NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 6 My Childhood

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 6 My Childhood

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My Childhood

Chapter: 6



Passage: 1

I was one of many children-a short boy with rather undistinguished looks, born to tall and handsome parents. We lived in our ancestral house, which was built in the middle of the 19th century. It was a fairly large pucca house, made of limestone and brick, on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram. My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothes. In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood, both materially and emotionally. 


1. These lines under reference tell about:

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(a) House of A. Kalam. 

(b) Parents of Kalam. 

(c) Family of Kalam. 

(d) All of these.

Ans: (d) All of these. 

2. The family of Kalam lived in the: 

(a) Newly constructed house.

(b) Ancestral house.

(c) Large pucca home. 

(d) Mosque.

Ans: (b) Ancestral house.

3. The childhood of Kalam was very:

(a) Safe.

(b) Secure.

(c) Troubled.

(d) Tensed.  

Ans: (b) Secure.

4. His father provided all the _________ comforts and luxuries to the family.

(a) Inessential.

(b) Essential.

(c) Available. 

(d) Desirable.

Ans: (b) Essential.

5. Find a word which is antonym of luxuries’.

(a) Necessities.

(b) Comforts.  

(c) Unessential.

(d) Secure.

Ans: (a) Necessities.

Passage: 2

He felt utterly downcast as I shifted to my  seat in the last row. 


1. Identify ‘he’ in these lines. 

(a) Samsuddin.

(b) Dr. Kalam. 

(c) Ramanadha Sastry.

(d) Lakshmana Sastry.

Ans: (c) Ramanadha Sastry.

2. Why did ‘he’ feel downcast?

(a) Kalam was shifted to the middle bench.

(b) Kalam was given a each row.

(c) Kalam was asked to leave the school.

(d) Kalam was shifted to last row. 

Ans: (d) Kalam was shifted to last row.

3. This incident shows the _________ of the teacher.

(a) High headed. 

(b) Marrowness.

(c) Hatred.

(d) All of these.

Ans: (b) Narrowness.

4. These lines have been taken from the lesson.

(a) My childhood.

(b) The bond of love.

(c) The last child.

(d) Packing.

Ans: (a) My childhood.

5. Trace a word similar to ‘absolutely’. 

(a) Shifted.

(b) Last. 

(c) Utterly.

(d) Downcast.

Ans: (c) Utterly.

Passage: 3

That force my cousin, Samsuddin, who distribute newspaper in Rameswaram, to look for a helping hand to catch the bundles and, as if naturally, I filled the slot. Samsuddin helped me earn my first wages. Half a century later, I can still feel the surge of pride in earning my own money for the first time.


1. Who does ‘T’ in the passage refer to?

(a) Samsuddin. 

(b) Father of Kalam.

(c) Abdul Kalam. 

(d) Friend of Kalam.

Ans: (c) Abdul Kalam.

2. Who was Samsuddin?

(a) Father of Kalam.

(b) Maternal Uncle of Kalam.

(c) Friend of Kalam. 

(d) Cousin of Kalam.

Ans: (d) Cousin of Kalam.

3. Kalam was entrusted to:

(a) Help samsuddin.

(b) Help in catching the bundles.

(c) Distribute the papers. 

(d) Collect the newspapers.

Ans: (b) Help in catching the bundles.

4. How did Kalam earn his first wages?

(a) By catching bundles. 

(b) By distributing newspapers. 

(c) By sorting the newspapers.

(d) Both (a) and (b). 

Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b).

5. She distribute can be replace with:

(a) Divide.

(b) Delivered. 

(c) Diversify.

(d) Handover. 

Ans: (b) Delivered.

Passage: 4

The image of him weeping when L shifted to the last row left a lasting impression on me. After school, we went home and told our respectively parents about the incident.


1. The pronoun ‘him’ here refers to:

(a) Samsuddin.

(b) Kalam.

(c) Ramanadha Sastry. 

(d) Sivasubramania Iyer. 

Ans: (c) Ramanadha Sastry.

