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Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World
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The Living World
Chapter – 1
Q.1. what does the word ‘living’ mean?
Ans :- By the word ‘living’ we mean the organism which has life.
Q.2. What is meant by ‘life’?
Ans :- Life is the name of external manifestation of chemical activities of protoplasm. Life is characterised by living activities like responding to stimulation and showing other characteristic features as growth, development and evolution.
Q.3. Write 2 characteristics of growth.
Ans :- Increase in mass and increase in the number of individual are the important characteristics of growth.
Q.4. How does growth occur in multicellular organism?
Ans :- In multicellular organism growth occurs by cell division.
Q.5. What is a basic difference in growth in plants and animals?
Ans :- In plants, growth by cell division occurs throughout their life span whereas in animals, their growth occurs upto certain age.
Q.6. Define the term ‘reproduction’.
Ans :- Reproduction refers to the production of progeny having features similar to those of parents.
Q.7. How do fungi reproduce?
Ans :- Fungi reproduces by the method of sporulation.
Q.8. In what type of organism budding is observed?
Ans :- In lower organism like yeast and hydra.
Q.9. Write the name of organism which multiply by fragmentation?
Ans :- Fungi, filamentous algae, protonema of mosses multiply by fragmentation.
Q.10. Which organism do not reproduce?
Ans :- Mules, sterile workers – bees, infertile human couples do not reproduce.
Q.11. What is growth?
Ans :- Growth is an irreversible increase in the number of cells and mass of the living structure.
Q.12. Is growth same in plants and animals?
Ans :- No, because in plant growth occurs through out their life time but in animal it is limited but in certain tissue cell division occurs to replace the old or worn out cells.
Q.13. What is reproduction?
Ans :- The process of giving birth to similar type of living organism is termed as reproduction.
Q.14. Name 2 organism which do not reproduce?
Ans :- Mule and sterile worker bee.
Q.15. Define metabolism.
Ans :- The sum total of all the chemical reactions occuring in our body is metabolism.
Q.16. What is biodiversity?
Ans :- The number and types of organism present on earth is called biodiversity.
Q.17. What is nomenclature?
Ans :- Giving name to a particular organism is termed as nomenclature.
Q.18. Who proposed binomial nomenclature?
Ans :- Carolus Linnaeus.
Q.19. Why scientific name is also termed as binomial nomenclature.
Ans :- It consist of 2 part i.e. 1st word is the generic name and 2nd word is the species name. So it is termed as binomial nomenclature.
Q.20. Give the full from of ICBN and ICZN.
Ans :- ICBN :- International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
ICZN :- International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Q.21. Define classification.
Ans :- Classification is the process by which anything is grouped into convenient categories based on same easily observable characters.
Q.22. What is taxon?
Ans :- Taxon is the term given to any category or unit of classification.
Q.23. Name the highest and lowest taxonomic category.
Ans :- Highest taxonomic category – Kingdom.
Lowest taxonomic category – Species.
Q.24. What is taxonomy?
Ans :- Taxonomy is the branch of biology that decals with identification, nomenclature and classification.
Q.25. What is systematics?
Ans :- Systematics is the branch of biology that deals with identification, nomenclature classification and evolutionary relationships between organisms.
Q.26. Give the scientific name of mango and Potato.
Ans :- Mango :- Mangifera indicia.
Potato :- Solanum tuberosum.
Q.27. Name the family where petunia and Datura are placed.
Ans :- Solanaceae.
Q.28. Name the family of cat and lion.
Ans :- Felidae.
Q.29. What is Herbarium?
Ans :- Herbarium is a store hours of collected plant specimen that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.
Q.30. What is lead?
Ans :- Each statement in the key is called lead.
Q.31. What is couplet?
Ans :- The keys are based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet.
Q.1. What is the difference between flora and Monographs.
Ans :- Flora contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given area whereas monograph contain information of any one taxon.
Q.2. Name some taxonomic aids.
Ans :- Herbarium, Zoological Park, Botanical garden, Museum, Key, Monograph, Manuals etc.
