Class 11 Political Science Chapter 19 Peace

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Class 11 Political Science Chapter 19 Peace

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Chapter – 19




Q.1. What is Peace?

Ans : Peace is a situation of non-violence. That means without violence. To live in Society and to work smoothly that is called Peace.

Q.2. Why do terrorists create terror? 

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Ans : Terrorists create terror due to following reasons

(i) To force the government to fulfill their political, economic and social demands.

(ii) They are paid for it by their organization. 

(iii) To attract the attention of the people of other countries and media. 

(iv) To make democracy in effective because they have no faith democracy.

Q.3. Mention the factors which are responsible for making the terrorism a global phenomenon.

Ans : Following are the different factors which are responsible for making terrorism a global phenomenon

(i) The advancement in technology.

(ii) Development of fast means of transportation and communication. 

(iii) To make democracy ineffective because they have no faith in democracy. 

(iv) They are paid for it by their organization.

Q.4. State the five principles of Panchsheel. 

Ans : The five principles of panchsheel are as follows-

(i) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

(ii) Mutual non-aggression.

(iii) Non-interference in coach other’s internal affairs. 

(iv) Equality and mutual benefit. 

(v) Peaceful co-existence.

Q.5. Write a short note on ‘Panchsheel’.

Ans : Panchsheel is the fundamental basis of India’s foreign Policy. The word panchsheel was first used on April 29,1954 by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Panchsheel means five Principles. These are the Principles, if practiced, the world peace can be established and there can be no danger of third world war. These five principles are as follows-

(i) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

(ii) Mutual non-aggression. 

(iii) Non-interference in coach’ other’s internal affairs. 

(iv) Equality and mutual benefit. 

(v) Peaceful co-existence.

Q.6. What is meant by cold war ? 

Ans : After the Second World War the world was getting divided into two opposite blocks, one block was headed by the USA and the other by the former Soviet Union. There was tension between the two blocks. Though there was no war between the two, but the situation was like cold was.

Q.7. Explain the meaning of Globalisation.

Ans : Globalisation means the people of different parts of the world due interdependent. The intensification of worldwide social actions, relations, consciousness are the examples of it. In general globalization refers to a process by which the Planet Earth is considered to be out single unit, where social and economic interactions among the people are based on interdependence and the world is supposed to be a global society. The issue and problems are tackled with global efforts. Multinational corporations have expanded their trade activities in almost all the converse of the world.

Sl. No.সূচী-পত্ৰ
Unit 1 PART – A
Chapter 1Constitution: Why and How?
Chapter 2Rights in the Indian Constitution
Chapter 3 System of Representational Democracy
Chapter 4Executive
Chapter 5Legislature
Chapter 6Judiciary
Chapter 7Federalism
Chapter 8Local Government
Chapter 9Constitution as a Living Document
Chapter 10The Philosophy of the Constitution
Unit 2PART – B
Chapter 1Introduction to Political Theory
Chapter 2Freedom
Chapter 3Equality
Chapter 4Social Justice
Chapter 5Rights
Chapter 6Citizenship
Chapter 7Nationalism
Chapter 8Secularism
Chapter 9Peace
Chapter 10 Development

Q.8. Under what conditions is war justified?

Ans : We know that peace is most essential in the world. In our civilized society, citizens want to work smoothly and without any resistance. The some conditions lie for the states also. To establish and ‘o maintain friendly relations with all the countries of the world and particularly the peace in international field war is avoided. The United Nations Organization war founded on 24th Oct, 1945 soon after the Second World War came to end. But if a nation does act according to the international norms then it may be necessary the check is activities. Some times the United Nations interfere between the two nations. To settle the dispute between the nations it has to act forcibly. Armed forces are sent by the United Nations to avoid such type of disputes between the nations. Thus, war may be justified in these conditions.

Q.9. When was United Nations founded? Mentions its aims.

Ans : United Nations war founded on 24th October 1945, soon after the Second World War came to an end. The destructions caused by the world wars compelled the right thinking people to save the universe from another war. In these conditions, the world organisation, the United Nations War born. It aims are as follows-

(i) To establish international Peace and Security and to take immediate steps to avert wars.

(ii) To ensure universal peace, good will and cooperation among nations for the welfare of mankind.

(iii) To promote economic, social, cultural and human relationship at international level.

(iv) To promote and encourage relations among different countries to achieve these objectives and to act as a centre to achieve success in them.

Q.10.Write a short note on Arm race and its effects.

Ans : The whole world today is engaged in the arm race rapidly. It becomes quite clean that arm race is develop with no end in the world. Deployment and development of new and core destructive weapons, both conventional and nuclear are stored by the nations. After second war it was started the beginning to the nuclear era with destructive power quite unforeseen so far. Unfortunately, there emerged competition among tried to become more and more powerful and those nations which ware not powerful they also used to start to build up their weapons stocks including nuclear weapons.

Q.11. Explain the Naxalite terrorism.

Ans : Taking inspiration from Chinese revolution under the leadership of Mao, the Naxalite movement in India first surfaced in West Bengalis 1967 and later spread over Bihar. After 1972, this ideology based terrorism spread also to Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Orissa and Tripura, Naxalite Violence created a serious law and order problem before the nation through killings, blasts, extortions and kidnappings.

Q.12. What is the meaning of ‘Non-alignment with reference to India’s foreign policy?

Ans : Non-alignment Primarily means a policy of net belonging to any bock. India is not obliged to take the side of the big powers it can take independent position on international issues.

Q.13. Why India has not signed Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 

Ans : India has refused to sign the Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was formulated in 1968 and signed by U. K. U.S.A., USSR and 50 other countries but India refused to sign it on the ground that it was discriminatory in nature. After many years debate finally in 1996 there emerged a Comprehensive Test Ben Treaty (CTBT). This treaty was full of controversies particularly in view of discriminatory treatment of nuclear weapon states and non-nuclear weapon states. Because of this India which had been actively advocating for a Comprehensive Test Bal since 1954, could not agree to sign the CTBT.

Q.14. Write the aims or objectives of U. N. in maintaining world peace. 

Ans : Aims or objective of U. N. in maintaining world peace-

(i) To maintain international peace and security. 

(ii) To establish friendly relations among the nations. 

(iii ) To make efforts to solve economic social and humanitarian problems. 

(iv) To being all the nations on the one stage to achieve the above mentioned ends and bring coordination among their efforts.

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