NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind

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A Truly Beautiful Mind

Chapter: 4



Passage: 1

At the age of two-and-a-half year, Einstein still wasn’t talking. When he finally did learn to speak, he uttered everything twice. Einstein did not know what to do with other children, and his playmates called him “Brother Boring.” So the youngster played by himself much of the time. He especially loved mechanical toys. 


1. Einstein was unable to talk by the age of:

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(a) Full five year.

(b) Three year.

(c) Three and half year.

(d) Two and a half year.

Ans: (d) two and a half year.

2. His playmates nicknamed Einstein and calling him: 

(a) Cute brother. 

(b) Brother boring.

(c) Lammy stang.

(d) dumb baby.

Ans: (b) Brother boring. 

3. The boy Einstein was fond of playing with:

(a) Electrical toys.

(b) Wooden toys. 

(c) Plastic toys. 

(d) Mechanical toys.

Ans: (d) Mechanical toys.

4. Which is correct synonym for ‘finally’.

(a) Lastly.

(b) Closingly.

(c) Hindermost. 

(d) Latest.

Ans: (a) Lastly.

5. What was the physical deformity in the body?

(a) Couldn’t walk.

(b) Couldn’t hear.

(c) Couldn’t talk.

(d) Couldn’t see.

Ans: (c) Couldn’t talk.

Passage: 2

A headmaster once told his father that what Einstein chose as a profession wouldn’t matter, because “he’ll never make a success at anything.” Einstein began learning to play the violin at the age of six, because his mother wanted him to; he later became a gifted amateur violinist, maintaining this skill throughout his life.


1. The pronoun ‘he’ stands for:

(a) The Headmaster. 

(b) Einstein’s father. 

(c) Einstein.

(d) All/none of these. 

Ans: (c) Einstein.

2. A headmaster had a view on einstein that the boy:

(a) Will never make a success at anything.

(b) Will be a failure.

(c) Will be a medio core.

(d) Did not have sound intelligence. 

Ans: (a) Will never make a success at anything.

3. Einstein’s mother desired that the boy should play on:

(a) Harmonium.

(b) Pungi.

(c) Violin.

(d) Guitar. 

Ans: (c) Violin. 

4. Write the verb of “success”:

(a) Successive. 

(b) Successful.

(c) Succeed.

(d) Succeeding.

Ans: (c) Succeed.

5. By what age did Einstein not learn to speak?

(a) Three and half year. 

(b) Four and half year.

(c) Five and half year.

(d) Two and half year.

Ans: (d) Two and half year.

Passage: 3

But Albert Einstein was not a bad pupil. He went to high school in Munich, where Einstein’s family had moved when he was 15 months old, and scored good marks in almost every subject. Einstein hated the school’s regimentation, and often clashed with his teachers. At the age of 15, Einstein felt so stifled there that he left the school for good.


1. To have education, Einstein went to:

(a) Millan.

(b) Texala.

(c) Munich.

(d) Yolahama.

Ans: (c) Munich.

2. What used to be his performance in different subjects?

(a) Good scoring.

(b) Pass marks.

(c) Ranking position. 

(d) Poor marks.  

Ans: (a) Good scoring.

3. Einstein could not continue his studies at high school because of:

(a) Strict discipline. 

(b) Linent discipline.

(c) Inefficient teachers.

(d) Improper infrastructure.

Ans: (a) Strict discipline.

4. The word ‘clashed’ means:

(a) Concord.

(b) Fought.

(c) Quarrelled.

(d) Revolted. 

Ans: (c) Quarrelled. 

5. Trace the word that means ‘got’.

(a) Moved. 

(b) Clashed.

(c) Scored. 

(d) Left.

Ans: (b) Scored.

Passage: 4

He also felt a special interest in a fellow student, Mileva Maric, whom he found to be a ‘Clever Creature’. This young Serb had come to Switzerland because the University in Zurich was one of the few in Europe where women could get degrees. Einstein saw in her an ally against the ‘Philistines’ those people in his family and at the university which whom he was constantly at odds. The couple fell in love. 


1. Who was Mileva Maric?

(a) A fellow student.

(b) A teacher. 

(c) A maid. 

(d) A demonstrator.

Ans: (a) A fellow student. 

2. Einstein started his degree education in:

(a) Milan.

(b) Munich.

(c) Rome.

(d) Zurich.

Ans: (d) Zurich.

3. What did einstein find in Mileva Maric?

(a) A cute fellow.

