also refer to broader categories of work, such as being a doctor, teacher, engineer, artist, or accountant. It includes various sectors like healthcare, education, technology, arts, business, and more. Occupations are often classified based on the nature of the work, qualifications required, and the industry they belong to.

People choose occupations based on their interests, skills, education, and sometimes, economic necessity. Occupations provide individuals with a means to contribute to society, earn a livelihood, and fulfill personal and professional aspirations. Careers and occupations are integral parts of people’s identities, shaping their lifestyles, social interactions, and overall well-being.

Q.2. Mainly how many types of occupations are there? State them with examples.

Ans: A general phrase used to define a career interest is “occupation.” In general, jobs are divided into three categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Organized, unorganized, and cooperative sectors make up the three segments of the Indian money market.

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Occupation can be divided into four main categories:

(a) Primary occupation: Primary occupation refers to dealing with nature which is one of the most common jobs. In this career, such as farmers, fishers, and miners, an individual is concerned with the job of the environment or raw resources.

(b) Secondary occupation: Secondary occupations are all tasks undertaken in addition to regular employment that do not relate to private life. These include extra work in other employment, performing assignments, or conducting a personal business in addition to one’s ordinary employment.

(c) Tertiary occupation: Tertiary occupation is employment in the tertiary or the service sector . It is known as the service sector. The tertiary sector provides useful services for the primary and secondary sectors. Banking, insurance trade and communications come under this sector.

(d) Quaternary occupation: Quaternary sector is a tertiary sector, it’s the knowledge-based economic status. It majorly includes research and development plans, information science and Engineering, media and pharmacy.

Quaternary occupation is knowledge-based job opportunities to develop the economy and it promotes the growth of the nation. Education, consultancy, financial planning, and blogging are also a part of Quaternary occupation as it comes under knowledge sharing.

 Q.3. Write the meaning of primary occupation? 

Ans: The percentage of a country’s people employed in various economic ventures is referred to as its occupational structure. 

Primary occupation refers to dealing with nature which is one of the most common jobs. In this career, such as farmers, fishers, and miners, an individual is concerned with the job of the environment or raw resources. Because the majority of people work in this industry, it is also recognized as a principal occupation in developing countries. They cultivate crops, work with natural resources, and manage livestock farms.

 Q.4. Mention the difference between primary and secondary occupation? 

Ans: Primary Occupation:

(i) Activities of man related to land, e.g., hunting, fishing, agriculture, mining.

(ii) Goods obtained by this occu­pation are not directly useful to us and they have less eco­nomic value.

(iii) This occupation is more com­mon in the developing coun­tries.

(iv) They provide raw materials to secondary occupation, e.g., ag­riculture, mining, lumbering.

(v) Countries whose economy de­pends more on primary occu­pation have a low economy.

Secondary Occupation:

(i) Activities of man associated with processing and transforming of primary goods into goods more useful to man.

(ii) They are directly useful to us and have greater economic: value.

(iii) It is more common in devel­oped countries.

(iv) They depend on the primary products, e.g., Cotton textile, sugar industry, iron and steel industry.

(v) Countries whose economy depends more on secondary occupation have a better economy.

Q.5. Which of the economic activities are included in in literary occupation? State them with examples.

Ans: Certainly, economic activities in the literary sector encompass a variety of functions that contribute to the creation, distribution, and consumption of literary works. Here are the key economic activities with examples:

1. Authorship: Authors create literary works, including novels, poems, plays, and non-fiction. They earn income through book sales and royalties. Examples include J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter series) and Stephen King (numerous bestsellers).

2. Publishing: Publishing houses produce, print, and distribute books to retailers and readers. They generate revenue from book sales. Examples include Simon & Schuster and Macmillan Publishers.

3. Editing and Proofreading: Editors and proofreaders refine manuscripts for publication, ensuring quality and coherence. They are employed by publishing houses or work as freelancers. Editorial companies like Penguin Random House have in-house editors.

4. Literary Agents: Literary agents represent authors, negotiate contracts, and sell rights to publishers. They earn commissions from book sales. Notable agencies include Janklow & Nesbit Associates and Writers House.

5. Bookstores: Bookstores sell books to consumers, both online and in physical stores. They generate revenue through book sales. Examples include Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and local independent bookshops.

6. Libraries: Libraries lend books to the public, often funded publicly or privately. They provide access to literary works without direct charge. Public libraries in cities and towns worldwide fall under this category.

7. Literary Magazines and Journals: Literary magazines publish short stories, poems, and essays. They earn income through subscriptions, advertisements, and sales. Examples include The Paris Review and Poetry Magazine.

8. Literary Events and Festivals: Literary events, book fairs, and festivals showcase books and authors, attracting readers and publishers. They generate income through ticket sales and sponsorships. Events like the London Book Fair and the Jaipur Literature Festival are prominent examples.

9. Printing and Binding: Companies engaged in printing and binding produce physical copies of books. They earn revenue from publishers for their services. Various printing and binding companies operate globally, providing essential services to publishers.

These economic activities form a vital ecosystem within the literary sector, sustaining authors, publishers, and related businesses while providing readers with access to a diverse array of literary works.

Q.6. Write about the importance of quaternary occupation? 

Ans: Quaternary occupation, also known as the knowledge or information sector, plays a vital role in today’s global economy and society. 

