Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 8 Co-Operate and prosper

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Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 8 Co-Operate and prosper

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Co-Operate and prosper

Chapter – 8




Word Note:-

Fnothy           –            ফেনাই থকা।

Reared           –           পোহপাল দিয়া।

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Prosperity       –           সৌভাগ্য।

Assigned         –           দিয়া।

Harassed         –           অত্যাচাৰ কৰা।

Compete          –          আনতকৈ ভাল কৰিবলৈ যত্ন কৰা।

Providence      –          ঈশ্বৰৰ বিধান।

Energetic।       –          শক্তিশালী।

Ambitious         –         আশাবাদী।

Strove              –         কঠোৰভাৱে কষ্ট কৰা।

Relentless        –         অবিৰাম।

Architect           –         যিয়ে আঁচনি কৰে আৰু যিয়ে ডিজাইন দিয়ে।

Assigned           –          আৰোপিত কৰা।

Eliminated         –         ত্যাগ কৰা।

Exploited           –         শোষণ কৰা, অবৈধভাৱে কামত খটোৱা ।


I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Q.1. What are the sports that Dr.Kurien was good at ?

Ans :- Cricket, tennis and boxing are the sports that Dr. Kurien was good at.

Q.2. Who were protected from being exploited ?

Ans :- Dr.Kurien’s relentless efforts, the poor milk producers  were protected from being exploited.

Q.3. Who made India the largest milk producer of the world ?

Ans :- Dr. Kurien made India the largest milk producer of the world.

Q.4. What is the international award given to Dr. kurien ?

Ans :- Dr. Kurien was honoured with very high civilian awards such as padma shri and padmabhushan which was recognised internationally and he was also awarded the prestigious Roman Magsaysay award for community leadership.

Q.5 Complete the sentence : Dr. Kurien may rightly be called ………………

Ans :- Dr. Kurien may rightly be called the   ‘architect of India’s modern dairy industry” : and the father of white Revolution.

6. Choose the correct answer :-

The woman who owns a buffalo celebrates …………… everyday.

(a) Holi.          

(b) Diwali.         

(c) Pongal.              

(d) Christmas.

Ans :- (c) Pongal.

7. List out various milk products.

II. Match the words in column A with the synonyms given in column B.

Task Livestock

Ans :- 

Task Work

III. Find the correct antonyms from the lesson for the words given below :-

     Easy         x     ………………..

     Bad           x    …………………

     Rich          x    ………………..

     Public       x    ……………….. 

     Smallest    x    …………………

Ans :- 

        Easy           –           Hard

        Bad             –           Good

        Rich            –            Poor

        Public          –           Private

        Smallest      –           Largest

Task 1: Find the singular or plural form of the underlined words in each of the following sentences and use them to fill in the blanks.

1. All leaves are green but this ……….. is brown.

Ans :- All leaves are green but this leaf is  brown.

2. This woman is very talkative but generally ………….are calm.

Ans :- This woman is very talkative but generally woman are calm.

3. My second child is at home but all my other ………. are at school.

Ans :- My second child is at home but all my other children are at school.

4. All the geese are in the pond but this lame ……….. is on the land.

Ans :- All the geese are in the pond but this lame goose is on the land.

Task 2 : Find out as many nouns as possible, which end in ‘f’ and ‘fe’ and give the plural.

Ans :-  

Leaf, calf, halfLeaves, calves,halves
Knife, life,thiefKnives,lifes,theaves
Wife,wolf, giraffeWives, wolves,giraffes.

II.Can you expand the underlined abbreviations in the following sentences taken from the lesson ?

Dr. kurien got his first degree in physics and then studied B.E. Mechanical Engineering at the University of Madras. He went on a scholarship to the USA and passed the M.S. Degree with distinction.

B.E stands for Bachelor of Engineering

USA stands for the United States of America

M.S. stands for Master of Science.

An abbreviation is a short from of a word or a phrase. It is formed by using the first letter of each word. These letters are in capitals and each letter is pronounced independently in the abbreviation.

