NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups

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Sorting Materials Into Groups

Chapter: 4


Q. 1. Name five objects which can be made from wood.

Ans: Objects which can be made from wood are:

(i) Table. 

(ii) Chair.

(iii) Desk. 

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(iv) Doors. 

(v) Bed.

Q. 2. Select those objects from the following which shine :

Glass bowl, plastic toy, steel spoon, cotton shirt.



TumblerGlass and Plastic
ChairWood and Plastic
ToyPlastic and Wood

Q. 4. State whether the statements given below are true or false:

(i) Stone is transparent, while glass is opaque.

Ans: False.

(ii) A notebook has luster while eraser does not. 

Ans: False.

(iii) Chalk dissolves in water.

Ans: True.

(iv) A piece of wood floats on water.

Ans: True.

(v) Sugar does not dissolve in water.

Ans: False.

(vi) Oil mixes with water.

Ans: False.

(vii) Sand settles down in water.

Ans: True.

(viii) Vinegar dissolves in water. 

Ans: True. 

Q. 5. Given below are the names of some objects and materials:

Water, basket ball, orange, sugar, globe, apple and earthen pitcher.

Group them as:

(a) Round shaped and other shape. 

(b) Eatables and non-eatables.

Ans: (a) Round-shaped object:

(i) Basket ball.

(ii) Orange.

(iii) Globe.

(iv) Apple.

(v) Earthen pitcher.

Other shaped objects:

(i) Water.

(ii) Sugar.

(b) Eatables: Water, sugar and apple.

(ii) Non-eatables: Basket ball, globe and earthen pitcher. 

Q. 6. List all items known to you that float on water. Check and see if they will float on oil or kerosene.

Ans: (i) Dried leaves. 

(ii) paper.

(iii) wax. 

(iv) ice. 

(v) oil.

All these materials float on water and they sink in oil and float on kerosene.

Q. 7. Find the odd one out from the following:

(a) Chair, Bed, Table, Baby, Cup-board. 

Ans: Baby.

(b) Rose, Jasmine, Boat, Marigold, Lotus.

Ans: Boat.

(c) Aluminium, Iron, Copper, Silver, Sand.

Ans: Sand.

(d) Sugar, Salt, Sand, Copper Sulphate. 

Ans: Sand.



Q. 1. Name the two main groups into which all the objects around us can be classified.

Ans: Living objects and non-living objects.

Q. 2. Name two groups into which all the living things can be classified.

Ans: Plants and animals.

Q. 3. Name two materials having lustre (shiny appearance). 

Ans: Gold, Diamond.

Q. 4. Name two materials without lustre (having dull appearance). 

Ans: Cardboard, Cotton.

Q. 5. What is common between salt and sand?

Ans: Both have mass and are in solid state.

Q. 6. Name two liquids which are transparent.

Ans: Water, Alcohol.

Q.7. Which is more hard, sponge or iron

Ans: Iron is harder than sponge.

Q. 8. Write two gases which are soluble in water.

Ans: Oxygen, Carbon dioxide.

Q. 9. Name two gases which are insoluble in water. 

Ans: Hydrogen and Nitrogen.

Q. 10. Name two materials which do not dissolve in water and are lighter than water.

Ans: Kerosene, Cooking oil.

Q. 11. Name the materials which can be used for making the handles of cooking utensils.

Ans: Wood, Bakelite.

Q. 12. Name two things made from glass.

Ans: Window-panes, mirrors.

Q. 13. Name any two materials that can be used to make school bags.

Ans: Jute, Leather.

Q. 14. Name one liquid which is miscible with water and another liquid which is immiscible with water.

Ans: Miscible with water: Alcohol. Immiscible with water: Mustard Oil.

Q. 15. Name two materials which float on water.

Ans: Wood and Plastics.


Q. 1. How are materials classified according to their hardness? Give examples.

Ans: Materials can be classified as soft and hard according to their hardness. Materials which can be compressed or scratched easily are called soft while some other materials which are difficult to compress are called hard. Cotton and sponge are soft while iron and wood are hard.

Q. 2. Which substances are called insoluble in water? Give examples.

Ans: Substances which do not mix with water and do not disappear even after they are stirred for a long time are called insoluble substances in water. Stone, wood, sand etc. are examples.

Q. 3. Classify the following into hard materials and soft materials:

Cotton, Iron, Diamond, Chalk, Wood, Wax, Clay, Sponge, Bone, Feathers.

