Literature and Cinema Unit 2 Romeo And Juliet

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Literature and Cinema Unit 2 Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo And Juliet



Very Short Type Question & Answers

1. What style of play is ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

Ans: ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is the tragedy play.

2. How many movie adaptations of Romeo and Juliet are there?

Ans: There are 35 movie adaptations of ‘Romeo and Juliet”.

3. To which city does Romeo go after being exiled from Verona?

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Ans: Mantua.

4. Why is Romeo exiled?

Ans: For killing Tybalt.

5. Who performs Romeo and Juliet’s marriage?

Ans: Friar Lawrence.

6 Who is the fairy that Mercutio says visits Romeo in dreams?

Ans: Queen Mab.

7. What does the Nurse advice Juliet to do after Romeo is exiled?

Ans: Act as if Romeo is dead and marry Paris.

8. Where do Romeo and Juliet meet?

Ans: At Capulet’s feast.

9. Who kills Mercutio?

Ans: Tybalt.

10. Which character first persuades Romeo to attend the feast?

Ans: Benvolio.

11. What, at first, does Juliet claim that Romeo hears the morning after their wedding night?

Ans: The nightingale.

12. To what does Romeo first compare Juliet during the balcony scene?

Ans: The morning sun.

13. Who discovers Juliet after she takes Friar Lawrence’s potion?

Ans: The nurse.

14. Who proposes that a gold statue of Juliet be built in Verona?

Ans: Montague.

15. To which powerful figure is Paris related?

Ans: Prince Escalus.

16. How and where does Romeo commit suicide?

Ans: With poison in Juliet’s tomb.

17. Who is the last person to see Juliet before she stabs herself dead?

Ans: Friar Lawrence.

18. Why is Friar John unable to deliver Friar Lawrence’s message to Romeo in Mantua?

Ans: He is held inside a quarantined house and is unable to leave.

19. Why does the Apothecary agree to sell Romeo poison?

Ans: He is poor and needs the money.

20. On what day do Romeo and Juliet meet?

Ans: Sunday.

21. With whom is Romeo madly in love for the first two scenes of the play?

Ans: Rosaline.

22. In what decade was Romeo and Juliet written?

Ans: In 1590s.

23. Whom does Mercutio curse as he lies dying after a duel?

Ans: The Montagues and Capolets.

24. In what area is Friar Lawrence an expert?

Ans: Plants and herbs.

25. What term does the Chorus use to describe the lovers?

Ans: Star crossed.

26. Why does Tybalt first challenge Romeo to a duel?

Ans: He is offended that Romeo shows up at the Capulet ball.

27. In what year did Shakespeare die?

Ans: In the year 1616.

28. What is the setting of the play?

Ans: The setting of the play is Verona, Italy.

29. Whom does Romeo address as ‘yonder lady’?

Ans: To Juliet.

30. Who according to Juliet would make the face of heaven so fine as stars?

Ans: Romeo.

31. When according to Juliet would Romeo make face of heaven so fine?

Ans: When Romeo would become star/cut into the little stars.

32. Who is ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is compared to a ‘rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear’?

Ans: Juliet.

33. Who is ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is compared to a ‘snowy dove’?

Ans: Juliet.

34. When, according to Juliet, would all the world be in love with night?

Ans: When Romeo is cut into little stars/makes the face of heaven so fine.

35. Which were the two noble families of Verona?

Ans: The two noble families of Verona were the Capulets and the Montagues.

36. Who had hosted a grand supper?

Ans: Old Lord Capulet had hosted a grand supper.

37. How did Romero attend the supper?

Ans: He attended the supper in disguise.

38. Whom did Romeo see on the dance floor?

Ans: Romeo saw Juliet on the dance floor.

39. Who is Juliet’s father?

Ans: Lord Capulet is Juliet’s father.

40. What does he say about Juliet’s glow?

Ans: He says that Juliet’s glow is brighter than the light of any torch.

41. How does Juliet address Romeo?

Ans: Juliet calls Romeo ‘day in night’.

42. Where, according to Juliet, will Romeo lie?

Ans: He will lie upon the wings of night.

43. What does Juliet call the night?

Ans: She calls it ‘gentle night’ and ‘loving black browed night.

44. What does she want to happen to Romeo after she dies?

Ans: She wants him to become little stars.

45. According to Juliet, what will happen if Romeo becomes little stars?

Ans: According to Juliet, if Romeo becomes stars no one would pay attention to the Sun.

46. Who is compared to a rich jewel in the poem “Romeo And Juliet’?

Ans: Juliet.

47. What does Juliet want Romeo to be made into when she dies?

Ans: Little stars.

48. “So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows” who is compared to a dove and who do crows’ stand for in this line from ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

Ans: Juliet, the other women/ladies present in the hall.

49. Who is going to decorate the sky in the form of stars according to Juliet?

Ans: Romeo.

