AJB Class 8 English Chapter 1 Stealing and Atonement

AJB Class 8 English Chapter 1 Stealing and Atonement, Assam Jatiya Bidyalay | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় English Class 8 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 1 Stealing and Atonement Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Stealing and Atonement

Chapter – 1




1. Answer the following questions in single sentences from your text. (নিম্ন লিখিত প্ৰতিটো প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ এটা ব্যক্যত তোমাৰ পাঠ্যপুথিৰ অন্তৰ্গত দিয়া।) 

(a) At what age did Gandhi steal for the first time ? (কিমান বছৰ বয়সত গান্ধীয়ে প্ৰথম বাৰৰ কাৰণে চুৰ কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: At the age of twelve or thirteen Gandhi stole for the first time.

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(b) What did Gandhi steal gold from ? (গান্ধীয়ে সোণৰ পৰা কি চুৰ কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi stole a bit of gold from his brother’s armlet. 

(c) To Whom did Gandhi decide to confess ? (কাৰ ওচৰত গান্ধীয়ে দোষ স্বীকাৰ কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi decided to confess to his father.

(d) What did Gandhi write on the note to his father ? (গান্ধীয়ে দেউতাকলৈ কি লিখিছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi wrote on the note about his guilt for stealing, promise never to steal in future, asking for adequate punishment and a request not to punish himself for Gandhi’s offence.

(e) Why did Gandhi steal gold ? (গান্ধীয়ে কিয় সোণ চুৰ কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: One of Gandhi’s brother ran into a debt of twenty five rupees and to clear the debt Gandhi stole gold.

(f) Why was Gandhi’s father confined to bed ? (গান্ধীৰ দেউতাক কিয় শয্যাগত আছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi’s father was confined to bed because he was suffering from ‘fistula.

(g) What was Gandhi’s father’s first reaction after reading the note ? (হাতচিঠি পঢ়ি গান্ধীৰ দেউতাকৰ প্রথম প্রতিক্রিয়া কি আছিল ?)

Ans: After reading the note drops of tear trickled down from Gandhi’s father’s checks, he closed his eyes in thoughts and then tore up the note.

(h) What did Gandhi think his father would do after reading the note ?(হাতচিঠি পঢ়ি গান্ধীৰ দেউতাকে কি কৰিব বুলি ভাবিছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi thought his father would be angry, sold him and strike his forehead after reading the note.

(i) How did “Ahinsa’ reflect in Gandhi’s father character ? (গান্ধীৰ দেউতাকৰ চৰিত্ৰত অহিংসা কি দৰে প্ৰতিফলিত হৈছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi’s father did not punish him for his offence. That was ‘Ahinsa ‘reflected in Gandhi’s father’s character. 

(j) Did confession decrease Gandhi’s father’s love for him ? (দোষ স্বীকাৰে গান্ধীৰ প্ৰতি দেউতাকৰ মৰম কমালে নেকি ?) 

Ans: No, Gandhi’s fathers’s love for him/Gandhi increased beyond measure after confession.

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.(নিন্ম লিখিত প্ৰশ্নৰ চমু উত্তৰ দিয়া)।

(a) Why and how did Gandhi steal gold ? (কিয় আৰু কেনেকৈ গান্ধীয়ে সোণ চুৰ কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: Gandhi’s brother had a debt of rupees twenty five and to clear 1, he cut a bit of gold from his brother’s armlet.

(b) How did Gandhi feel after stealing ? (চুৰ কৰাৰ পাছত গান্ধীৰ কি অনুভৱ হৈছিল ?)

Ans: After stealing Gandhi realized his guilt and decided to confess to his father.

(c) What did Gandhi’s father do after receiving the confession note ? (দোষ স্বীকাৰ পত্ৰ পোৱাৰ পাছত গান্ধীৰ দেউতাকে কি কৰিছিল ?)

Ans: Instead of being angry or scolding Gandhi, his father did nothing, after receiving the confession note. He tore up the note. In great agony he set up on the bed and lay down again.

(d) What is the purest type of repentance ? (প্ৰকৃত অনুতাপ কি ?)

Ans: A clean confession, combined with a promise never to commit the sin again in front of the right person is the purest type of repentance.

3. Why did Gandhi call the incident an object lesson in ‘Ahinsa’ ? (গান্ধীয়ে ঘটনাটো অহিংসাৰ দৃশ্য বস্তু বিষয়ক পাঠ বুলি কিয় অভিহিত কৰিছে ?) 

