AJB Class 8 English Chapter 4 Healthy Habits, Assam Jatiya Bidyalay | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় English Class 8 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay | AJB Chapter 4 Healthy Habits Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
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Healthy Habits
Chapter – 4
অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়
Comprehension :
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (নিম্ন লিখিত প্রশ্নবোৰৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ বাক্যৰে উত্তৰ দিয়া।)
(a) Who was Asclepius ? (এছক্লিপিয়াছ কোন আছিল ?)
Ans: Aesclepius was the Greek god of Medicine.
(b) Who was the goddess of health ? (স্বাস্থ্যৰ অধিস্থাত্রী দেবী কোন আছিল ?)
Ans: Hygeia was the goddess of health.
(c) What does food supply to our body ? (আহাৰে আমাৰ শৰীৰলৈ কি যোগান ধৰে ?)
Ans: Food supplies building material and energy to our body for bodily growth and development.
(d) What is the difference between a human body and a machine ? (মানুহৰ শৰীৰ আৰু মেচিনৰ মাজত পার্থক্য কি ?)
Ans: A human body has a mind but a machine does not, this is the difference between human body and machine.
(e) What is called posture ? (দেহভংগী কাক বোলে ?)
Ans: A Particular position of the body is called posture.
(f) What is mental health?(মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য কি ?)
Ans: Mental health is the state of mind where we learn how to adjust with problems of our everyday life.
2. Give brief answers to the following questions ? (উল্লেখিত প্ৰশ্ন কেইটাৰ চমু উত্তৰ দিয়া।)
(a) What do you mean by health ? (স্বাস্থ্য বুলিলে তুমি কি বুজা ?)
Ans: Health means a pleasant assimilation of physical, mental social and spiritual aspects of a man.
(b) What are the healthy habits ? (স্বাস্থ্যকৰ অভ্যাসবোৰ কি কি ?)
Ans: Taking healthy food, regular exercise, washing hands before meal, brushing teeth, practising good posture, taking sound sleep, maintaining cleanliness are the healthy habits.
(c) What is a balanced diet ? (সুষম আহাৰ কি ?)
Ans: A balanced diet means healthy food, it includes proteins, carbo hydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins etc.
(d) What is the function of vital nutrients in our body ? (আমাৰ শৰীৰত পুষ্টিকৰ আহাৰৰ কাম কি ?)
Ans: Vital nutrients help us to protect and cure our body from various diseases.
(e) What is the effect of regular exercise ? ( দৈনন্দিন ব্যায়ামৰ প্ৰভাৱ কেনেকুৱা ?)
Ans: Regular exercise help us to keep our health and mind active and fresh. It helps to proper blood circulation and keeps away from diseases.
(f) How does sleep help us to be healthy ? (টোপনিয়ে আমাক স্বাস্থ্যবান হোৱাত কিদৰে সহায় কৰে ?)
Ans: To maintain a good health we need adequate and regular sleep, and during sleep our body takes rest and keeps us alert and active.Thus, it helps to be healthy.
3. What is the importance of good habits in maintaining our health ? (স্বাস্থ্যৰ পতিপালনত ভাল অভ্যাসৰ গুৰুত্ব কি ?)
Ans: A person becomes healthy when all the parts of body and mind work together properly. For that all good habits help in different ways.
Good habits like washing hands before meal, brushing teeth after meal, and good posture help to attain good and positive postures. Regular exercise keeps our health active and fresh with proper blood circulation. Like wise sound sleep keeps us alert and active. Above all a good health is the result of all good habits.
4. What is the necessity of food in our health ? (আমাৰ স্বাস্থ্যৰ কাৰণে খাদ্যৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়তা কি ?)
Ans: Food supplies building material and energy to the body for growth and development. Healthy and nutritious food or a balanced diet is very important for a good health. This balanced diet means proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals. vitamins etc. Which supply the required energy to the body. Moreover only food can protect and cure people from various diseases. It works like fuel to an engine.
5. Write true or false.( শুদ্ধ বা অশুদ্ধ লিখা।)
(a) Physical health remains incomplete without mental health.