50. For I ne’er saw true ……… till this night. Fill in the blank with a word from ‘Romeo and Juliet.

Ans: Beauty.

51. What does Juliet want Romeo to be made into after she dies?

Ans: Little stars.

52. Romeo compares Juliet to a rich jewel in whose ear?

Ans: In an Ethiope’s ear.

53. In Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ how does Romeo want his rude hand to be blessed?

Ans: Romeo wants his rude hand to be blessed with the touch of Juliet’s hand.

54. Who teaches the torches to burn bright in ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

Ans: Juliet.

55. When would the world pay no attention to the garish sun, according to Juliet?

Ans: After Romeo dies, he would beautify the sky and become a star. The world then, would no longer pay attention to the Sun and get enchanted by the beauty of the night sky.

56. When according to Juliet would Romeo make the face of heaven so fine?

Ans: Romeo would become a star.

57. What does Juliet want Romeo to be after her death?

Ans: To be a star.

58. Whom does the phrase ‘Snowy Dove’ refer to?

Ans: Juliet.

59. Whom does Romeo address as ‘Yonder Lady’?

Ans: Juliet.

60. Why does Romeo intend to touch Juliet?

Ans: Romeo’s rude hand is blessed.

61. What does Romeo compare Juliet to?

Ans: Snowy Dove.

62. Whom does Romeo call ‘Crows’?

Ans: The Women on the dance floor.

63. What does the phrase, ‘Face of Heaven’ signify in the extract from the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

Ans: It Signifies the brightness and beauty as reflected in the moon.

64. What does the phrase. ‘New Snow’ suggest in ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

Ans: Romeo.

65. What does Juliet ask the loving, Black browed night?

Ans: To bring her Romeo to her.

66. Who in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is compared to a ‘Rich Jewel’ in an Ethiope’s ear?

Ans: Juliet.

67. What according to Romeo does Juliet teach to burn bright?

Ans: The Torches.

68. Who according to Romeo teach the torches to burn bright?

Ans: Juliet.

69. Who according to Romeo seems to hang upon the cheek of night?

Ans: Juliet.

70. Whose beauty according to Romeo is too rich to use?

Ans: Juliet.

71. What disturbed the peace of Verona?

Ans: The frequent brawls between the two chief families of Montague and Capulet disturbed the peace of Verona.

72. How were the relations between the two families?

Ans: There was a relation of fierce enmity between the two families as a result of an old feud.

73. How can you say that there was a fierce enmity between the two families?

Ans: The enmity was fierce as even the family servants could not meet without an exchange of fierce words and sometimes, even bloodshed.

74. In order to stop these fights, what rule was passed by the Prince Escalus?

Ans: To prevent these disputes, Prince Escalus, the ruler of Verona, gave an order that anyone who will disturb the peace of Verona would be put to death.

75. Who wanted the hand of Juliet?

Ans: Paris, Kingsman of Prince Escalus, wanted the hand of Juliet, the daughter of Lord Capulet, in marriage.

76. Was Lord Capulet happy with this match?

Ans: Yes, Lord Capulet was happy with this match but asked Paris to wait for two years since Juliet was very young for marriage.

77. Whom did Romeo love?

Ans: Romeo loved Rosaline but she did not return his affections.

78. Who persuaded Romeo to go to the feast arranged by Lord Capulet and how did Romeo go there?

Ans: Benvolio persuaded Romeo to go to the feast arranged by Lord Capulet but with a mask.

79. Why was Romeo asked to wear a mask?

Ans: Romeo was asked to wear a mask because it was dangerous for Romeo (as a member of Montague) to be spotted at a Capulet gathering.

80. What did Benvolio say to Romeo while going for the feast?

Ans: Benvolio told Romeo that in the feast, he should meet Rosaline or someone else who would return his affections.

81. What was Juliet discussing with her mother about?

Ans: Juliet was discussing with her mother and her nurse about marrying Paris.

82. Was Juliet ready to marry Paris?

Ans: Though she was not yet ready to marry Paris but agreed to look at Paris during the feast.

83. Who went along with Romeo to the feast?

Ans: His friends Benvolio and Mercutio went along with him with masks.

84. What happened to Romeo in the feast?

Ans: Romeo saw Juliet from a distance and was so entranced that he forgot about Rosaline completely. They both danced together and fell in love at first sight.

85. Who recognized Romeo at the feast and what was his reaction?

Ans: Tybalt, a nephew of Lord Capulet recognized Romeo at the feast. He was enraged to saw a Montague-sneaking into a Capulet feast. He wanted to strike Romeo to death.

86. Why did Lord Capulet not let Tybalt strike young Romeo?

Ans: Lord Capulet did not let Tybalt strike young Romeo as he felt it would be disrespectful to his guests and also because he behaved like a gentleman.

87. Whom did Romeo meet and tell his love for Juliet?

Ans: Romeo met Friar Lawrence and told him about his love for Juliet.