Q.3. How genus is related to species?
Ans :- Genus comprises a Group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genus.
Q.4. What is the difference between vernacular name and scientific name.
Ans :- Vernacular name vary from place to place and create confusion to refer to the organism we are talking about whereas scientific name is unique and remain same throughout the world.
Q.5. Give the scientific name of the following organism.
Leopard, Wheat, Human being, Housefly
Ans :- Leopard : Panthera pardus.
Wheat : Triticum aestivum.
Human being : Homo sapien.
Housefly : Musca Domestica.
Q.6. Why reproduction can’t be considered as the only character to define the characteristic of living organism.
Ans :- There are living organism where reproduction doesn’t take place but still surviving. For this reason, reproduction can’t be considered as only characters to define living organism.
Q.7. Give the taxonomic categories showing hierarchical arrangement in assembling order.
Ans :-
Q.8. What do you understand by the term ‘nomenclature’ ?
Ans :- Nomenclature means – the system of naming of the organisms.
Q.9. Write down the full form of ‘ICBN’ and ‘ICZN’.
Ans :- ICBN stands for – International Code for Botanical Nomenclature and ICZN stands for – International Code for Zoological Nomenclature.
Q.10. What is classification?
Ans :- The arrangement of organism in a series of groups or categories depending on their natural relationship and finally establishing the identity of each individual is known as classification.
Q.11. Define a ‘taxa’?
Ans :- For the purpose of classification, animal kingdom are divided into groups such as class, order, family, genus etc. Each of these groups is called taxon (pl. taxa).
Q.12. What is taxonomy and systematics?
Ans :- Taxonomy deals with the study of living organisms and their classification whereas systematics deals not only with the study of living organism but also their relationships.
Q.13. Differentiate between species and genus.
Ans :- Species are a group of organism which each other in all essential respect like morphology, physiology, embryology etc. And can interbreed freely to produce fertile young ones.
Genus comprises a group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera.
For example – Mangifera indica in which Mangifera is the genus and indica is the species.
Q.14. Define class, phylum and kingdom.
Ans :- Related order includes the category class.
e.g. Order Primata comprising monkey, gorilla and gibbon are placed in class – Mammalia.
Classes comprising similar characters are assigned to a higher category called phylum.
Organism belonging to various phylum are assigned to the highest category called kingdom.
Q.15. How are specimens stored in a herbarium?
Ans :- The specimens are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets in a herbarium. These sheets are arranged according to the system of classification. These herbarium sheets provide information about data and place of collection, local and botanical name, etc.
Q.16. Write a note on Museum.
Ans :- Biological museum have collections of preserved plants and animal specimens for study and reference. Specimens are preserved in containers or jars. Inserts are preserved in insect boxes after collecting, killing and pinning. Museum also have collection of skeleton of animals also.
Q.17. How is a key helpful in the identification and classification of organism?
Ans :- Keys are used for identification of plants and animals based on the similarities and dissimilarities. The keys are based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet. It represents the choice made between two opposite options. This results in acceptance of only one and rejection of the other.
Q.18. How the following organisms are preserved in museum?
(a) Insect
(b) Birds and Mammal
(c) Plants
Ans :- (a) Insect :- Are preserved in insect boxes after collecting, killing and pinning.
(b) Birds and Mammal :- Are usually stuffed and preserved.
(c) Plant :- Can be preserved as dry specimen.
Q.19. How herbarium sheet is prepared?
Ans :- A plant specimen which is collected is first dried, pressed and preserved on a sheet, Further these sheets are arranged according to a universally accepted system of classification. The sheets also carry a label proving information about date and place of collection. Thus is this way a Herbarium sheet is prepared.
Q.20. What is Key?
Ans :- Key is one important taxonomic aids. This aid is useful to identify unknown specimen. It is used for identification of plants and animals based on the similarities and dissimilarities. The keys are based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet. It represents the choice made between two opposite options. This result in acceptance of only one and rejection of the other.
Q.21. What is binomial Nomenclature ? Explain with the help of mangifera indica.
