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Comprehensive In English Grammar
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The Constitution of India ensured woman an equal position with man in regard to her rights and responsibilities: inheritance and other laws were enacted to safeguard her and to give her economic and psychological stability. We see how fragile legislation can be when it is not backed by sturdy and passionate human beings who ensure that legislation is translated into action
In the last few years we find an erosion of woman’s position not only in India but all over the world. There is a growing materialism and e increasing fundamentalism which seeks to entangle woman through an emphasis on tradition, heritage. custom, the Shastras, religious texts and so push her back centuries, through a man-made social code that limits woman’s initiative, creativity and growth technology. in computer
With the explosion literacy and an increasing search for extending areas of artificial intelligence, new challenges have appeared on the horizon. Labour based on the male physique which dominated employment and defined a woman’s role for centuries is being replaced by for skill and intelligence-oriented systems creating wealth. It is possible in the coming decades to erase discrimination based on gender; but in India to introduce such systems that render the human beings less and less important in the production processes, when seen against a a scenario of exploding populations of growing unemployment, can only accentuate tension and conflict. As of today no social. economic and psychological solutions to the problem of employment are available. Reservations for women remain valid on paper. The woman remains a victim.
Economic freedom and the independence that arises from it is essential for women. We have to ensure through field studies, through education, through right use of franchise, through an observing eye and ear to unravel this knot of employement for women. This is only possible with a right use of technology and the examination and strengthening of existing technologies.
A growing fundamentalism is evident in the horrors that have been perpetrated on woman. We are aware how through TV, radio, advertising, magazines, visual and language traps are set up in which woman inevitably falls. This is further accentuated through an educational system, through outdated values and through a close-box culture which binds woman to ber man-made role as daughter, wife and mother, so that she exists only in relation to man. In our culture the woman has no independent existence.
Can we create a new agenda for woman based on skill, creativity, knowledge, austerity, compassion and responsibility
1. Why could legislation not give women their due share?
A. Because legislation has remained merely on paper
B. Men have resisted legislation in a vehement
C. way Women’s position has deteriorated all over the world
D. Women have been denied economic opportunities
E. None of these
Ans: A. Because legislation has remained merely on paper
2. Why does the Constitution give equal position to woman with man?
A .To enable her to carry out her domestic responsibilities in a better way
B. To help her enjoy more rights over ancestral property
C. To make her monetarily independent and psychologically stable
D. To maintain the dominance of males as per the social demand
E. None of these
Ans: C. To make her monetarily independent and psychologically stable
3. Why has women’s status been worsening these days?
A. There is more emphasis on superficial aspects of life
B. The social codes have always remained gender
C. Society expects women not to do what they did centuries ago
D. Women have been unwilling to do anything er-biased creative
E. The religious texts recommend that women should remain merely home-makers
Ans: B. The social codes have always remained gender
4. How does growing unemployment in India come in the way of upliftment of women?
A. There are no solutions to the socio psychological problems of unemployment
B. There are no special reservations for women
C. It makes the use of modern techniques which are gender-biased
D. Human beings have become less important in the present industrial world
E. None of these
Ans: C. It makes the use of modern techniques which are gender-biased
5. What is one of the ways of attaining self sufficiency for women according to the passage?
A. Gaining respect in the eyes of men
B. Being financially independent
C. Learning new skills
D. Doing some productive work at home E Getting higher education
Ans: C. Learning new skills
6. Why do women have no independent existence in our country?
A. We have an obsolete educational system
B. The mass media project her in the wrong light
C. Men are bent on exploiting women for their benefit
D. She has to play the roles men assign to her
E. None of these
Ans: D. She has to play the roles men assign to her
7. Which of the following is the result of technological explosion?
A. The Act of Indian Constitution to give equal status to women
B. Growing fundamentalism and its undesirable results
C. Physical activities can now be replaced by skill and intelligence-oriented systems
D. Outdated educational system and its implementation
E. None of these
Ans: C. Physical activities can now be replaced by skill and intelligence-oriented systems
8. What was the basis of differentiation between the male and female roles?
A Intellectual superiority of males
B. Skills that men possessed and women did not
C. Technological innovations
D. Superior physical attributes of males E None fo these
Ans: D. Superior physical attributes of males E None fo these
9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with reference to the above passage?