2. Which incident is under reference here?

(a) Shifting of kalam to last row.

(b) Social inequality. 

(c) Teacher’s misbehaviour.

(d) Teacher’s hatred. 

Ans: (b) Social inequality.

3. After school, what did they do?

(a) They saw the teacher.

(b) They revealed all to the head teacher.

(c) They returned home.

(d) They told it to their parents.

Ans: (d) They told it to their parents. 

4. This incident shows that the teacher was spreading.

(a) Communal intolerance.

(b) Hatred.

(c) Ill will.

(d) Dispise. 

Ans: (a) Communal intolerance.

5. From which lesson extract has  been taken?

(a) The Fun They had.

(b) My Childhood.

(c) The Little Girl.

(d) The Bond of Love. 

Ans: (b) My Childhood.

Passage: 5

One day when I was in the fifth standard at the Rameswaram Elementary School, a new teacher came to our class. I used to wear a cap which marked me as a Muslim, and I always sat in the front row next to Ramanadha Sastry, who wore a sacred thread. The new teacher could not stomach a Hindu Priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. In accordance with our social ranking as the new teacher saw it. I was asked to go and sit on the back bench. I felt very sad, and so did Ramanadha Sastry. He looked utterly downcast as I shifted to my seat in the last row. The image of him weeping when I shifted to the last seat row left a lasting impression on me.


1. Wearing a cap in those days was a symbol of being:

(b) A hindu.

(a) A muslim. 

(c) A christian. 

(d) A backward.

Ans: (a) A muslim.

2. What was worn by Ramanadha Sastry in the school?

(a) A cap.

(b) A sacred thread.

(c) Coloured thread. 

(d) None of these. 

Ans: (b) A sacred thread.

3. The teacher sent Kalam to sit on the back bench on account of:

(a) Performance. 

(b) Poor result.

(c) Being Muslim. 

(d) Social ranking.

Ans: (d) Social ranking. 

4. Which scene made a lasting impression in Kalam?

(a) Shifting to last bench.

(b) Weeping scene.

(c) Scene of spreading difference on the basis of caste.

(d) Scene of favouritism. 

Ans: (b) Weeping scene.

5. Trace a word that means ‘holy’. 

(a) Thread.

(b) Sacred. 

(c) Ranking.

(d) Downcast. 

Ans: (b) Sacred.



Activity: Find Dhanushkodi and Rameswaram on the map. What language (s) do you think are spoken there? What languages do you think the author, his family, his friends and his teachers spoke with one another?

• In both the places, Tamil language is spoken. 

The author, his family and his teachers spoke Tamil language.

I. Answer these questions in one or two sentences each:

Q.1. Where was Abdul Kalam’s house? 

Ans: Abdul Kalam’s house was on the Mosque Street in Rameshwaram.

Q.2. What do you think Dinamani is the name of? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans: It is a well known Tamil newspaper.

Q.3. Who were Abdul Kalam’s school friends? What did they later become?

Ans: Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan were Abdul Kalam’s school friend. Ramanadha became the high priest of Rameshwaram temple, Aravindan took to transport business, and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor.

Q.4. How did Abdul Kalam earn his ‘first wages’? 

Ans: Abdul helped his cousin Samsuddin in the work of the newspapers and gave him wages. Thus Abdul earned his first wages. 

Q.5. Had he earned money before that? In what way?

Ans: Yes, Abdul earned money by collecting tamarind seeds and selling them to a provision shop on Mosque Street.

II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph of about thirty words.

Q.1. How does the author describe:

(i) His father.

Ans: His father: Abdul Kalam’s father was a man of meagre means but a strict disciplinarian. He used to avoid all inessential comforts but provided all the necessities needed for living.

(ii) His mother.

Ans: His mother: His mother was an embodiment of goodness and kindness. She used to tell about events from the Ramayana and from the life of the Prophet at bedtime.

(iii) Himself.

Ans: Himself: Abdul himself is a genius scientist. His projects in space, defence and nuclear technology are guiding India to make her leap into the twenty first century.