(b) An amiable friend. 

(c) A faithful guy.

(d) A clever creature.

Ans: (d) A clever creature.

4. Trace a word which is similar in meaning to friendship’.

(a) Ally. 

(b) Fellowship.

(c) Closeness.

(d) Partnership.

Ans: (a) Ally. 

5. From which lesson these lines has been taken?

(a) The Sound of Music. 

(b) A Truly Beautiful Mind.

(c) The Little Girl.

(d) Packing.

Ans: (b) A Truly Beautiful Mind.

Passage: 5

While he was supposed to be assessing other people’s inventions, Einstein was actually developing his own ideas in secret. He is said to have jokingly called his desk drawer at work the ‘Bureau of theoretical physics.”


1. Einstein was appointed as:

(a) Technical expert.

(b) Data analyst.

(c) Statistic assistant.

(d) Scientist.

Ans: (a) Technical expert. 

2. Einstein was to:

(a) Evaluate the inventions.

(b) Make discoveries.

(c) Assess other’s inventions.

(d) Do official job.

Ans: (c) Assess other’s inventions. 

3. In which activity Einstein was actually involved?

(a) Inventing his own ideas.

(b) Doing work in secret. 

(c) Assessing other’s work.

(d) Doing nothing.

Ans: (a) Doing work in secret. 

4. His desk drawer was called by him:

(a) Bureau of inventions.

(b) Practical laboratory.

(c) Physics workshop.

(d) Bureau of theoretical physics.

Ans: (d) Bureau of theoretical physics. 

5. Trace a word that means ‘hidden’.

(a) Jokingly.

(b) Assessing. 

(c) Secret.

(d) Supposed. 

Ans: (c) Secret.

Passage: 6 

She thought Mileva, who was three years older than her son, was too old for him. She was also bothered by Mileva’s intelligence. She is a book like you,” his mother said. Einstein put the wedding off.


1. Identify ‘she’ in these lines. 

(a) Einstein’s beloved.

(b) Mother of Einstein.

(c) Teacher of Einstein. 

(d) None of these.

Ans: (a) Einstein’s beloved.

2. Einstein’s mother was against the marriage because:

(a) The girl was to old.

(b) The girl was too young. 

(c) The girl was older than the boy.

(d) The girl was more intelligent than the boy.

Ans: (a) the girl was to old.

3. His mother opined that the girl was:

(a) A fine encyclopedia.

(b) A book like him. 

(c) A pandora of views.

(d) A big book of thesis.

Ans: (b) A book like him. 

4. The word ‘bothered’ here means:

(a) Troubled.

(b) Anxious.

(c) Impatient.

(d) Tensed.  

Ans: (a) Troubled.

5. Who is the author of this chapter.

(a) Issac Asimov.

(b) Albert Einstein.

(c) Santosh Yadav. 

(d) Gieve Patel. 

Ans: (b) Albert Einstein.

Passage: 7

The pair finally married in January 1903, and had two sons. But a few years later, the marriage faltered. Mileva, meanwhile, was losing her intellectual ambition and becoming an unhappy housewife. After years of constant fighting, the couple finally divorced in 1919. Einstein married his cousin Elsa the same year. 


1. When did Einstein mary Maric?

(a) In 1900.

(b) May 1903.

(c) June 1904.

(d) January 1903.

Ans: (d) January 1903. 

2. The couple had a divorce since these used to be: 

(a) Intellectual difference.

(b) Constant bickering. 

(c) The desire of parents.

(d) A great age difference. 

Ans: (b) constant bickering.

3. Whom did Einstein have his engagement?

(a) Minerva. 

(b) Elsa.

(c) Anime.

(d) His cousin. 

Ans: (b) Elsa.

4. Trace the opposite of ‘unhappy’.

(a) Joyous.

(b) Happy.

(c) Pleasant.

(d) Both (a) and (b). 

Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b).

5. Who was the second wife of Albert?

(a) Marie. 

(b) Elsa.

(c) Mileva. 

(d) None of these. 

Ans: (b) Elsa.

Passage: 8

At the urging of a colleague, Einstein wrote a letter to the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, on August 2, 1939, in which he warned: “A single bomb of this type… exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory.” His words did not fail to have an effect.


1. Name the President mentioned in these lines?

(a) President John F Kennedy. 

(b) Donald Trump.

(c) Mr. Roosevelt. 

(d) Joe Pridden.

