Class 9th Science solutions Chapter 13: Why Do We Fall Ill NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 13 – Why Do We Fall Ill solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. These solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Science, Why Do We Fall Ill class 9. Here we have given Class 9 NCERT Science Textbook Solutions for Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill class 9
Class 9th Science solutions Chapter 13: Why Do We Fall Ill
1: State any two conditions essential for good health.
Answer: ‘Health’ is a state of being well enough to function well physically, mentally, and socially.
Therefore, for good health.
(i) One should be disease-free.
(ii) There should be social equality and harmony which are essential for individual
health particularly for social and mental health.
2: State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.
(i) Remain away from a specific and particular cause for discomfort or disease. For which personal and public cleanliness and a good physical environment are necessary.
(ii) Proper and sufficient food necessary for the functioning of cells and tissues of the body.
1: List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present would you still go to the doctor? Why not?
Answer: Common symptoms, which indicate sickness are:
(i) Headache,
(ii) Cough, and
(iii) Loose motion.
Even seeing one symptom. I will go to the doctor.
Reason: A single symptom is the sign of a disease. Delaying, it may lead to serious illness.
For example, a headache may mean meningitis.
2: In which of the following case do you think the long – term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant?
(i) If you get jaundice.
(ii) If you get lice.
(iii) If you get acne.
Answer: Jaundice because it is a chronic disease and takes a long time to be cured. Moreover, jaundice affects the whole body and it takes a long time to be healthy.
1: Why are we normally advised to tale bland and nourishing food when we are sick?
Answer: Infectious disease show a lack of success in the immune system of the body. For the functioning of the immune system properly, sufficient nourishment and easily digestible food are necessary for a sick person.
2: What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?
Answer: Infection causing microbes to travel from patient to person through:
(i) Air: Sneezing or coughing since little droplets are thrown which they reach another person through the air. For example, common Cole, pneumonia, etc.
(ii) Water: contaminated water carries disease-causing microbes which cause infection on its usage. Example, diseases such as cholera.
(iii) Sexual contact: Diseases such as syphilis or AIDS are transmitted by sexual contact from one person to the other.
(iv) Animals: These are intermediaries, called vectors, transmitting diseases from a patient to the host. For example, mosquitoes (Female Anopheles mosquito) cause the spread of malaria.
See Also: NCERT Solutions for Class 9th: Ch 13 Why Do We Fall Ill
3: What precautions could you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?
(i) Preventing over crowing classes,
(ii) Providing safe drinking water,
(iii) Cleanliness in the school premises and also in the classroom,
(iv) Use of handkerchief or towel while an infected student in sneezing or coughing,
(v) Use of clean toilets,
(vi) Not to allows water to stagnate in school or around the school to avoid mosquito breeding,
(vii) To get vaccinated whenever programmers organized for inoculation against various diseases.
(viii) Not eating food exposed to flies, mosquitoes, etc.
4: What is an immunization?
Answer: Introduction of a mild type of infection (microbes) or killed infectious microbes into the body by vaccination / by other means to activate the immune system against a particular infection/disease is called immunization.
5: What is the immunization program available at the nearest health center in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?
Answer: Immunization program
(i) BCG vaccine against tuberculosis.
(ii) Polio drops against polio.
(iii) Vaccination against chickenpox.
(iv) Vaccination against Hepatitis.
(v) DPT vaccination against Diptheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus.
(vi) Immunization against measles.
Major health problems are (i) Hepatitis, (ii) Chickenpox, (iii) Tuberculosis and (iv)Tetanus
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