Q.2. What characteristics does he say, he inherited from his parents?

Ans: According to Abdul Kalam he inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father. From his mother he inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness.

III. Discuss these questions in class with your teacher and then write your answer down in two or three paragraphs each. 

1. “On the whole, the small society of Rameswaram was very rigid in terms of the segregation of different social groups,” says the author. 

(i) What social groups does he mention? Were these groups easily identifiable (for example, in the way they dressed)? 

(ii) Were they aware only of their differences or did they also naturally share friendship and experiences? (Think of the bedtime stories in Kalam’s house; of who his friends were; and of what used to take place in the pond near his house.)

(iii) The author speaks both of people who were very aware of the difference among them and those who tried to bridge these differences. Can you identify such people in the text?

(iv) Narrate two incidents that show how differences can be created, and also how they can be resolved. How can people change their attitudes?

Ans: Abdul Kalam speaks of two social groups of Rameshwaram. There were orthodox Brahmins and Muslims. The two social groups had some marked difference regarding their faith and way of dressing themselves. But they did share their friendship and experiences. For example, Abdul Kalam is a Muslim but his school friends were orthodox Brahmins. Abdul Kalam’s family arranged boats for carrying the idols of Shri Sita Rama from temple to the marriage sites. His mother and grandmother told him stories from the Ramayana and from the life of the prophet. But there were people who were aware of their differences. A new teacher found Abdul Kalam sitting with his friend Ramanadha in the front row. Abdul wore a cap. The teacher could see that he was a Muslim. He asked Abdul to go to the last row. Both Abdul and Ramanadha were heartbroken. But Ramanadha’s father, the high priest of Rameshwaram temple, rebuked the teacher. He told not to create segregation between children. The young teacher changed his attitude. Kalam’s science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer tried to bridge the gap between the two groups. He invited Kalam to dinner. His wife refused to serve a Muslim boy in her kitchen. But Iyer did not mind. He served Kalam with his own hands.

2. (i) Why did Abdul Kalam went to leave Rameswaram?

Ans: Abdul kalam asked his father’s permission to leave Rameswaram and study in Ramanathapuram. 

(ii) What did his father say to this?

Ans: His father said that he knew he had to go away to grow. The seagull had to fly across the sky alone and without a nest. He added that his sons and daughters had their own thoughts and dreams.

(iii) What do you think his words mean? Why do you think he spoke these words?

Aas: His words showed his practical wisdom. He resigned calmily to the fact that his children could not stay at home, and must leave to grow.


I. Find the sentences in the text where these words occur: 

erupt, surge, trace, undistinguished, casualty 

Look these words up in a dictionary which gives examples of how they are used. Answer the questions below:

1. What are the things that can erupt? Use examples to explain the various meanings of erupt. Now do the same for the words surge. What things can surge?

2. What are the meanings of the word trace and which of the meanings is closest to the word in the text?

3. Can you find the word undistinguished in your dictionary? (If not, look up the word distinguished and say what undisting-uished must mean.)

Ans: (I)

1. (i) Erupt: A sudden demand for tamarind seeds erupted in the market. 

(ii) Surge: I can still feel the surge of pride in earning my own money for the first time.

2. Trace: My brother-in-law Jallaluddin would tell me stories about the War which I would later attempt to trace in the headlines in Dinamani.

3. Undistinguished: I was one of many children-a short boy with rather undistinguished looks.

I. Erupt: outbreak, burst – volcano, rock, smoke and violence erupt, lava is erupting from the volcano.

Surge: Flood water surged into their homes surge.

Relief surged through him shares prices surged today due to foreign investors. Prices, water, wave surge.

II. Trace: to find, discover, describe a process, to draw a line, to copy a map, to follow the shape of. 

Here the word ‘discover’ is closest to the word in the text.

III. Undistinguished means not very interesting:

Distinguish means recognize the difference between the two. Here ‘undistinguished’ means ‘ordinary’.

