Basic Processes of Teaching and Learning

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Basic Processes of Teaching and Learning

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Basic Processes of Teaching and Learning




Teaching-learning process is the heart of education. On it depends the fulfilment of the aims & objectives of education. It is the most powerful instrument of education to bring about desired changes in the students. Teaching learning are related terms. In the teaching-learning process, the teacher, the learner, the curriculum & other variables are organised in a systematic way to attain some predetermined goal.

Essential Aspects of the Teaching learning Process

According to Diana Laurillard, there are four aspects teaching-learning process 

  1. Discussion-between the teacher and leamer. 
  2. Interaction between of the the learner and some aspect of the world defined by the teacher 
  3. Adaptation of the world by the teacher and action by the learner.
  4. Reflection on the learner’s performance by both teacher and learner.

According to Burton in the figure above

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  1. Teaching can become effective only by relating it to the process of learning.
  2. Teaching objectives cannot be realised without being related to the learning situation. 
  3. We may create and use teaching aids to create some appropriate learning situation. 
  4. The strategies and devices of teaching may be selected in such a manner that the optimal objectives of the learning area achieved. 
  5. To understand principles, goals, objectives of education in the right perspective.
  6. Appropriate leaching situations may be created for congenial and effective teaching.

Approaches to Learning Theories

Aspect Behaviourist Cognitivist Humanist
Learning theorists Thorndike, Pavlov, Watson, Guthrie, Hull. Tolman, Skinner Kofika, Kohler. Lewin, Piaget, Ausubel, Bruner, Gagne
Maslow. Rogers
View of the learning process Change in behaviourInternal mental process Including insight, information processing, memory, perception) A personal act to fulfilpotential
Locus of learning Stimuli in external environmentInternal cognitive structuring
Affective and cognitive needs
Purpose in education Produce behavioural change in desired directionDevelop capacity and skills to learn betterBecome self-actualized autonomous
Educator’s role Arranges environment to elicit desired response educationCognitive development
Intelligence, learning and memory as function of age
Facilitates development of the whole person
Manifestations in adult learning Skill development and training Learning how to learn Self-directed learning

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