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Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Geography As A Discipline
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Geography As A Discipline
Chapter: 1
(a) Multiple choice Questions :
Q.1.Which one of the following scholars coined the term ‘Geography’?
(i) Herodotus
(ii) Eratosthenes
(iii) Galileo
(iv) Aristotle
Ans :- (ii) Eratosthenes
Q.2. Which one of the following can be termed as ‘physical feature’?
(i) Port
(ii) Road
(iii) Plain
(iv) Water Park
Ans :- (iii) Plain
Q.3. Make correct pairs from the following two columns and mark the correct
A.Population Geography
B.Soil Geography
D.Social Geography
(a) 1B,2C,3A,4D
(b) A,2D,3B,4C
Ans : – (d)1C,2A,3D,4B
Q.4.Which one of the following questions is related to the cause-effect relationship?
(i) Why
(ii) Where
(iii) what
(iv) when
Ans :- (i) Why
Q.5.Which of the following disciplines attempts temporal synthesis ?
(i) sociology
(ii) Geography
(iii) Anthropology
Ans : – (iv)History
(b) Answer the following questions in about 30 words :
Q.1. What important cultural features do you observe while going to school ? Are they similar or dissimilar ? Should they be included in the study of geography or not ? If yes , why ?
Ans :- The important cultural features such as roads,railways,, industries, vehicles, agricultural activities including land use patterns etc.are observed while we are going to school .They are dissimilar .All these cultural features should be included in the study of geography .All these elements or features of the earth’s surface are the part of human geography.
Q.2.You have seen a tennis ball,a cricket ball,an orange and a pumpkin . Which one amongst these resembles the shape of the earth? Why have you chosen this particular item to describe the shape of the earth?
Ans :- Amongst these shapes of the earth As the orange is bit flat on the top.The earth is also bit flat on the top The equatorial diameter is slightly greater than the polar diameter such shape only resembles the earth.The shape of the earth is Geoids.
Q.3. Do you celebrate Van Mahotsava in your school? How do the trees maintain ecological balance?
Ans :- yes,we celebrate Van Mahotsava in our school. With increasing the rapid growth of population in all parts of the world the forest areas are decreasing very rapidly .As a result we face a lot of environmental or ecological problems.we can be relieved from such problems when the forest areas will be increased.That is why we plant so many trees.
The trees maintain ecological balance in different ways,such as:
(a)Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen.
(b) Trees regulate the amou6 of rainfall and add water vapour through transpiration.
(c)Trees prevent soil erosion and maintain soil fertility .
Q.4.You have seen elephants, deer , earthworms , trees and grasses. Where do they live or grow? What is the name given to this sphere? Can you describe some of the important features of this sphere?
Ans :- The elephants,deer, earthworms,trees and grasses are grown in physical environment of the earth.The name of the sphere ,where living organisms are found is termed as biosphere or life layer
Some important features of this sphere are :- (a) It is the sphere which is found in the hydrosphere , atmosphere,and in the lithosphere.
(b) It covers both the physical as well as non-physical environment .
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
Chapter 1 | Geography As A Discipline |
Chapter 2 | The Origin and Evolution of the Earth |
Chapter 3 | Interior of the Earth |
Chapter 4 | Distribution of Oceans And Continents |
Chapter 5 | Minerals and Rocks |
Chapter 6 | Geomorphic Processes |
Chapter 7 | Landforms and Their Evolution |
Chapter 8 | Composition and Structure of Atmosphere |
Chapter 9 | Solar Radiation, Heat balance, and Temperature |
Chapter 10 | Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems |
Chapter 11 | Water in the Atmosphere |
Chapter 12 | World Climate and Climate Change |
Chapter 13 | Water (Oceans) |
Chapter 14 | Movements of Ocean Water |
Chapter 15 | Life on the Earth |
Chapter 16 | Biodiversity And Conservation |
Chapter 17 | Indian Location |
Chapter 18 | Structure and Physiography |
Chapter 19 | Drainage System |
Chapter 20 | Climate |
Chapter 21 | Natural Vegetation |
Chapter 22 | Soils |
Chapter 23 | Natural Hazards and Disasters |
Q.5.How much time do you take to reach your school from your house ? Had the school been located across the road from your house,how much time would you have taken to reach school on time in communicating? Can you convert time into space and vice versa?
Ans :- Every geographical phenomenon undergoes changes through time and can be explained temporally . It is possible to convert time in terms of space and space in terms of time.The time is related with distances. If the distance is longer the time taken will be more.The effect of the distance is on time or it depends on the mode of journey.
Suppose the distance between the residence and school is 2k.m. and the time taken is 3o minutes (on foot) .This can also be said that the school is 30 minutes away from the residence.
(c) Answer the following questions in about 150 words :
Q.1.You observe everyday in your surroundings that there is variation in natural as well as as cultural phenomena. All these trees are not of the same variety .All the birds and animals you see are different argue that geography is the study of “areal differentiation”?
Ans :- According to Richard Hartsone “Geography is concerned with the description and explanation of the areal differentiation of the earth’s surface”.From the above definition it is clear that there exist variations over the surface of the earth in its physical as well as cultural environment. A number of phenomena are similar and many are dissimilar. It is therefore logical to perceive studying all those phenomena which vary over space.Geography do not explain the associations with the other factors which cause these variations.
For example ,cropping patterns differ from region to region but this variation in cropping pattern ,as a phenomena, is related to variations in soils Climates. demands in the market.capacity of the farmer to invest and technological inputs available.The geographical phenomena of both the physical and human are not static but highly dynamic. They change over time as a result of the interactive processes between ever changing earth and untiring and ever active human beings . Because of these we can say that geography is the study of ‘areal differentiation’.
Q.2.You have already studied geography.History,civics and economics as parts of social studies.Attempt an integration of these disciplines highlighting their Interface.
Ans :- Geography, History. civics, economics all are social sciences. They studied the various Social aspects of social phenomena. Economics deals with the phenomena in respect of time, while civics concerns the territory, people, and sovereignty of nations. But geography is the subject which deals with all the phenomena, which are studied by the subject mentioned above. Like the other social sciences geography also studies various phenomena of the earth. But geography has strong interference with social sciences and also with natural sciences.

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