NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 23 The Adventures of Toto

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 23 The Adventures of Toto

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The Adventures of Toto

Chapter: 23




Q.1. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?

Ans: Grandfather bought Toto from a longa-driver. He paid five rupees for the little red monkey. He thought that the poor little animal was out of place there. So he brought it home and added it to his private zoo. 

Q. 2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty ?

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Ans: Grandfather found Toto pretty in the sense that it had bright eyes, pearly white teeth, quick fingers and a tail which served as its third hand. He also seemed pleased with the mischief and performance of the monkey.

Q. 3. Why does Grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog? 

Ans: Grandfather had kept the buying of Toto a secret from Grandmother. So when he had to go to Saharanpur to collect his pension, he decided to take the mischievous Toto along with him in a bag. The ticket collector came to know of the monkey when it taken out of the bag. He called it a dog and charged three rupees as fare.

Q. 4. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?

Ans: Toto used to be given a bowl of warm water in winter for a bath. It used to test the temperature with his hand before it got into the bowl. One day it nearly boiled himself alive. A large kettle was left on the fire to boil for tea. Toto removed the lid and found the water warm enough for a bath. But it was half boiled when water became very hot. It was rescued by Grandmother.

Q. 5. Why does the author say ‘Toto was not the sort of pet, we could keep for long?

Ans: Toto proved a nuisance right from day one of his presence in the house. It tore off the wall-paper, reduced the coat to little pieces, made off with the pulao plate which it dropped and broke. Grandfather tolerated its mischief for so many days. But he realised at last that he could not afford the loss of dishes, clothes and curtains. So he decided to get rid of Toto. He sold Toto back to the tonga-driver for only three rupees.

Q. 6. Do you have pet? Is your pet mischievous? Tell the class about it?

Ans: In the modern families one can come across the habit of keeping a pet as it has become a sort of habit. People view that a pet safeguards the property as well as the family.

I have a small pup ‘Rocky’ in the family. It is no more like a street dog. It remains near the gale round the clock and keeps a strict vigil on everything. My pet is very clever and intelligent. Instead of creating any trouble for the outsider it washes and stares at his face, eyes and sniffs his clothes. It can immediately find about the man. In case it looks something strange, it will not let the man enter in the house. Its ears and eyes are very sharp. Even the slightest noise can make its vigilant. When someone leaves the house, it watches him thoroughly and will not allow anything pass from the door unless some household person accompanies it. Instead of calling Rocky mischievous it is very shrewd and intelligent. Our neighbours and all relatives praise my Rocky very much. Small children of the neighbour are fond of it. It plays with them. It likes cleanliness and daily gets a bath. It is like human beings and protects all. May it live till there is universe.



Answer the questions in about 30-40 words each:

Q. 1. Why were the on-lookers gazing curiously at the Dehradun railway platform?

Ans: Grandfather carried Toto with him to Dehradun railway station. It was kept in a canvas bag. It tried to come out of bag but the bag was too strong to be cut by his teeth. So, it rolled about on the floor or occasionally jumped into the air with the bag. This made the on-lookers curious.

Q. 2. What was the great treat for Toto during the cold winter evenings?

Ans: The great treat for Toto during cold winter evening was the large bowl of warm water given to it by Grandmother for its bath. First, it would test the temperature of the water then gradually step-by-step would dip itself in the warm water and enjoy it.

Q. 3. Why did grandfather decide to include monkey in his private zoo?

Ans: Grandfather found Toto tied to a quod feeding trough. There the monkey looks out of place that Grandfather has to buy it. Toto has been pretty. Its bright little eyes glitter with mischief. Its tail adds to his good looks. Grandfather finds it fit for his zoo.

Q. 4. How did Toto behave when it was put in the closet?

Ans: When Toto is kept in a little closet that opens into the bedroom wall, he is tied to a peg fastened’ in the wall. But to surprise of Grandfather, Toto tears open the ornamental wall papers. The peg has been wrenched from its socket. He tears the school blazer into the shreds.

Q. 5. Write any three mischiefs of Toto at the author’s house?

Ans: Toto is a mischievous creature. When it is kept in the closet, it tears open the ornamental wall paper. At lunch time it picks up a large dish of pulao from the table. When grandmother screams, it throws the plate at her. Seeing the aunt of the author, it throws a glass of water on her face.

