NIOS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Directive Principles Of State Policy And Fundamental Duties

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NIOS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Directive Principles Of State Policy And Fundamental Duties

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Directive Principles Of State Policy And Fundamental Duties

Chapter: 7




Q. Identify and place the given Directive Principles in various categories-Gandhian, Economic and Social, International Peace and Miscellaneous:

(i) To promote cottage industries.

Ans. Gandhian.

(ii) To provide adequate means of livelihood For both men and women.

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Ans. Social and Economic.

(iii) To provide living wages for working Sections.

Ans. Social and Economic.

(iv) To provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of 6 years.

Ans. Social and Economic.

(v) To protect historical monuments.

Ans. Miscellaneous.

(vi) To bring about reforms to save environment from pollution and protect wildlife.

Ans. Miscellaneous. 


Q. Choose the correct answers from the given below:

(a) What was the percentage of literate people at the time of independence? 

(i) 12%.

(ii) 14%.

(iii) 16%.

(iv) 18%.

Ans. 14%.

(b) When was the National Educational Policy started?

(i) 1984. 

(ii) 1986.

(iii) 1988.

(iv) 1989.

Ans. 1986.

(c) In which part of the Constitution is Provision against Exploitation of Children made?

(i) Fundamental Rights.

(ii) Fundamental Duties.

(iii) Directive Principles of State Policy.

Ans. Fundamental Rights.

(d) In which of the following Equal Pay for Equal Work for both men and women provide?

(i) Fundamental Rights.

(ii) Fundamental Duties.

(iii) Directive Principles of State Policy.

Ans. Directive Principles of State Policy.

(e) When was the Department of Women and Child Development set up in India?

(i) 1978. 

(ii) 1985.

(iii) 1992.

(iv) 1995.

Ans. 1985.


Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers:

(i) A ……….. state takes the responsibility of providing goods and services to the weaker sections in society. (socialist, charitable, welfare) 

Ans. Welfare.

(ii) Government has tried to bring about ……….. distribution of wealth. (equal, unequal, equitable)

Ans. Equitable.

(iii) The ……….. system has been abolished all over India. (capitalist, zamindari, caste) 

Ans. Zamindari.

(iv) Khadi and Village Industries Board has been set up to promote ……….. industries. (small, medium, cottage) 

Ans. Small.

(v) Panchayati Raj institutions were given constitutional status by ………….. Amendment (72nd, 73rd, 71st)

Ans. 73rd


Q. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The Directive Principles are ………… in nature. (negative, positive, natural)

Ans. Positive.

(b) The Fundamental Rights aim at the development of every …………… (family, group, individual) 

Ans. Individuals.

(c) The Directive Principles are meant to establish ………….. democracy.(political, cultural, socio-economic) 

Ans. Socio-economic.

(d) The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles have ………… relationship with each other. (close, indirect) 

Ans. Close.


Q. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:

(i) The Rights and Duties are the two sides of the same coin. (True / False) 

Ans. True.

(ii) The Fundamental Rights were there in the original Constitution. (True / False)

Ans. False.

(iii) The Fundamental Duties have been mentioned along with the Fundamental Rights. (True / False)

Ans. True.

(iv) There are ten Fundamental Duties now. (True / False)

Ans. True.


Q. Choose the right answer:

(i) The Fundamental Duties are justiciable/ non-justiciable.

Ans. Non-justiciable.

(ii) These Duties are clear / ambiguous. 

Ans. Ambiguous.


Q. 1. Examine the nature of Directive Principles of State Policy. What is the sanction behind them?

Ans. Nature of the Directive Principles of State Policy:

1.The Directive Principles of State Policy are basic principles of the government of the country: The Directive Principles given in the Indian Constitution are considered as the fundamental principles of our government. It is the moral duty of the Union Government and as well as the State Governments to implement the Directive Principles. In the 42nd Amendment of the Indian Constitution. It has been declared that the Directive Principles of state policy are the basic principles of the government of the country.

