NIOS Class 12 Geography Chapter 35 Prospects And Problems of Tourism

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NIOS Class 12 Geography Chapter 35 Prospects And Problems of Tourism

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Prospects And Problems of Tourism

Chapter: 35




Q.1. Enumerate the four aspects of tourism emphasised since the status of an industry was given to it.

Ans. (i) Generation of employment through its activities.

(ii) Inviting private and possibly foreign capital for its development.

(iii) Preparation of 15-20 years plan by the states for developing various segments of its infrastructure.

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(iv) Enhancing the coordination between related government departments and other agencies for its promotion.

Q.2. What have been the main reasons for India heartly earning even one percent of foreign exchange from tourism?

Ans. Half percent of tourist arrivals in respect of global numbers, one third of those in Thailand and Malaysia in 2004, 25% of them as from Pakistan and Bangladesh stayed with their relatives in India.


Q.1. Name two types of invisible exports through tourism.

Ans. 1. Hospitality services for tourists.

2. Facilities in hotels prolonging their stay.

Q.2. Out of the International and domestic tourists, who are the providers of foreign exchange?

Ans. International tourists.

Q.3. In what man are tourism raises the quality of life in coastal areas?

Ans. More money and increased prosperity through tourism raises the demand for opening better schools, hospitals and for allowing women to get socially liberated.

Q.4. What are the three alternate resources to develop the under developed areas?

Ans. Seashore sands, snows and Sunshine for high mountain and greenery of the country-side.

Q.5. What for a tourism called a service industry?

Ans. Because it provides different services expected and needed by the incoming tourists.

Q.6. Name three things included in ‘heritage industry’.

Ans. Old monuments, post independence period buildings of public interest, 3000 museums or exhibitions of paintings/art pieces.


Q.1. Cite three major negative impacts of mass tourism on the local south alienating them from their own culture.

Ans. (i) Foreign tourists including their females to live and move freely. This fashion craze does not fit on with our culture.

(ii) Lack of observing the decorum where required.

(iii) Spending of money only for seeking pleasures is copied by the local youth. It finally alienates them from their own cultures.

Q.2. Give one example of each pollution of air, water and land around tourist places.

Ans. Land pollution: The Soil particles yet dislodged under an unbearable pressure of pony traffic or human feet. The run off water or snow melt from the rutted surface. A greater run off may even harm the roads and foundation of buildings in The tourist area.

Water pollution: The use of swimming pools and of water required for washing, drinking, sewerage and sanitation goes on increasing as number of tourist increases. The shortage and pollution of water adds to the prevailing insanitary conditions and diseases on densely populated area.

Air pollution: There was the danger that the world famous monument Taj would loss it’s charm because of the pollution throne in air around from Mathura ail refinery and thousand of factories nearby.

Q.3. What affects badly the temple sculpture at Khajuraho?

Ans. Variations by landing and taking off of aeroplanes from a runway closer to the temples.

Q.4. Give two examples of the force of public voices successfully in protecting the health of their environment for tourists.

Ans. The air pollution of Mathura refinery has been controlled. Delhi government issued order to replace petrol driven local buses and cars to use of CNG as people friendly material.


Q.1. Define the following:

(i) A tourist mart.

Ans. A market relation which developed between hosts and the tourist when a large number of these are ready to pay for the goods and services which we supply. This relationship has now developed to such an extent that the term ‘tourist mart’ is used today.

(ii) Sustainable tourism.

Ans. A sustainable tourism allows to exploit tourist resources for a long time and never brings a full stop to the creation of job opportunities.

(iii) Eco-tourism.

Ans. Ecotourism or environment friendly tourist activity forms a core segment of sustainable tourism. It requires to preserve the ecology and local cultures of an area. A good quality of air and water, well maintained biodiversity and organised human efforts are the major components of ecotourism.

Q.2. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Pre-planned package tour and its disadvantages.

Ans. The current mass tourism mostly in the form of large groups in organised as all inclusive package tours by certain institutions on commercial basis. For this reason these are the days of an institutionalised tourism. Such a  package tour is pre-planned buy a travel organisation for members of the group. It offers a sort of protective environment to the tourist by taking care of all their needs, but it leaves no freedom of movement for the individual members to travel or stay as they like, taking their own time or opting for a particular type of activities.

(ii) More provision of seasonal tourism in under utilisation of resources.

Ans. The seasonal nature of jobs that tourism generally offer results in under utilisation of resources and efforts for a part of the year. There is the need to search out some alternate sources of employment such as small scale industries to observe the workforce fully during the off season.


Q.1. Name the states with which the following May organise integrated package tour on interstate basis:

(i) Rajasthan.

(ii) Kerala.

(iii) Himachal Pradesh.

Ans. (i) Rajasthan and Gujarat.

(ii) Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

(iii) Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand.

Q.2. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Rural tourism.

Ans. The idea of rural tourism has come from Himachal Pradesh. It proposes to set up ideal tourist villages, providing all the urban amenities, located close to already existing villages. A tourist village will seem tu bhi margin in the rural setting. It is looked upon to use the best of region’s rural scapes to usher in ethnic tourism. It will help the tourists to get observed into lifestyle of a hil village in an entirely fresh surroundings.

(ii) Hatt tourism.

Ans. The recent growth of ‘Hatt tourism’ has an  interesting history. In olden days, the mobile weekly Bazaars were a common sight in our major villages and towns. A central site in rural countryside or in a town was earmarked as the avenue fixed for all the time. Local produce of all sorts including common place articles of daily use were brought there from feeder villages around. The organisation of colourful activities within the reach of local community gives it the resemblance of a village fair. Delhi Hatt has become popular by associating the idea of weekly bazaar with tourism on permanent basis.

(iii) Medical tourism.

Ans. Medical tourism including what is being called dental tourism is the latest craze of foreign tourists coming from countries of the western world. As medical treatment of deep seated serious diseases and of dental troubles is costlier in western countries and good facilities are now available in selected cities of India, the health conscious foreign tourists visit our hospital centres during their stay here. Undergoing medical treatment is the main chunk of their schedule.

Q.3. Define Apex Air ticket. State its two advantages.

Ans. Apex tickets are being sold between 50% to 60% cheaper than full economy class fare with certain conditions. Apex stands for advance purchase excursion fare. These low cost fares increased the number of domestic tourists by 30% during the year 2004.

Q.4. Suggest three examples of innovative tourism and one new step seeing considered for promotion of tourism.

Ans. Single track tourism is confirmed to a few sites once developed or a few performances repeated time and again without varying them in anyway and anywhere. Various forms of innovative tourism can be labelled as follows:

(i) Rural tourism.

(ii) Weekend tourism.

(iii) Farm house tourism.

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