Class 9 English Grammar Change of Voice

Class 9 English Grammar Change of Voice, NCERT/SCERT Class 9 English Grammar Notes to each Syllabus wise provided in the list of SEBA Class 9 English Grammar Change of Voice can be of great value to excel in the examination.

Class 9 English Grammar Change of Voice

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Class 9 English Grammar Change of Voice Notes cover all the exercise questions in Assam Board SEBA Textbooks. The SEBA Class 9 English Grammar provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.



When emphasis is to be placed on the subject (i.e. the doer of the action), the active voice is used.

e.g. (i) Mohan killed a snake.

(ii) The pilot flew a plane.


When emphasis is to be placed on the object (i.e. the receiver or sufferer of the action), the passive voice is used. 

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e.g. (i) A snake was killed by Mohan.

(ii) A plane was flown by the pilot.


1. Present indefiniteHe reads a bookA book is read by him
2. Present continuousHe is reading a bookA book is being read by him
3. Present perfectHe has read a bookA book has been read by him
4. Present perfect continuousHe has been reading a bookA book has been read by him
5. Past indefiniteHe read a bookA book was read by him
6. Past continuousHe was reading a bookA book was being read by him
7. Past perfectHe had read a bookA book had been read by him
8. Past perfect continuousHe had been reading a bookA book had been read by him
9. Future indefiniteHe will read a bookA book will be read by him
10.Future continuousHe will be reading a bookNo form
11. Future perfectHe will have read a bookA book will have been read by him
12.Future perfect continuousHe will have been reading g a bookNo form

Imperative sentences

Rule: Generally active imperative sentences are changed into passive by using let / requested / advised, etc.


1. Do it at onceLet it be done at once
2. Sit downYou are requested to sit down
3. Never tell a licNever let a lie be told/You are advised never to tell a lie.
4. Post this letterLet this letter be posted

Infinitive sentence

Rule: Generally active infinitive sentences are changed into passive by using to be + past participle


1. We are to do this jobThis job is be done by us
2. I expected you to do itIt was expected to be done by you
3. I hope to finish the workThe work is hoped to be finished by me

Sentences with ‘can, may, must’

Rule: For ‘may or might or should or must’ the rule is: Auxiliary verb + be + past participle 

For ‘should have’ or ‘might have’ or ‘may have’ the rule is: Auxiliary verb + been + past participle


1. He may sing a songA song may besung by him.
2. We should do our workOur work should bedone by us.
3. We must do our workOur work must bedone by us.


(From Active to Passive)

Change the following Active sentences into Passive sentences :

(i) Sam was driving a car. 

(ii) He drew a picture.

(iii) Why did they beat you ?

(iv) Someone has stolen my pen. 

(v) We have booked our tickets.

(vi) I am cooking my dinner.

(vii) Mohan learns English. 

(viii) Who teaches you Mathematics ?

(ix) Sham will write a letter.

(x) Never tell a lie.

(xi) We fly kites.

(xii) I know him well.

(xiii) She had already cooked the food.

(xiv) He is writing a letter.

(xv) Edison invented Gramophone.

(xvi) Let me kindly be allowed to leave. 

(xvii) They asked the boy many questions.

(xviii) I know your father well.

Ans: (i) A car was being driven by Sam.

(ii) A picture was drawn by him.

(iii) Why were you beaten by them ?

(iv) My pen has been stolen.

(v) Our tickets have been booked.

(vi) My dinner is being cooked by me.

(vii) English is learned by Mohan. 

(viii) By whom is Mathematics taught to you ?

(ix) A letter will be written by Sham. Never let a lie be told.

(xi) Kites are flown by us.

(xii) He is well known to me.

(xiii) The food had been already cooked by her.

(xiv) A letter is being written by him.

(xv) Gramophone was invented by Edison.

(xvi) Allow me to leave, please. 

(xvii) The boy was asked many questions.

(xviii) Your father is known to me well.

Some Difficult sentences :

(i) He was elected President. 

(ii) Let him do the work.

(iii) We know a man by his deeds.

(iv) None but God can save him.

(v) It is time to take tea.

Ans: (i) They elected him President..

(ii) Let the work be done by him. 

(iii) A man is known by his deeds. 

(iv) He cannot be saved by anyone except God.


He can be saved by none but God. 

(v) It is time for tea to be taken.

Interrogative sentences

A. Present Indefinite

(i) Does he carry a bag?

B. Present Continuous

(ii)Are you drawing a picture ?

C. Present Perfect

(iii) Have you read this story?

D. Past Indefinite

(iv) Did you waste money ?

E. Past Continuous

(v) Were they playing chess ?

F. Past Perfect

(vi) Had you kept your promise?

G Future Indefinite

(vii) Will she draw a picture?

H. Future Perfect

(viii) Who will have done this job?

Ans:(i) Is a bag carried by him

(ii) Is a picture being drawn by you ?

(iii) Has this story been read by you ? 

(iv) Was money wasted by you ?

(v) Was chess being played by them ?

(vi) Had your promise been kept (by you) ? 

(vii) Will a picture be drawn by her ?

(viii) By whom will have this job been done ?

Change the following Passive sentences into Active.

(i) The crop had not been sown by the farmer. 

(ii)The thief was being stoned by the mob.

(iii) The train was missed by our guests.

(iv) She has been annoyed by his words.

(v) My master was pleased with me.

(vi) A letter is written by him. 

(vii) A big house has been built by them.

(viii) It will be done by me.

(ix) Let your umbrella be fetched. 

(x) One mile has been run by me.

(xi) The plants were being watered by the gardener.

(xii) Rama was married to Sita.

(xiii) Flowers were not being plucked by anyone.

(xiv) This poem was written by my sister.

(xv) He was taken to hospital.

(xvi) The bridge was completed in record time. 

(xvii) What is done cannot be undone.

(xviii) The politician was honoured.

(xix) He is known to me. 

(xx) Courage is always admired.

Ans: (i) The farmer had not sown the crop. 

(ii) The mob was stoning the thief.

(iii) Our guests missed the train. 

(iv) His words have annoyed her.

(v) I pleased my master.

(vi) He writes a letter.

(vii) They have built a big house.

(viii) I shall do it.

(ix) Fetch your umbrella. 

(x) I have run one mile.

(xi) The gardener was watering the plants. 

(xii) Sita married Rama.

(xiii) Nobody was plucking flowers. 

(xiv) My sister wrote this poem.

(xv) Someone took him to hospital. 

(xvi) They completed the bridge in record time.

(xvii) We cannot undo what we do. 

(xviii) The people honoured the politician.

(xix) I know him.

(xx) People always admire courage.

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