AJB Class 8 English Chapter 6 Manipur, the Jewel of the North-East

AJB Class 8 English Chapter 6 Manipur, the Jewel of the North-East, Assam Jatiya Bidyalay | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় English Class 8 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay | AJB Chapter 6 Manipur, the Jewel of the North-East Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Manipur, the Jewel of the North-East

Chapter – 6

অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়


Comprehension :

1. Answer each of the following question in a single sentence. (উল্লেখিত প্রশ্নসমূহৰ এটা বাক্যত উত্তৰ দিয়া)

(a) Where does Smriti’s uncle live ? (স্মৃতিৰ খুড়াক ক’ত থাকে ?)

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Ans: Smriti’s uncle lives in Imphal, the capital city of Manipur. 

(b) What is Manipur called ? (মণিপুৰক কি বুলি কোৱা হয় ?) 

Ans: Manipur is called a land of jewels. 

(c) When did Manipur came under the British rule ? (মণিপুৰ বৃটিছ শাসনৰ অধীনত কেতিয়া আহিছিল ?)

Ans: Manipur came under the British rule in 1891. 

(d) When did it become a full fledged state of India ? (ই ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ পূর্ণ অংগৰাজ্য হিচাপে কেতিয়া স্বীকৃত হয় ?)

Ans: After Independence of India in 1947,a democratic government was formed in Manipur and become a full fledged state of India. 

(e) Who are the two Arjuna award winners from Manipur ? (মণিপুৰৰ অৰ্জুন পুৰস্কাৰ লাভ কৰা ব্যক্তি দুজন কোন ?) 

Ans: Kunjarani Devi won the Arjuna award in 1990 in weightlifting and M.C. Mary Kom was awarded the Arjuna award in 2003 for boxing.

(f) What is the speciality of the Ima Market ? (ইমা বজাৰৰ বিশেষত্ব কি ?) 

Ans: Ima Market is the biggest market in Asia which is run buy women only.

(g) Where is the only floating national park of India situated ? (ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ একমাত্ৰ ওলমা ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় উদ্যানখন ক’ত অৱস্থিত ?) 

Ans: The only floating national park of India “Keibul Lamjao is situated in Manipur.

2.Give brief answer. (চমু উত্তৰ দিয়া)

(a) What is the unique feature of Manipur culture ? (মণিপুৰী সংস্কৃতিৰ অনন্য লক্ষণ কি ?)

Ans: The unique feature of Manipuri culture is that Manipur is the only tribal stie of north-east where most of the people are Hindus and some of them are followers of Vaishnavite-culture. 

(b) Write the boundaries of Manipur. (মণিপুৰৰ চাৰিসীমা লিখা।)

Ans: Manipur i situated in the north-east of India. To the north of its there is Nagalnd. Cachar district of Assam and Mizoram are to the west and south of the state respectively. And to its east there is Myanmar.

(c) What are the main festivals celebrated in Manipur ? (মণিপুৰত উদযাপন হোৱা বা পালন কৰা উৎসৱ কেইটা কি কি ?)

Ans: Manipuris a place of festivals. Lai Haraoba is the main festival of Manipur Dol Jatra, Rath Jatra, Cheiraoba (The Manipuri New Year) etc. are the most popular festivals of Manipur. 

(d) What is the historical importance of Mairang ? (মাইৰঙৰ বুৰঞ্জীমুলক গুৰুত্ব কি ?) 

Ans: Mairan is a beautiful place near Imphal. The historical importance of this lace is that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose hoisted the first flag of Azad Hind Fauz in this place. 

(e) Where does it reflect the artistic mind of Manipuri people ? (মণিপুৰী সকলৰ শিল্পীসুলভ মনটো ক’ত প্রতিফলিত হয় ?)

Ans: The Manipuri people are the artistic and creative by nature. Their handloom and handicraft products are the best examples of their artistic mind.