Ans: (c) Mr. Roosevelt. 

2. A letter was written by Albert to the president on:

(a) January, 1903. 

(b) August 2,1939.

(c) Before the second world war.

(d) In March 1940.

Ans: (b) August 2,1939.

3. Einstein wrote in his letter:

(a) Destruction by a bomb. 

(b) Disturbance of peace.

(c) War like situation. 

(d) Dead lock by bomb.

Ans: (a) Destruction by a bomb. 

4. When Einstein wrote a letter, he was at that time staying in:

(a) America. 

(b) Geman.

(c) Poland. 

(d) Mexico.

Ans: (a) America.

5. Name the author of this chapter. 

(a) Issac Asimov.

(b) Katherine Mansfield.

(c) Coates Kinney.

(d) Albert Einstein.

Ans: (d) Albert Einstein.


Thinking about the Text

Q.1. Here are some headings for paragraphs in the text. Write the number (s) of the paragraph(s) for each title against the heading. The first one is done for you.

(i) Einstein’s equation.

Ans: Einstein’s equation – 9.

(ii) Einstein meets his future wife.

Ans: Einstein meets his future wife – 7.

(iii) The making of a violinist.

Ans: The making of a violinist – 3.

(iv) Mileva and Einstein’s mother.

Ans: Mileva and Einstein’s mother – 10.

(v) A letter that launched the arms race.

Ans: A letter that launched the arms race – 16.

(vi) A desk drawer full of ideas.

Ans: A desk drawer full of ideas – 8.

(vii) Marriage and divorce.

Ans: Marriage and divorce – 11.

Q.2. Who had these opinions about Einstein?

(i) He was boring.

Ans: He was boring = The playmates of Einstein called him ‘Brother Boring’. 

(ii) He was stupid and would never succeed in life.

Ans: He was stupid and would never succeed in life = A headmaster. 

(iii) He was a freak.

Ans: He was a freak = The mother of Albert Einstein.

Q.3. Explain what the reasons for the following are: 

(i) Einstein leaving the school in Munich for good.

Ans: “Because” it had extreme discipline which he hated very much.

(ii) Einstein wanting to study in Switzerland rather than Munich.

Ans: It was liberal than Munich. There German was also spoken. 

(iii) Einstein seeing in Mileva an ally. What do these tell you about Einstein? 

Ans: She was considered by him as a ‘Clever Creature’.

These facts tell about Einstein as under:

1. He hated strict discipline.

2. He wanted to study in a free atmosphere.

3. He loved his mother tongue very much. 

4. He had great respect for an intelligent girl student because a few could get degrees.

5. He was a brilliant student.

Q.4. What did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent office? Why? 

Ans: Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office “Bureau of Theoretical Physics.” It was because he was developing his own ideas secretly rather than he was supposed to assess the inventions of others.

Q.5. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Ans: Einstein was a visionary scientist. He did not want to see the humanity ruined through atom bomb explosion. He was afraid that the Nazis could build and use an atomic bomb. A single bomb would destroy the whole port and the surrounding areas as well.

Q.6. How did Einstein react to the  bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Ans: On seeing the destruction caused by bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Einstein was deeply shaken. He was grievously hurt. He wanted peace. The arm race should stop. He proposed for a world government.

Q.7. Why does the world remember Einstein as a ‘world citizen’?

Ans: Einstein is remembered as a world citizen because he campaigned for peace and democracy. He was against the butchering of humanity as well as the arms race. He was a great visionary in addition to his scientific genius. He advocated formation of the world. government.

Q.8. Here are some facts from Einstein’s life. Arrange them in chronological order.

(i) Einstein publishes his Special Theory of Relativity. 

(ii) He is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

(iii) Einstein writes a letter to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and warns against Germany’s building of an atomic bomb.

(iv) Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

(v) Einstein’s family move to Milan.

(vi) Einstein is born in the German city of Ulm.

(vii) Einstein joins a University in Zurich, where he meets Mileva.

(Viii) Einstein dies. 

(ix) He provides a new interpretation of the centre of gravitation.

(x) Tired of the school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

(xi) He works in a patent office as a technical expert.

(xii) When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.

Ans: The facts about Einstein’s life can be arranged chronologically as under:

1. Einstein is born in the German city of Ulm.

2. Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

3. Tired of school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

4. Einstein’s family move to Milan.

5. Einstein joins a university in Zurich, where he meets Mileva.

6. He works in a patent office as a technical experts.

7. Einstein publishes his Special Theory of Relativity.

8. He provides a new interpretation of the centre of gravity. 

9. He is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

10. When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.

11. Einstein writes a letter to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and warns against Germany’s building of an atomic bomb.

