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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 26 The Happy Prince
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The Happy Prince
Chapter: 26
Q. 1. Why do the courtiers call the prince The Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see around him?
Ans: As long as the prince was alive, he lived Jd in his palace free from sorrow or suffering, it was such a carefree and happy life that his courtiers called him the Happy Prince.
But after his death, his statue was put on a high pillar. He saw the suffering of the poor and felt very unhappy. Since he couldn’t move himself, he only wept helplessly.
Q. 2. Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress’ house?
Ans: The Prince persuaded the swallow bird to stay with him for a day and oblige him. He asked the bird to take out the ruby from the handle of his sword and give it to a poor seamstress. Her son is ill and asking for oranges. But the mother can give him only river water. The bird carried out the mission. He flew gently round the bed and fanned the boy’s forehead. The boy felt cool and better.
Q. 3. For whom does the prince send the sapphires and why?
Ans: The prince sends his two sapphires to help a poor playwright and a matchgirl. He thinks that the playwright will sell the ruby to buy firewood and finish his play. The matchgirl, he thinks, will escape punishment by her father.
Q. 4. What does the swallow see when it flies over the city?
Ans: The swallow flew over the city. He saw the rich making merry while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He saw the starving children in dark slums or under the bridge. She carried gold leaves for the poor and made them smile.
Q. 5. Why did the swallow not leave the Prince and go to Egypt?
Ans: The swallow overstayed with the Prince. The snow came, followed by frost. The poor bird grew colder. He dropped the idea of leaving the Prince and going to Egypt. He loved the Prince to well. At last he knew that his end was near.
Q. 6. What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious?
Ans: Soon the statue of the Happy Prince gave a deserted look. When the Mayor and the town Councillors passed there they viewed that the statue was like a beggar. So the statue was pulled down. The statue was melted in a furnace. The overseer at the foundry said that the broken lead heart won’t meet in the furnace. They threw it away where the dead swallow was also lying. Then God asked one of the angels to bring the two most precious things in the city. The Angels took the leaden heart and the dead bird. These two things were precious because the Prince had sacrificed everything for the poor and the needy. The swallow acted according to the command of the Prince aid did not leave him. Then it was blind he protected it till his last breath. He fell dead at his feet.
Q. 7. The little swallow says, “It is curious, but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.” Have you ever had such a feeling? Share your experience with your friends.
Ans: Doing good those who really need our service and support is a godly act. We all commonly live for ourselves. But it is our moral duty to spare a moment for our brethren in trouble. Charity is like mercy that blesses the giver as well as the receiver.
I was once called upon to help an old lady and I experienced heavenly joy. I was travelling by bus to Karnal. Seated next to me was that old lady. She looked nervous and miserable. If was her first trip to the town. She was going to meet her ailing daughter but she had a vague address about the place. I could not help enquiring about her trouble.
I readily agreed to take her safely to that address. She trusted me at once. I had difficulty in locating the house in that colony. You can’t imagine how happy I felt when she blessed me liberally. That night I had the same feeling of warmth and elation as I slipped into my cold led.
Answer the questions in about 30-40 words each:
Q. 1. Why did the swallow want to go to Egypt?
Ans: The swallow wanted to go to Egypt because all his friends had already gone to Egypt. He could not bear the cold of the town while the temperature of Egypt is quite pleasant.
Q. 2. What does swallow see when it flies over the city?
Ans: When swallow flew over the city it saw rich men making merry in their beautiful homes. He also saw beggars sitting at the gates. He also saw white faces of hungry children. He even flew to dark lanes where he saw watchman turnings two boys away.
Q. 3. Why does happy Prince send ruby for the seamstress?
Ans: The Prince send ruby to the seamstress who was embroidering flowers on a gown for the Queen’s maid of honour. Her little boy was ill. He wanted oranges but she had no money.
Q. 4. For whom does the prince send sapphires and why?
Ans: The prince send sapphires for the play wright because he was hungry. He wanted young playwright to finish off the play. The prince also send other sapphire to the weeping match girl so that she could go home.
Q. 5. What strange thing took place when workmen tried to melt the statue in a furnace?
Ans: When workmen tried to melt the statue in a furnace, a strange thing took place. This broken lean heart did not melt in the furnace in spite of the high tem-perature which can melt anything.
Q. 6. What did Mayor do with the Than statue of the happy Prince?
Ans: The Mayor ordered that the statue should not be allowed to stand in the beggarly condition. He found the statue to be too shabby. So he ordered the statue to be pulled down as it was or no longer beautiful as well as useful.
Q. 7. Which stone was studded in the eyes of Happy Prince’s statue? To whom did swallow give those Mun stones?
Ans: The eyes of the happy prince were studded with sapphires. He ordered the swallow to pick out one of the sapphire Maand give to the playwright. The other sapphire was given to the match girl who was crying below in the square.