II. 1. Match the phrases in Column-A with their meanings in Column-B.

(i) broke out(a) an attitude of kindness, a readiness to give freely-
(ii) in accordance with(b) was not able to tolerate 
(iii) a helping hand(c) began suddenly in a violent way
(iv) could not stomach(d) assistance 
(v) generosity of spirit (e) persons with power to make decisions
(vi) figures of authority(f) according to a particular rule, principle or system.


(i) broke out(c) began suddenly in a violent way
(ii) in accordance with(f) according to a particular rule, principle or system.
(iii) a helping hand(d) assistance
(iv) could not stomach(b) was not able to tolerate
(v) generosity of spirit (a) an attitude of kindness, a readiness to give freely-
(vi) figures of authority(e) persons with power to make decisions

2. Study the words in italics in the sentences below. They are formed by prefixing un-or in-to their antonyms (words opposite in meaning).

(i) I was a short boy with rather undistinguished looks. (un + distinguished)

(ii) My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts. (in + essential) 

(iii) The area was completely unaffected by the war. (un + affected) 

(iv) He should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance, (in + equality, in + tolerance)

Now form the opposites of the words below by prefixing un– or in-. The prefix in– can also have the forms il-, or im– (for example: illiterate-il+literate, impractical im+practical, irrational -ir +rational). You may consult a dictionary if you wish.


TrueuntruePermanentnon permanent


III. Study these sentences: 

(i) My parents were regarded as an ideal couple.

(ii) I was asked to go and sit on the back. bench.

(iii) Such problems have to be I confronted. 

(a) The italicised verbs in these sentences are made up of a form of the verb be and a past participle (For example: were + regarded, was + asked, be + confronted)

(b) These sentences focus on what happens. rather than who does what. Notice that the ‘doer’ of the action is not included in the sentences.

(c) If necessary, we can mention the doer of the action in a by-phrase. For example:

The tree was struck by lightning.

The flag was unfurled by the Chief Guest.

IV. Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs in brackets into the passive form.

(i) In yesterday’s competition the prizes (give away) by the Principal. 

(ii) In spite of financial difficulties, the labourers (pay) on time. 

(iii) On Republic Day, vehicles (not allow) beyond this point.

(iv) Second-hand books (buy and sell) on the pavement every Saturday. 

(v) Elections to the Lok Sabha (hold) every five years.

(vi) Our National Anthem (composes) Rabindranath Tagore.

Ans: (i) were given away.

(ii) were paid.

(iii) were not allowed.

(iv) were bought and sold.

(v) are held.

(vi) is composed by.

Note: Pronouns in Active Voice Passive Voice


Subject is changed into object and is changed into subject use and third form of the verbs eq. Ram deposite money. Money is deposited by Ram.

V. Rewrite the paragraphs below, using the correct forms of the verb given in brackets.

1. How Helmets Came to Be Used in Cricket 

Nari Contractor was the Captain and an opening batsman for India in the 1960s. The Indian cricket team went on a tour to the West Indies in 1962. In a match against Barbados in Bridgetown, Nari Contractor (seriously injure and collapse). In those days helmets (not wear). Contractor (hit) on the head by a bouncer from Charlie Griffith. Contractor’s skull (fracture). The entire team (deeply concern). The West Indies players (worry). Contractor (rush) to hospital. He (accompany) by Frank Worrell, the Captain of the West Indies Team. Blood (donate) by the West Indies players. Thanks to the timely help, Contractor (save). Now-a-days helmets (routinely use) against fast bowlers.

Ans: (a) was Nari seriously injured and collapsed.

(b) were not worn.

(c) was hit.

(d) was fractured.

(e) was deeply concerned.

(f) were worried.

(g) was rushed.

(h) was accompanied.

(i) was donated.

(j) was saved.

(k) are routinely used.

