Class 11 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 2 Population of Assam and Its Characteristic

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Population of Assam and Its Characteristic

Chapter – 2


1. Write briefly on the following.

(a) Density of population: Land has a special capacity to hold population for the supply of food resident etc. Therefore in comparison to size of on area the total number of population in that particular area is counted. This man land ratio is called population density. It is measured in terms of total population per unit of area.

(b) Occupation composition: We know occupation plays on important rote in our life. The people of a region are divided accordingly to the occupation they are buy in. The number of people engaged in different economic activities is called occupation composition.

(c) Migration: Migration plays on important role in the growth of population. The population of Assam has increased just because of immigration It look place from the neighbouring states and ever from the countries. There are three types of migration 

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(i) Permanent.

(ii) Temporary. 

(iii) Daily commuters and the reason or causes of migration are healthy climate, plain fertile land, social security in the area in comparison to exciting place or many other reason.

2. The population density in Assam is more than the national average rate what are the causes behind it?

Ans: After the population census in Assam. The record reveals that the rate of population growth The in Assam is above the national over high growth with rate in dram is not due to natural cause. The birth rate in Assam to high but death male is low, beside this, there have been a continuous immigration both from other Indian states as well as from neighbouring foreign nations. Most of the immigration in Assam occured from Bengal North India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Chhottagrampur plateau.

Expectation of better economic opportunities Over use along with reluctant nature of the youths to work of erst while, Assam is considered as major pull factors of migration into Assam. Establishment of tea, crude oil based and other industries, constructional works etc Mahon plays an important rede in immigration.

According to 1961 census report about 13 lakh such people were 8 lakhs were given warm welcome out of which from neighbouring foreign countries. for such unchecked influx the density of population in 1971 census higher than the national average.

3. Write a short note on ‘Literacy of Assam’ 

Ans: According to the 2011 census, the literacy rate in Assam is 72-19 percent occupying 26th rank the Indian states (National average literacy Male 72.00 percent). The highest literacy rate occurs in the district of Kamrup (Metro) (88.66%), Jorhat 81.36 and Hailakandi 94.67% the lowest literacy districts are Dhubri 59.36% and Darrang 66.88% and remarkable variation occurs between the rural and urban areas. The urban areas of the state has recovered 88.47 percent literate people. On the other hand rural areas of the state as a whole is 62.27% as against 77.85% for males. The gap between the male female literacy has substantially declined now due to awareness created and incentive offered by both the central and state government concerned. 

4. Write briefly the influencer of geographical factors on population distribution in assam.

Ans: The distribution of population in a region is dependent on many geographical factors. Generally river valley. Plain areas Fertile soil suitable for agricultural peaches settlement easily available potable water softly and securely etc. determiners the distribution and density of population in a region. About 20% of the total area of assam is covered with hills and plateau where distribution of population is prose. The Brahmaputra valley and the barak valley districts reveal high concentration of population and more specifically in the urban centres.

Assam is the land where one can see river valley, plain areas, hills etc. that is the reason many districts have low density of population and many are there are with high density of population. The districts having lowest density of population. The districts have lowest density of population are Dima Hasao, Karbi Anglong, West Karbi Anglong and Dhemaji. The First three district are having hilly terroir character and Dhemaji is annually ravaged by flood for which the settlement is spores. 

Thus we can joy that geographical floods influence the population distribution in assam lot.

5. Write briefly on the following-

(a) Sex Structure: The Sex Structure are composition of a country or a region. Sex ratio is expressed as the number of females per thousand males in a community or a region (no. of females/no. of males x 1000) It is always better to have an even sex ratio of 1000 females per 100 males. The status or respect to females is determined by sex ratio of a region. According to 2011 census assam has female sex structure higher than the national average rate.

(b) Age Structure: the age structure or composition of a country reflects the number and the percentage of people at different age group. Higher percentage of children below 14 years of age reflects higher birth rate low mortality rate and higher dependency rate like wise, lower percent of people above 60 years of age reveals higher mortality rate and low dependency ratio on the other hand higher percentage of people between 18-60 years of age reflects larger number of satisfactory working population force.

(c) Working population: Working population means the no. of young energetic people engaged in productive anchovies  In Assam, according to 2011 census about 38 percent of the total population are engaged in productive archives. This was be called as working population group higher percentage of working population has a special implication on the production and economic development of a state as well as the motion.

6. Answer in shortly-

(a) What is the number of total population according to 2011 census of Assam?

Ans: 3, 12, 05, 576 / 2.59% of India. 

(b) Kamrup Metro 1313 has the higher density of population in Assam?

Ans: Yes, Kamrup Metropolitan district has highest population density in Assam. According to Census 2011 data, the Kamrup Metro district of Assam has a population density of 1313. 

(c) Dima Hasao 44 has the lowest density of population in Assam?

Ans: Dima Hasao district of Assam has the lowest population density in the state. As per India Census 2011, the Dima Hasao district of Assam (earlier known as North Cachar Hills) has a population density of 44 per sq km.

(d) What are the major causes of population growth in Assam.

Ans: (i). Natural cause- 

(a) High Birth rate. 

(b) Low Death rate.

(ii) Immigration from Indian states and foreign countries.

(e) Kamrup (Metro) 88.66 has the highest literacy rote in Assam.

Ans: Kamrup Metropolitan district is one of the 35 districts in Assam state in north-eastern India. It was carved out of the erstwhile undivided Kamrup district in 2003 and covers an area equivalent to the area under the jurisdiction of the Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority area.

7. Give an example of permanent migration into assam.

Ans: The Ahom from shan in plateau.

8. Write a short note on Distribution of Population. 

Ans: The Distribution of population in a region is dependent on many geographical factors. Generally river valley, plain area, fertile soil suitable for agricultural practices, settlements easily available portable water, safety and recursively determines the distribution and density of population in a distribution of population is not ever Region. The throughout assam This is mainly because of various physical and socio-economic reasons. About 20% of the total area Assam is covered with hills and plateau where the distribution of population is sparse. The Breahmaputra and the Borak valley district reveal high concentration population and more specifically in urban centres. The mega chef of Assam ie. Guwahati Dibrugarh and Silchar have high concentration of population Horizontal expansion in these urban centres have be limited and therefore, vertical expansion have started.

The districts having rapid growth of urbanisation process are also the places of high density population for example Kamrup Metro has density of 1313 per km2 whereas of Dima Hasao has 44/km². 

9. Write a short account of religious composition of Assam.

Ans: Religious composition meant the number of people of a particular religion living in an area. Like most of the indian states, assam is also a hindu dominated state it has a substantial number of population belonging to each of the major religions pursued in india. Districts of assam having high density and growth rate of population, the followers of Prophet Mohammad is more. There district are Dhubri, Goalpara, Nagaon, Barpeta, Karimganj and Haila Kandi it is a due to the migration mainly from the neighbouring state Bangladesh. In 2011 census the religious composition how changed in districts of assam in comparison to 2001.

10. What is sex structure? Write about the sex structure of Assam in brief, according to 2011 census.

Ans: Sex structure are sere ration / composition means ere is expressed as the number of females pere thousand males in a commonly or a region.

Sex ratio = no. of females/no. of males x 1000

According to 2011 census in Assam kamrup Metro district centering Guwahati has only 936 women per 1000 males. Assam as a whole has only 956 women per 1000 male population. The districts having higher no. of females than the state average are boka (974) Udalguri (973) Lokhimpur (968), Chirang (960) and Golaghat (964) According to the Census report of 2011 the no. of child is 962 which is not only higher than some of like indian states but also higher.

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