88. Why did the friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet secretly?

Ans: Friar was hopeful that the love between Romeo and Juliet could end the age old feud between Capulets and Montagues. Hence, he agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet secretly. The next day, Romeo and Juliet met at Friar Lawrence’s Chambers and got married.

89. Who encountered Tybalt & where? What was he doing there?

Ans: Benvolio and Mercutio encountered Tybalt on the street. He was still enraged that Romeo attended the Capulet’s feast. Benvolio and Mercutio were exchanging angry words with him when Romeo passed by.

90. Why didn’t Romeo want to fight with Tybalt?

Ans: Romeo didn’t want to fight with Tybalt because he now became Tybalt’s kinsman by marrying Juliet so, he tried to make peace with him. But, Tybalt did not listen to him and drew out his sword.

91. The phrase ‘teach the torches to burn bright’ suggests:

(a) Juliet’s glow is brighter than the light of the torch.

(b) Her beauty is capable of enabling the torches to burn bright.

(c) Her beauty surpasses the brightness of light.

Ans: (c) Her beauty surpasses the brightness of light.

92. ‘for the earth too dear’ suggests that the lady’s beauty is:

(a) Rare.

(b) Divine.

(c) Expensive.

Ans: (a) Rare.

93. ‘the measure done’ connotes the completion of:

(a) Romeo’s admiration of Juliet’s beauty.

(b) Dance organized by Lord Capulet.

(c) Glorification of Juliet’s charm.

Ans: (b) Dance organized by Lord Capulet.

94. The line ‘did my heart love till now?’ suggest:

(a) Romeo feels he has fallen in love.

(b) Romeo has been attracted before.

(c) Romeo feels this is true love.

Ans: (c) Romeo feels this is true love.

95. The phase ‘new snow’ suggests:

(a) Love as pure as snow.

(b) Description of Romeo’s charm.

(c) Juliet’s discreet love for Romeo.

Ans: (b) Description of Romeo’s charm.

Short Type Question & Answers

1. What led Romeo to fight with Tybalt?

Ans: Romeo and Benvolio tried to stop both Tybalt and Mercutio from fighting with each other. But, in this fight Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and this enraged Romeo to fight with Tybalt and he killed him.

2. Who banished Romeo from Verona and what did Romeo do afterwards?

Ans: The Prince of Verona, Escalus banished Romeo from Verona for his crime. Romeo took shelter with Friar Lawrence and he advised him to leave for Mantua. He promised him that he would send him letters about news from Verona.

3. What difficulty did Juliet find herself in, after Romeo left for Mantua? How did she try to get out of it?

Ans: After Romeo left for Mantua, Juliet’s father wanted her to marry Paris within three days. Since Juliet could not give her father the real reason for not marrying Paris, she cited her young age and Tybalt’s recent death as reasons for not going through with a marriage feast. But her father was deaf to her excuses. Juliet then hurried to Friar Lawrence for help.

4. How did Friar help Juliet?

Ans: Friar made a plan to reunite Juliet with Romeo in Mantua, only if Juliet was brave enough to take a dangerous step. Juliet would have to drink a potion that would make her appear dead for forty-two hours the night before her wedding to Paris. After she was laid to rest in her family’s burial place, Romeo would come in the night and take her away to Mantua. The friar promised to send a message to Romeo explaining the plan.

5. What confusion reigned through the whole house next morning?

Ans: Romeo heard the dismal news of Juliet’s death at Mantua, before the Friar’s messenger could arrive. He bought a vial of poison from an apothecary, then sped to Verona to take his life at Juliet’s tomb.

6. How did Paris get killed?

Ans: When Romeo came to the tomb, Paris judged that Romeo had come to do some villainous act. He told Romeo that he was condemned by the State of Verona. So, he would die if found within the walls of the city. Romeo wanted Paris not to provoke his anger but Paris refused to his warnings and they fought with each other and thus, Paris got killed.

7. What did Romeo do after seeing Juliet’s body?

Ans: After seeing Juliet’s inanimate body, Romeo drank the poison and died by her side.

8. Why did Friar go to Juliet’s tomb that night?

Ans: Friar learnt that his letters sent to Mantua, by some unlucky delay had not reached Romeo. Therefore, he himself had visited the tomb to take Juliet that night but he got surprised to find both Romeo and Paris dead.

9. What did Juliet do after walking out of her trance?

Ans: When Juliet woke up, Friar told that their plans had been thwarted by a greater power and urged her to leave. Juliet saw the cup of poison in Romeo’s hand and realized that he had killed himself. Unable to bear his death, she quickly unsheathed a dagger which Romeo was wearing and stabbed herself and died by Romeo’s side.

10. What did the Prince tell Friar to do?

Ans: The Prince ordered Friar to relate all that he knew about the unfortunate event.

11. How did Lord Montague and Lord Capulate reunite?

Ans: The Prince made both of them realise the punishment that heaven had bestowed upon them for their enmity. So, the old rivals agreed to end their long standing feud.