2.These Principles lay stress on the establishment of Social and Economic Democracy: In India the democratic form of government has been established. Generally the democracy is connected with the political rights and liberty of the people, but this is not the complete democracy. In a complete democracy the social and economic equality is also established. The Directive Principles of state policy aim and lay stress on the establishment of social and economic democracy as well.

Sanction behind the Directive Principles: 

1. Sanction of Public Opinion: The Directive Principles work as a measuring rod to measure the success or failure of the government in fulfilling its obligations towards the people. So it is the public opinion which is behind the demand for the encorcement of the principles.

2. Utility of the principles: As the Directive Principles serve as the ideals of a welfare state, no government can ignore these principles because of the utility of these Directive Principles.

Q. 2. Discuss the classification of Directive Principles of States Policy.


Examine the Directive Principle of State Policy and identify any five principles which promote social equality. 

Ans. A. The economic and social principles: The state shall endeavour to achieve Social and Economic welfare of the people by :

1. Providing adequate means of livelihood for both men and women.

2. Reorganizing the economic system in a way to avoid concentration of wealth in few hands.

3. Securing equal pay for equal work for both men and women.

4. Securing suitable employment and healthy working conditions for men, women and children.

5. Guarding the children against exploitation and moral degradation.

6. Making effective provisions for securing the right to work, education and public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want.

7. Making provisions for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief.

8. Taking steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of undertakings, etc.

9. Promoting education and economic interests of working sections of the people especially the SCs and STs.

10. Securing for all the workers reasonable leisure and cultural opportunities.

11. Making efforts to raise the standard of living and public health.

12. Providing early childhood care and education to all children until they complete the age of 6 years.

B. The Gandhian Principles: There are certain principles, based on the ideals advocated by Mahatma Gandhi. These Principles are as follows:

1. To organize village Panchayats.

2. To promote cottage industries in rural areas.

3. To prohibit intoxicating drinks and drugs that are injurious to health.

4. To preserve and improve the breeds of the cattle and prohibit slaughter of cows, calves and other milch and draught animals.

C. Directive Principles of State Policy Relating to International Peace and Security: India should render active cooperation for world peace and security and for that the state shall endeavour to :

1. promote international peace and security. 

2.maintain just and honourable relations between nations.

3. foster respect for international laws and treaty obligations.

4. encourage settlements of international disputes by mutual agreement.

D. Miscellaneous: The Directive Principles in this category call upon the state : 

1. To secure for all Indians a uniform civil code.

2. To protect historical monuments.

3. To bring about reforms to save environment from pollution and protect wildlife.

4. To make arrangements for disbursement of free legal justice through suitable legislation.

Q. 3. Analyse how the Directive Principles of State Policy of Universalisation of education has been implemented?

Ans. Universalisation of Education: The Directive Principles Directs the state to provide free and compulsory education for children upto the age of 14.The percentage of literate people and the time of independence was only 14%. Now it has risen to above 52%. According to the National Policy of Education 1986, the Government has launched, National Literacy Mission and ‘Operation Black Board’ for the spread of mass literacy upto the primary stage. In 1978, the Government started the National Adult Education programme and also the programme of each one teach one’. It means that if every educated person teaches an illiterate person, as his or her national duty, the problem of illiteracy can be solved within a few years.

Q. 4. Evaluate the Directive Principles of State Policy on

(a) Child Labour and

(b) Status of Women.

Ans. (a) Child Labour: Children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in healthy manner provided by one of the Directive Principles. Right against exploitation, the children below the age of 14 are prohibited from employment in mines and industries. The National Human Rights Commission is taking note of violation of rights in the form of child labour. But still there is the lack of will for the welfare of the children. The children should not be deprived of their right to enjoy childhood and right to education.