12. Einstein dies.


I. Here are some sentences from the story. Choose the word from the brackets which can be substituted for the italicized words in the sentences.

1. A few years later, his marriage faltered. (failed, broke, became weak).

Ans: Faltered = became weak. 

2. Einstein was constantly at odds with people at the university. (on bad terms, in disagreement, unhappy)

Ans: At odds = In disagreement.

3. The newspaper proclaimed his work as “a scientific revolution.” (declared, praised, showed)

Ans: proclaimed = Disclosed.

4. Einstein got ever more involved in politics, agitating for an end to the arms buildup. (campaigning, fighting, supporting)

Ans: Agitating = Fighting.

5. At the age of 15, Einstein felt so stifled that he left the school for good. (permanently, for this benefit, for a short time)

Ans: For good = Permanently.

6. Five years later, the discovery of nuclear fission in Berlin had American physicists in an uproar. (in a state of commotion, full of criticism, in a desperate state)

Ans: In an uproar = In a desperate state.  

7. Science wasn’t the only thing that appealed to the dashing young man with the walrus moustache. (interested, challenged, worried)

Ans: Appealed to = Interested.

II. Study the following sentences:

• Einstein became a gifted amateur violinist, maintaining this skill throughout his life.

• Letters survive in which they put their affection into words, mixing science with tenderness.

The parts in italics in the above sentences begin with -ing verbs, and are called participle phrases. Participle phrases say something more about the person or thing talked about or the idea expressed by the sentence as a whole.

Participle Phrases वे Phrases होते हैं जिनमें मुख्य Verb Verb की Ist form के साथ + ing लगाकर बनता है/ ये अधिकतर किसी आदमी या वस्तु के विषय में अथवा किसी विचार को पूर्णतया व्यक्त करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिये Speaking about, availing of etc.

For Example:

Einstein became a gifted amateur violinist. He maintained this skill throughout his life.

Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with suitable participle clauses. The information that has to be used in the phrases is provided as a sentence in brackets. 

1. ________ the firefighters finally put out the fire. (They worked around the clock)

Ans: 1. Working round the clock, the fire fighters finally put out the fire.

2. She watched the sunset above the mountain ________  (She noticed the colours blending softly into one another.)

Ans: She watched the sunset above the mountain, noticing the colours blending softly into one another.

3. The excited horse pawed the ground rapidly, ________ (While it neighed continually.)

Ans: The excited horse pawed the ground rapidly, neighing it continually. 

4. ________ I found myself in Bangalore, instead of Benaras. (I had taken the wrong train).

Ans: Taking the wrong train I found myself in Bangalore, instead of Benaras.

5. ________ I was desperate to get to the bathroom. (I had not bathed for two days)

Ans: Having no bath for two days I was desperate to get to the bathroom.

6. The stone steps, _________ needed to be replaced. (They were worn down).

Ans: The stone steps, being worn down they needed to be replaced. 

7. The actor received hundreds of letters from his fans, ________ (They asked him to send them his photographs.)

Ans: The actor received hundreds of letters from his fans, asking him to send them his photographs.


Here are some notes which you could use to write a report: 

21st August, 2005 – Original handwritten manuscript of Albert Einstein unearthed-by student Rowdy Boeynik in the University of Netherlands – Boeynik researching papers-papers belonging to an old friend of Einstein- fingerprints of Einstein on these papers – 16 pages document dated 1924 – Einstein’s work on this last theory-behaviour of atoms at low temperature – now known as the Bose-Einstein condensation – the manuscript to be kept at Leyden University where Einstein got the Nobel Prize.

Write a report which has four paragraphs one each on: 

• What was unearthed.

• What the document contained.

• Who unearthed it and when.

• Where it will be kept.

Your report could being like this:

Student Unearths Einstein Manuscript
21st August, 2005. An original hand written Albert Einstein’s manuscript has been unearthed at a university in the Netherlands…….

Ans: Student Unearths Einstein Manuscript

21st August, 2005, An original hand written Albert Einstein’s, manuscript has been unearthed at a university in the Netherlands. The boy named Rowdy Boeynik was studying in the University of Netherlands. 