12. Do Romeo and Juliet have sex?

Ans: At the beginning of Act III, scene v, Romeo and Juliet are together in Juliet’s bed just before dawn, having spent the night with each other and feeling reluctant to separate. We might conclude that we’re meant to infer that they just had sex, and that may be the way the scene is most commonly understood. However, we have no way of knowing specifically what they did, only that they enjoyed it. One reason why it might matter whether they had intercourse or not is that according to Catholic doctrine, a marriage isn’t fully valid until it has been consummated, and consummation specifically refers to having sex in such a way that conceiving children is possible. If the marriage is unconsummated it could still be annulled by their parents. Romeo and Juliet don’t talk about their experience in terms of their marriage or its permanence, however, focusing instead on the intensity of their feelings in the moment: Juliet longs for Romeo to stay for just a few more moments, denying the fact that dawn is coming, and Romeo says that he would rather stay and be put to death than leave. 

Just as Romeo and Juliet’s dialogue when they first meet takes the form of a sonnet, their dialogue here about being reluctant to separate takes the form of a type of poem called an aubade, in which lovers lament the necessity of separating before dawn-although in a traditional aubade the lovers have to separate because they are having an adulterous relationship and can’t get caught.

13. Is Juliet too young to get married?

Ans: In Act I, scene iii, we learn that Juliet will turn fourteen in a little more than two weeks, meaning that she’s thirteen during the events of the play. Legally, girls in Elizabethan England could marry as young as 12 with parental consent. Marriage at such a young age was, however, unusual, as indicated by the Capulets’ disagreement about whether Juliet is old enough to get married. Lady Capulet clearly indicates her belief Juliet has reached a marriageable age when she tells the Nurse, “my daughter’s of a pretty age”, meaning both a pleasing age and an age when she can now be considered an adult. 

Lord Capulet, however, seems less sure. When discussing the proposal with Paris, Juliet’s father insists, “My child is yet a stranger in the world” (I.ii.8). He further expresses concern that “too soon marred are those so early made”, meaning that early marriage can ruin a young woman. Although Lord Capulet changes his mind later, his wavering on the matter indicates the lack of a clear answer as to whether or not Juliet is old enough for marriage.

14. Who is Rosaline?

Ans: When we first see Romeo, he’s acting lovesick, and he explains to Benvolio that he’s in love with a woman who doesn’t return his “favour.” Romeo doesn’t identify the woman here, but somewhere between this scene and the next Benvolio learns her name, since in the later scene he points out that she’s on the guest list for the Capulet ball: “At this same ancient feast of Capulet’s / Sups the fair Rosaline whom thou so loves” (I.ii.83-84). 

From this reference, it becomes clear that Romeo is in love with a woman named Rosaline, and that she, like Juliet, is a Capulet. Benvolio then suggests that Romeo should try to get over Rosaline by going to the ball and looking upon “all the admired beauties of Verona”. Benvolio insists: “Compare her face with some that I shall show, / And I will make thee think thy swan a crow” (I.ii.87-88). Romeo follows Benvolio’s advice to the letter. And although Rosaline never appears onstage, she nevertheless plays an important role, since her rejection of Romeo ultimately leads him to his first, fateful encounter with Juliet.

15. Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?

Ans: In Act III, scène i, Tybalt is spoiling for a fight and calls Romeo a “villain.” But Romeo, who has secretly married Juliet and now considers Tybalt kin, turns the other cheek. Romeo brushes off the insult and responds to Tybalt’s unkindness with calm, though cryptic, words of  affection: protest I never injured thee,

But love thee better than thou canst devise

Till thou shalt know the reason of my love.

To Mercutio, Romeo’s refusal to fight Tybalt, coupled with this expression of kindness, represents “dishonourable, vile submission”. Inflamed by his  friend’s apparent lack of self-respect, Mercutio steps in to preserve Romeo’s reputation. It is worth noting that in Shakespeare’s England, duelling was common, despite being illegal. Young men, and particularly  those from the aristocratic class, felt the need to protect against all attacks on their honour, as well as the honour of their friends and kinsmen. This preoccupation with honour made it easy for mere insults transform quickly into fatal duels. As Lawrence Stone, a prominent historian of early modern England, comments: “Tempers were short and weapons easy to hand.” 

16. How does Romeo convince the reluctant Apothecary to sell him poison?

Ans: When Romeo knocks on his door and demands “A dram of poison”, the Apothecary resists, explaining that he could be put to death for selling deadly substances. “Such mortal drugs I have “the Apothecary tells Romeo,” but Mantua’s law / Is death to any he that utters them” (V.i.66 – 67). Romeo responds by commenting on the Apothecary’s gaunt and desperate appearance, and he asks why the man should fear death or uphold the law when he himself seems so miserable:

Art thou so bare and full of wretchedness,

And fearest to die? Famine is in thy cheeks;

Need and oppression starveth in thy eyes;

Contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back.

