Class 11 Environmental Studies MCQ Chapter 1 Basic Concept of Environment Solutions, AHSEC Class 11 Environmental Studies Multiple Choice Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Class 11 Environmental Studies MCQ Chapter 1 Basic Concept of Environment Question Answer and select needs one.
Class 11 Environmental Studies MCQ Chapter 1 Basic Concept of Environment
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Basic Concept of Environment
Chapter: 1
1. What does the term ‘environment’ mean?
(i) Conditions in which organisms live.
(ii) Our surroundings.
(iii) Both (i) and (ii).
(iv) None of the above.
Ans: (iii) Both (i) and (ii).
2. From which language does the word ‘environment’ originate?
(i) Greek.
(ii) Latin.
(iii) French.
(iv) Spanish.
Ans: (iii) French.
3. What are the three main components of the environment?
(i) Abiotic.
(ii) Biotic.
(iii) Energy component.
(iv) All of the above.
Ans: (iv) All of the above.
4. How many Biodiversity hotspots exist in the world?
(i) 34
(ii) 30
(iii) 35
(iv) 36
Ans: (iv) 36.
5. From the following which is not a category of abiotic environment?
(i) Lithosphere.
(ii) Hydrosphere.
(iii) Atmosphere.
(iv) Humans.
Ans: (iv) Humans.
6. What does the biotic component include?
(i) Flora.
(ii) Fauna.
(iii) Humans.
(iv) All of the above.
Ans: (iv) All of the above.
7. What does the lithosphere represent?
(i) Water.
(ii) Air.
(iii) Solid earth.
(iv) Life.
Ans: (iii) Solid earth.
8. Name the day that is celebrated as World Environment Day.
(i) June 5th.
(ii) June 6th.
(iii) June 8th.
(iv) June 10th.
Ans: (i) June 5th.
9. Which environmental segment includes all living organisms?
(i) Atmosphere.
(ii) Biosphere.
(iii) Lithosphere.
(iv) Hydrosphere.
Ans: (ii) Biosphere.
10. The _______ is the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting life?
(i) Jupiter.
(ii) Venus.
(iii) Mercury.
(iv) Earth.
Ans: (iv) Earth.
11. What is the main source of energy in the environment?
(i) Wind energy.
(ii) Geographic energy.
(iii) Solar energy.
(iv) Natural energy.
Ans: (iii) Solar energy.
12. What is the biosphere a combination of?
(i) Abiotic and Natural components.
(ii) Biotic and abiotic components.
(iii) Living components.
(iv) Non-living components.
Ans: (ii) Biotic and abiotic components.
13. The word ‘Ecosystem’ was coined by:
(i) Einstein.
(ii) A. G. Tansley.
(iii) Mcnaughton.
(iv) None of the above.
Ans: (ii) A. G. Tansley.
14. What is the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere?
(i) 70.94%
(ii) 78.09%
(iii) 71.34%
(iv) 72.25%
Ans: (ii) 78.09%
15. What is the percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere?
(i) 20.94%.
(ii) 25.45%.
(iii) 67%.
(iv) 9.34%.
Ans: (i) 20.94%.

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