Ans: At the age of fifteen Gandhi stole a bit of gold cut of his brother’s armlet. But he realised his guilt and decided to confess in front of his father. He did not dare to speak in fear of beating or seoiding. So, he wrote a note to his father confessing his guilt and asking adequate punishment for it. He promised not to steal in future and requested him not to punish himself for his offence.

After reading the note Gandhi’s father said nothing, tore up the note and drops of tear came out from his eyes, which cleansed Gandhi’s heart and washed his sin avvay. Later on in ‘Ahinsa’ because he could have punished him, said hard things but he did nothing. 

4. What qualities of Gandhi’s character are reflected in this lesson ? (পাঠটিত গান্ধীৰ চৰিত্ৰৰ কোনবোৰ গুণ প্রতিফলিত হৈছে ?)

Ans: In this lesson we have seen that Gandhi was a man of truth from his childhood. He was helpful too. To repay his brother’s debt he stole a bit of gold from his brother’s armlet. But when he realised his guilt he confess in front of his father. It shows his righteousness and courage. He also pledged never to steal in future which reminds us about his resolution. Another quality of his character is his caring for father, as he requested in the note not to punish himself for his offence. He has that greatness to feel his father’s agony. Thus. Gandhi’s boldness to make confession, his determination. lesson in Ahinsa, way of repentance, kind-hearted nature, these all great qualities of Gandhi’s character are reflected here.

5.Write true or false. (শুদ্ধ বা অশুদ্ধ লিখা)

(a) One of Gandhi’s brother ran into a debt.

Ans: True.

(b) Gandhi’s father often beat him.

Ans: False. 

(c) Gandhi requested his father to punish him for stealing.

Ans: True.

(d) Gandhi’s Father wept after reading the confession. 

Ans: True.

(e) The power of Ahinsa is limited.

Ans: False.

(f) Gandhi’s father’s love for him decreased after the incident.

Ans: False.

Grammar and Usage (ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ)

6. Find out the transitive and intransitive verbs from the following sentences.

(a) She is a teacher.

Ans: Intransitive Verb.

(b) I go to school.

Ans: Intransitive Verb.

(c) Seema was reading a book. 

And: Transitive Verb.

(d) The sun gives heat and light.

Ans: Transitive Verb.

(e) We sleep at night.

Ans: Intransitive Verb.

(f) I feed the dog.

Ans: Transitive Verb.

(g) Everybody has blamed him.

Ans: Transitive Verb.

(h) The birds fly in the sky.

Ans: Intransitive Verb.

7. Rewrite the following sentences underlining the finite Verbs and circling the non-finite Verbs.

(a) I like singing.

(b) We saw him working in the garden.

(c) They went to the market to buy vegetables.

(d) Looking at the sky I saw many stars.

(e) I went there riding a bicycle.

(f) The sun having set we returned home.

(g) Anil Ambani is an established businessman.


সাধাৰণ অৰ্থত যি, Verb- অৰ অৰ্থ সম্পন্ন হয় বা একোটা object থাকে তাক Transitive Verb বোলে।

যেনে– I like Padma 

She speaks english well.

Transitive Verb ৰ দুটা objects-ও থাকিব পাৰে।


1. Direct object.

2. Indirect object.

যেনে, My father bought me a watch

      D.O.     I.O.

I gave Padma a letter.

     D.O.       I.O.

আৰু, যেতিয়া Verb ৰ কোনো object নাথাকে তাক Intransitive Verb বোলে।

যেনে, I slept very well.

I walked to the theatre.

তলত, একেটা Verb ৰ transitive আৰু Intransitive দুয়ো ধৰণৰ ব্যৱহাৰ দেখুওৱা হ’ল। 

Transitive UseIntransitive Use
He stopped the carThe man stopped suddenly.
She spoke the truth.They spoke loudly.
Padma boiled an egg.The water is boiling.
She began her work.The film begins at 6 P.m.
Madhavi burnt her fingers.He burnt with insult

ঠিক তেনেদৰে, যি verb-ৰ দ্বাৰা sentences-ৰ অর্থ সম্পন্ন হয়। আৰু যাৰ ৰূপ (Form) subject আৰু person অনুসৰি পৰিবৰ্তিত হয় তাক finite verb বোলে।

যেনে, I am a boy. 

You are a student.

Sita- goes to school.

