Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 Indian Location

Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 Indian Location The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 Indian Location and select need one.

Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 Indian Location

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Indian Location

Chapter: 17




Q.1. Which one of the following latitudinal extent is relevant for the extent of India’s area? 

(i) 84°’N-35°7’N

(ii) 84°’N-37°6’N

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(iii) 8°4’N-35°6’N


Ans: (ii) 84°’N-37°6’N

Q.2. Which one of the following countries shares the longest land frontier with India? 

(i) Bangladesh 

(ii) China 

(iii) Pakistan

(iv) Myanmar

Ans: (i) Bangladesh

Q.3. Which one of the following countries is larger in area than India? 

(i) China

(ii) Egypt

(iii) France 

(iv) Iran 

Ans: (i) China

Q.4. Which one of the following longitudes is the standard meridian for India? 

(i) 69°30’E

(ii) 82°30’E

(iii) 75°30’E

(iv) 90°30’E

Ans: (ii) 82°30’E

Answer the following questions in about 30 words

Q.1. Does India need to have more than one standard time? If yes, why do you think so? 

Ans: India needs to have more than one standard time.

India is a very large country. The longitudinal expansion of the country is also very vast. When the sun is still shining is Gujarat,it is already night in Arunachal Pradesh. Due to the variation of sunlight or time or expansion,we need more than one standard time in India.

Chapter 1Geography As A Discipline
Chapter 2The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
Chapter 3Interior of the Earth
Chapter 4Distribution of Oceans And Continents
Chapter 5Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 6Geomorphic Processes
Chapter 7Landforms and Their Evolution
Chapter 8Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
Chapter 9Solar Radiation, Heat balance, and Temperature
Chapter 10Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Chapter 11Water in the Atmosphere
Chapter 12World Climate and Climate Change
Chapter 13Water (Oceans)
Chapter 14Movements of Ocean Water
Chapter 15Life on the Earth
Chapter 16Biodiversity And Conservation
Chapter 17Indian Location
Chapter 18Structure and Physiography
Chapter 19Drainage System
Chapter 20Climate
Chapter 21Natural Vegetation
Chapter 22Soils
Chapter 23Natural Hazards and Disasters

Q.2.What are the implications of India having a long coastline? 

Ans: The coastline of the mainland is about 6,100 km. But the entire geographical coastline of the country is about 7,517km. So ,India has a long coastline. Long and broken coastline of any nation is much helpful for her foreign communication especially through oceans. Moreover, more coast lines also advantages the country’s security point of view.

Q.3. How is the latitudinal spread of India advantageous to her? 

Ans: The latitudinal spread of India advantageous to her’ due to the following reasons: 

(a)  The southern part lies within the tropics and the northern part lies in temperate or  subtropical areas.

(b) There is a variation in the climate, so various agricultural activities exist.

(c) Due to climatic variations, the forests resources are also found in various forms.

Q.4. While the sun rises earlier in the east,say Nagaland and also sets earlier, how do the watches at Kohima and New Delhi show at the same time?

Ans: Kohima and New Delhi both are the cities of India. There is only one standard time for the country. Which is 82°30’E. That is why all the areas of the country follow the 82°30’E longitude to maintain their time. So, while the sun rises earlier in the east, say Nagaland and also sets earlier, the watches at Kohima and New Delhi show the same time.

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