(f) Who and how Manipuri theatre is made famous ? (কোনে আৰু কেনেকৈ মণিপুৰী নাট্যঘৰক বিখ্যাত বনালে ?)

Ans: Ratan Theam a famous Manipuri theatre personality who has written and directed many plays and has given a new dimension to Manipuri theatre and made it famous.

(g) What is ‘Sangai’ and where it is found ? (চাংঘই কি আৰু ইয়াক ক’ত পোৱা যায় ?)

Ans: ‘Sangai’ is a rare species of deer and it is found in the ‘Keibal lashjoa’ national park.

3. What is the contribution of Manipur in the field of sports ? (খেলৰ ক্ষেত্ৰখনত মণিপুৰৰ অৰিহনা কি ?)

Ans: Manipur has always had a strong association with sports. The game of Polo is believed to have originated in Manipur. There are so many sports persons at the national and international levels from Manipur. Weightlifter Kunjarani Devi represented India in many international games Saramacha. Chance is another prominent weightlifter. Dingko Singh and M.C. Mary Kom re famous boxer. In the field of football and hockey also Manipuri layers have shown their talent.

4. What are the places visited by Smriti During her stay in Manipur ? (মণিপুৰত থকা সময়ছোৱাত স্মৃতিয়ে কোনবাৰ ঠাইত ফুৰিছিল ?)

Ans: During her stay in Manipur Smriti visited many places in and around the town. She visited Sri Sri GwindojiTemple, the sacred place of Vaishnavites. Smriti visited Svahid Miner, War Cemetery, Orchid Center etc. Even she went to Market, the biggest women market in Asia. She went to ‘Mairang e historical place where Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose hoisted the fir, flag of Az1 Hind Fauz. She has seen the famous ‘Loktak’ lake also. ven she has visited the only floating national park of India ‘Keibul lamjao’ also.

Grammar and Usage (ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ)

‘Phrase’ হ’ল শব্দৰ সমষ্টি য’ত কোনো finite verb নাথাকে যেনে- 

(1) He is fond of sweets. 

(2) The boy is standing in front of the gate.

‘Clause’ হ’ল শব্দৰ সমষ্টি য’ত এটা subject আৰু এটা verb থাকি এটা সম্পূর্ণ বাক্য বা বাক্য সৃষ্টি কৰে।

He told me that he often visited his uncle’s house.

ওপৰৰ বাক্যটোত দুটা খণ্ড আছে আৰু প্ৰতিটো খণ্ডক clause বোলে। বাক্যটোৰ প্রথম খণ্ড independent সেয়েহে ইয়াক Principal clause বোলে আৰু দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড প্রথম খণ্ডৰ ওপৰত dependent সেয়েহে ইয়াক subordinate clause বোলে। 

B. He is tall out his brother is short.

এই বাক্যটোত দুয়োটা খণ্ডক ‘but conjunction ৰ দ্বাৰা যুক্ত কৰা হৈছে আৰু দুয়োটা বাক্যই indepadently অর্থ প্রকাশ কৰিব পাৰিছে। তেনে ধৰণৰ clauseক coordinate clause বালে।

5. Find out the Principal clauses, subordinate clauses and co ordinate clauses frei the following sentences. (তলত উল্লেখ কৰা বাক্য সমূহৰ Principal clause, subordinate clause coordinate clause বাচি উলিওৱা।)

(a) Tell me where you live.

Ans: Tell me – Principal clause.Where You live – subordinate clause. 

(b) They turned when it was dark.

Ans: They turned – principal clause.Whent itbwas dark- subordinate clause.

(c) He is heist but his brother is dishonest. 

Ans: Co-ornate clause- ‘but’. 

(d) He is acacher and his brother is a doctor. 

Ans: Coordinate clause- ‘and’.

(e) You must work hard otherwise you will fail. 

Ans: You must work hard – principal clause.Otherwise you will fail – subordinate clause.

(f) I asked him how he did the sum. 

Ans: I asked him – principal clause. How he did the sum – subordinate clause. 

