Comprehensive In English Grammar Part – II

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Comprehensive Part – II

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India’s role on the international stage was mounded by history rather than by the pomp and circumstances of war. As a separate entity of the British empire, India became a founder member of the League of Nations in the same way as Australia and Canada, and thus acquired a somewhat unique international status long before independence. During the days of the League when India’s interests were affected, such as in matters of trade or the position of Indians overseas, the Indian delegation did not hesitate to mako known its independent position, for what it was worth. Some Indian delegates were in demand for chairing meetings riddled with contention and controversy, because of their reputation for impartiality and talent for mediation

These were the small beginnings of India’s later entry into the United Nations in 1945, again as a founder member before independence. The drafting of Chapter IX and X of the UN Charter, which deal with international social and economic cooperation, was entrusted to a group that was presided over by an Indian. It is important, however, to bear in mind that fact that the Government of independent India had no part in the drafting of the UN Charter, although in accepted the obligations contained therein. The UN was primarily the creation of three powers-The USA, UK and Russia.

The size, population, resources and potential of India lent it the weight of a medium power in the functioning of the United Nations. The fact that India was among the first nations to liberate itself from the imperialist domination through non-violent means endowed it with a moral obligation to work in and outside the UN for the independence of nations still under colonial rule. India has served on the Security Council for 10 years or 5 terms, on the Trusteeship Council for 12 years or 4 terms and on the Economie and Social Council for 21 years or 7 terms.

1. The title below that best expresses the ideas of the passage is: 

A. India’s role at the United Nations

B. India and Her Neighbours

C. India’s International Prestige

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D. British Colonial Expansion

Ans: A. India’s role at the United Nations

2. Through a part of the British Empire, India enjoyed great prestige at the League in as much as Indian delegates were in demand for chairing meeting because to consider controversial issues, It was

(I) Indian delegates were well impartiality known for their

(II) Indian delegates had talent for mediation

 (III) India was considered a power to reckon with 

A. I and III are correct

B. I and II are correct 

C. I and III are correct

D. only I is correct

Ans: B. I and II are correct 

3. Which articles of the UN Charter deal with International Social and Economic Co operation ?

A. Articles IX and X 

B. Articles XI and XII

C. Articles VIII and VII

D. Articles VI and VII

Ans: A. Articles IX and X 

4. Which of the following countries does not find any coverage in the passage ?


B. Britain 

C. The Russia 

D. Sri Lanka

Ans: D. Sri Lanka


Some religious teachers have taught that Man is made up of a body and a soul: but they have been silent about the Intellect. Their followers try to feed the body on earth and to save soul from perdition after death: but they neglected the claims of the mind Bread for the body and Virtue for the soul these are regarded as the indispensable requisites of human welfare here and hereafter. Nothing is said about knowledge and education. Thus Jesus Christ spoke much of feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and converting the sinners: but he never taught the y of teaching the ignorant and increasing scientific knowledge. He himself was not a well educated man. and intellectual pursuits were beyond his horizon. Gautam Buddha also laid stress on morality meditation and asceticism, but he did not attach great importance to history, science, art or literature. S. Ambrose deprecated scientific studies and wrote. To discuss the nature and position of the earth does not help us in our hope for life to come”. St. Basil said very frankly and foolishly, “It is not a matter of interest for us whether the earth is a sphere or a cylinder or disc.” Thomas Carlyle also followed the Christian traditions when he declared that he honoured only two men and no third: the manual labour and the religious teacher. He forgot the scientist, the scholar and the artist. The cynics of Greece despised education at last ?

1. What have the religious teachers taught in past ?

A. That man is made up of body only

B. That man is made up of soul only

C. That man is made up of bubbles 

D. That man is made up of body and together

Ans: D. That man is made up of body and together

2. What is food for the soul ?

A. Bread

B. Virtue

C. Vice

D. Education

Ans: B. Virtue

3. The following philosophers occur in the passage. But they are not in correct order Correct the order.

(I) Jesus Christ

(II) Gautam Buddha 

(III) St. Ambrose 

(IV) Thomas Carlyle

(V) St. Basil

A I, II, III, IV, V  

B. I, III, IV, V, II 

C. 1, II, III, V. IV

D. II. I, III, IV. V

Ans: C. 1, II, III, V. IV

4. Intellectual pursuits have been neglected because

(I) they are unnecessary and superfluous

(II) they make people dwarf

(III) they lead people to hell

A. Only 1 is correct

B. Only II is correct 

C. Only III is correct

D. Only I and are correct

Ans: A. Only 1 is correct

5. The style of the passage is

A. narrative 

B. expository 

C. critical 

D. Analytical

Ans: assnwers is not there 

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