Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration

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Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration

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Chemical Coordination and Integration

Chapter – 22


Q.1. What are hormones?

Ans :- Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals which act as intercellular messengers and are produced in trace amounts.

Q.2. Name the 2 types of hormones produced by the Hypothalamus.

Ans :- The releasing hormones and the inhibitory hormones.

Q.3. Write the function of GnRH.

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Ans :- GnRH stimulates the pituitary synthesis and releases gonadotropins.

Q.4. Name the hormone secreted by pars intermedia.

Ans :- Melanocytes stimulating hormone.

Q.5. Name the 2 hormones which are stored in neurohypophysis.

Ans :- Oxytocin and vasopressin.

Q.6. What causes goitre?

Ans :- Deficiency in iodine in our diet causes goitre.

Q.7. What happens when a person suffers from hyperthyroidism.

Ans :- It adversely affect the body physiology.

Q.8. Name the hormone recreated by the pineal gland.

Ans :- Melatonin.

Q.9. What role does melatonin plays?

Ans :- It plays a very important role in the regulation of a 24 hour rhythm of our body.

Q.10. Name the hormones synthesised by thyroid gland.

Ans :- Thyroxine and triiodo thyroxin and thyro calcitonin. 

Q.11. How many parathyroid glands are present in our body?

Ans :- 4.

Q.12. What function does parathyroid hormone plays?

Ans :- It increases the Ca²⁺ level in the blood.

Q.13. Why PTH is also called hyper calcemic hormone.

Ans :- PHT increase the ca²⁺ level of blood so it is called hypercalcemic hormone.

Q.14. Where is thymus located?

Ans :- Thymus is located on the dorsal side of the heart and the aorta.

Q.15. Name the hormones secreted by adrenal medulla.

Ans :- Adrenaline and nor adrenaline.

Q.16. Name the 3 layers of adrenal cortex.

Ans :- Zona reticularis, Zona fasciculata and Zona glomerulosa.

Q.17. Why pancreas is also termed as composite gland.

Ans :- It is termed as composite gland because it acts as both exocrine and endocrine gland.

Q.18. Name the 2 type of cells present in the islet of Langer hans.

Ans :- L – cells and B – cells.

Q.19. Name the dire are caused to prolonged hyper glycemia.

Ans :- Diabetes mellitus.

Q.20. Name the hormones secreted by Leydig cells.

Ans :- Androgens and testosterone.

Q.21. What happened to ruptured follicle after ovulation.

Ans :- After ovulation ruptured follicle is converted to a structure called corpus luteum.

Q.22. Why  vasopressin is also termed as anti diuretic hormone.

Ans :- Vasopressin act on kidney and stimulates reabsorption of H₂O and electrolytes by the distal tubules and there by reduces loss of H₂) through urine. So it is also termed as ADH.

Q.23. Why catecholamines are also termed as hormones of fight or flight.

Ans :- Catecholamines are rapidly secreted in response to stress of any kind and during emergency situation and are called emergency hormones or hormone of fight.

Q.24. How TCT and PTH plays important role in our body?

Ans :- Both there 2 hormones play a significant role in calcium balance in the body.

Q.25. What role does thymosin plays?

Ans :- It plays major role in the differentiation of T-lymphocytes which provide cell mediated immunity. It also produces antibodies to provide humoral immunity.

Q.26. What is the difference between foundation of insulin and glucagons.

Ans :- Glucagon stimulates glycogenesis

and increase the level of glucose in the blood whereas insulin reduces the level of glucose in the blood.

Q.27. What happens when.

(a) A person suffer from prolonged hyperglycemia.

Ans :- Diabetes mellitus.

(b) There is deficiency of iodine in our diet.

Ans :- Goitre.

(c) When there is abnormal increase in secretion of thyroid hormones.

Ans :- Hyperthyroidism.

(d) Over secretion of GH.

Ans :- Gigantism.

Q.28. What function does the following hormones play-

(a) Glucocorticoid.

(b) Mineralocorticoid.

Ans :- (a) Glucocorticoid – Involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

(b) Mineralocorticoids – Regulate the balance of water and electrolyte in our body.

Q.29. Name the hormone produced by juxta glomerular cells of kidney? What dole does it play.

Ans :- Erythropoietin and it stimulates erythropoiesis (formation of RBC).

Q.30. Name 4 peptide hormones secreted in different parts of gasto – intestinal tract.

Ans :- Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory peptide.

Q.31. What is growth factors?

Ans :- Same non endocrine tissues secretes hormones called growth factors. These factors are essential for the normal growth of tissues and their repairing / regeneration.

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Q.32. On basis of chemical nature how hormones are classified.

Ans :- On basis of chemical nature, hormones are classified into various groups ie.-

(i) Peptide, Polypeptide and protein hormones (eg insulin, glucagon etc).

(ii) Steroid (eg testosterone, cortisol).

(iii) Iodothyronines (thyroid hormones).

(iv) Amino- Acid derivatives (epinephrine).

Q.33. With the help of diagram, locate any 6 endocrine gland present in our body.

Ans :-                  

Q.34. What is the other name of pars distalis? Name all the hormones secreted by it?

Ans :- Anterior Pituitary gland.

Hormones secreted by it are – growth hormone, prolactin, thyroid stimulating hormone, Adreno coticotrophic hormone, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone.

Q.35. Name the hormone which help in diuresis ? Name the endocrine gland which secreted the hormones and the also mention the gland where it is stored.

Ans :- ADH, Hypothalamus, Neurohypophysis.

Q.36. Why LH and F.S.H. is also termed as gonadotrophins. Mention the role played by them.

Ans :- Both LH and F.S.H. Stimulates gonadal activity and so they are also termed as gonado trophens. 

In males :-

LH – Stimulates synthesis and secretion of androgens from testis.

F.S.H. – Regulates sperm to generes.

In Females :- 

LH – Induces ovulation.

F.S.H. – Stimulates growth and development of the ovarian follicles in females.

Q.37. Write the function of thymus. Why the production of thymosin decreases in old people.

Ans :- 1ˢᵗ Part same as Ans 25.

2ⁿᵈ Part :- Thymus gland degenerated in old people and so its production also decreases.

Q.38. Name the protein hormones secreted by thyroid gland. What role does it plays. What is the similarities bet TCT and PTH?

Ans :- Protein hormone – thyrocalcitonin. It regulates the blood calcium levels.

Both TCT and PTH plays a significant role in calcium balance in the body.


Q.39. Explain the Mechanism of hormone action?

Ans :- Hormones produce their effects on target tissues by binding to specific protein called hormone receptors located in the target tissues only.

Two types of hormonal receptors are there ie

(i) Intra cellular receptors – Present inside the target cells.

(ii) Membrane bound receptors – Present on the cell Membrane of the target cells.

Binding a hormone to its receptors produces hormone – receptor complex. Each receptor is specific to one hormone only and hence receptors are specific. Hormone receptor complex formation bring some biochemical changes in the target tissue. Target tissue metabolism and physiological functions are regulated by hormones.

Hormones which interact with membrane bound receptors do not enter target cell, but generate 2ⁿᵈ messengers which in turn regulate cellular metabolism.

Q.40. What is a hormone receptor complex. Give the diagrammatic representation of mechanism of hormone action (protein hormone).

Ans :- When a hormone bind to a specific protein (hormone receptors) it is called hormone receptor complex.

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