Class 7 English Chapter 8 Women In Space

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Lesson: 8


1. Let’s see how much we have understood.

(a) Who was the first Indian woman astronaut?

Ans: The first Indian woman astronaut was Kalpana Chawla.

(b) Why was the satellite Kalpana – 1 built?

Ans: The satellite Kalpana-1 was built in memory of Kalpana Chawla after her death.

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(c) Where was Kalpana Chawla from?

Ans: Kalpana Chwala was from Karnal (Haryana) India.

(d) What was Kalpana Chawla’s dream?

Ans : Kalpana Chawla’s dream was to travel the moon.

(e) What does NASA do?

Ans : NASA studies Earth, including its climate, our sun and our solar system and beyond. And sends satellites to space.

(f) What was the aim of Columbia space shuttle Flight STS-87?

Ans : The aim of Columbia space shuttle Flight STS-87 was to study the outer atmosphere of the sun.

(g) How did Kalpana Chawla die? 

Ans : On their way back at a height of  above 61000 metres taxes. The space vehicle broke up in flames on its way back to earth and all the seven astronauts including Kalpana Chawla died.

Q. 2. In the lesson, you read about some important dates and numbers. See whether you remember what each number stands for.

1961: ……………………………………………………

1997: ……………………………………………………

STS-87: …………………………………………………

61,000m: ……………………………………………..

Ans : 1961: birth date of Kalpana Chawla.

1997: Kalpana Chawla joined the Columbia shuttle Flight STS-87.

STS-87: Kalpana Chawla with other six astronauts went into space on the space shuttle STS-87.

61,000 m: The space vehicle broke up in flames at the height of 61,000 metres.

Q. 3. Make a poster of Kalpana Chawla for your science exhibition in the box below. Include her childhood information and her work details in your poster.

Ans :

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space  Kalpana Chawla

Ans:- Kalpana Chawla:- Kalpana Chawla was born in 1961 in Karnal, India. On 2 December 1983, Kalpana Chawla was married to Jean-Pierre Harrison at the age of 21. She was the first Indian – American astronaut and first Indian woman in space. 

Kalpana’s dream was always to travel to the moon, and as a result of her hard work and dedication, she reached such heights. In 1977 Kalpana Chawla joined the columbia space shuttle flight STS – 8. She was the only woman in the team of seven astronauts. They managed to collect a lot of important data. But the space vehicle broke up in flames on its way back to earth. At a height of 61,000 metres above texas. All the seven astronauts including Kalpana Chawla died.

Q. 4. Let’s learn some grammar: 

Read the following sentences about Manas and Mayuri.

(i) Manas said to Mayuri, “Hello, Mayuri! Have you completed the project on “Women in space?”

(ii) Manas greeted Mayuri and asked her whether she had completed the project on women in space. The words spoken by a person/persons can be reported in two ways : Direct and Indirect.

When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech. Note that the exact words spoken by the speaker Manas are put within inverted commas.

There are some rules for changing Direct speech to indirect speech.

• In indirect speech no inverted commas are used,

• The part used before the inverted commas (for example: Manas said to Mayuri) is called the reporting clause. The verb (for example: said) in a reporting clause is called a reporting verb.

• We can also make the speaker’s words a part of our own sentence. When we do so, the words are in Indirect speech or  Reported Speech. While reporting a speech, we make changes to some of the words in Direct Speech.

Here is a sentence in Indirect speech. Write the sentence in Direct speech in the space below. Remember to use inverted commas.

Mayuri said that she had read about it on the internet.

Ans : Mayuri said, “I have read about it on the internet.

(b) In column A below are two sentences in Direct speech. In column B these are the matching sentences in Indirect Speech. Are the sentences in column B correct? If not, write them correctly in column C.

Column A Column BColumn C
Mayuri  Said   to Manas,   “Do  you know   What NASA is?”Mayuri   Said  to Manas that does heknow what NASA is?
Manas   Said,   “Our country will always remember her.”Manas   Said  that“Our   Countrywould always remember her.”

Ans :  

Column AColumn BColumn C
Mayuri  Said   to Manas,   “Do  you know   What NASA is?”Mayuri   Said  to Manas that does heknow what NASA is?Mayuri asked Manas if He knew what NASA was
Manas   Said,   “Our country will always remember her.”Manas   Said  that“Our   Countrywould always remember her.”Manas  Said that their country would always remember her.

Q. 5. Let’s revise:

FormsExamples with use
1. base formLook: Look at the moon.
2. S formLooks: He looks at the moon.
3. past formLooked: He looked at the moon
4. ing formLooking: He is looking at the moon.

Now fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs:

(i) Mayuri ……………..Manas on her way to school. ( s  form of meet )

(ii) I’m sure she……………… flying in space. (past form of love )

(iii) It has ……………………To the sky .(past participle of fly )

Ans : (i) Mayuri meets Manas on her way to school.

(ii) I’m sure she loved flying in space.

(iii) It has flown to the sky.

Q. 6. Here are some interesting facts about famous astronauts who were women.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Sally Ride

Sally Ride was the first American woman to go into space.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space and also one of the youngest female astronauts in history.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Sunita Williams

Sunita Williams is an astronaut and a United States Navy officer of Indo- Slovenian descent.

Now collect a picture of an astronaut and paste it in your notebook. Write a few sentences about him or her jast below the picture.

Ans :

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Rakesh Sarma

Rakesh Sarma was the first Indian astronaut. He flew to the space in 3rd April 1984 through Indo-Russian space travel.

Q. 7. Let’s practice speaking in English. Using the phrase ‘Have you heard’, ask your partner a few questions about space. One is done for you.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী


Person – 1Person – 2
Have you heard that ‘Aryabhatta’ was India’s first satellite?No, I haven’t.
Have you heard that Kalpana Chawla was the first woman in space?Yes, I have.
Have you heard that the space vehicle broke up in flames on its way back to earth?Yes, I heard about it, what a great loss, We are very proud of her.
Yes, you are right. I also want to become Astronaut. Oh, really. That’s great. 

Q. 8. The box below has certain words used to ask questions. Find and write them in the space given.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী


Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী

Q. 9. Fun with words :

Do you know what is interesting about these words? If you remove the first letter from each of the given words, you will find a new word. Write the new words in the space crafts under each word :

flight    Send   Space    Craft    Know   there

Ans : flight    –    light         

Space   –   psce        

Know    –   now

Send    –   end

Crft     –   raft

There   –   here

Now think of three more words like the above, and write them here.

Ans : fought  – ought

learned – earned

trained  –  rained 

please  –  lease

Q. 10. See how many new words you can form with the letters used in the word ‘because’ below. One is done for you.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী

Ans :

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী

Q. 11. Manas wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. Mayuri wants to be a scientist.

Class 7 English Chapter - 8 Women In Space Solution - ইংৰাজী

Sit in pairs and tell each other what you want to be when you grow up and why.

Q. 12. Project Works:

[The teacher will do the needful.

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