2. Vegetable oils (make) from seeds and fruits of many plants growing all over the world, from tiny sesame seeds to big juicy coconuts. Oil (produce) from cotton seeds, groundnuts, soya beans and sunflower seeds. Oliver oil (use) for cooking, salad, dressing etc. Olives (shake) from the trees and (gather) up usually by hand. The olives (ground special) to a thick paste which is spread onto special mats. Then the mats (layer) up on the pressing machine which will gently squeeze them to produce olive oil.

Ans: 1. are made.

2. is produced.

3. is used.

4. are shaken.

5. are gathered.

6. are grounded.

7. are layered.


Let the class divide itself into three groups. Let each group take down one passage that the teacher dictates with correct punctuation marks. Then put the passages together in the right order.

To Sir, With Love 

1. From Rameswaram to the Rashtrapati Bhawan, it’s been a long journey. Talking to Nona Walia on the eve of Teacher’s Day, President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam talks about life’s toughest lessons learnt and his mission-being a teacher to the Indian youth. A proper education would help nurture a sense of dignity and self-respect among our youth”, says President Kalam. 

There’s still a child in him though and he’s still curious about learning new things. Life’s a mission for President Kalam.

2. Nonetheless, he remembers his first lesson in life and how it changed his destiny. “I was studying in standard V, and must have been all of 10. My teacher, Sri Sivasubramania Iyer was telling us how birds fly. He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard, depicting the wings, tail and the body with the head and then explained how birds soar to the sky. At the end of the class, I said I didn’t understand. Then he asked the other students if they had understood, but nobody had understood how birds fly,” he recalls.

3. “That evening, the entire class was taken to Rameswaram shore,” the President continues. “My teacher showed us sea birds. We saw marvellous formations of their flying and how their wings flapped. Then my teacher asked us, ‘where is the bird’s engine and how is it powered?’ I knew then that birds are powered by their own life and motivation. I understood all about bird’s dynamics. This was real teaching-a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example. Sri Sivasubramania Iyer was a great teacher.” 

That day, my future was decided. My destiny was changed. I knew my future had to be about flight and flight systems. 

Note: For Self


Here is a topic for you to 

• think about.

• give your opinion on.

Find out what other people think about it. Ask your friends/ seniors/parents to give you their opinion.

‘Career building is the only goal of Education.’


“Getting a good job is more important than being a good human being.” You can use the following phrases: 

(i) while giving your opinion:

• I think that …
• I my opinion … 
• It seems to me that …
• I am of the view that … 
• As far as I know … 
• If you ask me …

Ans: While giving your opinion: 

I am of the view that career building is not one aim of the education but it has so many other points as well. It should aim at proper under-standing of the other individual. Besides the man should not be a parasite on the society. He should be the true citizen of a nation in the real sense.

(ii) Saying what other people think:

• According to some … 
• Quite a few think… 
• Some others favour… 
• Thirty per cent of the people disagree … 
• Fifty per cent of them strongly feel…

Ans: Saying what other people think:

About this people have varied views. Some favour that career building is the only aim of education but more than 30% of the people do not find favour in it. They say that it should include in the attainment of job as well. Even 50% of them strongly feel that getting a good job is more important than being a good human beings.

(iii) Asking for other’s opinions:

• What do you think about… 
• What do you think of…
• What is your opinion about… 
• Do you agree… 
• Does this make you believe…

Ans: Asking for other’s opinions:

Others opine that job turns a man to become a good human being. When responsibilities fall upon him there comes a change in his ideology and he becomes all right in all respects.


Think and write a short account of what life in Rameswaram in the 1940s must have been like. (Were people rich or poor? Hard working or lazy? Hopeful of change or resistant to it?

Ans: Life In Rameswaram in the 1940s In the 1940s the life in Rameswaram seems to be in a dilapidated condition. Most of them lead a poor life having meagre means of livelihood. A very few can be among the rich people. The means of education were scanty. They worked hard in earning a small coin which used to be of great worth in those days. They belonged to orthodox views but there was no racial difference whatsoever. They were from hand to mouth and could afford only the essentialities of life. People had co-operation among them and they were hopeful of having changes in their modes.



Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

Q.1. What does the author Abdul Kalam tell about himself and his family?