Q. 8. What was the boy’s mother doing when swallow flew into the room? What did he do to make the boy comfortable?
Ans: When swallow flew into the room boy’s mother had fallen asleep as she was so tired. Swallow laid the great ruby on the table beside the woman’s thumble. He flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy’s forehead with his wings. The boy felt cool and better.
Q. 9. How did the swallow react when he saw the Happy Prince crying?
Ans: When the swallow saw the Happy Prince crying, he was surprised how a statue can cry. His heart was full of pity. He asked the prince why he (Prince) was crying and what help he (swallow) can do.
Q. 10. What are the two precious things in the story the Happy Prince? Why are they so precious?
Ans: The two most precious things according to the Angels were the beaten heart of the happy Prince and the swallow. These had done something good for the poor and the needy. So they were very precious.
Q. 11. How did the Prince help the match girl?
Ans: The Prince saw that the matchgirl had let her matches fall in the gutter. Her father would beat her if she didn’t bring home money. So she was crying the Prince sent her a sapphire through the swallow. The matchgirl went home laughing.
Q. 12. What did swallow observe when he -flew over the city?
Ans: The swallow observed many things when he flew over the city. He passed by the cathedral tower and saw the sculptured white marble angels. He came across the palace and saw the beautiful princess. He observed the masts of the ships. He saw the rich making merry and poor beggars sitting at their gate. He saw the starving chil-dren under a bridge.
Q. 13. What happened to the Prince’s leaden heart? What is the significance of the moment?
Ans: The Prince’s leaden heart broke into two. “At that moment” is significant because both the things-the death of the swallow and the crack inside the statue took place at the sometime.
Q. 14. How did the God give reward to the Prince and the swallow?
Ans: God rewarded the Happy Prince and the Swallow by giving them a place in heaven. The swallow will sing forever in the garden of paradise and the Happy Prince will live in the city of Gold.
Q. 15. How did the Happy Prince help the poor and hungry children?
Ans: The Happy Prince was carried away by the thoughts of poor and needy children. He gave away his jewels to the needy children. The Happy Prince asked swallow to remove gold from his body and give to poor children.
Q. 16. Describe the pathetic condition that seamstress lived in.
Ans: The seamstress lived in a very pathetic condition. Her face was thin and worn with coarse, red hands all pricked by the needle. Her little boy was suffering from fever and demanding oranges. But, she had nothing to give him except the river water.
Q. 17. Why was the little swallow quite Do drenched?
Ans: One night swallow happened to rest at the Prince’s feet but Prince’s tears fell on him. Swallow found that tears were coming from Prince’s eyes. The tears were running down on his golden cheeks. So the little swallow was quite Ma. drenched.
Study the following Questions:
Q. 1. The happy prince wanted to spread happiness over his land. He made every efforts for the same. How for do you justify action of happy prince?
Ans: It is very unimaginable to watch a person spread happiness when he. himself had always remained happy in his life. Happy prince had a noble heart. He does not hesitate to part with jewels, sapphire and even gold. At the cost of helping others he even becomes blind. If on this earth we have people like happy prince all the sorrows would be finished. Happy prince did the best to help other. I feel really happy to meet people like happy prince.
Q. 2. If our leaders have the attitude like the happy prince, do you think misery will be wiped from our land?
Ans: The prince got the view of misery and sufferings in his city after his death. He was greatly moved. He wanted to do something for the people. He gave his jewels to the needy. If our leaders have the heart like the happy prince, our earth would become paradise. Even if they part with little of their riches no poor person would go without food, clothes and shelter. I hope there would be revolution on this earth.
Q. 3. Out of swallow and happy prince whose sacrifice is greater? Justify.
Ans: It is a very uncommon sight to watch that two strangers meet and want to work for the cause of others. They have no their own selfish motive. Happy prince sacrifices all his riches to help the poor. Swallow on the other hand stays back in cold land and obey orders of happy prince. It stays in the cold and makes the sacrifice. Both of them in fact complemented for each other and sacrificed their lives for humanity. Our earth needs great people like happy prince and swallow.
Answer the questions in about 100-150 words each:
Q.1. “Swallow and Prince were alike in many ways”. Justify.
Ans: Both the swallow and the Prince are moved deeply by the sufferings of the others. The Happy Prince has indeed a noble heart. He weeps to see the sufferings of the people. He does not hesitate even for a moment to part with his jewels, sapphires and even gold. He becomes blind at the cost of helping others. He feels very happy to see the faces of children look rosier.
Similarly one night a little swallow alights between the feet of the happy Prince to secure shelter for the night. When he is preparing to sleep, a large drop of water fells on him. Before he could open his wings, he sees tears in the eyes of Happy Prince. The little swallow is moved to pity to see all this. The swallow carries out the orders of the Happy Prince and decides to stay with him as he becomes blind. The swallow bears the cold and lives on crumbs. Thus both of them sacrifice all for the happiness of needy.
