NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 India-Location

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NCERT Class 11 Geography Chapter 17 India-Location

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Chapter: 17




I. Choose the right Answer: from the four alternatives given below:

1. Which one of the following countries is larger in area than India?

(a) China.

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(b) Egypt.

(c) France.

(d) Iran.

Ans. (a) China.

2. Which one of the following latitudinal extents is relevant for the extent of India’s main land?

(a) 8°.41′ N-35°.7’N.

(b) 8°.4′ N-37°.6′ N.

(c) 8°.4′ N-35°.6’N.

(d) 6°.45′ N-37°.6’N.

Ans. (b) 8′.4′ N-37°.6′ N.

3. Which one of the following longitudes is the standard meridian for India?

(a) 69°30’E.

(b) 82°30’E.

(c) 75°30’E.

(d) 90°30’E.

Ans. (b) 82°30’E.

4. Which one of the following countries shares the longest land frontier with India?

(a) Bangladesh.

(b) China.

(c) Pakistan.

(d) Myanmar.

Ans. (a) Bangladesh.

5. Which of the following country is not included in Indian subcontinent?

(a) Pakistan.

(b) Nepal.

(c) Bangladesh.

(d) Maldives.

Ans. (d) Maldives.

6. What is India’s position from point of view of area?

(a) Second.

(b) Fifth.

(c) Seventh.

(d) Ninth.

Ans. (c) Seventh.

7. How much is the area of India?

(a) 328.7 million sq. km.

(b) 368.7 million sq. km.

(c) 288.5 million sq. km.

(d) 338.9 sq. km.

Ans. (a) 328.7 million sq. km.

8. How much is the longitudinal and latitudinal extent of India?

(a) 30 degree.

(b) 45 degree.

(c) 36 degree.

(d) 40 degree.

Ans. (a) 30 degree.

9. What is the length of India from north to south?

(a) 3214 km.

(b) 2856 km.

(c) 2933 km.

(d) 2850 km.

Ans. (a) 3214 km.

10. What is the length of India from east to west?

(a) 3214 km.

(b) 2856 km.

(c) 2933 km.

(d) 2850 km.

Ans. (c) 2933 km.

11. What is the percent share of India’s total area to world’s area?

(a) 4.5%

(b) 3.2%

(c) 2.4%

(d) 2.8%

Ans. (c) 2.4%

12. Himalayas in the north, Hindu Kush and Sulaiman ranges in the north-west, Purvachal hills in the north-east and by the large expanse of the Indian ocean in the south, it forms a great geographic entity which is called:

(a) Continent.

(b) Subcontinent.

(c) Indian Subcontinent.

(d) Strait.

Ans. (c) Indian Subcontinent.

13. What separates India from Srilanka?

(a) Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait.

(b) Bay of Hudson.

(c) Bay of Bengal.

(d) Bay of Biscay.

Ans. (a) Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait.

14. What is the length of the entire geographical coast of the mainland plus the island groups?

(a) 6204 km.

(b) 6408 km.

(c) 7517 km.

(d) 6869 km.

Ans. (c) 7517 km.

II. Read the list of beaches and states and mark the correct matching:

1. Juhu beach ____________A. Goa
2. Kovalam beach ____________B. Kerala
3. Dona Paola beach ____________C. Tamil
4. Marina beach ____________D. Maharashtra

(a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A

(b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D

(c) 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

(d) 1-A, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B

Ans. (c) 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C.

III. Make out correct pairs from the two columns:

Column IColumn II
(i) The land in which the sacréd Kailash- Mansarover are located.(a) Tarim Basin
(ii) The region where the ancient civilisation of Kashgar and Khotan flourished.(b) Tibet
(iii) The roof of the world.(c) Pamir
(iv) A place where three seas meet.(d) Rann of Kutch
(v) The salty marshes in the westernmost part of India.(e) Pygmallian point
(vi) The southernmost tip of the country.(f) Kanyakumari
(vii) The highest mountain peak of Himalayas in India.(g) K₂
(viii) The second highest mountain peak of the world.(h) Kanchenjunga.


Column IColumn II
(i) The land in which the sacréd Kailash- Mansarover are located.(b) Tibet
(ii) The region where the ancient civilisation of Kashgar and Khotan flourished.(a) Tarim Basin
(iii) The roof of the world.(c) Pamir
(iv) A place where three seas meet.(f) Kanyakumari
(v) The salty marshes in the westernmost part of India.(d) Rann of Kutch
(vi) The southernmost tip of the country.(e) Pygmallian point
(vii) The highest mountain peak of Himalayas in India.(h) Kanchenjunga.
(viii) The second highest mountain peak of the world.(g) K₂

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