NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Body Movements

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Body Movements

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Body Movements

Chapter: 8


Q. 1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Joints of the bones help in the of __________ the body.

Ans: Movement

(b) A combination of bones and cartilage form the __________ of the body.

Ans: Skeleton.

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(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a __________ joint.

Ans: Ball and Pocket.

(d) The contraction of the __________ pulls the  bones during movement.

Ans: Muscles. 

Q. 2. Indicate true (T) and false (F) among the following sentences:

(a) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same. 

Ans: False.

(b) The cartilage is harder than bones.

Ans: False.

(c) The finger bones move in one plane.

Ans: True.

(d) The forearm has two bones. 

Ans: True.

(e) The cockroach have an exoskeleton.

Ans: True.

Q. 3. Match the items in Column I with appropriate items of Column II.

Column IColumn II
(i) Upper jaw(a) have fins on the body.
(ii) Fish(b) has an outer skeleton.
(iii) Ribs(c) can fly in the air.
(iv) Snail(d) as an immovable joint.
(v) Cockroach(e) protect the heart.
(f) shows very slow movement.
(g) have a streamlined body.


Column IColumn II
(i) Upper jaw(d) as an immovable joint.
(ii) Fish(g) have a streamlined body.
(iii) Ribs(e) protect the heart. 
(iv) Snail(f) shows very slow movement.
(v) Cockroach(c) can fly in the air.

Q. 4. Answer the following: 

(a) What is a ball and socket joint?

Ans: (a) The round end of one bone fits into the hollow space of the other bone. Such a kind of joint allows movements in all directions. Such joints are called ball and socket joints.

Examples: Joints between the upper arms and the shoulders; the thigh and hip joints.

(b) Which of the skull bones are movable? 

Ans: The facial bones of our skull comprises upper and lower jaw; in which lower jaw is movable.

(c) Why can our elbow not move backward?

Ans: Our elbows have hinge joint. These joints allow movement only in one plane only like a door hinge and not more than 180 degrees.



Q. 1. Give two examples of ball and socket joint.

Ans: (i) Joint of upper arm and shoulder.

(ii) Joint of thigh and the hip. 

Q. 2. Give an example of pivotal joint.

Ans: The joint of skull with backbone. 

Q. 3. Name organs that are protected by the rib cage. 

Ans: Heart and lungs.

Q. 4. What is the main function of our skeleton system? 

Ans: It gives support to the body and protects the inner organs. 

Q. 5. How many bones does our skeleton have?

Ans: Our skull has 206 bones. 

Q. 6. How do muscles move the bones?

Ans: The muscles move the bones by contraction.

Q. 7. Which of the following has endoskeleton and which an exoskeleton? Cockroach, Humans.

Ans: Cockroach: Exoskeleton.

Humans: Endoskeleton.

Q. 8. Name two animals which move without bones.

Ans:  (i) Earthworm

(ii) Snail.

Q. 9. Name two places in our body where pivot joint occur. 

Ans: Neck and Forearm.

Q. 10. Out of biceps and triceps muscles:

(a) Which one causes straightening of arm?

Ans: Triceps,

(b) Which one causes bending of arm? 

Ans: Biceps.

Q. 11. Name an animal which moves by lengthening and shortening its body segments alternately.

Ans: Earthworm.

Q. 12. Name an animal which moves by using its large, disc-shaped muscular foot.

Ans: Snail.

Q. 13. Name an animal which swims in water by moving its tail from side to side.

Ans: Fish.

Q. 14. Name an animal which moves on ground by looping its body sideways.

Ans: Snake.

Q. 15. Name the bony box which protects the brain.

Ans: Cranium.


Q. 1. Write two ways by which we may know the shape of human skeleton. 

Ans: (i) We can know the shape of skeleton by feeling. 

(ii) We could know the shape by x-ray images of human body.

Q.2. Mention two main functions of the skeleton system. 