Ans: Abdul Kalam was born in a middle-class Tamil family. His father had neither much wealth nor much formal education. But he was wise, generous, honest and austere. He was not a lethargic and ease-loving person. His mother was affectionate, generous and kind. Abdul Kalam inherited all the traits of his parent’s character.

Q.2. How does the author’s father relate Seagull’s journey across the sun with Abdul Kalam’s journey to study at the Ramanathapuram.

Ans: After the Second World War, Gandhiji declared, “Indiand will build their own India”. It filled the whole country with optimism and Abdul Kalam sought permission from his father to study in Ramanathapuram. To this the author’s father compared Kalam’s journey to Seagull’s journey across the sun. He knew that for growth, development and progress of their children they need to give given freedom of thought.

Q.3. How did Lakshmana Sastyr penalise the teacher if his son, when he differentiated Abdul Kalam on the basic of religion?

Ans: Lakshmana Sastry called the teacher and told him that he should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He asked the teacher to either apologise or quit the school. The teacher regretted his behaviour and he was completely reformed.

Q.4. What effect did Lakshmana Sastry’s treatment have on the new teacher? 

Ans: The teacher felt sorry for his action. The strong sense of conviction Lakshmana Sastry conveyed ultimately reformed this young teacher.

Q.5. What role was played by Abdul Kalam’s family during ‘Sri Sita Ram Kalyanam’ festival every year?

Ans: During the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam ceremony, Kalam’s family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of Rama from the temple to the marriage site, situated in the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha which was near Kalam’s house.

Q.6. How did Sivasubramania Iyer teach Abdul Kalam to change the system? 

Ans: Sivasubramania Iyer was Abdul Kalam’s science teacher. He, though an orthodox Brahmin, was something of a rebel. He taught Abdul Kalam to be bold and cool. He said that once you decide to change the system, all problems can be confronted.

Q.7. Who were A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s childhood friends? What are they doing now? (M. Imp.)

Ans: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s childhood friends were Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Siva Prakashan. Ramanadha Sastry is the high priest of the Rameswaram temple, Aravindan went into the business of arranging transport for visiting pilgrims and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways. 

Q.8. How did Abdul’s father console Abdul’s mother when she was reluctant to send him away? 

Ans: Abdul Kalam’s father referred to Khalil Gibran. He told her that her children were not hers. They were the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. They come through her and not from her. She might give them her love but their thoughts were their own. 

Q.9. What all did Abdul Kalam inherit from his parents?

Ans: Kalam imbibed honesty and self-discipline from his father and form his mother he learnt to have faith in goodness and deep and deep kindness and to be generous.

Q.10. What kind of life did Abdul Kalam lead?

Ans: Abdul Kalam was born in a middle class Tamil family. He lived a simple life in which he could afford necessities. Infact his childhood was very secure both materially and emotionally.

Q.11. What was the narrator’s family’s task during the annual Shri Rama Kalyanam ceremony?

Ans: During the Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam ceremony, their family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of the Lord from the temple to the marriage site, situated in the middle of the pond called Ram Tirath which was near their house.

Q.12. How did Abdul Kalam’s science teacher react when his wife refused to serve food to Abdul in her kitchen?

Ans: Abdul Kalam’s science teacher did not get angry or upset when his wife refused to serve food to Abdul Kalam in her kitchen. He sat outside the kitchen with Abdul and ate dinner with him. He invited him fir dinner again on next weekend.


Q.1. “Good friends can be tough to come by yet they can make all the difference in your life.” What attitude and responsibility one should have towards their friends? What values does friendship enhance?

Ans: Friendship is something which can never be ignored. True friends are for life. They take us on the path of goodness. We should always give due respect despite of what cast, creed or religion they belong to. True friends are the ones who help in time of need. We should regard our weakness. We should share pain, sorrow and happiness with our friends. We can fight the whole world with good friends. They help us give qualities such as sharing, respect and caring. Never lose true friends. Always be with good friends.