A. Gender inequality should be eliminated
B. Legally men and women have equal rights
C. The present educational system needs to be revamped
D. The importance of physical strength in comparison to intellectual power has decreased
E. Tackling the social, economic and psychological problems of unemployment. is very easy
Directions (Q.s. 10 to 12): Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage?
Ans: E. Tackling the social, economic and psychological problems of unemployment. is very easy
10. Growth
A. increase
B. development
C. enlargement
D. expansion
E. cultivation
Ans: B. development
11. Observing
A. looking
B. watching
C. adhering
D. examine
E. critical
Ans: B. watching
12. Sturdy
A. bold
B. vigorous
C. spontaneous
D. stout
E. rugged
Directions (Qs. 13 to 15): Which of the following is the most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage.
Ans: B. vigorous
13. Discrimination
A. equality
B. Incrimination
C. partiality
D. justice
E. honour
Ans: A. cquality
14. Entangle
A. arrest
B. wrap
C. free
D. relief
E. escape
Ans: C. free
15 unvravel
A. real
B. fictitious
C. lose
D. solve
E. tighten
Ans: E. tighten
For years now, George W. Bush has told Americans that he would increase the number of troops in Iraq only if the commanders on the ground asked him to do so. It was not a throwaway line : Bush said it from the very first days of the war, when he and Pentagon boss Donald Rumsfeld were criticized for going to war with too few troops. He said it right up until last summer, stressing at a news conference in Chicago that Iraq commander General George Casey “Will make the decisions as to how many troops we have there. Seasoned military people suspected that the line was a dodge-that the civilians who ran the Pentagon were testing their personal theory that war can be fought on the cheap and the brass simply knew better than to ask for more. In any case, the president repeated the mantra to dismiss any suggestion that the war was going badly, Who, after all knew better than the generals on the ground?
Now, as the war nears the end of its fourth year and the number of Americans killed has surpassed 3,000, Bush has dropped the generals-know-best line. Sometime next week the President is expected in the propose a surge number of U.S. forces in Iraq for a period of upto two years. A senior official said reinforcenients numbering “About 20,000 troops,” and may be more, could be in place within months, The surge would be achieved by extending the stay of some forces already in Iraq and accelerating the deployment of others.
The irony is that while the generals would have liked more troops in the past, they are cool to the idea of sending more now. That’s in part because the politicians and commanders have had trouble agreeing on what the goal of a surge would be. But it is also because they are worried that a surge would further crode the readiness of the U.S.’s already stressed ground forces. And even those who back a surge are under no illusions about what it would mean to the casualty rate. “If you put more American troops on the front line,” said a White House official, “You’re going to have more casualties.”
Coming from Bush, aman known for bold strokes, the surge is a strange half-measure-too large for the political climate at home, too small to crush the insurgency in Iraq and surely three years too late. Bush has waved off a bipartisan rescue mission out – of pride, stubbornness or ideology, or some
combination of the three. Rather than reversing course, as all the wise elders of the Iraq Study Group advised the Commander in Chief is betting that more troops will lead the way to what one White House official calls “Victory.”
