Class 7 English Chapter 2 Uruka Adventure

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SEBA Class 7 English Chapter – 2 Uruka Adventure Solution – ইংৰাজী

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Q. 1. Let’s see how much you have understood the story. Answer the questions.

(a) Who was the leader of the boys in their adventure on Uruka night ?

Ans : Mahen was the leader of the boys in their adventure on Uruka night.

(b) What were the names of Mahen’s friends?

Ans : Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon were Mahen’s friends.

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(c) What did they propose to Mahen on Uruka night?

Ans: They proposed that Mahan should lead them in an Uruka night.

(d) What was the age-old custom that Mahen was referring to ?

Ans : Spending the Uruka night in the Bhelaghar (feasting house) and picking vegetables when everyone is asleep is the age-old custom that Mahen refers to.

(e) What was Mahen’s reaction to their proposal?

Ans: Mahen jumped up excitedly and looked at his friends with an air of authority.

(f) What did the boys do after the feast ?

Ans : When everyone left the boys stayed behind huddling around the big fire. At midnight they walked quietly to Shantiram’s house to steal vegetables from his field. 

(g) Who was Shantiram ? 

Ans : Shantiram was a retired army man and farming is his hobby, his garden was full of Cabbage, brinjals, carrots and other seasonal vegetables.

(h) Why was Shantiram sitting wrapped in a black blanket? Where was Shantiram sitting ?

Ans : It was Uruka night and Shantiram was aware of Uruka night adventures. He guessed that something might have happened that night. 

He wore a black heap and sat in the middle of his garden.  

(i) What was the black heap of garbage that Mahen noticed ?

Ans : The black heap of garbage that Mahen noticed was Shantiram who was sitting in his garden.

(j) What made the night appear more haunting?

Ans : It was midnight and it was very silent on a cold January night. The nightjar ( a small species of owl) was screeching eerily at regular intervals, it made the atmosphere all the more haunting.

(k) Why did the boys run away from the garden?

Ans : The boys saw a black heap of garbage right in the middle of the rows of vegetables which soon came alive and dashed towards them speedily. In fear the boys run away from the garden. 

(l) What happened when the boys were about to pick the vegetables ?

Ans : The boys stretched their hands to pick the vegetables and suddenly the black heap jerked up, and dashed towards them with great speed. The boys became frightened and ran away from the place.

(m) Who did the boys think chased them?

Ans : The boys thought that they were chased by the ghost.

Q. 2. Here are some of the events that happened on the Uruka night, but they are not arranged in the proper order.

Arrange the sentences in the proper sequence and then read the lesson to check your answer. 

(a) Mahen saw something like a black heap of garbage in the middle of the garden.

(b) Shantiram ran towards the boys when the boys were about to pick the vegetables.

(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rintu, Rumen, and Mahen planned an adventure on uruka night.

(d) The boys ran frantically out of the garden, scared that the ghost was after them.

(e) Just past midnight, the fire boys headed towards Shantaram’s vegetable garden.

Ans : (1) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku, Rumen and Mohen planned an adventure on uruka night.

(2) Just past midnight, the five boys headed towards Shantaram’s vegetable garden.

(3) Mahen saw something like a black heap of garbage in the middle of the garden.

(4) Shantiram ran towards the boys when the boys were. about to pick the vegetables.

(5) The boys ran frantically out of the garden, scared that the ghost was after them.

Q. 3. Look at the words in the two boxes below, One contains the names and the other contains their descriptions. Match the words to their descriptions and write them in your notebooks.

(a) Uruka(i) the four friends of  Mahendra.
(b) Shantiram (ii) a small pieces of owl.
(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon(iii) The leader of the adven- ture on Uruka night.
(d) Mahendra (iv) a retired army man who was interested in farming.
(e) The Nightjar(v) a bamboo gate.
(f) Nongola(vi) The annual feast ahead of Magh Bihu.


(a) Uruka(i) The annual feast ahead of Magh Bihu.
(b) Shantiram (ii) a retired army man who was interested in farming.
(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon(iii) the four friends of Mahendra.
(d) Mahendra (iv) the leader of the adventure on. Uruka night.
(e) The Nightjar(v) a small species of owl.
(f) Nongola(vi) a bamboo gate.

Q. 4. Here are some words from the lesson. Match the words with their meaning to check your understanding.

ProposeUnable to stay still
restlessA large or special meal, especially for a lot of people
customTo suggest a plan, an idea etc.
feastDone quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organised
franticallyAn accepted way of behaving or of doing things in society.