Q.2. What role was played by Abdul Kalam’s family during ‘Sri Sita Ram Kalyanam’ festival every year? What values of life one learns from this? If given chance would you volunteer yourself for such ceremonies?

Ans: During the annual Shri Sita Ram Kalayanam ceremony, Kalam’s family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of Rama from the temple to the marriage sita. The temple site was situated in the middle of the pond. Such services instill in us value of providing community service. If I am given chance to be member of such ceremony I would volunteer myself for such a ceremony. Such a task of helping people of other religions helps to gain an understanding and build a bond of different religions. This would encourage the people with differences to have strong bonding.

Q.3. What was the new teacher doing? Was his action appropriate or not? If not then justify your answer. Also mention the values which are ignored by the new teacher.

Ans: The new teacher had asked Abdul Kalam being Muslim to sit at the back row. He was trying to spread unequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. His action was not at all appropriate because he was poisoning young children. The new teacher was completely insensitive. He was biassed in religion. 

If we have such teachers in our school, we would face problems and feel frustrated.

Q.4. Do you appreciate the way Lakshman Sastry treated the new teacher? What value did the new teacher learn from this incident?

Ans: Lakshman felt sorry about the behaviour of the teacher. He called the teacher and asked him not to spread inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He asked the teacher that the should either apologize or leave the place at once. He told that he should not poison the minds of young children.

The new teacher changed himself from this incident. He learnt that he should honour not only his own religion but also respect other religions.

Q.5. What characteristics have you inherited from your parents? How can these characteristics help you in accomplishment of your goal?

Ans: Parents are the first institution which child comes across. Child inherits all the good qualities as well as bad ones from parents. Such qualities like hard work, honesty, humbleness, self discipline are imbibed in every child through his family. When our family is by our side we become determined. It is determination and strong will power which make us move on the path of success. These qualities would also develop passions in us. These qualities would make us good human beings and inculcate value of love towards all. So a person with these qualities will always be successful in life.

Q.6. The above mentioned incident shows that differences can be created and resolved as well. What traits in Sivasubramania Iyer are highlighted? Express how individual efforts can bring change in society.

Ans: Sivasubramania Iyer was the science teacher of Abdul. he was a rebel by nature. He was not orthodox. He invited Abdul Kalam to his house, his wife was an orthodox Brahmin and did not like the idea of food being served in the kitchen. But Iyer wanted to bring change in society. With his individual efforts, he wanted to bring change in people. He did his best to  break the barriers.

I fell that his individual efforts did a great take to break the barriers and mingle people of different religions together.

Q.7. The wife of science teacher refused to serve Abdul in her kitchen. But later she served him food with her own hands. What brought this change in her? What system is this incidence referring to? What values will help us in fighting against this system?

Ans: The wife of Sivasubramania Iyer was a conservative Hindu woman. She refused to serve Abdul food in the kitchen because he was a Muslim. But later she realised her mistake. She realised that all humans are similar. System being referred to is the system that separates people on the basis of caste and creed. We can fight with the system. If we are persistent in efforts, it is thus necessary to bring change in yourself.

Q.8. Abdul’s science teacher invited him to his house and served him food despite his wife objecting to it. What lesson was he trying to teach Abdul through this action? How can it help us in life?

Ans: Abdul’s science teacher was not orthodox. He was trying to teach him that once we decide to change the system, problems have to be faced. He felt that we could not get solution to the things straight, we had to rebel. By becoming a rebel one could fight to achieve higher goal. Once we have learnt to work for higher goal, we can easily face all the odds of life.


Answer these questions in about 100-150 words each:

Q. 1. How did Abdul Kalam earn his ‘first wages’? How did he feel at that time? Explain. 

Ans: When Second World War broke out in 1939, India was forced to join the Allied Forces. A state of emergency was declared. As a result, the train halt at Rameswaram station was suspended. The newspapers had to be tied into bundles and thrown out from the moving train on the Rameswaram Road between Rameswaram and Dhanuskodi.