(g) She was suffering from fever so she could not attend school.

Ans: She was suffering from fever – principal clause. 

She could not attend school – subordinate clause.

(h) You must finish your homework or you will be punished. 

Ans: You must finish your homework – principal clause.

Or you will be punished – subordinate clause.

6. Turn the phrases in italics into clauses by changing the non finite verbs into finite verbs. (Italics ত লিখা phrase টো non-finite ৰ পৰা ‘finite লৈ পৰিবৰ্তন কৰা।) One is done for you.

(a) She is afraid of getting punishment

Ans: She is afraid that she will get punishment.

(b) She is wearing a dress made of silk

Ans: She is wearing a dress which is mad of silk. 

(c) He is writing with a red pen.

Ans: He is writing with a pen which is red. 

(d) Arjun saw the Mount Everest covered with snow.

Ans: Arjun saw the Mount Everest which is covered with snow.

(e) Give the cake to the crying child.

Ans: Give the cake to the child who is crying.

(f) The boy playing there is my brother. 

Ans: The boy who is playing there is my mother.


7. Choose the correct word for each sentence Take help from a dictionary.) (প্ৰতিটো বাক্যৰ বাবে শুদ্ধ শব্দটো বাচি উলিওৱা।)

(a) Thunder – Throughout the night.

(i) roared 

(ii) howled 

(iii) clattered.

Ans: roared.

(b) The dishes – to the floor.

(i) crashed 

(ii) collapsed 

(iii) rustled.

Ans: rustled.

(c) Dust was – about the street.

(i) blowing 

(ii) whistling 

(iii) swinging.

Ans: blowing.

(d) A – time bomb 

(i) bangs 

(ii) clicks 

(iii) ticks.

Ans: ticks.

(e) I heard the – of horses hoofs on the street.

(i) clamp 

ii) rattle 

(iii) buzz 

Ans: clamp.

8. Match the antonyms. (বিপৰীত শব্দবোৰ মিলোৱা )




9. Make sentences with the following phrases. (উল্লেখিত বোৰৰ অবাক্য বনোৱা)

give up, on account of, look into, bring up, call on, put out.

Give up : (ত্যাগ কৰা) : Give up this bad habit. On account 

Of : (বাবে) : I could not attend school on account of fever.

Look into : (অনুসন্ধান কৰা) : I shall look into the matter. 

Bring up : (পোহ পাল) : He was brought up by his aunt. 

Call on : (সাক্ষাৎ কৰা) : I shall call on you tomorrow.

Put out : (নুমোৱা) : Put out the lamp.


10. Write an essay on your visit to a place of Interest. Use the given out line. (তোমাৰ ভাল লগা এটা ভ্রমণ কাহিনী লিখা। উল্লেখিত outline ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবা।)

Name of the place : I got a marvellous opportunity to visit North India. As I went to New Delhi, the capital of India. When I visited: It was October 22, 2009 I visited New Delhi. The journey was for four days.

My Companions : I went to New Delhi by train with my parents and one of my cousin brother. were four of us. We stayed there in a hotel.

Preparation for the journey : I had collected all the necessary items like as camera, binocolor, note book etc. before going there and I had collected a guide book also where I had read all the historical important places of Delhi.

What I have seen there : My main attraction was of visiting Agra, where we visited Agra Fort, which was built by Emperor of Akbar. Then we went to the Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world. After Agra, we proceeded to Mathura, the sacred place of the Hindus, as this was the birth place of Lord Krishna.

Moreover we visited many places in Delhi, these are the Teen Murti, Indira Gandhi Memorial and Museum, the India Gate, the Bahai Lotus Temple, Birla Temple, Qutub Miner, Red Fort, Rajghat and Shantivan.

Its influence : After visiting all these historical places I feel more proud to be an Indian I thought of writing about all the places and promise to tell my friends.

Conclusion : My visit to North India was perhaps the most exciting and memorable journey I have had in my life till date.

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