Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 7 Ethics & Purusarthas

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Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 7 Ethics & Purusarthas

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C) Short type answers:- 3 marks each.

1) What is moral action ? Give two examples of moral action.

Ans:- Moral Actions are those actions in which moral quality i.e. rightness or wrongness is present. Voluntary actions and Habitual Actions are two examples of moral action.

2) What is non – moral action ? Give two examples of moral action.

Ans:- Non – moral action means action which is devoid of moral quality. The Phenomena of nature i.e. hurricanes, floods, famines etc. and the action of animal are two example of non – moral action.

3) Define voluntary action. Is habitual action voluntary ?

Ans:- Voluntary actions are actions performed by an agent deliberately and intentionally in order to realize some foreseen ends. They are actions performed by the self with a volition or will.

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Habits are the results of repeated voluntary actions. So, Habitual actions is voluntary.

4) Describe any three non – voluntary action.

Ans:- three non – voluntary action are :-

i) Actions of inanimate things. For example, hurricanes, floods etc.

ii) Spontaneous or random actions – Actions that are the results of spontaneous outflow of energy from nerve centres.

c) Reflex action – i.e., automatic response to sensory stimulation from without.

5) Write short notes on Spring of action.

Ans:- Every voluntary action springs out of some want or need. This feeling of want is always painful. But it is usually minged with pleasure which arises from the anticipation of satisfaction of the want in future.

6) What do you mean by conflict of desires.

Ans:- In a complex action many wants demand satisfaction. If one is satisfied, the other has to be rejected altogether. Thus, there arises in the mind a competition, rivalry or conflict between the different motive and desires.

7) Write short note on final stage or stage of consequence of voluntary action.

Ans:- The bodily action produces changes in the external world. These changes are called consequences.

They include the following :-

a) Realisation of the chosen end or motive.

b) Realisation of the chosen means.

c) Certain foreseen consequences and

d) Certain unforeseen, accidental consequences.

8) What is Kama ? Why is it included in Purusartha.

Ans:- Kama literally means desire. Desire is motivating power of all actions. Among the several aspects of the human mind, the desire aspect is significant. The nature of man is largely the nature of his desires. Kama is the cause of mutual attraction among different living beings. It is the basis of creation. It is essential for increase of race.

But it has been insisted by the Hindu thinkers that Kama must be based on Dharma. When time and place is not taken into consideration Kama can result in evil consequence and defame. It is thus important in the regulation of social life. Like Dharma, Artha and Moksa, Kama also have a social basis. Wealth is the means of fulfillment of Kama and other needs and the life system of society. Dharma implies the laws on which society is based Moksa is also important in human life. So, all the four Purusartha is equally important and Kama, like other Purusarthas, included in Purusartha.

9) Explain the meaning of Artha.

Ans:- According to Kautilya, “the livelihood of human beings is the Artha”. Artha refers to wealth and power. Man is unable to conduct his life without the material means of living, because material aspect is an important as any other aspect of life. Man is not only spirit, he is body too. Our body demands certain things. To satisfy the demands of the body we need food, clothing, shelter, items of luxuries at times. We should try to earn money so that we may satisfy these demands. But the satisfication of our desires and earning of wealth must be obtained on the basis of our righteous conduct. If the means for earning wealth are good the ends will be justified. Such a wealth will give prosperity both to the individual as well as to the society.

10) What do you mean by Moksa ?

Ans:- Moksa consists in realizing the pure spiritual nature of the self beyond its physical, vital and mental or intellectual nature which are limited by time space and casuality. It consists in realizing the transcedence of body, life, mind and intellect and time, space and casuality. It consists in realizing the eternality and immortality of the self.

D) Long type answers :- 4 marks each.

1) What is action ? Distinguish between moral and non – moral actions.

Ans:- Actions means both voluntary and habitual actions. A voluntary action is an action that is performed by a retional agent with desire, prevision and choice of ends and means. Habits are the results of repeated voluntary actions.

Moral Actions are those actions in which moral quality i.e. rightness or wrongness is present. Voluntary actions are performed knowingly and intelligently by self – couscious free agents with desire, provision and choice of ends and means. Therefore they are objects of moral judgement.

On the other hand, ‘non – moral’ action means action which is devoid of moral quality. For example, the phenomena of nature i.e. hurricanes, floods, famines etc, the actions of animals, actions of children insane persons and idiots etc. are non – moral actions.

Sl. No.Contents
Chapter 1Nature of Inductive Enquiry Various Kinds of Induction
Chapter 2Grounds of Induction
Chapter 3 Hypothesis
Chapter 4Mill’s Method of Experimental Enquiry
Chapter 5Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism
Chapter 6Idealism
Chapter 7Ethics & Purusarthas
Chapter 8Religion

2) What is voluntary action ? What are the characteristics of voluntary action ?

