Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 10 Revision Test 2

Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 6 English Chapter 10 Revision Test 2, Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 6 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 10 Revision Test 2 Class 6 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Revision Test 2

Chapter – 10


অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়

পাঠভিত্তিক ক্রিয়াকলাপৰ প্রশ্নোত্তৰ

1. Write the following correctly by placing the adverb in proper places.( Adverb বোৰ সঠিক ঠাইত বহুৱাই তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ শুদ্ধকৈ লিখা।)

(i) My brother plays cricket.(well)

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(ii) I take a glass of milk in the morning. (Usually)

(iii) Rinisha commits mistakes. ( sometimes)

(iv) They have seen the Tajmahal.(never)

(v) We should be punctual. (Always)

(vi) They visited her while in Delhi. (frequently)

(vii) My sister felt tired. (very)

(viii) I watch movie. ( seldom)

(ix) My grandfather crosses the roads. ( carefully)

(x) Her brother is prepared for the examination.(fully)

Ans: (i) My brother plays cricket well.

(ii) I usually take a glass of milk in the morning. 

(iii) Rinisha sometimes commits mistakes. 

(iv) They have never seen the Tajmahal.

(v) We should always be punctual. 

(vi) They frequently visited her while in Delhi. 

(vii) My sister felt very tired. 

(viii) I seldom watch movie. 

(ix) My grandfather carefully crosses the roads. 

(x) Her brother is fully prepared for the examination.

2. Fill in the blanks with and/but/or.

(i) He is plenty of money ___ he is unhappy.

(ii) What do you like, an orange __ an apple?

(iii) She must weep ___ she will die.

(iv) He spoke clearly __ loudly.

(v) Nibir has come ___ Sushi has yet to come.

(vi) Smita ___ her sister are very intelligent.

(vii) My father __ brother are playing now.

(viii) He is slow __ steady.

Ans: (i) He is plenty of money but he is unhappy.

(ii) What do you like, an orange or an apple?

(iii) She must weep or she will die.

(iv) He spoke clearly but loudly.

(v) Nibir has come but Sushi has yet to come.

(vi) Smita and her sister are very intelligent.

(vii) My father and brother are playing now.

(viii) He is slow but steady.

3. Fill in the blanks with some or any.(some or any ৰে খালী স্থান পূৰ কৰা।)

(i) I need ____ oranges now.

(ii) There are ___ beautiful red roses in their garden.

(iii) Are there ___ potatoes in the kitchen?

(iv) She doesn’t have ____ storybook.

(v) Do you need ____ help from me ?

(vi) There are ___ boys in the room.

(vii) I bought ___ books on history last year.

(viii) Put ____ salt in the curry.

(ix) Did Bobita buy ____ book yesterday ?

(x) My father did not have ____ novels.

Ans: (i) I need some  oranges now.

(ii) There are some beautiful red roses in their garden.

(iii) Are there any potatoes in the kitchen?

(iv) She doesn’t have any storybook.

(v) Do you need any help from me ?

(vi) There are some boys in the room.

(vii) I bought some books on history last year.

(viii) Put some salt in the curry.

(ix) Did Bobita buy any book yesterday ?

(x) My father did not have any novels.

4. Rewrite the following sentences using correct tense form of the verbs.(প্ৰকৃত tense form ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ পুনৰাই লিখা।)

(i) As soon as you (come), he wanted to see you.

(ii) She (suffer) from fever since last Monday.

(iii) Rupa never (drink) coffee in her life.

(iv) When he came in, it still (rain).

(v) He will stay here until he ( return).

(vi) The teacher is not at home, he (go) to the library.

(vii) Water (flow) downwards.

(viii) We (know) each other for ten years.

(ix) He (do) the work since morning.

(x) The old man (go) for a walk every morning.

(xi) As he (cross) the road, a car knocked him down.

(xii) She (be) in London since 1990.

(xiii) It was very cold this morning, but the sun (shine ) now.

(xiv) Have you ever (be) to Delhi ?

(xv) I (work) in this project for the last two years.

Ans: (i) As soon as you came he wanted to see you.

(ii) She suffering from fever since last Monday.

(iii) Rupa never drunk coffee in her life.

(iv) When he came in, it still raining.

(v) He will stay here until he returns.

(vi) The teacher is not at home, he gone to the library.

(vii) Water flows downwards.

(viii) We know each other for ten years.

(ix) He has been doing the work since morning.

(x) The old man goes for a walk every morning.

(xi) As he crossed the road, a car knocked him down.

(xii) She has been in London since 1990.

(xiii) It was very cold this morning, but the sun shining now.

(xiv) Have you ever been to Delhi ?

(xv) I have been working in this project for the last two years.

5. Put is or are in the blanks.(খালী স্থানত is বা are বহুৱা।)

(i)  The cattle ___ grazing in the meadow.

(ii) What ___ the important news today?

(iii) Measles ___ infectious.

(iv) His hair ___ grey.

(v) My scissors ___ blunt.

(vi) His trousers ___ torn.

(vii) Goods ___ sometimes brought in a truck.

Ans: (i)  The cattle are grazing in the meadow.

(ii) What is the important news today ?

(iii) Measles are infectious.

(iv) His hair is grey.

(v) My scissors is blunt.

(vi) His trousers are torn.

(vii) Goods are sometimes brought in a truck.