Ans :- It consist of 2 part i.e. 1st word is the generic name and 2nd word is the species name. So it is termed as binomial nomenclature.
Scientific name of mango is mangifera indica where mangifera is the generic name and indica is the species name.
Q.1. What are the essential features of life?
Ans :- The essential features of life are :-
(i) Life seems to be associated with protoplasm, the physical basis of life.
(ii) Life is a manifestation of interaction of various micro and macro molecules that constitute the living cell.
(iii) Like expresses through exchange of energy.
(iv) Continuity of life is maintained through self-duplication process in which a living organism gives rise to its own kind.
Q.2. Why are multicellular organisms more efficient than unicellular organisms?
Ans :- The multicellular organisms are more efficient than unicellular organisms, because, in these organisms, cells play more specialised role in life activities.
Following are some of the advantages of multicellularity :-
(i) Division of labour occur in the body.
(ii) As a result of division of labour, tissues are formed.
(iii) Tissue perform only specialised function. Tissue form organs and organs form organ system.
(iv) It is because of mult cellularity that the big organism grow.
Q.3. Give an account of Binomial Nomenclature and write briefly about the rules of nomenclature.
Ans :- Binomial Nomenclature is a system of giving scientific name in the form of two words to a species of plants and animals. It was first prepared by Carolus Linnaeus in his book entitled Systema Naturae. According to this system, the name of a species consist of two parts, the first part is called generic name which refers to the genus species and the second part is called specific name which refers to its specific name. e.g. – Mangifera indica Where Mangifera is the generic name and indica is the specific name.
Rules of Nomenclature :-
(i) The scientific name should be in italics if printed and underlined if hard written.
(ii) The generic name must be written first beginning with a capital letter while the first letter of the specific name must be written in small letter. ex- Mangifera indica.
(iii) The name of the taxonomist who first discovered it is added at the end. ex- Home sapiens L(Or Linn) where Linn stands for Linnaeus.
(iv) No two generic names in any kingdom can be same, the species name can be replaced.
Q.4. What are the advantages of scientific names over common names?
Ans :- For putting a plant or a animal in their respective place, it is essential that all of them should be given a proper name. The common names were not useful for classification because of the following reasons :
(i) Only those plants and animals are given names which were closely related to human life.
(ii) The same species of plants or animals was known by different name in different countries or localities.
(iii) The species living far away from human dwelling remained without names.
To avoid all these problems, plants or animal species are given such a name that should be uniform not only in a locality or country but throughout the world. Hence scientific names are given to plant and animal species which are international names and are used all over the world.
Q.5. What is the importance of biological classification?
Ans :- There is a great diversity of life in nature. It is not possible for anyone to understand this biodiversity. But for many reasons we must be able to identify them. It is not easy to identify without grouping them into small or large groups on the basis of certain rules or principles. Classification is the arrangement of organism in a series of groups or categories. For this purpose of identification, we classify organism into smaller and smaller groups depending on their specific characters.
Q.6. Mention the rules which one should follow while writing a scientific name.
Ans :- The rules are as follows :-
(i) The name should consist of 2 parts and 1st part the generic name and 2nd part the species name.
(ii) The first letter of the generic name should always be written in capital letter and the 1st letter of the species name should be written in small letter.
(iii) There should be gap between the two word and each word should be underlined separately.
Name of the author appears after the regencies name and is written in an abbreviated form eg.
Mangifera indica linn. It indicates that this species was 1st described by linnaeus.
Q.7. What is taxonomic Hierarchy ? Explain it giving the example of lion.
Ans :- Taxonomic Hierarchy is the frame work is which the taxonomic group are arranged in a definite order from higher to lower categories.
For eg : The scientific name of lion is pan thera leo

Q.8. What is taxonomic Hierarchy ? Explain it giving the example of Housefly.
Ans :- Taxonomic Hierarchy is the frame work is which the taxonomic group are arranged in a definite order from higher to lower categories.
For eg. The scientific name of lion is pan there leo

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