(b) Status of Women: In the male dominated society in which father has been head of family and the mother’s position has been subordinated to him. Whether she is mother, wife, a sister or a daughter, the position of women under India has been naturally weak. All the rules and customs regarding property succession, marriage, etc. are favourable to men. Our constitution-makers provided for women’s equality in the Fundamental Rights. They have also provided in the Directive Principles that women have the right to an adequate means of livelihood and equal pay for equal work vis-a-vis men. Women workers have also been provided for health care and maternity relief. Even in the Fundamental Duties, stress has been laid on the duty of every citizen of India to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women. One third seats are reserved in the Panchayats and Nagar Palika. But in spite of all these much remains to be done to improve the status of women.

Q. 5. Examine the role of the state in the implementation of the Directive Principles of the State Policy.

Ans. Role of the State:

(i) Land Reform: Many steps have been taken towards land reforms. The long standing Zamindari system has been abolished. The tillers of land have been made owners. Many laws concerning land reforms have been implemented.

(ii) Equal Distribution of Property: For implementing the articles 39 B and C the government has nationalised banks, insurance companies and heavy industries so that national property may not concentrate in a few hands the fruits of national production may reach to the common man.

(iii) Community Development Plans have been implemented arrangement for the education of the children have been made. Small village industries have been encouraged so that the villagers may get employment.

(iv) The efforts of the Government are appreciable in the social welfare.

Q. 6. Explain briefly the interrelationship between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy.

Ans. There is a close relationship between the two, the Fundamental Right and Directive Principles. They are both equally important to brings social and economic democracy in practice. Whereas the Fundamental Rights establish social equality and democracy, the Directive Principles are meant to establish economic and social democracy. Both are complementary to each other.

Q. 7. Recall the Fundamental Duties in our Constitution.


What is nature and importance of Fundamental Duties? Mention any four in the fundamental duties listed in the Constitution.

Ans. In our Constitution the following Fundamental Duties were added in 1976 through 42nd Amendment:

(i) To abide by the Constitution and respect our National Flag and National Anthem.

(ii) To follow the noble ideals that inspired our national movement for freedom.

(iii) To protect the unity and integrity of India.

(iv) To defend the country when the need arises.

(v) To promote harmony and brotherhood among all sections of the people and to respect the dignity of women.

(vi) To preserve our rich heritage and composite culture.

(vii) To protect and improve our natural environment including forests, rivers, lakes and wildlife.

(viii) To develop scientific outlook and humanism.

(ix) To protect public property and not to use violence.

(x) To strive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.


I. Choose the correct answer:

Q. 1. The Fundamental Duties were inserted in Article 51-A of our Constitution in which year?

(a) 1976.

(b) 1975.

(c) 1971.

(d) 1950.

Ans. (a) 1976.

Q. 2. By which Amendment Act the Fundamental Duties were inserted in Indian Constitution?

(a) 42nd Amendment Act.

(b) 43rd Amendment Act.

(c) 44th Amendment Act.

(d) none of the above.

Ans. (a) 42nd Amendment Act.

Q. 3. “In the original India’s Constitution in January, 1950, there was no mention of the Fundamental Duties.” What do you think about the statement?

(a) It is a false statement.

(b) It is a true statement.

(c) It is a partly false.

(d) It is a partly true.

Ans. It is a true statement.

Q. 4. MThe Directive Principles of State Policy are classified into how many groups? 

(a) Four groups. 

(b) Three groups. 

(c) Five groups. 

(d) Six groups.

Ans. (a) Four groups.

Q. 5. What is the aim of the Directive Principles?

(a) Their aim is to establish economic and social democracy.

(b) Their aim is to establish political democracy.

(c) Their aim is only to establish cultural democracy.

(d) Their aim is to establish religious democracy.

Ans. (a) Their aim is to establish economic and social democracy.

Q. 6. In which year and under which policy, the government has launched National Literacy Mission and ‘Operation Blackboard’ for the spread of mass literacy at primary stage?

(a) According to National Policy on Education 1986.

(b) According to National Policy on Education before independence in 1922.

(c) According to New National Policy on Education in 1991.

(d) none of the above.

Ans. (a) According to National Policy on Education 1986.

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