Ans: Main functions of the skeleton system:

(i) It forms framework of the body. 

(ii) It helps to protect and keep the delicate organs of the body in their proper positions.

Q. 3. What is the difference between the arrangement of bones in a normal foot and flat foot?

Ans: In a normal foot, the bones are set to form an arch-like arrangement. The feet arches provide good support to the body.

In a flat foot, the bones are not arched. Some people with flat foot feel pain. 

Q. 4. How do the muscles work?

Ans: The muscles work in pairs. When one of them contracts, the bone is pulled in that position, the other muscle of the pair relaxes. To move the bone in the opposite direction, the relaxed muscle contracts to pull the bone towards its original position, while the first relaxes.

A muscle can only pull. It cannot push. 

Q. 5. The animals A, B, C and D all move without legs. The animal A moves by the alternate cóntractions and relaxations of the muscles of its disc- shaped foot. The animal B lives in water and swims by moving its tail from side to side. The animal C lives in soil and moves by lengthening and shortening its body segments alternately. The animal D moves forward by moving its body sideways in the form of many loops. What are A, B, C and D?

Ans: A: Snail.

B: Fish.

C: Earthworm.

D: Snake.

Q. 6. What happens when: 

(a) your biceps muscle contracts? 

Ans: The contraction of biceps muscles pulls the lower arm bones due to which the lower arm moves up or bends.

(b) your triceps muscle contracts?

Ans: The contraction of triceps muscles pulls the lower arm bones at the end due to which the lower arm moves out and straightens.

Q. 7. Which type of a joint is a pivotal joint? Explain with example.

Ans: A pivotal joint is a joint in which a cylindrical bone rotates in a ring. The joint where our neck joins the head is a pivotal joint. It allows to bend our head forward and backward and turn the head to our right or left.

Q. 8. What are called fixed joints? Give example.

Ans: There are some bones in our body that are joined together at some joints. These bones cannot move at these joints. Such joints are called fixed joints. The joints in our upper jaw are fixed joints.

Q. 9. What is dislocation? Explain. 

Ans: Due to careless movement or a fall, the bones at the movable joints slip out bad of their position. This is called dislocation. A person who has a dislocated bone may have a sprained or damaged ligament.

Q. 10. There are 12 pairs of curved bones called X in our chest region. One end of bone X is joined to backbone and their other end is joined to bone Y in the front to form a box like structure Z. This strong box like structure protects the delicate internal organs P, Q and R of our body.

(a) What are: (i) X, (ii) Y and (iii) Z?

Ans: (i) Ribs. 

(ii) Breast bone. 

(iii) Rib cage. 

(b) Name the organs (i) P, (ii) Q and (iii) R. 

Ans: (i) Heart.

(ii) Lungs. 

(iii) Liver.


Q. 1. Give one location for each of the following joint in our body: 

(a) Ball and socket joint. 

Ans: The joints between the shoulder and the upper arm and between thigh and hip are ball and socket joints. 

(b) Hinge joint. 

Ans: The knee joint is a hinge joint. 

(c) Gliding joint. 

Ans: Movable joints of the backbone are gliding joint. 

Q. 2. Write three differences between bones and cartilage.


Bone Cartilage
1. They are hard.1. They are soft.
2. They cannot bend.2. They can bend.
3. They are used to make the framework of whole body.3. They help to make some parts of the body.

Q. 3. The hip bone has two hollow spaces called P whereas the upper ends of the thigh bones are round in shape.

(a) What are the empty spaces P in hip bone known as?

Ans: Sockets.

(b) What type of joints are Q?

Ans: Ball and socket joint.

(c) How does joint Q differ from a joint?

Ans: Q is a ball and socket joint which allows the leg to be moved in all directions.

Knee joint is a hinge joint which allows the movement of lower leg bones in only one direction-forwards and backwards.