The world is not thy friend, nor the world’s law.

The world affords no law to make thee rich.

Romeo argues that the law against selling poison prevents the Apothecary from making a living. Thus, in order to survive, he should break the law. The wordplay that Romeo uses to convey this suggestion turns on the word “afford,” which means both “able to pay” and “able to offer.” Just as the Apothecary cannot afford to live well, the law does not afford for him to live well. In order to break out of this double bind, the Apothecary must reject the law. Romeo’s reasoning appeals to the Apothecary’s stomach, and he resentfully agrees to take Romeo’s money: “My poverty, but not my will, consents” (V.i.75).

17. Why do Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio go to the Capulets’ party?

Ans: Benvolio tells Romeo that Rosaline will be at the party. Benvolio wants to help Romeo let go of his obsession with Rosaline, and he explains that, while at the party, Romeo will be able to compare her to other girls and realize she is not the most beautiful. Romeo, on the other hand, says he will go to the party just so he can see Rosaline, the woman he believes he loves.

18. Who seems less impulsive and more realistic – Romeo or Juliet?

Ans: Juliet seems less impulsive and more realistic than Romeo. Romeo quickly changes the object of his affection from Rosaline to Juliet, and, despite the danger, he dares to go to Juliet’s house to declare his love even though he just met her. Juliet, on the other hand, says, “Although I joy in thee, / I have no joy of this contract tonight. / It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, / Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be / Ere one can say ‘It lightens”” (2.2.116-120). With these words, Juliet demonstrates that she understands the risk of his being at her home and tells Romeo that they must wait to be together.

19. Why does Friar Lawrence decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?

Ans: When Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet, Friar Lawrence agrees because he thinks their marriage might bring about the end of the feud between their two families. He states, “For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households’ rancour to pure love” (2.3.91-92). When Juliet arrives, Friar Lawrence wants to marry them as quickly as possible because their passion for each other makes him fear they will make love if left alone: “[Y]ou shall not stay alone / Till holy church incorporate two in one”.

20. Why does Mercutio say, “a plague o’ both your houses”?

Ans: While Tybalt and Mercutio fight, Tybalt is able to stab Mercutio with his sword because Romeo, in his efforts to keep the peace, steps between the two. Mercutio is mortally wounded and becomes the first true victim in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. Even though he is a friend to Romeo, he blames both families for his death and wishes them ill.

21. Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?

Ans: At first, Romeo does not want to fight Tybalt because he is now married to Juliet, Tybalt’s cousin, and he wants to keep the peace with his new family member, even if Tybalt is unaware that they are now related by marriage. However, Romeo quickly changes his mind when Tybalt kills his good friend, Mercutio. Romeo’s impulsiveness and anger get the better of him, and he attacks Tybalt.

22. Is there a villain in the play, and, if so, who is it?

Ans: The hot-headed young men in both families – the Capulets and the Montagues-might be the villains, especially Tybalt, who goes looking for Romeo even after Capulet tells him to leave Romeo alone. On the other hand, there may be no specific character who is the villain in the play. Instead, the Verona society, with its emphasis on feuding and fighting and blind familial loyalty, might be seen as responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

23. Why does the Prince exile Romeo?

Ans: Normally, in Verona society, someone who commits murder would be put to death himself. Hoping the Prince will see that Romeo rightfully killed Tybalt for killing Mercutio, Montague, Romeo’s father, explains, “His fault concludes but what the law should end, / The life of Tybalt” (3.1.181-182). The Prince apparently partially agrees, for instead of sentencing Romeo to death, he merely exiles Romeo for the murder of Tybalt.

24. Why does Juliet feel torn when she hears of Tybalt’s death?

Ans: Juliet feels torn because Tybalt was her cousin, but Romeo is her beloved husband. At first, she mourns Tybalt and reviles Romeo, saying, “O serpent heart hid with a flowering face! / Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? / Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical!” (3.2.74-76) But then her love for Romeo overcomes her feelings of betrayal and anger, especially when she realizes that Tybalt would have killed Romeo.

25. At the end of Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night together, why does Juliet first deny that it is day and then change her mind?

Ans: As dawn breaks, Juliet denies to Romeo that it is day, for she doesn’t want Romeo to leave her, it being the end of their first night together. However, as she awakens more and her mind clears, she realizes that Romeo’s life is in danger should he be found in her bedroom, and she admits that the day has begun. She urges Romeo to leave despite her wanting to stay with him.

26. Why does Friar Lawrence’s plan to help Romeo reunite with Juliet fail?

Ans: Friar Lawrence sends Friar John to Mantua to tell the banished Romeo of his plan: that Juliet will take a potion and will appear to be dead so that Romeo can come and take her away to be with him in exile. But on his way to Mantua, Friar John stops at a house that is quarantined because of the plague, and he is not allowed to leave. Later, Balthasar, not knowing of Friar Lawrence’s plan, goes to Mantua and tells Romeo that Juliet has died. Romeo, believing his Juliet is dead, goes to her tomb and kills himself with poison.

