Class 10 English Chapter 9 The Ball Poem

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Class 10 English Chapter 9 The Ball Poem

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The Ball Poem

Chapter – 9


Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. Who lost the ball? 

(a) the poet  

(b) the boy 

(c) a man 

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(d) none of the above 

Ans. (b) The boy.

2. Where has the boy lost his ball? 

(a) in the water 

(b) in the school 

(c) on the street 

(d) at home 

Ans. (a) In the water.

3. How does the boy feel when he loses his ball?

(a) confused 

(b) shaken 

(c) trembling 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above.

4. What does the poet say about money?

(a) internal 

(b) external

(c) valueless

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) External.

5. What does the poet say about this world is made of? 

(a) Material Possessions 

(b) happiness 

(c) joys 

(d) troubles

Ans. (a) Material Possessions.

6. The boy remembers his…….. days?

(a) infancy

(b) young 

(c) old 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) Young.

7. What could the poet buy for the boy?

(a) book

(b) dull 

(c) ball

(d) all of the above.

Ans. (c) Ball.

8. How are the boy’s eyes?

(a) brilliant

(b) dull

(c) desperate

(d) all of the above

Ans. (c) Desperate.

9. What meaning is the boy learning? 

(a) meaning of loss

(b) meaning of life

(c) meaning of playing

(d) meaning of happiness 

Ans. (a) Meaning of loss.

10. Who is the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball poem’ symbolises?

(a) Carolyn wells

(b) John Berryman

(c) Leslie Norris 

(d) Robin Klein

Ans. (b) John Berryman.

11. What does the ball in the poem,‘The Ball Poem’? 

(a) prized Possessions 

(b) poet’s childhood 

(c) materialistic thing 

(d) all of the above 

Ans. (b) Poet’s childhood.

12. What do children lose quite often as per ‘The Ball poem’?

(a) temper 

(b) patience 

(c) toys and balls 

(d) money 

Ans. (c) Toys and balls.

13. The true theme of “The Ball poem’’ is that…..

(a) we should take care of our things 

(b) life is short

(c) we should cherish very moment 

(d) both b & c.

Ans. (d) both b & c.

14. What is the tone of ‘The Ball poem’ when the boy loses the ball? 

(a) sad 

(b) gloomy 

(c) happy 

(d) depressing

Ans. (d) Depressing.

Thinking about the poem

Q. In pairs, attempt the following question –

1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him”? Why does he not offer him money to buy another ball? 

Ans: The poet says that he would not intrude on the boy at such a moment  because he works with the boy to learn a valuable lesson from this experience. He wants the boy to face the realities of the world. 

2. “…….starting down/All his young days into the harbour where/his ball went…. “Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it? 

Ans:  Yes, I think the boy had it for a long time. It is linked to the memories of days he played with it. 

3. What does “in the world of possessions” mean? 

Ans: “In the world of possess” means the world of materialisms.

4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the words that suggest the answer. 

Ans: It seems the boy has lost nothing earlier. The words that suggest so are sense first responsibility in a world of possessions.

5. What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words. 

Ans: According to the poet the boy is learning the nature of loss when he loses his ball. The boy is learning how to stand up in a world of possession where he will lose things, will buy some more to replace the ones lost, but would never be able to buy back the thing that he had lost.

6. Have you ever lost something you like very much? Write a paragraph describing how you felt then, and saying whether – and how – you got over your loss. 

Ans: I lost many toys in my childhood. On my birthday one of my closest friends gave me a wrist watch which I like very much. I wear it everywhere. One day I was searching for it to wear at the party but I didn’t find the watch. I was upset and told my friend everything. He gave me another watch. I can’t find the old watch but I am happy that I have his gift now again in my hand.

Additional Questions & Answers

1. What happened to the boy’s ball?

Ans:- The boy lost his ball in the street. The ball bounced on the street and fell into the water. The boy was joyfully playing with the ball but suddenly the ball went down the street. He was very upset due to this loss.

2. What does “ In the world of possess” mean?

Ans:-  “ In the world of possess” means the world of materialisms.

3. How is the sense of loss of the boy expressed?

Ans:- The boy was very much upset after losing the ball. He was filled with sadness, which affected him greatly, overpowered with grief, trembling and staring down where his ball was lost. He is experiencing grief and learning to grow up in this world of possessions.

4. Where has the boy lost his ball?

Ans:- The boy is playing near a harbour. During his play he lost his ball.

5. What message does the poem convey?

Ans:- The poet wants to convey the importance of loss and responsibility in life. We should not forget the importance of possessions. life is full of losses, and we must learn to accept them and move on. 

6. Why is money called External?

Ans:- Money is called External because it can only buy materialistic things but cannot compensate for one’s loss.

7. What fixes the boy when he loses the ball?

Ans:- An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy.

8. How was the boy’s reaction to the loss of the ball?

Ans:- The ball was sad and troubled at the loss of the ball. He stood there trembling and stared at the water.

A. Choose the correct options for the following:-

1. What does the poet say about money? In the poem “The ball poem”.

(i) Internal 

(ii) External

(iii) Valueless

(iv) All of the above

Ans. (ii) External.

2. What meaning is the boy learning?In the poem “The ball poem”. 

(i) Meaning of loss

(ii) Meaning of life

(iii) Meaning of playing

(iv) Meaning of happiness 

Ans. (i) Meaning of loss.

3. Who is the poet of the poem? 

(i)  Leslie Norris.   

(ii)  Elizabeth jane.

(iii)  William Wordsworth. 

(iv)  Robert Frost.

Ans: (i)  Leslie Norris.

4. How does the boy feel when he loses his ball?

(i) Confused 

(ii) Shaken 

(iii) Trembling 

(iv) All of the above

Ans. (iv) All of the above

5. What does the poet say about money?

(i) Internal 

(ii) External

(iii) Valueless

(iv) All of the above

Ans. (ii) External.

6. What does the poet say about this world? 

(i) Material Possessions 

(ii) Happiness 

(iii) Joys 

(iv) Troubles

Ans. (i) Material Possessions.

7. The boy remembers his…….. days?

(i) Infancy

(ii) Young 

(iii) Old 

(iv) All of the above

Ans. (i) Young.

8. What could the poet buy for the boy?

(i) Book

(ii) Dull 

(iii) Ball

(iv) All of the above.

Ans. (iii) Ball.

9. Where did the boy lose his ball?

(i) In the field 

(ii) In the dark water of the Harbour

(iii) In his room

(iv) In his school

Ans:- In the dark water of the Harbour

10. Where was the boy staring down?

(i) The mountain

(ii) The sea

(iii) The Harbour

(iv) The lake

Ans:- The Harbour

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