Q. 6. How did the Grandfather carry Toto to Saharanpur?

Ans: Grandfather carried Toto in a canvas bag. Some straw was layered at the bot-tom of the bag. After closing the zip of the bag, there was no escape for Toto to come out of the bag.

Q. 7. What did Toto do to invite the wrath of the ticket-collector?

Ans: At Saharanpur station when the Grandfather was giving his ticket to the ticket-collector. Toto peeped out of the bag with a wild wicked grin. First, the ticket-collector was taken aback, then he became angry and classified it as a dog. Grandfather had to pay the fare for Toto’s journey.

Q. 8. Did the Grandfather seem worried after seeing the condition of the room? Why?

Ans: No, he was not worried. Rather, he seemed to be happy with this act of Toto. He was pleased to see the efforts of Toto. After seeing the condition of the room, he was impressed by Toto’s cleverness and added that in a given time Toto might tie the torn pieces of blazer into a rope and could make and escape from there.

Q. 9. Why did the Grandfather decide to keep Toto’s presence a secret from the grandmother?

Ans: Toto’s presence was kept a secret from the Grandmother because she was always angry when a new bird or animal had been brought to home. So, it was decided that arrival of Toto will be kept a secret until and unless she is in a good mood.

Q. 10. Did the Grandfather like keeping pets? Illustrate.

Ans: Yes, Grandfather liked keeping the pets. He had a donkey, a squirrel, a tor-toise, a pair of rabbits and a pet goat. Toto was the new arrival in his family.

Q.11. Where was the Grandfather’s private zoo? Name the creatures in it.

Ans: Servant’s quarters were used as the private zoo of the Grandfather. Many pb pets were kept in this zoo like Nana, the donkey, a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel, a pet goat and last but not least Toto, the monkey.

Q.12. How did Toto nearly manage to boil himself alive?

Ans: Once, a large kettle had been placed on the fire for tea. Toto loved having a warm water bath, and, finding the water to be comfortable, he slipped into it. He continued sitting in the boiling water as it was cold outside, and had to be hauled out by grandmother.


Study the following Questions:

Q. 1. Some people like to keep a pet. What can you say about the nature of such people who like to keep a pet?

Ans: In the modern families we find that people have the habit of keeping the pet. It is a habit which they really enjoy. Such people who like to keep a pet are very regular in their life. In fact keeping pets requires regular monitoring as well as shrewdness. Pets become so dear to their masters that they are ready to accept their mischief and tolerate it happily.

Q. 2. Keeping a monkey as a pet is very strange. How would you react if you found that one of your family members had kept a pet?

Ans: We rarely find people keeping monkey as pet. In fact it is very difficult to manage monkey and monkey bite is much more risky than dog bite. We also read in the story “The Adventures of Toto’ about the mischiefs of Toto. We find that Toto tears the ornamental newspaper, throws the plate full of pulao at grandmother and even fixes sharp nails on donkey. If any of my family members dared to keep monkey as a pet I would not at any cost keep any ties with the family.

Q. 3. How far do you appreciate the habit of making mischief is being mischievous enjoyed by all?

Ans: I think if a person is mischievous then it gives us the feeling of being innovative and strong. In fact only intelligent people make mischiefs. So being mischievous has involved many people around and it offers enjoyment of its own. Some people who are very rigid in nature do not like people making mischief of any kind.


Answer the questions in about 100-150 words each:

Q. 1. ‘If there is a part of the brain especially devoted to mischief, that part was largely developed in ‘Toto’ Do you agree? Suggest your answer from the story?

Ans: Toto’s brain was fully developed for mischiefs. Its favourite past time was to make hole in the cloth. Whenever any of the author’s aunt went near it, it made a hole in it and tore into into pieces. It had torn the curtains of the house in pieces. It did not leave wall paper on the walls. The peg in the wall had been wrenched from its socket. The school blazer was also put in bits.

Its brain was so well developed that it never let its fellow pets sleep at night. It shouted with delight when Grandmother was troubled.

Q. 2. The author, the Grandfather and the Grandmother display quite a number of values in the lesson. Elucidate. Who would you like to be when you grow up?

