Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 4 Economic Structure and Potentialities

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Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 4 Economic Structure and Potentialities Notes covers all the exercise questions in HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Textbooks Solutions. The Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 4 Economic Structure and Potentialities provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Economic Structure and Potentialities

Chapter – 4


1. Which one of the following characteristics are essential to consider an object as resource?

Ans. All of the above.

2. In which place of Assam coal (black diamond) was discovered first? 

Ans. Makum 1865

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3. In which year traces of crude oil was found? 

Ans. 1822

4. What percentage of crude oil production of India is shared by Assam?

Ans. 17%

5. To which of the following refineries crude oil from Assam has not yet been sent?

Ans. Mathura.

6. The percentage of methane gas contained in the natural gas is –

Ans. 80 – 90%.

7. Recent land-sat-imagery has proved that the percentage of Forest cover in Assam is- 

Ans. 21%.

8. Which major projects utilise the natural gas produced in Assam? 

Ans. ONGO, OIL, BRPL, the fibre plant, tea garden, medical plants, etc.

9. Name five places of Karbi Anglong possessing limestone.

Ans. Dilai, Koilajan, Silbheta, Sainilangshu.

10. In which city the Earth Summit was held 1922?

Ans. Rio-de-Janeiro.

11. Which two faunas of Assam have been declared as endemic and endangered by IUCN and enlisted in the Red Data List?

Ans. Pigmy Hog and Hoolock Gibbon monkey 

12. How many national parks are located in Assam?

Ans. five 5.

13. Give an example of foot-loose industry.

Ans. Cotton textile industry.

14. Which are the major pillars of Human Resource Development?

Ans. Equality, production, durability and rights

15. Name the two agents of erosion that affects the roads and the railway lines in Assam during summer?

Ans. Students do YourSelf.

16. The rope-way is in operation in between which two places of Assam?

Ans. 1. Dillai in Karbi Anglong to Bokajan Cement Factory (ACC). and

2. Guwahati with North Guwahati.

17. Name the two places on either ends of Gohain Kamal Ali constructed by Koch King Naranarayan.

Ans. Cooch Behar and Narayanpur (Lakhimpur).

18. Name the two major cities connected by National Highway 40 (NH 40).

Ans. Shillong with Guwahati.

19. Write within 30 words the importance of wetlands in Assam.

Ans. Assam is a rich state in wetland ecosystem which provides water and habitat for a diverse range of plants and animals both seasonally and permanently. Lakes, Ponds, Swampy and marshy areas, reservoirs, tanks are some of the types of wetlands found in Assam. These wetland plays a significant role in the region’s economy and if managed properly, these are going to be a source of immense wealth for the state leading to enrichment of the quality of its environment too.

20. Write within 50/60 words about the ‘Silk Route’ and ‘Steel-Well-Route’.

Ans. The ‘Silk Route’ was an ancient network of trade routes which connected China and the Far East with countries in Europe and the Middle East. It was also called ‘Silk Road’. It earned the name from Chinese silk, a highly valued commodity, transported along these road.

The Stilwell ore (steel-well) Route was an overland connection between India and China which links north-eastern India with the Burma Road that runs from Burma to China. It was named after General Joseph Stilwell of the US Army. It was originally known as Ledo Road. Presently both the routes are closed and are yet to be opened.

21. Explain at least 5 factors leading to industrial inertia in Assam.

Ans. In spite of having resources potentialities locally, there seems to be inertion in respect of industrial development in Assam. Apart from a few agro-based, tea based and mineral based industries, it has only a few manufacturing industries. The main reason behind industrial development in Assam is that it is very rich in natural resources. The factors leading to industrial inertia in Assam are because of – 

(a) vast reserves of minerals like crude oil, coal, natural gas limestone, sillimanite etc. that acts as the energy and raw materials,

(b) the presence of huge forest resource, which can provide bamboo, cone, soft wood, bark, medicinal plants etc., which can be used for industrial and commercial purposes.

(c) Numerous perennial streams which may be used for generation of not only the hydroelectric power but also for multipurpose use.

(d) Rich fertile soil and congenial climatic condition is ideal for all types of monsoonal crops and tea planation, that can be used as raw materials for agro – based industries. and

(e) A good human resource with high percentage of literacy, engineering, medical, business and other technical and non-technical skilled person which may be used as trust worthy potential resource.

22. Explain any five problems faced by the bell and the brass-metal industry in Assam.

Ans. Bell and Brass: metal industry are an important traditional craft form in Assam. The products are an integral part of Assamese culture used in various events like marriage. Despite being an important part of Assamese tradition and culture, this industry is facing a number of problems. 

Some of them are –

1. Scarcity of raw materials: The scarcity of raw materials is one of the major problem faced by the bell and brass metal industry in Assam. The co-operative society helps source the raw materials, but the government plays a negligible role. This compelled the artisans to recycle the old materials.

2. Substitute commodities at lower price: Machine-made substitute commodities made out-side Assam have over flooded the market of the state. These products have better polish, cheaper price and are thus preferred as gifs items. Moreover, the retailers also procure them for a higher margin.

3. Traders from outside the state: The collection of old and damaged products are in the hands of the traders from outside the state who gets the buyback prices according to their convenience. This creates another major problem in the industry.

4. Difficult working conditions: The difficult working conditions in the factory take a toll on the worker’s health. Long period of inhaling toxic gases from burning charcoal have make the workers vulnerable to chest pain , respiratory disorders and posture related disorders due to beating medals for long.

5. Lack of interest: In this industry, the profession is passed on from one generation to another even if it is not profitable. The newer generations take it up as the last option because of unemployment or lack of better opportunities.

Despite of facing such severe problem, this industry is still struggling. This internationally famous handicraft can be made a viable livelihood option by solving such problem with government intervention in the form of steady supply of raw material, making adequate measures of delicacy, etc.  


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