Note : Dr. is the shortened form of Doctor. It is not an abbreviation. It is a contraction. Task : Expand the following abbreviations.

B.A.                  MBBS

B.Sc.                BVSc.

M.A.                 BDS

PTA                 MCA

PTO                 UNO

Ans :- 

B.A      – Bachelor of Arts

B.Sc.   – Bachelor of Science

M.A.   – Master of Arts

PTA   – parent Teacher Association

PTO  – please Turn Over

MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

BVSC  – Bachelor of Veterinary Science

BDS    – Bachelor of Dental Surgery

MCA   – Master of Computer Application

UNO   – United Nation Organisation


Read the following sentences taken from the lesson :-

1. In spite of their hard work, they remained poor.

2. He strove incessantly in order to expand Amul Milk Unit.

3. As a result of Dr. Kurien’s relentless efforts, the poor milk producers were protected from being exploited.

4. The farmers came to appreciate Cooperation, in addition to acquiring marketing skills.

The underlined words in the above sentences ‘in spite of’, ‘in order to’, ‘as a result of’, and ‘in addition to’ are phrases.

Since these phrases are used with the force of a single preposition, they are called ‘prepositional phrase’.

Read the following passage

John and Jane went up the hill in order to fetch a pail of water. They brought back a basket full of fruits __ water. John fell down __ the load. ___ being hurt he managed to reach home before dusk.

Task-1 : Underline the prepositional phrases in the passage.

Ans :- John and Jane went up the hill in order to fetch a pail of water. They brought back a basket full of fruits in addition to water. John fell down on account of the load. In spite of being hurt he managed to reach home before dusk.

Task-2 : Using the prepositional phrases answer the following :

(a) Why did John and Jane go up hill ?

Ans :- John and Jane went up the hill in order to fetch a pail of water.

(b) Did they bring only water ?

Ans :- No, they brought a basket full of fruits in addition to water.

(c) Why did John fall down ?

Ans :- John fell down on account of the load.

(d) Complete the sentence ……….. being hurt he managed to reach home.

Ans :- In spite of being hurt he managed to reach home.

Task-3 : Use appropriate prepositional phrases and complete the following sentences.

1. He did not do his home work …………. avoid punishment he applied for leave.

Ans :- He did not do his home work in order to avoid punishment he applied for leave.

2. ……….. his illness, he played well and won the match.

Ans :- In spite of his illness, he played well and won the match.

3. ………… the bronze medal, Anju George received several cash awards.

Ans :- In addition to the bronze medal, Anju George received several cash awards.

R.L. Stevenson – ( 13th November, 1850 – 3rd December, 1894 ) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and A Child’s Garden of Verses.

Additional Questions and Answers

Q.1 Who wrote ‘ Co-Operate and Prosper’ ?

Ans :- R.L. Stevenson.

Q.2. Who developed the Amul Diary ?

Ans :- Dr. Verghese kurien developed the Amul Diary.

Q.3. Write the full from (NDDB) ?

Ans :- The full from of NDDB is National Diary Development Board.

Q.4. Complete the sentences with correct words regarding the text book.

(a) But Tribuvandas Patel found it difficult to compete with a ……………

Ans :- But Tribuvandas Patel found it difficult to compete with a British Diary in Mumbai.

(b) With all her might to eat with ………..

Ans :- With all her might to eat with apple tart.

(c) The young man was none other than ………….

Ans :- The young man was none other than Verghese Kurien.

(d) It also tells us about how through his relentless efforts, the dream of …………. was fulfilled.

Ans :- It also tells us about how through his relentless efforts, the dream of Vallavbhai Patel was fulfilled.

(e) Dr. Kurien has succeeded in keeping the wolf from the doors……………

Ans :- Dr. Kurien has succeeded in keeping the wolf from the doors of our farmers.

Q.5. What does remind R.L. Stevenson ?

Ans :- R.L.Stevenson reminds the picture of mother feeding baby sister a bottle of frothy milk.

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