Q. 4. What are the special features that help a bird to fly (any three).

Ans: (i) They have a streamlined body which reduces the air resistance.

(ii) They have hollow bones which make them light in weight.

(iii) They have wings made up of feathers and powerful chest muscles. 

Q. 5. How are the brain and spinal cord protected?

Ans: The brain is located inside the skull of our body. The brain is protected by a bony box in the skull called cranium. Inside the bony box, the brain is contained in a fluid- filled balloon which provides further shock absorption for protection. The spinal cord is in a bony cage called vertebrae column (or backbone). The vertebrae column (or backbone) protects the spinal cord.

Q. 6. How does fish move in water? 

Ans: The body of fish is streamlined. The streamlined shape helps the fish to move in

water. The skeleton of fish is covered with muscles which make the front part of the body to curve to one side and the tail part swings towards the opposite side. This makes a jerk and pushes the body forward. In this way it moves in water.

Q. 7. Name of organs used by: 

(a) birds during flying. 

Ans: Birds use their chest muscles to flap their wings.

(b) fish during swimming.

Ans: Fish use their muscular tail and fins for swimming.

(c) earthworm during moving. 

Ans: There are bristle-like projections called setal on the body of earthworms which help in movements.

Q. 8. Write three functions of the backbone (vertebral column).

Ans: Functions:

(i) The backbone holds the head and body upright. 

(ii) It encloses and protects the delicate spinal cord.

(iii) The joints in the vertebral enable us to bend and twist our back.

Q. 9. Why animals need locomotion? 

Ans: (i) Animals move from place to place in search of food, since they are hetero trophic.

(ii) Locomotion enables animals to move from an unfavorable place or environment to a favorable place or environment.

(iii) Locomotion helps animals to find their partners for reproduction and to move to favorable areas for egg laying or rearing of the young ones.

Q. 10. Explain the movement of bones. 

Ans: The movement of bones is facilitated due to the presence of ligament and cartilage. However, bones also need to help of muscles to move. Muscles are attached to the bones with the help of a tissue called tendon and function by contracting and relaxing. Muscles work in pears. For example, when we bend our arm, the muscles on the upper side contract or shorten to pull the bones up and of the same time the muscles on the lower side relax. When the arm is made straight again, the upper muscle relaxes while the lower one contracts.


Q. 1. How are locomotor movements brought about in vertebrates?

Ans: Locomotory movements in all vertebrates including humans are brought about by bones, comprising the skeletal system and muscles (muscular system).

Locomotion is the result of co-ordinated action of muscles on the limb bones. The contraction and relaxation of muscles move the bones.

Many bones of the skeleton act as levers. When muscles pull on these levers, they produce movements, such as the breathing movements of the ribs, the chewing action of the jaws and the flexing of the arms.

Q. 2. How does an earthworm move?

Ans: The body of a mature earthworm seems to be made of many rings joined end to end. From the under surface of the body a large number of minute bristles project out. The bristles are connected with muscles at their bases.

The bristles help to get (a good) grip on the ground. There are muscles in the body wall which help to extend and shorten the body. During movement, the earthworm first extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear fixed to the ground. Then it fixes the front end and releases the rear end. Thereafter it shortens the body and pulls the rear end

forward. The earthworm follows this process repeatedly to move ahead. On a slippery surface, its movement is affected due to the loss of the on the surface.

Q. 3. What is back bone? What is the scientific name of back bone? Write the main functions of back bone.

Ans: The back bone is a long, hollow, rod-like structure running from the neck to the hip, inside our body.

The scientific name of backbone is vertebral column. 

The main functions of the back bone are as follows:

(i) Backbone provides main support to the body.

(ii) Backbone supports the head at its top.

(iii) Backbone attaches shoulder bones, ribs and hip bone. 

(iv) Back bone protects the spinal cord.