27. What effect does the accelerated time scheme have on the play’s development? Is it plausible that a love story of this magnitude could take place so quickly? Does the play seem to take place over as little time as it actually occupies?

Ans: Because of the intensity of the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and the complex development of events during the few days of the play’s action, the story can certainly seem to take place over a time span much longer than the one it actually occupies. By compressing all the events of the love story into just a few days, Shakespeare adds weight to every moment. It gives the sense that the action is happening so quickly that characters barely have time to react, and, by the end, that matters are careening out of control. This rush heightens the sense of pressure that hangs in the atmosphere of the play. While it may not seem plausible for a story such as Romeo and Juliet to take place over a span of only four days in the real world, this abbreviated time scheme makes sense in the universe of the play.

28. Compare and contrast the characters of Tybalt and Mercutio. Why does Mercutio hate Tybalt?

Ans: As Mercutio tells Benvolio, he hates Tybalt for being a slave to fashion and vanity, one of “such antic, lisping, affecting phantas-/ ims, these new tuners of accent!… these fashionmongers, these pardon me'”. Mercutio is so insistent that the reader feels compelled to accept this description of Tybalt’s character as definitive. Tybalt does prove Mercutio’s words true: he demonstrates himself to be as witty, vain, and prone to violence as he is fashionable, easily insulted, and defensive. To the self-possessed Mercutio, Tybalt seems a caricature; to Tybalt, the brilliant, earthy, and unconventional Mercutio is probably incomprehensible. (It might be interesting to compare Mercutio’s comments about Tybalt to Hamlet’s description of the foppish Osric in Act 5, scene 2 of Hamlet, lines 140-146.).

29. Romeo claims to have never seen true beauty till he saw does he justify his statement?

Ans: Romeo is fascinated by Juliet’s beauty at the just sight. In fact, he is mesmerized by her beauty. He feels that Juliet can teach the torches to burn bright. It charms the place and illuminates it more than the brightness of light. Her beauty seems to be too rare and splendid that seems to hang upon cheek of night as rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. Her beauty is too rich for use; too dear for earth. She appears to him a white showy dove and her companions appear to be crows. He wants to touch her hand and get his rude hands blessed by her soft and gentle touch. He asks himself whether his heart ever loved before this moment as he never saw such true beauty,

30. How does Romeo glorify the beauty of Juliet?

Ans: The moment Romeo sees Juliet, he is mesmerized by her beauty. He applauds Juliet’s beauty and says that her beauty is so brilliant that it can inspire a torch to burn more brightly meaning that even bright light of a torch is pale as compared to her radiant beauty. He compares her beauty to twilight, soft and radiant that illuminates the place. It shines as a jewel worn by a dark-skinned African woman. He compares her beauty as rare and priceless to be seen on a mortal man comparing her beauty to heavenly beauty. Just as a white coloured pigeon can be easily admired among a crowd of black crows. Her beauty is evident among other beauties, meaning that she is more beautiful than the others. He tells himself that having appreciated her beauty, he will follow her and touch her and feel blessed. Romeo questions himself whether he had loved anyone before he fell in love with Juliet meaning that he had found true love. He feels that his eyes are enriched after seeing such beauty.

31. What similes does Romeo use to convey Juliet’s beauty?

Ans: Romeo uses two similes to convey Juliet’s beauty: It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night; As a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear’.

In these lines Romeo compares Juliet to a glittering shining jewel. The ‘cheek of night and ‘Ethiope’s ear symbolizes darkness. Just like the night is dark similarly the complexion of an American or Ethiopian lady is also dark. Just like a jewel in the Ethiopian’s lady ears shines brightly against the dark contrast similarly in that darkness of the night Juliet’s complexion is glowing bright and shining like a jewel. The second simile that Romeo uses is: So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows; as yonder lady over fellow shows In these lines Romeo compares Juliet to a dove which is a symbol of purity and beauty while the other ladies are called crows in comparison to her.

32. How, according to Juliet, would Romeo be immortalized in the world?

Ans: Juliet asks the night to bring with it her Romeo. She tells the night that after she dies, take her Romeo and turn him into little stars. According to her, if Romeo is turned into stars, then, the night will be so beautiful and bright that the entire world will fall in love with the night and no one will look at the gaudy Sun. This way Romeo will always live and he will be immortalized.

33. How does Shakespeare glorify beauty and love in Romeo and Juliet?

Ans: In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare describes the intense love that Romeo and Juliet felt for each other and Juliet’s beauty that attracted Romeo to her. Romeo feels, he has not seen a more beautiful woman than Juliet in his life. She shines like a jewel and star. Her beauty is too good for this world and she outshines all other woman like a dove among crows. Juliet eagerly waits to meet Romeo and requests night to turn him into a star that shines bright. She longs for his visit. She feels he is like a day that comes during the night. He is whiter than the snow on the black wings of a raven. Both of them look forward to spending time together and are ready to sacrifice their lives for their love.

