NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 21 A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 21 A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal

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A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal

Chapter: 21



Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:


A slumber did my spirit seal

I had no human fears. 

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She seemed a thing that could not feel 

The touch of earthly years.


(i) The above extract has been composed by:

(a) William Wordsworth.

(b) John Keats.

(c) Rabindranath Tagore. 

(d) P.B. Shelly.

Ans: (a) William Wordsworth.

(ii) The spirit of the poet has been sealed by the:

(a) Anger of someone. 

(b) Death of his beloved one.

(c) The birth of a child.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (b) death of his beloved one.

(iii) In the extract ‘she’ is referred to: 

(a) Someone who got the award.

(b) Someone who fell in love.

(c) Someone hated by the poet. 

(d) Someone loved by the poet.

Ans: (d) Someone loved by the poet.

(iv) What had sealed the narrator’s spirit?

(a) The death of the narrator’s daughter.

(b) The narrator was down with fever. 

(c) The narrator was anguished. 

(d) The death of the loved child.

Ans: (d) The death of the loved child.

(v) The poet has used the rhyme scheme: 

(a) A b a b.

(c) C c d c.

(b) A b c d. 

(d) C b c d.

Ans: (a) A b a b.


No motion has she now, no force

She neither hears nor sees,

Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course 

With rocks and stones and the trees.


(i) “No mention she has now, no force…” In this line we can find:

(a) Inversion. 

(b) Euphemism.

(c) Metonymy.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (a) inversion.

(ii) In the poem, the first line refers to ‘now’. Here ‘now’ refers to: 

(a) When Lucy was a live. 

(b) When Lucy did not strol. 

(c) When Lucy was no more. 

(d) whey Lucy did not laugh.

Ans: (c) when Lucy was no more.

(iii) ‘Rolled round in earths’ diurnal course? What is the symbolism here?

(a) Earths’ daily revolution. 

(b) Earths’ movement.

(c) Earths’ magnetic power.

(c) Earths’ roundness.

Ans: (a) Earths’ daily revolution.

(iv) What does the poet say about beloved?

(a) She is immortal. 

(b) When is mortal.

(c) She is eternal.

(d) She is a domestic lady.

Ans : (c) She is immortal.

(v) Give the rhyming scheme of the the stanza:

(a) A b c a.

(b) A b a b.

(c) A a b b. 

(d) A b a a.

Ans: (d) A b a a.



Read the following questions and write your answers in 30-40 words each:

Q.1. ‘A slumber did my spirit seal’, says the poet. That is a deep sleep ‘Closed off his soul’ (or Mind). How does the poet react to his beloved one’s death? Does he feel bitter grief? Or does he feel a great peace? 

Ans: Sleep has come to the poet as a blessing. It has helped him to overcome his grief. Now he is no longer troubled by the thoughts of his beloved’s death. He is at peace.

Q.2. The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say this?

Ans: The following lines say that passing of time will no longer affect her: ‘She seemed a thing that could not feel the touch of earthly years.’

Q.3. How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person living in a happy state (a heaven)? or does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the poem do you think your answer.

Ans: The poet thinks that she is now a part of Nature.

The following lines express this idea : ‘Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course With rocks and stones and trees.’


Q.1. The poet feels great peace after the death of his loved one. What are the qualities poet has to take this very calmly?

Ans: The poet has a great love for his beloved. After the death of the beloved, the poet feels a deep grief in his soul. But he knows that the world is selfish. He feels great peace that she is being taken care of by the mother nature. Thus he feels at peace.

Q. 2. In the poem, the poet conveyed that time does not wait for anybody. What are the traits we should develop in ourselves to cope up with the pace of time?

Ans: The poet wants to convey that time waits for none. He wants to convey through his beloved that due to death she is unable to hear. She has become one with the rocks, stones and trees. Through these feelings, poet wants to maintain balance between outside and inside world. He also wants to maintain balance between material and  emotional world.

Q. 3. How has the poet’s beloved become one with the nature?

Ans: According to the poet, his beloved has mingled with the earth. She revolves round along with the earth and other entities like the rocks, trees and stones. In reality she has been aptly trapped with the surface of the earth. Now she has no fear of the worldly years etc. She is rolling round in earth’s diurnal course.

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