Class 11 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 1 Locational Significance, Physiography Divisions, Climate & Soil

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Class 11 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 1 Locational Significance, Physiography Divisions, Climate & Soil Notes covers all the exercise questions in HS 1st Year Swadesh Adhyayan Textbooks Solutions. The Assam Board Class 11 Swadesh Adhyayan Chapter 1 Locational Significance, Physiography Divisions, Climate & Soil provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Locational Significance, Physiography Divisions, Climate & Soil

Chapter โ€“ 1


 1. (a) What is the percentage of area occupied by Assam of the total area of India?

Ans: 2.93 percent.

(b) Name the two foreign countries sharing common boundaries with Awam. 

Ans: Bhutan and Bangladesh.

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(c) Name the Indian states sharing common boundaries with Assam. 

Ans: Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipurt, Mizoram Meghalaya and West Bengal.

(d) What is the total area of plateau region in Assam?

Ans: 74,000 kmยฒ.

(e) Name the plain separating the Karbi Rengma plateau from Barail range.

Ans: The Kopili-Dakaba platform.

(f) Name the highest peak of Assam located on Rengma Hills.

Ans: The Dambukoo 1368 metre.

(g) By which name the part of Patkai range in southern part of Myanmar is known? 

Ans: Regu Yema.

(h) The fook-hill belt in the northern part of the Brahmaputra valley extending from Jonai in the east to Jankosh in the west is known by which name? 

Ans: Bhabar Terai Zone.

(i) Borgogna is a sob tributary to which tributary? 

Ams: Brahmaputra.

(j) Nome the job-stream of Brahmaputra flowing through the northern side of Majul.

Ans: Do it Yourself.

(k) What is the average gradient of the Borak plain.

Ans: 20cm/km.

2. In which two geological periods the Barrail Hills system was formed. 

Ans: Eocene and Oligocene Geological period.

3. Which two rock systems forming two different land forms have been separated by the drainage.

Ans: Meghalaya plateau formed by the Gondwana series of rock from the Bartail Range formed by the shotified sedimentary rocks of Tertiary period.

4. The Bhabar-Tarai belt in Assam is located in between which two places?

Ans: Murkongchelek (Jonai) to Sonkash.

5. The foot-hill plain in the southern part of the Brohmaputra is located between which two places.

Ans: from Bageri of Golaghat dialect to Dibrugarh.

7. Vladimir Keppen hou included the climate of Anam under which typed? 

Ans: Humid Mesothermal Gangetic type of climate (Cwg).

8. The wind with very high velocity that ravage Assam in and around Rongali Bihu is Knonoby which common name?

Ans: Bordoichila.

9. The velocity of monsoon wind in Assam is dependent on?

Ans: Intensity of pressure Physiography and Relief.

10. The topic of Cancer passes through which side of Assam?

Ans: Southern side.

11. What is the temperature in Assam on average during summer and winter?

Ans: Summer โ€“ 28ยฐC. Winter โ€“ 18ยฐC.

12. What is the average rainfall in Assam during summer and winter?

Ans: <1000m to > 3000m.   more than less then.

13. Menton the factors on which the climate of Assam depends.

Ans: (a) Sub tropical location.

(b) Physiography and relief

(c) Allendale pressure condition

(d) Pre dominance of topical mani time air man.

(e) Local mountain and valley wind.

14. In which part of Assam soils composed of sand, silt, cobbles, pebbles gravets, etc are found?

Ans: West Karbi Anglong, Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao and the foothill region of Upper Brahmaputra valley. 

15. In which soil extensively found in Assam there is deficiency in time iodine, potash, phosphorus? 

Ans: Hilly mud soil or red loamy soils.

16. What is Humus?

Ans: The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of plant material by soil microorganisms is called Humus.

17. Which soil of Assam is very congenial for the plantation? 

Ans: The latent soils.

18. In which two major floodplains of Assam levee found.

Ans: Brahmaputra and Barak flood plain.

19. What are major soil Types of Assam. 

Ans: (a) Alluvial fort.

(b) Red sandy soil.

(c) Red soil and laterite soil.

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