Ans: The author, the Grandfather and the do Grandmother display different type of values in the lesson. Grandfather is a pet loving person. He has a great passion for animals. He has many pets in his personal zoo. He is not irritated even with the damage done by the Toto. He carries his pets with him even while he is going out of station.

On the other hand, Grandmother is a typical family woman. She is irritated with the new arrival of any pet in the family. She is worried about the financial loss and irritated with the nuisance created by the pets.

Author is more like his Grandfather. He enjoys the companionship of the pets. He is happy with the new arrivals. I would like, to be the author as I, too, love pets and have some pets at my home. 

Q. 3. Toto was a trouble for the family and other animals in the grandmother’s zoo. How?

Ans: Grandfather is very much fond of taming and keeping pets. He has a big cage in the servants quarters. In order to fulfill his desire he buys a little red monkey from a Tonga driver for five rupees. Monkey is mischievous by nature. When it is kept in the closet, it takes out the peg from the wall. It destroys the wall paper and tear the author’s blazer into shreds. In the stable, Toto digs its sharp teeth in her long ears. It always attempts to make hole in the dress of writer’s aunt. At lunch time too it takes a dish of pulao and runs with it on the tree. When Grandfather comes, he climbs on a jack fruit tree. He throws the dish down from the tree and breaks into hundred pieces.

And a family is not well-to-do and can not afford the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wall paper, so Toto is sold back to the same Tonga driver for three rupees only.

Q. 4. Grandfather was compassionate towards animals. He maintained a kind of private zoo at his place. He worked for the protection of the Tm environment. Elucidate.

Ans: Grandfather maintained a private zoo and reared many animals that lived together sociably, and amicably. In a big cage in the servant’s quarters lived a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel, and temporarily, the author’s goat. He also had a stable, where the family donkey lived. By keeping and looking after these animals, Grandfather did his bit for nature. Even when Toto destroyed EN the author’s blazer and tore down the wallpaper, Grandfather admired its cleverness, showing his appreciation for Toto. He often brought animals into the house to look after them. Thus, we see that Grandfather worked for the protection of the environment, by rearing animals that needed his help.

Q. 5. Describe the undesirable achieves of Toto the monkey at the author’s house.

Ans: Toto was a mischief from head to foot. At first it was tied to a peg into the wall. After some time Toto tore off the wall paper and plaster even. It twisted the peg from socket. It tore off the school blazer into pieces. It did not let the other pets of the house sleep at night. It poked its nose out of the canvas kit bag and grinned at the ticket-collector. 

When it was given home in the stable with Nana, the donkey, it held the donkey’s ears with his teeth. It jumped into the bowl of water kept for boiling but when water got hotter, it jumped up and down. At last the Grandmother took it out of the kettle, nearby half boiled. It ate up a full dish of pulao. When Grandmother shouted, Toto threw a plate at her. It broke many plates, tore off curtains, clothes and wall paper.

Q. 6. Toto was a pretty monkey and adventurous by nature. How did Toto amuse himself? What were his past times?

Ans: It was naughty like a kid. His favourite pastime was to make a hole in every cloth. If it could get hold of a cloth, it made a hole in it and then tore it into pieces. Whenever any of the author’s aunt went near it, it caught her dress and made a hole in it. It had torn the curtains of the house in pieces. He did not leave wall paper on the walls. The peg in the wall had been wrenched from its socket. The school blazer was also put in bits. But grandfather never felt its wickedness. Besides this, he enjoyed teasing others. He enjoyed into troubling his fellow pets. He never let them sleep at night. He nearly bit the pet donkey. He also troubled the author’s Grandmother. He shouted with delight if anything broke. He got annoyed whenever somebody tried to check him.

Q. 7. Toto was an adventurous monkey. You care for the animal world. How would you react to his adventures?

Ans: Truly, Toto was an adventurous monkey. Its mischievous attitude led noit to try all sorts of naughty activities that eventually turned into its adventurous. Grandfather was forced to sell it back, but I for one, wouldn’t do so. I agree that at times, Toto’s naughtiness was unbearable. It shouldn’t have broken the pulao dish, nor should it have troubled others so much. However, it was only a baby who didn’t know right from wrong. It was ignorant and ought to have been taught how to behave with others. I don’t think I would be angry with Toto for its antics, in fact, it would be very hamusing. If I still couldn’t train it, I would take some professional help to teach it, but I don’t think I would have the heart to part with it.

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