আৰু যি. verb-ৰ ৰূপ subject ৰ number আৰু person অনুসৰি পৰিবৰ্তিত নহয় আৰু যাৰ দ্বাৰা sentence ৰ অৰ্থ সম্পন্ন নহয় তাক 

Non – finite verb বোলে। 

যেনে, I like to read Novels.

I am reading a Novels.

Non-finite Verbক সাধাৰণতে তিনিটা ভাগত ভাগ কৰা হয়।

1. Infinitives.

2. Participles. 

3. Gerunds

Infinitive : যেতিয়া কোনো Verb-মাত্র কাৰ্যৰ নাম প্রকাশ কৰে তেতিয়া তাক Infinitive বোলা হয়। সাধাৰণতে Verb-ৰ আগত “to” বহুরাই Infinitive কৰা হয়।

যেনে, To err is human

The boy wants to play now. 

I shall go to see my friend.

Infinitive সমূহ বাক্যত subject Verb বা Preposition ৰ object আৰু complement ৰূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়; যেনে ― 

Subject →To steal is sin.

Object of a Verb → He likes to play. 

Object of a preposition→ He is about to die. 

Complement of a Verb→ The boy seems to be intelligent.

Objective complement→ I saw him go.

Participles : যি word ত Verb ৰ অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰে আৰু Adjective ৰ দৰেও কাম কৰে তাকে Participle বোলা হয়।

যেনে, It is a talking bird.

He is a learned man.

Participle-ক দুটা ভাগত ভাগ কৰা হয়।

(1) Present Participle, 

(2) Past participle,

Verb ৰ পাছত “ing” যোগ দি Present Participle কৰা হয়। ই এটা অসমাপ্ত বাক্য অর্থ হৈ থকা বুজায়। 

যেনে, He is drawing a picture.

We met a man carrying a box.

আৰু, Verb ৰ পাছত d, ed, n,t আদি যোগ কৰি Past participle গঠন কৰা হয় ই Verb ৰ কাম সমাপ্ত হোৱা বুজায়। যেনে―

He is a retired officer.

It is a rotten fish.

Gerunds verb ৰ শেষত “ing” যোগ হৈ যি word Verb অৰ অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰে আৰু Noun ৰও কাম কৰে তাকে Gerund বোলে। Gerund ত Verb ৰ অর্থ প্রকাশ কৰে আৰু Noun ৰ দৰে sentence অত subject, object আৰু Complement হিচাপে ব্যৱহৃত হয়, যেনে―

Riding is a good exercise (subject)

I like singing. (Object)

She is fond of dancing (Object of preposition) 

Seeing is believing (Complement).


8 Complete the puzzle with the help of the clues given below. The number of letters- for each word is given in brackets. 


1. The home of a king. (6) PALACE 

5. A large building with tall, thick walls, towers etc. (4) FORT.

6. A place of worship for Hindus. (6) TEMPLE.

9. A device which prevents a door from being opened. (4) LOCK.

10. An area of sea or river where ships come and stop. (7) HARBOUR.


1. A tall post used as a support for a building. (6) PILLER 

2. A thick woolen mat to cover the floor. (6) CARPET.

3. A big and important town. (4) CITY 

4. A narrow, tall building. (5) TOWER

7. A garden where people go for walk, playing etc. (4) PARK

8. A comfortable seat with raised arm. (4) SOFA.


9. Write a note to your parents confessing one of the mistakes that you have made recently.


Dear father,

I am extremely sorry and deserve your  punishment as I have been committing a great crime for last two months. Papa sorry to say that I have been nourishing a habit of smoking with some of my friends. For that sometimes I’ve stolen money from your pocket also. 

But today I realize the bad effect of this and promise to be stopped, not to smoke again in my life.

Beg your pardon.


Spoken activity :

10. Suppose you have got the magic power to become a powerful man.What would you like to do? Share it with your friends.

Rahul : Hi Amrit, How are you?

Amrit : I am fine, thank you, what about you?

Rahul : I am thinking of participating in a “Reality-show”.

Amrit : What! (shocked) what extra talent do you have, what will you show there?

Rahul : I will show how to pull on aeroplane easily.

Amrit : How can it possible friend? I don’t believe.

Rahul : But I will make you believe.

Rahul : But I will make you believe, now would you help me to get their address to contact. 

Armit : Are you serious?

Rahul : Yes, I am.

Armit : Then you have to go to Net and mail everything in details.

Rahul : Ok. Let’s go right now.

Armit : But, if you don’t mind, please tell me how is it possible? 

Rahul : I have got a magical power. Now, everything is possible.

Armit : Amazing!

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