Ans: Hard materials: Iron, Diamond, Wood, Bone. 

Soft materials: Cotton, Chalk, Wax, Clay, Sponge, Feathers.

4. P, Q and R are three gaseous components of air. Gases P and Q can dissolve in the water of rivers, lakes and seas but gas R does not dissolve in water. The organisms S which live in water use the gas P dissolved in water to make their food by the process of photosynthesis. All the organisms which live in water use the gas Q dissolved in water for releasing energy from food. Gas R is the major component of air.

(a) What are gases (i) P. (i) Q and (iii) R?

(b) Name the organisms S. 

Ans: (a) (i) Carbon dioxide. 

(ii) Oxygen. 

(ii) Nitrogen.

(b) Plants.

Q. 5. Differentiate between trans- parent and translucent objects.

Ans: The materials through which objects can be seen are called transparent objects. The materials through which objects can be seen but not clearly are called translucent objects.

Q. 6. Why do we need to group materials?

Ans: We group materials for our convenience. Similar objects are placed together to locate them easily. Dividing materials in groups makes it convenient to study their properties and also observe any

patterns in these properties. 

Q. 7. Give an experiment to show that water is a transparent material.

Ans: Take a trough. Fill it half with water. Put a coin in it. Look through water towards the coin. The coin can be seen clearly through water. Thus, water is a transparent material.

Q. 8. What is the difference between a rough and a smooth materials?


Rough  MaterialsSmooth Materials
They have bump or ridges on their surfaces.They do not have bump on their surfaces.
Examples: Bricks, bark of a tree.Examples: Windows panes, mirrors.

Q. 9. Kerosene, coconut oil, mustard oil do not dissolve in water, even on shaking They separate after some time forming two different layers. Explain why?

Ans: The molecules of water do not mix with the molecules of oil. The space between the molecules of water is not taken by oil, as they are immiscible in water.

Q. 10. Find the odd one from the following giving reason:

Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Silver, Sand. 

Ans: Aluminium, iron, copper and silver are all metals having a shiny appearance or luster. On the other hand, sand is a material which has dull appearance no shine or luster. So, the odd one is sand.


Q. 1. What are objects made of?

Ans: (i) An object can be made from different materials. For example, your shoes can be made of canvas, leather, rubber or plastics.

(ii) Different objects can be made from the same material. For example, flower vase, window panes, glass jar, fish aquarium are made from the same material.

(iii) An object or a thing can be made using more than one material. For example, idli is made of rice, urad dal, salt and water. 

Q. 2. Mention three properties of materials. 

Ans: Three important properties of materials are described below:

(i) Physical State: All materials can be classified as solid, liquid and gas. We cannot see gases but we can feel their presence.

(ii) Appearance: Any material can be described in terms of its colour, luster, texture or hardness.

(iii) Solubility: All materials soluble or insoluble in water. For can be example sugar is soluble in water but sand is insoluble in water. Liquid and gases may also be soluble or insoluble in water.

Q. 3. Write three common of characteristics materials. 

Ans: (i) All materials can be felt by one or more of our senses.

(ii) All materials occupy space.

(iii) All materials possess mass.

Q. 4. Why are handles of utensils made from wood or plastics?

Ans: The handles of utensils are made from wood or plastics because utensils are good conductors of heat and wood and plastics are bad conductors of heat. They do not allow the heat transmission through them. So the handles of utensils are made from wood or plastics that we not our hands while handling these utensils when they are hot.

Q. 5. Name two gases which are soluble and two gases which are insoluble. What is the importance of gases dissolved in water?

Ans: Gases which are soluble in water: Oxygen and Carbon dioxide.

Gases which are insoluble in water: Hydrogen, Nitrogen.

The oxygen dissolved in water helps aquatic plants and animals. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water helps the plants living in water for photosynthesis.

Q. 6. X, Y and Z are three types of materials. The materials X and Y can break into pieces easily when hit with an object but material Z does not break easily. The material X is used in the windows of bathrooms in our house whereas material Y is used in the windows of our drawing room. The material Z is used in making doors and almirahs in our house.”

(a) What do you think material X could be? What is the general name of materials like X?

(b) What could material Y be? Write the general name of materials like Y.

(c) What could material Z be? What is the general name of material like Z?

Ans: (a) Ground glass: Translucent materials

(b) Clear glass: Transparent materials 

(c) Wood: Opaque Materials.