ProposeTo suggest a plan, an idea etc.
restlessUnable to stay still
customAn accepted way of behaving or of doing things in society.
feastA large or special meal, especially for a lot of people
franticallyDone quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organised

Q.5. Read the lesson once again and write in the box the name (s) of the person/people who said the lines given below. In which paragraph does each sentence occur?

(i) “Oh, yes! It is our age old custom”………………..

(ii) “We will spend the night in our bhelaghar”…………………

(ii) “What will we carry the vegetables in?………………

(iv) “Never mind, We’ll carry as much as possible in each hand.”……………….

Ans: (i) “Oh, yes! It is our age old custom”.  said Mahen, para 3

(ii) “We will spend the night in our bhelaghar ”.  said Sanju, para 2

(iii) “What will we carry the vegetables in? said Mahen, para 5

(iv) “Never mind, We’ll carry as much as possible in each hand.” Said the friends of Mahen, para 5

Q. 6. Let’s learn some grammar:

(a) Read the following two sentences :

(i) We will spend the night in our bhelaghar.

(ii) We’ll carry as much vegetables as posible.

Note the following:

(i) We can write ‘we will’ as ‘well’. (We will টো আমি  We’ll হিচাপে লিখিব পাৰোঁ ।

(ii) We’ll is a Sharter form of we will. We’ll টো  We will ৰ চমু গঠন )

Now rewrite the following sentences using the start form of will.

(i) Mahen said, “We will make a bhelaghar”.

(ii) They will spend the night in the bhelaghar.

(iii) Sanju thought, “When everyone is asleep, I will pick vegetables.

(iv) Muhen said, “We will help each other to cook the food.”

(v) They will have an Uruka adventure.

Ans: (i) Mahen said, “We’ll make a Bhelaghar”.

(ii) They’ll spend the night in the Bhelaghar.

(iii) Sanju thought, “When everyone is asleep, I’ll pick vegetables”.

(iv) Muhen said, “We’ll help each other to cook the food.”

(v) They’ll have an Uruka adventure.

(b) Now read the following sentences:

(i) We’ll carry as much as possible in our hands.

(ii) I shall wait to see who comes to steal my vegetables.

Note the following :

We use words like will and shall to talk about something that is going to happen in the future. ( Will আৰু shall ৰ দৰে শব্দবোৰ আমি ভৱিষ্যতে ঘটিব লগা কোনো কথা ক‘বলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁ ।)

(c) Note the difference in meaning between the first two sentences and the third.

(i) We will spend the night in the bhelaghar.

(ii) We shall go and pick vegetables.

(iii) We spent the night in the bhelaghar.

The first two sentences express future time and the third sentence expresses past time.

(d) Note the forms of negative sentences :

(i) We will not spend the night in the bhelaghar. (future time).

(ii) We didnot spend the night in the bhelaghar. (past time)

We use will not or won’t (for future time) and did not or didn’t (for past time) to express negative meaning

Now check your grammar. Rewrite these sentences by changing the underlined verbs to express future time.

(i) Mahen called his friends to his house.

(ii) Mahen jumped up in joy.

(iii) They decided to celebrate Uruka together.

(iv) They planned to hold the feast in Mahen’s house.

(v) We went to pick vegetables from Shantiram’s garden.

Ans : (i) Mahen will call his friends to his house.

(ii) Mahen will jump up in joy.

(iii) They will decide to celebrate Uruka together.

(iv) They will plan to hold the feast in Mahen’s house.

(v) We will go to pick vegetables from Shantiram’s garden.

Q. 7. Read the story and write down the words ending with -ly. One is done for you.

(a) excitedly  (b)         (c)           (d)

Now look up the dictionary and write down the meanings of those words using the words. Use the words in sentences of your own 

Ans : 

(a) excitedlyHaving, showing, or characterised by a heightened state of energy, enthusiasm, eagerness etc.She ran excitedly down to greet her cousins.
(b) lovinglyIn a way that shows a lot of love or care.We should always speak lovingly to our parents.
(c) gleefullyDoing something in an extremely happy way.They probably gleefully grab the notice of holiday.
(d) quietlyWithout making much noiseThey entered the exam hall very quietly.

Q. 8. (a) Read the paragraph given below carefully. They describe what the friends did on Uruka night.

All the words highlighted in bold refer to actions that took place in the past.

Mahen and his friends decided to hold a feast together. They planned to hold the feast at Mahen’s compound. Mahen and Sanju said that they would do the shopping for the feast at the nearby market. Mahen’s friends Nantu and Rinku suggested that they should cook for the feast themselves.

Rumon offered to cook the vegetables and the fish. Sanju and Nantu said that they would cook the rice, the lentils and the chicken. The five friends proposed that they would spend the entire night at Mahen’s compound.