He unearthed these papers while he was searching the papers. These papers belonged to an old friend of Einstein. These papers contained his fingerprints. These contained a 16 page document of 1924. At that time Einstein was working on the theory of Relativity.

It expressed the behaviour of atoms at low température. It is now known as the Bose- Einstein condensation. 

This manuscript of Einstein was kept at Leyden University where he got the Nobel Prize.


Your teacher will dictate these paragraphs to you. Write down the paragraphs with correct punctuation marks. 

In 1931 Charlie Chaplin invited Albert Einstein, who was visiting Hollywood, to a private screening of his new film, “City Lights”. As the two men drove into town together, passersby waved and cheered. Chaplin turned to his guest and explained: “The people are applauding you because none of them understands you and applauding me because everybody understands me.”

One of Einstein’s colleagues asked him for his telephone number one day. Einstein reached for a telephone directory and looked it up. “You don’t remember your own number ?” the man asked, startled. “No, “Einstein answered. “Why should I memories something I can so easily get from a book?” (In fact, Einstein claimed never to memories anything which could be looked up in less than two minutes.)

Note: Punctuation Marks: In order to have a correct and meaningful sentence, we use the following punctuation marks:

(.) Full stop.

(,) Comma.

(?) Mark of Interrogation. 

(!) Mark of Exclamation.

(-) Dash.

(:) Colon.

(;) Semicolon.

( ) Bracket.

(“”) Inverted Commas.



Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

Q.1. How was Einstein a peculiar child?

Ans: Albert Einstein was a peculiar child as he could not behave or think like others. For about two and a half year, Einstein did not talk. Even his head seemed too large. He uttered everything twice. 

Q.2. Why did Einstein leave the school for good?

Ans: Albert Einstein was not a bad pupil during his school days. But there was an extreme sense of discipline. The students had to remain under harsh order. He hated this type of discipline. He often clashed with his teachers. Tired and suffocated with this atmosphere, Albert left the school for ever.

Q.3. How did the headmaster opine about the boy Albert? 

Ans: During his boyhood, the boy Albert was sent to school. There he did not show any good signs of his progress. Even the headmaster of the school told his father that he would never make a success at everything. It did not matter whatever profession he might choose.

Q.4. Einstein was a gifted violinist. Detail the relevant fact in this regard.

Ans: When Einstein was of six years old, he took keen interest in the violin. He started playing on it. His mother too desired that Albert should learn it. He practised laboriously and became a gifted amateur violinist. He maintained his skill throughout his life.

Q.5. At which place Albert continued his education?

Ans: Albert was fed up with the strict discipline at high school in Munich. So he left the school for good. He wanted to continue his studies. He had a long discussion with his parents for his education. He wanted to join the German speaking institution. Ultimately he got success. He had his admission in German speaking www.Switzerland. This place respected and understood others properly.

Q.6. How did Albert feel a special interest in Mileva Maric?

Ans: For higher studies, Albert joined a university in Zurich. In addition to study Mathematics, he was interested in Physics. There at the university he felt a special interest in a fellow student Maric. He called her a “Clever Creature.” She was one of the students studying there. He found in the girl something against art and literature. Both fell in love.

Q.7. Why was Einstein’s mother against his marriage with Mileva?

Ans: Albert’s mother did not like Albert to marry with Mileva Maric. She held the view that the girl was three years older than her son Albert. So she was very old for him. Secondly his mother was troubled due to her intelligence. His mother said “She is a book like Albert.” So Einstein wedded off the marriage in the beginning.

Q.8. Who was the fellow student in which Einstein got interested? Why was he drawn to her?

Ans: While his study at the University in Zurich, Albert felt a special interest in a fellow student. She was Mileva Maric. He got drawn to her because she was against the people who do not like art, music or literature. As a result both fell in love.

Q.9. What was the content of the letter that Einstein wrote to Roosevelt?

Ans: On the advice of Albert’s colleague, he wrote a letter to the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He warned. “A single bomb of this type… exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory.” This had a good effect on the President.

Q.10. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Ans: When the Nazis come to power in Germany, Einstein emigrated to the United States. After five years there was a discovery of nuclear fission in Berlin. The American physicists became very upset. They thought that Nazis could use atomic bomb. So, he wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt.


Q.1. Albert Einstein seemed a freak at young age. His headmaster also never believed that he will make success. But Albert Einstein proved everyone wrong. He became a celebrated genius. Which characteristic features responsible for this act? 