Q. 7. Why cotton floats on water?

Ans: Cotton has large number of pores in it. The air gets trapped in it thereby reducing its density (by increasing the volume of cotton by air). Therefore cotton floats on water. But when these pores get filled with water it starts sinking.

Q. 8. A few things have been grouped as follows. Identify the property common to all things in each group.

Group – I : Glass, Cup, Bucket, Mug, Jug. 

Group II : Man, Cow, Camel.

Group – III: Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold. 

Ans: Group I: Containers – all are made of plastic/steel.

Group-II: Living beings-all are mammals.

Group-III: All are metals.

Q. 9. Which among kerosene and glycerine is miscible in water? How will you find out?

Ans: Glycerine is miscible in water.

Take some water in two test tubes. Put a few drops of glycerine into one test tube and a few drops of kerosene into the other. Shake them well. Glycerine mixes with water and cannot be seen separately. Kerosene does not mix It can be seen as a separate layer on the top of water.

Q. 10. Give an activity to observe flow of heat in metal and wood.

Ans: a cup and fill it partly with hot water. Place two spoons in it – one made of aluminium and the other made of wood. After a minute, touch the upper top of each You will observe that the aluminium spoon is hotter than the wooden spoon. This is because heat can flow quickly through aluminium but not so in wood.


Q. 1. What are the advantages of classification/grouping things or materials?

Ans: The advantages of classification/ grouping of things or materials are as under:

(i) Classification helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among the objects.

(ii) Classification helps location of things. It is only because of classification that you are able to locate a book that you need out of thousands in your school library. 

(iii) Classification of objects helps their identification.

(iv) Classification makes study of different objects easy and more meaningful. Rather than studying each object separately, we can study just one out of each class of different objects and generalize our results for the class as a whole.

(v) Classification helps us to know the material of which the object is formed.

Q. 2. List the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases and give an example of each.

Ans: Solids: All solids have the following characteristics:

(i) They have a definite shape and volume. 

(ii) They cannot be compressed easily.

(iii) The particles they are made of are packed very tightly.

Examples: Gold and wood.

Liquids: All liquids have the following characteristics:

(i) They have a definite volume but no definite shape. They take the shape of the container they are poured in. 

(ii) They can be compressed more easily than solids.

(iii) The particles they are made up of are not so tightly packed as in solids. 

Examples: Water and alcohol. 

Gases: All gases have the following characteristics: 

(i) have no definite shape or volume.

(ii) They can be compressed very easily. 

(iii) The particles they are made up of are packed loosely.

Examples: Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. 

Q. 3. Discuss important properties of matter. (Any five)

Ans: Some important properties of matter are discussed below:

(i) Appearance: Materials (or matter) can be classified on the basis of their appearance. Different materials have different appearances.

(ii) Lustre: Materials can be classified the basis of their lustre. Some shine a lot whereas others are quite dull.

(iii) Texture: Different materials feel different when touched, so they have different textures.

(iv) State: Most can be placed into one of the three groups: Solid, liquid or gas.

(v) Solubility in water: Some substances are soluble in water, others are insoluble. Miscible liquids mix with each other, immiscible liquids do not


Q. 1. Why silver and gold are used in making of jewellery?

Ans: Silver and gold are examples of shiny metals. The lustrous property of gold and silver is used for making jewellery.

Q. 2. Find the odd one out from the following:

Wood, Stone, Iron, Cotton, Diamond. Give  reason for your answer. 

Ans: Cotton (soft material). All others are hard materials.

Q. 3. There are three objects A, B and C. The objects A and B need food, water and air for their survival whereas object C does not require these things. The object B can make its own food by using carbon dioxide from air, water from soil and energy from sun light but object A cannot make its food in this way.

(a) Which of the object/objects can be classified as non-living?

(b) Which of the object/objects can be classified as living?

(c) Which of the object/objects can be classified as plants?

(d) Which of the object/objects can be classified as animals?

(e) Give one example each of objects like

(i) A, (ii) B and (iii) C.

Ans: (a) C, (b) A and B, (c) B, (d) A, (e) (i) Cow, (ii) Rose, (iii) Table.

4. Classify the following into having luster (shine) and those having no luster (no shine):

Gold pendant, wooden table, sand, aluminium sheet, glass mirror, sheet of paper, leather sofa, brass door handle, stainless steel tumbler, jute bag.