34. How do Romeo and Juliet describe their feelings of love to each other?

Ans: In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo sees Juliet on the dance floor among a group of beautiful women. He is, at once, fascinated by her beauty and falls in love with her. He feels he has not seen a lady more beautiful than Juliet. To him she is a rich jewel that shines bright. She is such a splendid woman who should not die any day. Romeo thinks his hands will be blessed if they happen to touch the hands of Juliet. She too feels the same way when she waits at the garden to meet Romeo. The love between them is mutual as she also longs for his visit and requests the night to bring him soon. She pleads that Romeo should be turned into stars so that, on her death, his face would make heavens so beautiful that the whole world would love him.

35. How effectively has Shakespeare used figures of speech like similes and metaphors to describe Juliet’s beauty and Romeo’s love?

Ans: Figures of speech are usually introduced in poetry to highlight an idea the poet wants to convey. Shakespeare in “Romeo and Juliet’ introduces imagery to describe Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is fascinated by the beauty of Juliet and says that her beauty surpasses the brightness of light of the torch. He personifies her beauty by saying she is glowing like the “cheek of night”, she is a “rich jewel in an Ethiopian’s ear” and a “snowy dove” among “crows”. Juliet says Romeo is like a “day in night” and he is whiter than new snow on a raven’s back. She requests night to turn him into stars that would be shining in the sky and those bright stars would be admired by the people of the world.

36. How does Juliet want Romeo to be immortalized, in the play Romeo and Juliet?

Ans: The poem Romeo and Juliet captures the immense love of Romeo and Juliet towards each other. Juliet is of the opinion that, Romeo is a bright and a cheerful person. His coming, even during the night time, makes it bright like a day. She says that he looks bright like the new snow present on the raven’s (crow’s) back. She makes it very clear that she doesn’t want to give up Romeo even after her death. In order to immortalize him, she would want night to make him into tiny little stars and put him on sky to make it shine and glitter. The twinkling light would look so beautiful that the people would stop worshipping the Sun considering it to been harsh and glaring, and start liking the night sky. Consequently, the world would understand the immortal love of Romeo and Juliet.

37. How does Juliet welcome night? Why?

Ans: Juliet invites night so that Romeo may come to her unseen by others. She says that Romeo is ‘day in night to her and his presence alone will make her night bright to her. She says after her death, she wants night to set up Romeo amongst stars so that he will make the face of heaven beautiful and make the people forget the Sun. The word night’ symbolically stands for secrecy and caution that needs to be exercised in their love affair. In this manner, she wants to immortalize Romeo and her love for him. Furthermore, ‘When I shall die’ and ‘cut him out in little stars’, and ‘heaven’ are expressions that clearly refer to death and immortality.

38. How does Romeo describe Juliet’s beauty?

Ans: Romeo happens to see Juliet for the first time at the grand supper hosted by Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father. Though he belongs to the Montague family and they are staunch enemies, he is strangely attracted towards Juliet. He feels that Juliet is brighter than any torch. She is compared to a rich jewel in an African woman’s earlobe. The other maidens surrounding her look like mere crows whereas she is the snowy dove. Romeo feels that his rude hands would be blessed if she just touches them. He feels he has not seen such a real beauty in his life so far.

39. How does Romeo describe Juliet?

Ans: Romeo is fascinated by Juliet’s beauty. He feels that Juliet teaches the torches to burn bright, meaning to say that her beauty surpasses the brightness of light. Her beauty seems to be too rare and splendid. He compares her to a rich jewel in an Ethiopia’s ear. She appears to be a snowy dove and her companions appear to be crows. He feels like touching her hand and get his rough hand blessed by her soft and gentle touch.

40. Describe the immortal love of Romeo and Juliet.

Ans: The poem Romeo and Juliet captures the immense love of Romeo and Juliet towards each other. Romeo sees Juliet on the dance floor an.long a group of beautiful women. He is, at once, fascinated by her beauty and falls in love with her. He feels that he has not seen a lady more beautiful than Juliet. To him, she is a rich jewel that shines bright. She is such a splendid woman who should not die any day. Romeo thinks his hands will be blessed if they happen to touch the hands of Juliet. She too feels the same when she waits in the garden to meet Romeo. The love between them is mutual as she also longs for his visit and requests the night to bring him soon. She pleads that Romeo should be turned into stars after his death so that it makes the heaven beautiful and the whole world would love him. Thus, he would be immortalized forever and generations to come would talk about their love.

41. What does Romeo intend to do after the dance is over?

Ans: Romeo is truly mesmerized by Juliet’s beauty. He keeps watching her and compares her to beautiful glittering jewel on the cheek of night. According to him she was like a dove among crows in the party. However, he is not satisfied by just looking at her and admiring her beauty. He wants to get closed to her and longs to touch her. After the dance is over, Romeo intends to stand at the place where Juliet stood. He longs to touch her hand. He feels that by touching her lovely hand, his ugly hand would be blessed.