Q. 2. Why does ‘Happy Prince’ want to part with all the gold, precious stones he has?
Ans: The Prince got the first view of misery and suffering in his city after his death. He was greatly moved. He wanted to do something for the people. So he gave away his three jewels to the poor and the needy. He asked the swallow to fly over the city and report what he saw.
The bird flew into the dark lanes. He saw pale faces of hungry children. They were cold as well. They had no roof over their heads.
The Happy Prince decided to help them with gold. He knew that gold could buy happiness for them. He told the swallow to take off gold from his body and give it to the poor. The bird did that. The poor children improved in their looks. They began to laugh and play.
Q. 3. You are the Swallow. Describe your stay with the Happy prince.
Ans: One night I happened to a light in between the feet of the statue of a Ha Happy Prince. I found it the safest place for the night. I had forgotten my way to Egypt. Tears trickled down from the eyes of the Happy Prince. I was amazed to see the tears. The happy Prince being kind hearted was moved by the sufferings of the people. I was asked to pluck ruby from his sword and give to poor seamstress. Then I gave sapphire to the playwright and the match girl. The happy Prince became blind. I decided to stay and serve the Prince till death. I flew daily over the city and told the Prince about sufferings of the poor. I finally died due to cold and snow at the feet of the Prince. The leaden heart of the Prince broke in two.
Q. 4. The swallow after helping the seamstress felt warm although it was cold outside. Why? Explain the values she possessed.
Ans: Once, as I sat on a bench at the railway station, I saw two small children sitting on another bench, crying. Curious, I approached them and asked what the matter was. They said that they had been separated from their parents at the station and didn’t know what to do. I offered to take them to the Station Master, for he would be able to help. They looked at me tearfully, and the younger girl suddenly asked if I could give her any food as they hadn’t eaten anything for hours. I took them to the cafeteria and bought what they demanded. It gave me an unspoken happiness; and then I left them with the Station Master, to be reunited-with their parents.
Q. 5. How did the Prince and the swallow enable the Playwright to finish his work?
Ans: One day while standing on the high column, the Happy Prince saw a young man. He was a poor playwright. He lived in a garret. He had to finish writing a play for the Director of the theatre. It was a very cold night. The playwright’s hands were numb with cold. His hair was brown and crisp. He was leaning over a desk covered with papers. He had large and dreamy eyes. He was unable to write.
He was too poor and hungry to buy firewood to keep himself warm. There was no fire in his grate. The Prince asked the bird to carry one of the sapphires to the young man. Unwillingly he plucked one of the sapphires and carried it to the playwright. This helped him to buy food and firewood and finish writing the play.
Q. 6. How did the Prince help the matchgirl? What was the result?
Ans: When the swallow was ready to go to Egypt, it came to say good bye to the Happy Prince. But the prince requested the bird to stay with him one more night. He told that there stood a little En matchgirl. She was selling matches in the square below. By chance she dropped all matches in a gutter and they were spoiled. She was crying because her father was sure to beat her unless she brought him some money. The Prince asked the swallow to pluck out his other sapphire and take it to her.
The bird agreed and obeyed the Prince. He put the sapphire in the little girl’s hand. This made the girl happy. She was sure her father would not beat her. The Prince saved the girl from being beaten, even though he became blind in both the eyes.
Q. 7. Give a brief character sketch of the Happy Prince.
Ans: The Happy Prince when alive knew no sorrow and lived in a palace. After his death his statue was set-up on a tall pillar at a high place in the city. He had two sapphires for his eyes. His whole body was covered with gold. A ruby decorated his sword hilt. Now from the tall pillar, he could see all the ugliness and sufferings of men, women and children.
He was deeply moved and decided to help the poor. Once a swallow took shelter at his feet. The Happy Prince hole took his help and sent his ruby to the seamstress and sapphires to the poor playwright and the poor match girl each. He sent his gold to the poor and hungry children. He was even true to the swallow. His heart broke when the swallow died. He was really a great man who always thought to make others happy.
Q. 8. The living beings always think that gold can make one happy’. Is this statement true? Why/Why not? Where does true happiness lie?
Ans: Standing on a high pedestal, the Happy Prince saw the misery and grief of his people and tried to remove it with the help of his messenger, the swallow. He gave his sword-hilt-ruby to the poor seamstress so that she could buy oranges and medicine for her son suffering from high fever. He gave one of his sapphires to the playwright to buy food and firewood for himself and finish the play. He gave his other sapphire to the crying matchgirl who had let her matches fall into the gutter. Thus, he wiped her tears, though he became blind himself. He distributed all the golden leaves of his statue among the poor and starving children and people of his town. They sold the gold and the precious stones, got enough money to fee and clothe themselves properly.
Thus, the Happy Prince made his people happy and healthy by sacrificing the beautiful and precious things from his statue. Thus, gold does not always make one happy. True happiness lies in making others happy.

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