Ans: True.
(b) Healthy food includes a balanced diet.
Ans: True.
(c) Aesclepius was the Greek god of health.
Ans: False.
(d) Sugar has protein.
Ans: False.
Grammar and Usage (ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ)
6. Use the correct determiner. (শুদ্ধ determiner টো লিখা।)
(a) She needs (little/few/many) advice from others as she is expert in this field.
Ans: She needs little advice from others as she is expert in this field.
(b) She is (a/an/the) M.A. of Gauhati University.
Ans: She is an M.A. of Gauhati University.
(c) There is not (much/many/little) milk in the pot.
Ans: There is not much milk in the pot.
(d) I do not want to buy (some/any/few) books.
Ans: I do not want to buy any books.
(e) The cat finished (little/a little/the little) milk in the bowl.
Ans: The cat finished the little milk in the bowl.
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition from the brackets. (শুদ্ধ Presosition টোৰে খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰা।)
(a) She is proud ____ her beauty (of/with/at)
Ans: She is proud of her beauty.
(b) The mangoes were divided ____ the children (between/among/with).
Ans: The mangoes were divided among the children.
(c) The teacher was angry ____ his behaviour. (at/with/on).
Ans: Teacher was angry with his behaviour.
(d) The worker died ____ overwork. (of/from/by).
Ans. The worker died from overwork.
(e) She insisted ____ going to the excursion. (on/of/ at).
Ans: She insisted on going to the excursion.
8. Write the correct form of the Verbs. (Verb শুদ্ধ কৰা)
(a) My friend always (wash) hands before taking meal.
Ans: My friend always washes hands before taking meal.
(b) My mother (prepare) food for the guests since 12 O’clock.
Ans: My mother has been preparing food for the guests since 12 O’clock.
(c) We (know) each other for last ten years.
Ans: We have known each other for last ten years.
(d) My mother (finish) all her work before we returned from the market.
Ans: My mother had finished all her work before we returned from the market
(e) Last night when I was sleeping, I (hear)someone shouting.
Ans: Last night when I was sleeping, I heard someone shouting.
9. Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with appropriate phrasal verb given in the box. (তলত উল্লেখিত sentence কেইটাত উপযুক্ত phrasal verb ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা।) Bring up, look for, call off, give up, give away.
(a) The president ____ the prizes to the winners.
Ans: The president has given away the prizes to the winners.
(b) They have ____ the meeting for an unavoidable reason.
Ans: They have called off the meeting for an unavoidable reason.
(c) She ____ the poor child.
Ans: She brings up the poor child.
(d) The police is ____ for the thief.
Ans: The police is looking for the thief.
(e) Try to ____ your bad habits.
Ans: Try to give up your bad habits.
10. Match the words in A with their meaning in B (A ৰ শব্দবোৰ B ৰ অৰ্থৰ লগত মিলোৱা)
A | B |
Emigrant | One who draws map. |
Cartographer | One who travels by sea. |
Philanthropist | One who leaves a country settle in another. |
Seafarer | One who carries luggage. |
Porter | One who donates a money. |
A | B |
Emigrant | One who leaves a country to settle in another. |
Cartographer | One who draws map. |
Philanthropist | One who donates money. |
Seafarer | One who travels by sea. |
Porter | One who carries luggage. |
11. Know about some ‘Fear’ or ‘Phobias’
Hydrophobia | Extreme fear of water. |
Arachnophobia | Extreme fear of spiders. |
Claustrophobia | extreme fear of being in a small enclosed area. |
Xenophobia | Extreme fear of people from other countries. |
Agoraphobia | Extreme fear of being a public place. |
12. Look at the following picture of the fair and write a paragraph on what is going on. (পাঠ্যপুঠিৰ ছবিখন চাই মেলাৰ সম্পৰ্কে এটা টোকা লিখা।)
Ans: We are in a fair now. The fair is a colourful market. All shops are decorated in different colours with beautiful items. My sister is also wearing a colourful frock. We are buying balloons. There we have met Deepak and Raj. They are flying kites. Sanju, the younger brother of Raju bought an aeroplane. He is bursting in happiness. Beautiful toys are hanging in the shops. Some eatables are also selling there. There is a garment shop too. The place in fully crowded, but we enjoy a lot. Everywhere there is fun and music. It is a nice place for playing and marketing.