42. What question does Romeo ask himself after he saw Juliet? Why?

Ans: Romeo asks himself if his heart, till now, knew at all what love was. Romeo, till then, had thought that he was in love with Rosaline. But after he saw Juliet, he realized that he had never experienced such feelings before. He was totally mesmerized by Juliet’s beauty. He had never seen such divine beauty and had never felt this intensely for anyone, even for Rosaline. Thus, he now realizes that what he had for Rosaline was not true love. In fact, he realizes that he had never experienced true love earlier. It was only after he saw Juliet, he realizes what true love feels like.

43. How does Juliet address the night? What request does she make to it?

Ans: Juliet invokes night intensely and passionately. She yearns for her lover and asks the night to bring her love on its wings. Longing for her love, she lovingly calls the night addressing it as ‘gentle night’ and ‘loving black browed night. She requests the night to give her Romeo back and after she dies, she asks the night to set Romeo in heaven as stars.

44. Why does Juliet want Romeo to turn into stars? According to her, what would happen if it comes true?

Ans: Juliet wants to immortalize her love. Probably, she has a premonition of their impending deaths. She knows about the enmity between the two families and although firmly accepting and standing by her love. She somewhere knows that they would not be able to live together. And so to immortalize her love, she wants Romeo to be turned into stars. According to her, when Romeo will shine like stars in heaven, her lover will make such a soothing beautiful sight that no one would like to look at the gaudy bright Sun.

45. Do you think that Juliet had a premonition about their impending deaths? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Yes, Probably Juliet had a premonition of their tragic ends. This is the reason why she talks about her death and immortalizing her love after she dies. Setting Romeo as stars on the face of heaven also in a way is hint to the reader by the playwright of the couple’s tragedy.

Long Type Question & Answers

1. Discuss on the setting of the play.

Ans: Verona is a city in northeastern Italy. In Shakespeare’s lifetime, it was part of the Venetian Republic, but until 1405 it had been an independent city-state. The Verona of Romeo and Juliet seems to be independent and with its own prince, who authorizes and enforces local laws. It seems likely, then, that the play takes place sometime in the fourteenth century. Curiously, audiences in Shakespeare’s own time would have already associated the city of Verona with a pair of ill-fated young lovers named Romeo ManTech and Gillette Cappelletti. These are the protagonists of a 1530 story by the Italian writer Luigi da Porto concerning two Veronese lovers caught on either side of a family feud. In the 1560s, Arthur Brooke penned a popular poem that translated da Porto’s story into English, and the translation quickly went through several editions. Thus, by the time Shakespeare adapted the popular story for the stage, Verona would already have been well-known in England as a site of tragedy. 

(On the other hand, Shakespeare often set his comedies in Italy, and the play at first seems like it might go in the direction of a comedy.) Even if Shakespeare’s audience hadn’t been familiar with da Porto’s story of Veronese lovers, Romeo and Juliet’s Italian setting would still have signaled that the play is about extreme passions. In Shakespeare’s day, many people shared the popular belief that hot climates induced passionate behaviors. Benvolio, for instance, worries about encountering the Capulets because “[F]or now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring” (III.i.4). But Italy was particularly associated with romantic passion, a fact Shakespeare alludes to when Mercutio teases Romeo for imitating the language of an Italian poet famous for his love sonnets: “Now is he for the numbers Petrarch flowed in” (II.iv.14). Shakespeare also reflects the popular belief that Italian women are more sexually passionate than English women when he gives Juliet explicitly erotic language. It’s therefore likely that English Renaissance audiences would have believed that Romeo and Juliet’s intense passion for one another resulted in part from the Italian climate and culture, and not solely from their individual choices. In this sense, the Italian setting reinforces the play’s overarching theme that the lovers cannot escape their fate.

In addition to reflecting popular beliefs about Italy, Romeo and Juliet also emphasizes the division between two symbolic worlds that Romeo and Juliet inhabit within Verona. The first of these worlds is the dangerous, masculine world of the streets, where Romeo roves about with other rash and reckless youths. The second of these worlds is the secluded, feminine world of the Capulet house, where Juliet remains confined. The symbolic division between these two worlds reinforces the difficulty the two lovers face in their attempts to be together. In fact, the division remains so strict that the only reason the lovers even meet is that Romeo forces entry into the Capulet house on two occasions-first, to crash the ball, and later, to have a private meeting with Juliet. Aside from the strictly divided worlds. of the street and the Capulet house, there also exists a third, neutral space that is, the church where Friar Laurence presides over Romeo and Juliet’s secret wedding. Although the neutrality of the church officially enables their union, it ultimately cannot protect the lovers from the powers that otherwise seek to confine them to their own symbolic worlds.

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