As planned earlier, the five boys built a big shed using straw and bamboo. Rumon’s uncle helped them with the task. The boys joyfully cooked for the feast with a little supervision and help from Mahen’s mother. When the feast was over, Mahen commanded his friends to follow him on their nocturnal adventure. They made straight for Shantiram’s house at the and of the lane. The five friends tiptoed into his garden after crossing the nongola. Suddenly, they saw a black heap of garbage in the middle of the rows of vegetables. They thought it was inert and harmless. But when the boys stretched their hands to pick the vegetables, the hcap suddenly moved. To their utter horror, they discovered it was none other than Shantaram himself, covered in a black blanket. Terrified, they fled from the scene. What a narrow escape they had!

Now sit in groups. Then using verbs in similar forms. Tell the group how you celebrated one of your festivals this year. Did you have an adventure like Mahen or was it a rather ordinary experience for you?

Remember to include the following points to describe  your experience:

• How did you plan for the festival?

• With whom you celebrated it?

• What was prepared for the festival?

• What you ate and who did the cooking?

• What adventures have you had with friends?

Ans: My  friends and I plan to celebrate the Bhogali Bihu together. We planned to hold a feast in the Chang – Ghar which was near the rice fields. My friends, Renu, Dipika, Sonu, Ritu and Raaz all decided that Raaz and Sonu will go to the market to bring vegetables, eggs and fish. And Raaz’s brother will Help Renu and Dipika in marketing. They will bring Rice, Meat and Juice. Also my brother helped us in decorating the Chang- Ghar. We all cooked the food while singing and dancing to the Bihu song. Renu and Dipika cooked rice and meat, and I with my friends cooked eggs, fish and mixed veg soup. And we all sit together and eat the food.

After that the friends proposed that they would finish their feast early and go home. I commanded them to clean the Chang- Ghar first. Renu suggested that we not throw empty juice bottles here and there. While cleaning suddenly the wind blew heavily. We thought that it would rain tonight. Suddenly something in white colour passes in the air very fast . My friend saw and we scared but later we saw that it was a cloth called dhoti which came because of the heavy air.  

(b) Name a festival that all Indians celebrate in the month of January. Discuss with your partner and write a  few lines on it

Ans: The festival that all Indians celebrate in the month of January is the Republic day celebrated on the 26th of January. This day symbolises the unity in diversity of India and reflects the ideals of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. On this day in 1950, the constitution of our country was formally adopted and India became a fully sovereign state.  

Q. 9. Read the verbs in column A and write their past forms in column B, as shown in the example.

               A                                B

             buy                         bought

             catch                      ………….

             teach                      ………….

             bring                       ………….

             fight                        ………….



Q. 10. What did you notice about the words in column B above

Notice that the ‘ght’ in all the past forms is pronounced as the ‘ght’ in all past forms is pronounced as the ‘t’ is pronounced in ‘cot’.

bought caught tought brought fought .

Can you think of more words ending with ‘ght’ ? Work with a friend. Practise saying aloud the words you have listed.

Ans : Eight, Night, Fight, Light and Right.

Q. 11. Look at the pictures in box A and read the dialogue in the bubble. Now choose the correct response from those in box B to fill up the bubble C.

Class 7 English Chapter - 2 Uruka

Ans: (c) Don’t worry. I am OK. You carry on. I’ll join you in a while.

Now Practise the dialogue with your partner.

Q.12. Read the following words. Some of them are related to adventure. Find out the meanings of those words and make sentences with them.

Plan   thrill  excitement   enjoyment voice feast cooperation   custom   experiment night

Ans: Plan : The boys planned a trip to Guwahati.

Cooperation : They do not cooperate with the teacher, that’s why the teacher punishes them.

Thrill : The boys were thrilled to see a ghost in the Uruka night.

custom : He wakes up early in the morning at 6 am, as is his custom .

Excitement : His holiday excitement was clearly visible in his face.

Experiment : Do not do any experiment with your hair.

Enjoyment : Diwali is a festival of enjoyment.

Night : Raju sleeps at 9 o’ clock in the night.

Feast : They arranged a feast for the party.

Voice : Neeti’s voice is very sweet, she sings very well.

Q.13. Let’s do :

Magh Bihu is a festival which is linked to nature and its nurture. It is also a celebration of the northward movement of

The sun called Uttarayan (uttar means north and aayana means movement.

Bihu, Karbi-Delhal-Kachir-Dom, Karam Puja ete. are all festivals closely linked to nature.

In groups, choose a festival like the above and make a poster on it. Remember to use pictures and interesting captions (heading) along with short descriptions of the food, dress, rituals etc that are part of the festival.

Ans : Students try to do it themselves with the help of the teacher.

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