Ans: Albert Einstein was a different kind of student who hated school regimentation. From his very young age he had the courage to stand against the world. Einstein gave to the world a lot of scientific theories such as special theory of Relativity and formula between mass and energy. He even worked for peace and democracy. He was a great visionary. All these qualities made him earn status of a great scientist.

Q.2. Albert and Mileva Marie fell in love, But Einstein’s mother was not in favour of their marriage. Why? Do you think that even today parents are not in favour of such marriages?

Ans: Albert and Milegva fell in love with each other. Albert’s mother did not like Albert to marry with Mileva. She was of the view that girl was three years older than her son. Secondly she was worried as Mileva was very intelligent. Her mother gound that she was a book like Albert. Her mother proved right as marriage did not last long.

Q.3. If Einstein had been alive how would he have reacted to the violence and terrorism?

Ans: Einstein was a visionary and a man of high calibre. He campaigned for peace and democracy. He wanted humanity to survive. Einstein was also deeply shaken by the destruction of lakhs of innocent men, women and children.

If Einstein had been alive then he would have emerged as the saviour. He would have brought revolution and changed the world. He would have tried every effort to fight against terrorism and curbed violence. He would have emerged as The World President.


Answer these questions in about 100-150  words each:

Q.1. Albert Einstein is called a scientific genius. Write down his achievements and comment on his genius. 

Ans: Albert Einstein was really a scientific genius. He was at home in mathematics but showed keen interest in physics. In Zurich he worked on relativity, His theory of relativity. expressed the view that time and distance are not absolute. He gave a world fame formula E = mc2, where E stands for energy, m for mass and c for speed of light. In 1915, his General Theory of Relativity was published. It gave a new meaning to ‘Gravity’. He calculated in advance about light from fixed stars would be deflected by the sun’s gravitational field. Later, it was found accurate in 1919. The world showered on him honours and invitations. He was honoured with Nobel Prize in 1921.

Q.2. Einstein was a visionary and a world citizen. Comment. 

Ans: Albert was a man of high calibre. He had a scientific mind though he was expert in Mathematics. For university degree, he went to University in Zurich. Albert got a job as a technical expert in the patent office. In 1905, his famous theory come with Special Theory of Relativity. It specified that time and distance are not absolute. He gave a formula E mc2 where e stands for energy, m for mass and c for speed of light. He calculated in advance the extent to which light from fixed stars would be deflected through sun’s gravitational field. For this he was given Nobel Prize in 1921. Mass destruction caused by bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki touched his heart. He agitated to end up the arms build up. He campaigned for peace and democracy. He wanted humanity to survive. He died at the age of 76. Due to his tireless efforts, new formula and work for the humanity he was celebrated both as a visionary and a scientific genius.

Q.3. How did Einstein react to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


How did Einstein work for world peace and security?

Ans: The Nazis come to power in Germany in 1933. Hitler became the Dictator of Germany Albert Einstein emigrated to the United States.

Five years later, the discovery of nuclear fission was made in Berlin. Einstein and other scientists became very upset. They feared Nazis would make at atom bomb. On August 2, 1939 Einstein wrote to the 1. President and warned ‘one such bomb if used on a port, might destroy the surrounding territory’.

On August 1945, America dropped atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan during the Second World War. The extent of damage was so great that it moved all peace loving people. Albert Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction of lakhs of innocent men, women and children. He wrote to UN for a World Government. He agitated to end arms buildup. He campaigned for world peace and strengthening democracy. He was celebrated as a visionary. 

Q.4. How did Albert develop relationship with Mileva Maric? What was the result of this relationship?


Which grounds compelled the couple to go for a divorce? Provide details.

Ans: While his study at the University in Zurich, Albert felt a special interest in a fellow student. She was Mileva Maric. Due to her specific intelligence Albert called her a ‘Clever Creature.” In those days very few ladies could go to the university for degree education. Einstein became interested in her as she was against the people who do not like art, music or literature.

As a result of this, both fell in love. They put their affection in words.

Albert wanted to marry Mileva Maric. But his mother was against this red relationship. She thought that Mileva was three years older than Albert. She was rather too old for him. Secondly, his mother was troubled due to intelligence of the girl. Einstein put off the marriage. But the pair finally married in January 1903. They had two sons. Their relationship could not last long. Mileva started losing her intellectual ambition. She turned to be an unhappy housewife. Both went on fighting. Consequently they completely divorced in 1919.

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