Class 11 Finance MCQ Chapter 9 Lead Bank Scheme

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Class 11 Finance MCQ Chapter 9 Lead Bank Scheme

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Chapter: 9


1. When was the Lead Bank Scheme introduced?

(i) 1955.

(ii) 1969.

(iii) 1980.

(iv) 1991.

Ans: (ii) 1969.

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2. Which organization introduced the Lead Bank Scheme?

(i) Ministry of Finance.

(ii) Reserve Bank of India.

(iii) State Bank of India.

(iv) Nationalized Banks.

Ans: (ii) Reserve Bank of India.

3. What is the role of the Lead Bank in a district under the scheme?

(i) Providing subsidies to farmers.

(ii) Expanding bank branches and diversifying credit facilities.

(iii) Promoting insurance schemes.

(iv) Providing loans to government employees.

Ans: (ii) Expanding bank branches and diversifying credit facilities.

4. Which of the following is a responsibility of the Lead Bank?

(i) Conducting surveys for banking development.

(ii) Lending only to government agencies.

(iii) Setting interest rates for all banks in the district.

(iv) Creating policies for foreign investment.

Ans: (i) Conducting surveys for banking development.

5. What is the main objective of the Lead Bank Scheme?

(i) To privatize the banking system.

(ii) To encourage foreign investment in Indian banks.

(iii) To enable commercial banks to take a leadership role in banking development.

(iv) To increase the number of banks in urban areas.

Ans: (iii) To enable commercial banks to take a leadership role in banking development.

6. What is one of the objectives related to the challenges in the district?

(i) To assess major hurdles in the development of the district and take remedial action for the same.

(ii) To ignore local development issues.

(iii) To close down underperforming financial institutions.

(iv) To prevent any foreign investments.

Ans: (i) To assess major hurdles in the development of the district and take remedial action for the same.

7. Which of the following is a function of the Lead Bank?

(i) To survey the resources and potential for banking development by identifying unbanked centres in the allotted districts.

(ii) To focus only on urban centres for banking development.

(iii) To reduce the number of bank branches in the district.

(iv) To privatize all financial services.

Ans: (i) To survey the resources and potential for banking development by identifying unbanked centres in the allotted districts.

8. Which committee was set up to oversee the implementation of credit plans at the state level?

(i) District Level Review Committee (DLRC).

(ii) Standing Committee (SC).

(iii) State Level Review Committee (SLRC).

(iv) Block Level Bankers Committee (DLBC).

Ans: (iii) State Level Review Committee (SLRC).

9. Which of the following committees is responsible for reviewing the district credit plans under the Lead Bank Scheme?

(i) District Consultative Committee (DCC).

(ii) Block Level Bankers Committee (DLBC).

(iii) District Level Review Committee (DLRC).

(iv) Standing Committee (SC).

Ans: (iii) District Level Review Committee (DLRC).

10. By which year had surveys been completed in 380 districts under the Lead Bank Scheme?

(i) 1970-71.

(ii) 1971-72.

(iii) 1973-74.

(iv) 1975-76.

Ans: (iii) 1973-74.

11. Which states were primarily covered by the Lead Bank Scheme surveys by 1973-74?

(i) Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana.

(ii) Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.

(iii) Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan.

(iv) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.

Ans: (ii) Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.

12. The Lead Bank Scheme was introduced to formalize the concept of which approach? 

(i) District approach.

(ii) Area approach.

(iii) State approach.

(iv) National approach.

Ans: (ii) Area approach.

13. The Lead Bank Scheme has been successful in addressing which of the following issues?

(i) Reducing functional and regional economic disparities.

(ii) Increasing foreign investment in rural areas.

(iii) Promoting only large-scale urban businesses.

(iv) Centralizing all banking activities in state capitals.

Ans: (i) Reducing functional and regional economic disparities.

14. What is the role of the State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) in the Lead Bank Scheme?

(i) Implementing local banking operations.

(ii) Coordinating activities at the state level and reviewing credit plans.

(iii) Managing only rural branches.

(iv) Focusing solely on international financial markets.

Ans: (ii) Coordinating activities at the state level and reviewing credit plans.

15. What is the function of the Lead Bank regarding primary lending agencies?

(i) To provide assistance to other primary lending agencies.

(ii) To limit their functions to only public sector banks.

(iii) To privatize the primary lending agencies.

(iv) To eliminate all primary lending agencies.

Ans: (i) To provide assistance to other primary lending agencies.

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