Its importance can be highlighted in several key aspects:

1. Advancing Technology and Innovation: Quaternary occupations are at the forefront of technological innovation. Professionals in this sector, including scientists, researchers, and engineers, develop new technologies, software, and methodologies that drive progress in various fields. Their innovations lead to improved products, services, and industrial processes, fostering economic growth and competitiveness.

2. Knowledge Creation and Dissemination: Quaternary occupations involve intensive research and knowledge creation. Researchers and experts generate new theories, conduct experiments, and analyze data, expanding our understanding of the world. This knowledge is crucial for addressing societal challenges, making informed decisions, and promoting intellectual growth.

3. Economic Diversification: Nations investing in quaternary occupations often experience economic diversification. By transitioning from traditional industries to knowledge-based sectors, countries reduce their reliance on unstable markets and commodities. This diversification strengthens economic resilience and creates a more stable foundation for growth.

4. High-Quality Job Creation: Quaternary occupations create high-value, high-paying jobs that require specialized skills and expertise. Professionals in fields such as research, development, consulting, and information technology contribute significantly to employment and income generation. These jobs often require advanced education and training, leading to a skilled workforce.

5. Global Competitiveness: Quaternary activities enhance a nation’s global competitiveness. Countries that invest in research, education, and technology infrastructure attract talent and investments. They become hubs for innovation and entrepreneurship, fostering a dynamic business environment that attracts multinational corporations and fosters international collaborations.

6. Addressing Societal Challenges: Quaternary professionals tackle complex societal issues, including healthcare, climate change, energy efficiency, and sustainable development. Their expertise contributes to the development of solutions and policies that promote social welfare, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being.

7. Enhancing Education and Research: Quaternary occupations drive advancements in education and research institutions. Investments in research facilities, universities, and scientific organizations create a vibrant academic environment. This environment fosters intellectual curiosity, encourages lifelong learning, and prepares the next generation of innovators and leaders.

8. Environmental Sustainability: Quaternary professionals focus on sustainable practices, environmental research, and green technologies. Their efforts contribute to the development of eco-friendly solutions, renewable energy sources, and efficient waste management systems, promoting environmental sustainability and addressing climate change challenges.

Q.7. Write how economic development causes occupational changes? 

Ans: Simply speaking the occupational structure of a country refers to the division of its work force engaged in different economic activities.

Otherwise speaking how many of the total working population are engaged in agriculture and allied activities and how many of them are engaged in industrial and service sector can be known from the occupational structure of the country.

Today nearly 65% of the working population in India is engaged in the agriculture sector. In 1971 the figure was about 70%. 

Two factors are responsible for these phenomenon:

(a) Firstly there may be more workers in the agriculture sector then what is required. 

(b) Secondly people are able to obtain more income from the secondary sector then from the primary sector. 

Hence many people move from the primary sector to the secondary or tertiary sector. When the secondary sector gets developed teetari occupations such as transport communication education health Information Technology it is fully stocked also get developed Police Stop the development of industry production requires good transport and communication system engineers while trained managers skilled and Semi skilled labour Healthcare personnel etc which are supplied by the criteria and voluntary sectors. 

The expansion of the industry sector auditory sector lead to the expansion of the voluntary sectors. The force people to move from the primary and secondary sectors to the history and voluntary sectors. In this manner as a lot of occupational changes take place with the economic development of the country.

Q.8. Write a brief note on the occupational changes in Assam? 

Ans: Occupation is the basis of livelihood. Occupation pattern, according to economic activities influence the total life of a society. The occupation of an individual refers to his trade, profession and type of work. The occupational structure of a society is the products of a number of intimately related factors. The nature and variety of physical resource base, of course, lays down the basic foundation in the form of good land for agriculture, indented coast for fishing, thick vegetable cover for forestry, rich geological strata for mining etc. When the primary resources are utilized on a commercial scale, it generates diversification of occupational structure. That is why as long as the world agriculture remained at subsistence level; there was not much diversification of occupation. The diversification process gets further impetus from industrialization, because industrialization generates a variety of traditional jobs. Advancement of science and technology introduces elements of specialization in the occupational composition by creating highly specialized types of jobs. These entire development together breed a new urban culture which is more service oriented. This modifies the occupational structure considerably (Chandana,2004). 

Q.9. State the factors responsible for bringing about changes in the field of occupation.

Ans: The  main factors responsible for this state of occupational changes are:

(a) Economic development: Economic Development is programs, policies or activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community. Subsequently a lot of people who formerly worked in the primary sector move to the secondary or the territory sector as the income for this sector are stately and better.

(b) Growth in Educational Sector: Educational growth refers to how much students are growing in their proficiency as they move through the school system. A trend is a pattern made over time by the results from a like group. Growth and trend information is important for teachers, education policymakers and policy analysts.

(c) Expansion of urban centre: Urban is one of the most common characteristics of economic development. As the economy grows gradually, the process of urbanization depends on the shift of the surplus population from rural to urban areas along with the growth of some industrial urban centres. Therefore a lot of your from rural areas migrate to the towns get trended and eventually get absorbed into various services of the Urban Sector.

(d) Low income from agriculture: The average monthly income from different sources per agricultural household in July 2018 to June 2019 comes to only ₹10,218, where net receipt is obtained considering ‘paid out expenses’ approach.

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