Abdul Kalam’s cousin was engaged in the distribution of newspapers in Rameswaram. Now he had to find a helping hand to catch the bundles. He found Abdul Kalam suitable for this job and appointed him. Thus he enabled Abdul Kalam to earn his ‘first wage’. At that time, Abdul Kalam felt very proud of having earned his own money for the first time.

Q. 2. Write the character-sketch of Abdul Kalam’s father, Jainulabdeen.


Why did Abdul Kalam want to leave Rameswaram? What did his father say to his mother at that occasion?

Ans: Abdul Kalam’s father, Jainulabdeen, belonged to a middle-class Tamil family. He had neither much wealth not much formal education but had many innate qualities of character. He was wise, generous, honest and austere. He loved all his children.

He was open-minded, intelligent and had a philosophical approach towards life. When his son, Abdul asked permission to go to Ramanathapuram for higher studies, he not only himself gave him the permission to go but also made hios hesitant wife ready for the same. He gave his wife the example of the Seagull who leaves its home to fly to the far sea in search of food. He told her that she should give her love to the children but not thrust her thoughts upon them. Let them be free in having their own thoughts.

Q.3. What happened in the classroom when the new teacher came in the classroom? How did Lakshmana Sastry solve the problem? 


Write in brief about Abdul Kalam’s class-room experience. 

Ans: Abdul Kalam got the first taste of social  separation in his fifth class. His new teacher, seeing him as a Muslim asked sit in the back row, rather than first. The reason was that he was a Muslim. He could not sit next to a Hindu Brahmin. With heavy heart, he obeyed his teacher but he could see his friend, Ramanadha Sastry feeling sad. They went home and told about this incident to their parents. His friend’s father was a temple priest at Rameswaram.

He was sad to know of this incident. He called the teacher and asked him not to spread inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He bluntly asked the teacher to feel sorry for his bad behaviour. He even urged him to either apologize or quit the school and the island. He told him not to poison the young children with biased religious views. The teacher realised his mistake and asked forgiveness. Ultimately the teacher got reformation in his untoward behaviour.

Q. 4. How was the childhood of A.P.J. Kalam different from the  childhood of other common children?


Described the childhood of A.P.J.  Kalam in your own words. 

Ans: Abdul Kalam was not an extra-ordinary child. His childhood was similar to that of other children. His neighbours were orthodox Hindu families. Unlike other Muslim children he got the deepest love and care from the Hindu society. All his friends were Hindus. He got the company and guidance of his science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer. 

His parents were great thinkers and contributed in making his childhood uncommon. They made his childhood secure both materially and emotionally. They believed in the individuality of a person and thus they let him decide his future himself. 

Q.6. Abdul Kalam, a Muslim, shared a very healthy relationship with his childhood friends from a different religious background. What noble emotions urged them to have such a strong bond? Write in about 100-150 words.

Ans: Although, Kalam’s boyhood friends were all Hindus yet, they were very close to each other. They respected each other’s caste, community and religion. This religious tolerance was imbibed in them since their childhood days. Their parents played a key role in inculcating such values in them. They were broad- minded and willing to give space to each other. They presented a perfect picture of communal harmony in the society. 

They gave an ideal example to their teacher who wanted to spread social harmony among them by showing their unity in diversity. They shared a healthy relationship and a strong bond of friendship. Ramanadha Sastry even cried when Kalam was asked by the new teacher to sit at back bench because he was a muslim and considered as an inferior by the teacher.

Q.7. Give the character sketch of Abdul Kalam.


Childhood experience and lessons learnt in the school and at home turned Abdul Kalam into a great achiever. Give a reasoned answer. 

Ans: Abdul Kalam was born in a middle class Tamil family. He was a short boy, with ordinary looks. He was a simple boy but he was very hard-working and studious. He was wise, generous, honest and respectful towards his parents. He was dynamic and had the potentials to do hard work. Abdul did not get luxuries but got all the necessities of life. He learnt dedication and sincerity from his mother and secularism from his father. His science teacher also influenced him a lot. His hardships made him a strong man.

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