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs given in the box.(সঠিক phrasal verbs ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি খালী স্থান পূৰণ কৰা।) 

ask for (pray for), call off (withdraw), call at (visit), carry out ( obey), get down( descent), look down upon (hate), look for (search), put down (write), put off (take off), run after ( chase), set out (start) turn off (stop)

(i) The villagers ___ the thief.

(ii) ___ the switch of the fan.

(iii) My father ___ for Delhi this morning.

(iv) He ___ me ___ some money.

(v) She ____ from the train.

(vi) The workers ____ the strike.

(vii)We should ___ the orders of our teachers.

(viii) We should not ____ the poor.

(ix) They ___ their names on the copy.

(x) Please ____ your shoes outside the laboratory.

(xi) The man is ____ for his lost cow.

(xii) We ____ the doctor ____ his office.

Ans: (i) The villagers run after the thief.

(ii) Turn off the switch of the fan.

(iii) My father set out for Delhi this morning.

(iv) He asks  me for some money.

(v) She get down from the train.

(vi) The workers call of the strike.

(vii) We should carry out the orders of our teachers.

(viii) We should not look down upon the poor.

(ix) They put down their names on the copy.

(x) Please put off your shoes outside the laboratory.

(xi) The man is looking for his lost cow.

(xii) We call the doctor at his office.

7. Comprehension :

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.( তলৰ স্তৱকটো ভালদৰে পঢ়া আৰু তলত দিয়া প্ৰশ্নবোৰৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া।)

This is Rangjuli village. Mr Nagen Hazarika lives here with his wife. He is the Headmaster of Rangjuli High School. These days their granddaughter Pari is staying with them. She has come to spend her winter vacation here.She likes her grandfather’s study very much. He has a good collection of books. Pari spends most of her time with her grandparents there. Mr Hazarika has shown her a few books by Navakanta Barua. She just finished his ‘ Keluar Rail’ and is now reading ‘Kharar Jakhala’. Her grandfather has Also taught her to recite some of Navakanta Barua’s poems. Children know him as ‘Ekhood Kakaideu’. Pari’s grandmother has promised to give her some more books on her next birthday. So, she is very happy. 

( এইখন ৰংজুলি গাঁও। শ্ৰী নগেন হাজৰিকাই তেওঁৰ পত্নীৰে সৈতে ইয়াত থাকে। তেঁও ৰংজুলি হাইস্কুলৰ প্ৰধান শিক্ষক। বৰ্তমানে তেওঁলোকৰ নাতিনীয়েক পৰীয়ে তেওঁলোকৰ লগত আছে। তাই শীতকালীন বন্ধ কটাবলৈ ইয়ালৈ আহিছে। তাই  কঁকাদেউতাকৰ পঢ়া ভাল পায়। তাইৰ বহুতো সংগ্ৰহ কৰা কিতাপ আছে। পৰীয়ে তাত বেছিভাগ সময় ককা-আইতাকৰ লগতে কটায়। শ্ৰী হাজৰিকাই তাইক নৱকান্ত বৰুৱাই লিখা কেইখনমান কিতাপ দেখুৱাইছে। তাই এইমাত্ৰ তেওঁৰ ‘কেৰেলুৱাৰ ৰেল’ নামৰ পুথিখন পঢ়ি শেষ কৰিছে আৰু আৰু বৰ্তমানে ‘আখৰৰ জখলা’খন পঢ়ি আছে। তাইৰ কঁকাদেউতাকে তাইক নৱকান্ত বৰুৱাৰ কিছুমান কবিতা আবৃত্তি কৰিবলৈ শিকাইছে। ল’ৰা- ছোৱালীবোৰে তেওঁক ‘এখুদ ককাইদেউ’ বুলি জানে। পৰীৰ আইতাকে পৰীৰ পৰৱৰ্তী জন্মদিনত আৰু বহুতো কিতাপ দিব বুলি কথা দিছে। সেয়ে তাই বৰ আনন্দিত।)


(i) What is the name of the village ?(গাঁওখনৰ নাম কি ?)

Ans: The name of the village is Rangjuli.(গাঁওখনৰ নাম ৰংজুলি।)

(ii) What is Pari’s grandfather ?(পৰীৰ ককাদেউতাকে কি কৰে ?)

Ans: Her grandfather is the Headmaster of Rangjuli High School.(তাইৰ ককাদেউতাক ৰংজুলি হাইস্কুলৰ প্ৰধান শিক্ষক।)

(iii) What is the name of the book that pari is reading ?

(পৰীয়ে পঢ়ি থকা কিতাপখনৰ নাম কি ?)

Ans: Pari is reading “Keluar Rail”, written by Navakanta Barua.( পৰীয়ে নৱকান্ত বৰুৱাই লিখা ‘কেৰেলুৱাৰ ৰেল’ নামৰ পুথিখন পঢ়ি আছে।)

(iv) Why is Pari happy ? (পৰী কিয় সুখী ?)

Ans: She is happy, because her grandfather promised to give her some more books.(তাই সুখী, কাৰণ তাইৰ আইতাকে তাইক আৰু কিছুমান কিতাপ দিব বুলি কথা দিছে।)

(v) Who is ‘Ekhood Kakadu’ ? (‘এখুদ ককাইদেউ’ কোন ?)

Ans: Navakanta Barua is ‘Ekhood Kakadu’. ( নৱকান্ত বৰুৱা ‘এখুদ ককাইদেউ’।)

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