Ans: Materials having luster: Gold pendant, Aluminium sheet, Glass mirror, Brass door handle, Stainless steel tumbler.

Materials having no luster: Wooden table, sand, sheet of paper, leather sofa, jute bag.

Q. 5. Classify the following into transparent, translucent and opaque materials:

Butter paper, card board, ground glass, clear glass, water, air, brick, wall, aluminium sheet.

Ans: Transparent: Clear glass, water, air.

Translucent: Butter paper, ground glass.

Opaque Card board, brick, wall, aluminium sheet.


Q. 1. Observe the following figure and answer the questions:

(i) Why should we not use a tumbler made of cloth?

(ii) What inference can we draw from it?

Ans: (i) Tumbler made of cloth cannot hold water.

(ii) We should choose a material to make an object depending on its properties and the purpose for which is to be used.

Q.2. Observe the following figures and answer the questions:

(i) Why are glass jars transparent? 

(ii) Why is wood opaque?

(iii) Why leaf acts as a translucent object?

Ans: (i) Glass jars are transparent because we can easily see through them.  

(ii) Wood is opaque because we cannot see through it.

(iii) Leaf acts as a translucent object because objects can be seen through it but not clearly.


Q. 1. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(i) Mustard oil and water are __________ liquids.

Ans: Immiscible.

(ii) Water and milk are __________ liquids.

Ans: Miscible.

(iii) A piece of glass is transparent but a piece of card board is __________.

Ans: Opaque.

(iv) Materials which have shiny appearance are said to have __________.

Ans: Lustre.

(v) An object can be made of different __________.

Ans: Materials.

(vi) The materials through which objects be seen but not clearly are called __________.

Ans: Translucent.

(vii) The electric wires and cables are made from __________.

Ans: Aluminium.

(viii) Metals are __________ of electricity.

Ans: Good conductor.

Q. 2. Match the columns:

Column – AColumn – B
1.Float in water(a) Density greater than water
2. Sink in water(b) Density less than water
3. Diamond(c) Soft
4. Sponge(d) Hard
5. Sugar(e) Insoluble
6. Chalk powder(f) Soluble 


Column – AColumn – B
1. Float in water(b) Density less than water 
2. Sink in water(a) Density greater than water
3. Diamond(d) Hard 
4. Sponge(c) Soft
5. Sugar(f) Soluble 
6. Chalk powder(e) Insoluble

Q. 3. Write one word for the following:

(i) Substances which do not allow electricity to pass through them.

Ans: Non-conductor.

(ii) Substances which are attracted by a magnet.

Ans: Magnetic materials.

(iii) Substances which allow only a part of light to pass through them.

Ans: Translucent

(iv) Material which do not permit heat to pass through them.

Ans: Non-conductor of heat.

(v) Things which occur in nature.

Ans: Naturally-occurring.


(i) Which one of the following does not dissolve in water?

(a) Alum.

(b) Washing powder.

(c) Chalk powder.

(d) Blue vitriol.

Ans: (c) Chalk powder.

(ii) One of the following liquids is immiscible with water. This one is:

(a) Vinegar. 

(b) Glycerine.

(c) Lemon juice. 

(d) Kerosene. 

Ans: (d) Kerosene.

(iii) Which one of the following materials is not used for making cooking utensils?

(a) Cooper. 

(b) Lead.

(c) Stainless steel.

(d) Auluminium.

Ans: (b) Lead.

(iv) The hardest natural material known is:

(a) Wood. 

(b) Teeth.

(c) Stone.

(d) Diamond.

Ans: (d) Diamond.

(v) Which of the following is soluble in water?

(a) Glycerine. 

(b) Sand.

(c) Iron filings.

(d) Oil. 

Ans: (a) Glycerine.


Q. Mother told her daughter Sushma, where we normally group things, we do so in a manner that similar things are placed together. It is because the grouping of things in this way makes them easier to locate, store or sell.

(i) Why do we need to group materials? 

(ii) Suggest two basis on which we can group objects. 

(iii) What value of mother is reflected in the above act?

Ans: (i) We often group materials for our convenience. It helps to describe their properties. 

(ii) (a) Materials used in making the object, eg., wood or metal/plastic. 

(b) Materials of the object is soft or hard or substance is soluble or insoluble in water. 

(ii) Mother showed the value of intelligence, awareness and self responsibility.

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