Spoken activity
13. Suppose you have organised a “Health Awareness Camp” in your school. Prepare a conversation playing the roles of the organiser, doctor, patient etc. in your class. (ধৰিলোৱা তুমি তোমাৰ বিদ্যালয়ত এটা স্বাস্থ্য সজাগতা শিবিৰৰ আয়োজন কৰিছা। তোমাৰ শ্ৰেণীত আয়োজক, ডাক্তৰ ৰোগীৰ মাজত কথোপকথন প্রস্তুত কৰা।)
Ans: Raju the ‘class captain’ is the organiser his friend Akash performs the role of the doctor and Rashmi and Jiban plays the role of patients or audience.
Raju : Good morning everybody. I would like to introduce Dr. Akash Baruah who is here to give us a lesson on “Safe and Wholesome Water”.
Akash : Thank you Raju, Good morning all of you, As you know health is wealth. To maintain a good diseases free health we have to cultivate some good habits, as well we have to pay more attention what we eat or drink.
Much of the ill health which affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be traced to lack of safe and whole some water supply.
Rashmi : What is meant by safe water, Sir?
Akash : Safe water means water
(a) free from pathogenic agents.
(b) free from harmful chemical substances.
(c) pleasant to the taste. i.e. free from colour and odour; and
(d) usable for domestic purposes.
Jiban : What are the diseases that occur for using unsafe water ?
Akash : There are some common diseases these are -diarrhoea, dysentry, viral, hepatitis, A&E, typhoid, am asis, cholera, helminthic etc. And uncommon diseases are fluorosis, arsenic poisoning, bad poisoning etc.
Rashmi : What are the ways of water purification, Sir?
Akash : Three methods are generally available for purifying water these are
(a) Boiling.
(b) Chemical dis-infection.
(c) Filtration. Hope you have understood. Thank you.
Raju : Thank you doctor.
(পাঠটোৰ শেষত আমি Phrasal Verbs, determiners, আৰু preposition ৰ বিষয়ে শিকো আহা।)
I. Preposition:
Preposition কোনো Noun বা noun equivalent ৰ আগত বহি তাৰ লগত sentence ৰ আন word বোৰৰ সম্পৰ্ক বুজাই দিয়ে।
যেনে, He came to me. put it on the table সাধাৰণতে preposition পাচ প্ৰকাৰৰ―
1. Simple preposition : যিকোনো নির্দিষ্ট ৰীতি বা নিয়মৰ দ্বাৰা পৰিচালিত নহয় যেনে,
she is at the bus stop.
Raman talked on bus pollution
2. Double preposition : সাধাৰণতে দুটা শব্দৰে গঠিত, যেনে: According to keats a thing of joy for ever.
A word used instead of a noun is called pronoun.
3. Compound preposition: Prefixing ৰ দ্বাৰা গঠিত preposition সমূহ, যেনে,
The sky is above us.
They quarrelled among themselves.
4. Participial preposition: যিবোৰ present participles preposition হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ হয়, যেনে,
We stay in Kashmir during summer.
5. Phrase prepositions : preposition group of words,
On account of
By means of etc.
II. Determiners:
This is a cow. There is an ass. The cow is very useful animal. This book is mine. That pen is yours. Give me some rice. I taught him many things. Any man can do it. Every man has his duties. Lend me your car please.
ওপৰৰ a, an, the, this, that, some, many, any, every, his, your আদি শব্দবোৰ noun ৰ আগত বহি noun আক qualify কৰিছে অর্থাৎ ইহত determiner.
Determiner বোৰক তলত দিয়া ধৰণেৰে ভগাব পাৰি
1. Article – a, an, the
2. Possessive – my, your, his, her, their etc.
3. Demonstrative – this, that, these, those.
4. Quantitatives – few, little, much, some etc.
5. Cardinales – one, two, three etc.
6. Ordinals – first, second, third etc.

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