Q. 1. A, B and C are some of the parts of human skeleton. Part A is a long, hollow, rod- like structure which encloses and protects the spinal cord. Part B is at the top end of part A and it protects the brain. Part C is at the lower end of part A and forms two ball and socket joints with thigh bones. What are A, B and C? 

Ans: A-Backbone.



Q. 2. The upper arm bone of a man has two muscles X and Y on its two sides. The upper ends of both the muscles are attached to the same fixed bone called Z by tendon. The lower ends both the muscles are attached to the bones of lower arm by tendons. When the muscle X contracts and the muscle Y relaxes, then the arm gets On the other hand, when the muscle Y contracts and muscle X relaxes, then the arm bends.

(a) Name the muscle (i) X and (ii) Y. 

Ans: (i) Triceps. 

(ii) Biceps.

(b) What is the fixed bone Z known as?

Ans: Shoulder blade (scapula).

Q. 3. Name two birds which can swim in water. What kind of feet do they have? 

Ans: Birds like duck and swan can swim in water. They have webbed feet. 

Q. 4. Why we cannot bend our arm if a light wooden plank is tied to it?

Ans: When we tie the wooden plank under the arm, then the elbow joint cannot work, the whole arm behaves like a single bone and hence cannot bend.

Q. 5. Draw the diagram showing the knee joint.


Q. 1. Draw a diagram to show the joint in the hand and answer the following questions:

(i) Can you bend your finger at every joint? 

Ans: Yes, we can bend our finger at every joint.

(ii) How many bones does your middle finger have? 

Ans: Our middle finger have three bones.

(iii) Is your wrist flexible? 

Ans: Yes, our wrist is flexible. 

(iv) What will happen if your hand had only one bone?

Ans: If our hand had only one bone then we would not be able to bend our fingers and other parts of the hand.

Q. 2. Observe the diagram of human backbone and give the answer of following questions:

(i) Does your backbone contain only One bone? 

Ans: No, our backbone not contain only one bone. It is made up of several small bones.

(ii) What would happen if backbone is made up of only one long bone?

Ans: If backbone had only one bone then we would not be able to bend our back part.


1. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(i) The upper part of our car contains ____________.

Ans: Cartilage.

(ii) Side to side movements of _____________move the fish forward in water.

Ans: Tail.

(i) Birds liker _______________ and swans can swim in water.

Ans: Ducks.

(iv) _____________ is the strongest and longest bone in the body.

Ans: Thigh bone.

(v) The bony frame work inside our body is called ______________.

Ans: Skeleton.

(vi) The bony cover that protects the brain is called ______________.

Ans: Cranium.

(vii) The knee joint is a___________ joint. It allows movement in _____________ plane. 

Ans: Hing one.

(viii) _____________ does not have a hinge joint.

Ans: Shoulder.

(ix) The animal whose movement is usually termed creeping is______________. 

Ans: Snail.

(x) The two bones of the lower arm are__________ and_________.

Ans: Ulna, Radius.

Q. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) A cockroach has three pairs of legs. 

Ans: True.

(ii) snail’s shell is made of bone.

Ans: False.

(iii) The delicate internal organ which is not protected by the rib cage is brain.

Ans: True.

(iv) Man can stand straight because of the presence of muscles.

Ans: False.

(v) The soft and elastic bones present in the human skeleton are known as collar bones. 

Ans: False.

(vi) Cockroaches cannot walk.

Ans: False.

(vii) All the joints in our body are similar.

Ans: False.

(viii) A human baby borns with about 206 bones.

Ans: False.

(ix) Upper jaw is immovable. 

Ans: True.

(x) The fish has flexible backbone.

Ans: True.

Q.3. Match the items in Column A with those in Column B: 

Column A Column B 
1. Joint(a) move by forming loop alternately on two sides of our body.
2. Snakes(b) crawl on the ground.
3. Fish(c) a place where two bones meet together.
4. Leech(d) joins bones to muscles.
5. Tendon(e) swims with the help of muscles.