1. Bush and Rumsfeld had received brickbats for
A. waging a war against Iraq
B. testing their personal theories
C. their assertion in the news conference in Chicago
D. turning down the demands of General George Casey
E. None of these
Ans: C. their assertion in the news conference in Chicago
2. George Bush gave an impression to his subjects that his army commanders were given the autonomy to decide
A. when to start or stop the war in Iraq
B. the reasonable requirement of American troops to fight the war in Iraq
C. how many troops should Iraq use to fight against the Americans
D. the Pentagon policies regarding war in Iraq
E. None of these
Ans: B. the reasonable requirement of American troops to fight the war in Iraq
3. From the content of the passage, which of the following can be definitely inferred?
1. The U.S. troops in Iraq are happy with their victory
2. The troops already fighting the war in Iraq are sufficient enough to combat the situation effectively.
3. The generals who were carlier not in favour of increasing troops in Iraq are now insisting on surge.
A (1) and (2) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. None E All the three
Ans: D. None E All the three
4. Which of the following best describes Bush’s persistent reaction to the observations that the Iraq war strategy was not effective due to inadequate American forces?
A. Such strategies are better left to Army Commanders to decide on the ground
B. Civilians are the best assessors of such strategies
C. Wars can be fought on the cheap
D. The brass knew better of war but not politics
E. None of these of
Ans: A Such strategies are better left to Army Commanders to decide on the ground
5. The author of the passage appears to be
A. in favor of enhancement of American troops in Iraq
B. critical about Bush’s strategy of handling situation in Iraq
C. an impartial assessor of the US strategy related to the situation in Iraq
D. Dan indifferent onlooker of what is happening in Iraq
E. inclined to the idea of withdrawal of American troops to save casualty
Ans: B. critical about Bush’s strategy of handling situation in Iraq
6. Which of the following is the assessment of the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. forces in Iraq on the present situation there?
A. America’s desired goal will be achieved if more troops are deployed in Iraq
B. Withdrawal of troops from Iraq is essential to raise the morale of the U.S. Army
C. Further strengthening of U.S. army in Iraq will be suicidal as it means more destruction of U.S. forces
D. Pentagon’s civilians should not have been allowed to interfere with the army commanders’ strategies
E. None these of
Ans: A. America’s desired goal will be achieved if more troops are deployed in Iraq
7. Which of the following strategies would achieve the desired increase in American forces in Iraq?
1. Continuation of stay of troops for a further period
2. Expeditious deployment of additional troops Seeking additional input from politicians and commanders of neighboring friendly
3. countries
A (1) and (2) only
B. (3) only C. (2) only
D. (1) and (2) only
E None of these
Ans: D. (1) and (2) only
8. Why do the army commanders disfavour enhancement of troops now?
1. More force means more casualties
2 Difference of opinion between politicians and commanders about the aim of the troop enhancement
3. Probable adverse psychological impact on ground forces
A Only (1) and
(2) B. Only (2) and (3)
C. All the three E None of these
D. Only (1) and (3)
Ans: C. All the three E None of these
9. Which of the following made Bush change his thinking about the requirement of forces in Iraq?
1. The unreasonably long period for which the war continued
2. The large number of American soldiers killed in the war
3. Demand from the Army Commanders
A. Only (1) and (3)
B. Only (1) and (2)
C. Only (2) and (3)
D. All the three
E. Only (3)
Directions (10 – 12): Which of the following most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage ?
Ans: 3. Demand from the Army Commanders A Only (1) and (3)
10. Cool
A. Warm
B. enthusiastic
C. Unwelcome
D. intemperate
E. Indifferent
Ans: B enthusiastic
11. Surge
A. Enhancement
B. trivializing
C. Reduction
D. strengthening
E. Up gradation
Ans: B. enthusiastic
12. Stubbornness
A. Uncertainty
B. weakness
C. Acceptability
D. infirmity
E. Flexibility
Directions (13 – 15): Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage ?
Ans: E. Flexibility
13. Illusion
A. Reality
B. reflection
C. Fantastic
D. Delusion
E. Deviation
Ans: A. Reality
14. Insurgency
A. Rebellion
B. ingredients
C. Combat
D. debacle
E. Violation
Ans: A. Rebellion
15. Irony
A. Leveling
B. precautions
C. controversy
D. mockery
E. perception
Ans: E. perception

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