Ans:- Voluntary Actions are actions performed by an agent deliberately and intentionally in order to realize some foreseen ends. They are actions performed by the self with a volition or will.

A voluntary action has three stages viz. the mental stage, the bodily stage and the external stage of consequence.

i) The mental stage :- Every voluntary action is actuated by a spring of action. It is a feeling of want, actual or ideal. It is either an instinct or an appetite, or an intellectual, moral, or aesthetic craving. A feeling of want is always painful and generates an impluse. But it is usually mingled with pleasure which arises from the anticipation of satisfication of the want in future. Thus the painful feeling of want is mixed with an agreeable feeling of ideal satisfaction. But the disagreeable feeling predominates over the agreeable feeling. The feeling of want e.g. an appetite leads the rational agent to think out some appropriate object which is necessary to relieve the want. The object itself to remove the want, is said to be the end of the action. The idea or thought of the object which excites the state of desire for its attainment is called the motive.

The spring of action or the feeling of want is converted into a desire. Desire is a craving to satisfy a feeling of want by attaining its proper object. In desire there is the idea of the object or end or motive which will satisfy the feeling of want. There is also the idea of the means for realising the end.

In complex action many wants demand satisfaction. If one is satisfied, the other has to be rejected altogether. Thus, these arises in the mind a competition, rivalry or conflict between the different motives and desires.

When there is a conflict of motives, the self arrests action and deliberates upon the merits and demerits by different motives. The self weighs them in the balance and considers the pros and cons. This is called deliberation.

After deliberation, the self chooses a particular motive and identifies itself with it. It chooses a particulars course of action and rejects the rest. This act of selection of one motive to exclusion of others is called choice or decision.

ii) Bodily stage :- When choice or resolution has been made and kept up by resolution, it is converted into bodily action. The idea of movement attended to carries itself out into actual movement by its implusive character of the idea of movement. This explanation is offered by William James.

iii) External stage of consequence :- The bodily action produces changes in the external world. These are called consequences which include the following realization of the choosen end intended means, desirable, or undesirable or both, certain foreseen consequences and certain unforeseen, unintended, accidental consequences.

3) What is motive ? Distinguish it from intention.

Ans:- The idea or thought of the object which excites the state of desire for its attainment is called the motive.

Motive is the efficient cause of action, whereas intention is the final cause of action. The above mention distinction given by J. S. Mill is not correct. Motive and Intention both are final cause of action. But intention is wider than motive. Motive is a part of intention. The motive of a voluntary action is the choosen end which is realized by it. It induces the self to act. But in order to realize an end, we have to employ means. The end may be pleasant. But it may be realized through an unpleasant means. Or, the end may be realized through means which are partly pleasant and partly unpleasant. Motive is the ideas of the chosen end. Intentions is the idea of the end and the idea of the means pleasant or unpleasant, choosen by the self. Thus intention is wider than motive.

4) Do you think that Ethics is a practical science ? If not why ?

Ans:- No, Ethics can not be called a practical science. A practical science teaches us to know how to do. A practical science is concerned with means for the realization of a definite end. For example, medical science is a practical science, because it does not seek to determine the ideal of health but points to the means by which one may be healthy. In this sense, Ethics cannot be regarded as a practical science. Ethics merely tries to ascertain the moral ideal, but does not lay down rules or means for the attainment of it. It does not teach us how to live a moral life. According to Mackenzie, Ethics gives us a knowledge of the guiding principles of life, but does not tell us how to apply them. It tells us what the virtue is, but it can not make us a saint. Thus, Ethics is not a practical science.

5) Write short note on conflict of desires.

Ans:- In a complex action wants demand satisfaction. If one is satisfied, the other has to be rejected altogether. Thus, there arises in the mind a competition, rivalry or conflict between the different motives and desires. Conflict of Desire is the fourth stages of Mental Stage in voluntary action.

6) Explain Dharma as one of the Purusarthas.

Ans:- Dharma occupies a very important place and position in Hindu social organisation. In our system everything is done, In the name of dharma. Dharma is the code of right action. Dharma imples the laws or principles on which society is based. Once this righteous conduct is developed, one can try to secure the objects of one’s desire. Money and satisfaction of desire will not mislead a person. Dharma protects all. It is capable of preserving the universe. The social implication of dharma is to regulate human behaviour towards the path of righteousness.

Dharma does not mean a creed or religion. It denotes a mode of life or a code of conduct. The aim of Dharma is to bring the gradual development of a man and to enable him to reach the goal of human existence.

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