Column A Column B 
1. Joint(c) a place where two bones meet together. 
2. Snakes(a) move by forming loop alternately on two sides of our body. 
3. Fish(e) swims with the help of muscles.
4. Leech(b) crawl on the ground. 
5. Tendon(d) joins bones to muscles.

Q. 4. Write one word for the following:

(i) The movement of an organism bodily from one place to another.

Ans: Locomotion.

(ii) The joint in which the rounded end of one fits into the cavity of the other. 

Ans: Ball and socket joint.

(iii) The ring-shaped bony structure that surrounds the spinal cord.

Ans: Backbone.

(iv) Part of the body skeleton which is not as hard as bones and can be sent.

Ans: Cartilage.

(v) A change in the position of any part of the body with respect to its axis. 

Ans: Movement.

(vi) having backbone.

Ans: Vertebrates.

(vii) Touch structure which holds the bones together in a joint.

Ans: Ligament.

(viii) Bony framework of the body.

Ans: Skeleton.

(ix) A place where two or more bones meet. 

Ans: Joint.

(x) A body tapering at both the ends.

Ans: Streamlined.


(i) Which one of the following occurs when we straighten our arm?

(a) Both biceps and triceps contract. 

(b) Both biceps and triceps relax.

(c) Biceps contracts but triceps relaxes. 

(d) Triceps contracts but biceps relaxes.

Ans: (d) Triceps contracts but biceps relaxes.

(ii) One of the following does not have a hinge joint. This one is:

(a) Jaw.

(b) Elbow.

(c) Knee. 

(d) Shoulder.

Ans: (d) Shoulder.

(iii) with which of the following animals the term ‘Slither’ is associate?

(a) Snake.

(b) Snail.

(c) Fish.

(d) Earthworm.

Ans: (a) Snake.

(iv) Which one of the following has a hinge joint between them?

(a) Skull and upper jaw. 

(b) Skull and lower jaw.

(c) Hip bone and back bone.

(d) Hip bone and thigh bone.

Ans: (b) Skull and lower jaw.

(D) of the following animal moves with just one large, disc-shaped muscular foot?

(a) Earthworm.

(b) Cockroach. 

(c) Snail.

(d) Tortoise.

Ans: (c) Snail.

(vi) The delicate internal organ which is not protected by the rib cage is:

(a) Heart.

(b) Brain.

(d) Lungs.

(c) Liver.

Ans: (b) Brain.

(vii) The body part used by a snake for locomotion is:

(b) Feet.

(a) Legs.

(c) Fins.

(d) Whole body.

Ans: (d) Whole body.

(viii) Which of the following are ball and socket joints?

A. Elbow.

B. Shoulder Joint.

C. Knee Joint.

D. Hip Joint.

(a) A and B.

(b) B and C.

(c) A and C.

(d) B and D.

Ans: (d) B and D.

(ix) The bone formed from the collar bone and shoulder bone is:

(a) Shoulder bone.

(b) Chest bones.

(c) Hand bones.

(d) Backbone.

Ans: (a) Shoulder bone.

(x) The joint cranium is a:

(a) Gliding joint.

(b) Ball-socket joint.

(c) Fixed joint.

(d) Hinge joint.

Ans: (c) Fixed joint.


Teacher was teaching in his class that living organisms show various types of movements. Birds have special features for flight – Streamlined body, hollow bones, wings, presence of feathers and strong chest muscles that assist flapping the wings.


(i) How is a bird’s body adapted for flying?

Ans: The following adaptations are seen in the body of birds. 

(a) Bones are hollow.

(b) Forelimbs are modified into wings. 

(c) Body is streamlined.

(ii) What do you mean by streamlined?

Ans: If the body tapers at both the ends then such shape of the body is said to be streamlined.

(iii) Name the values of teacher reflected in above act.

Ans: The teacher showed the value of concerned and responsible citizen.

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