NIOS Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Major Landforms And Their Economics Significance

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NIOS Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 Major Landforms And Their Economics Significance

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Major Landforms And Their Economics Significance

Chapter: 7




Q.1. Name the three major landforms found on the earth’s surface.

Ans. (i) Mountains.

(ii) Plateaus.

(iii) Plains.

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Q.2. Answer in brief:

(a) From which rock type have the fold mountains been formed?

Ans. Sedimentary rocks.

(b) By which forces are the fold mountains formed?

Ans. Horizontal and compressional forces.

(c) Name the four important hill stations of India.

Ans. (i) Shimla.

(ii) Nainital.

(iii) Mussoorie.

(iv) Srinagar.

Q.3. Write the type of mountains in the brackets:

(a) The Black Forest.

(b) The Nilgiris.

(c) The Fuji Yama.

(d) The Andes.

Ans. (a) Block mountain.

(b) Residual mountain.

(c) Volcanic mountain.

(d) Fold mountain.


Q.1. Answer briefly:

(a) Name the three types of plateaus.

Ans. (i) Intermontane Plateau.

(ii) Piedmont Plateau.

(iii) Continental Plateau.

(b) Name three natural resources for which plateau are well known.

Ans. (i) Minerals.

(ii) Hydel power.

(iii) Cattle-rearing or grasslands.

(c) Write against each of the following the type of plateaus to which it belongs:

(i) The plateau of Platagonia______.

Ans. Piedmont.

(ii) The plateau of Bolivia ________.

Ans. Intermontane.

(iii) The Deccan plateau________.

Ans. Continental plateau.


Q.1. Answer briefly:

(a) Name the three major types of plains.

Ans. (i) Structural.

(ii) Erosional.

(iii) Depositional.

(b) To which category do the following plains belong?

(i) Lombardy Plain of Italy.

(ii) The Plain of North-Western China.

(iii) The Plain of Northern Canada.

Ans. (i) Alluvial plain.

(ii) Loess plain.

(iii) Erosional plain.

Q.2. Name two civilizations that flourished in the river valleys.

Ans. 1. Indus.

2. Nile Valley Civilization.

Q.3. Give two examples of Lacustrine plain.

Ans. 1. Valley of Kashmir.

2. Manipur plains.


Q.1. Name the four types of mountains found in the world and describe the formation of each type.

Ans. According to the formation of mountains they have been classified as:

1. Fold Mountains: These are formed in the rock strata by the internal earth movements and mountain range classifying uplifted folded sedimentary rocks are called gold mountains. The Himalayas is Asia, Alps in Europe are the examples of these mountains.

2. Block Mountains: These are formed by the internal earth movements. When the land between two almost parallel faults is raised above the adjoining area it forms a block mountain. Block mountain is also called Horst. The Black Forest Mountain of Germany is the example of this type.

3. Volcanic Mountain: The mountains formed by the accumulation of volcanic material are called volcanic mountains or mountains of accumulation. Due to high temperature deep inside the earth rocks turn into a molten magma. When this magma is ejected to the earth’s surface during volcanic eruption it accumulate around the vent and may take the form of a mountain. These are called volcanic mountains. Mount Mauna Loa in Hawaii, Mount Popa In Myanmar are the examples.

4. Residual Mountains: The elevated regions that have escaped weathering and erosion and appear in the form of mountains are called residual mountains. These are formed by the weathering and erosion agents. As soon as an elevated mountain range appears on the earth the agents of gradation begin to work of leveling it down. After thousands of year soft rocks are warm down into sand and the hard rocks are left standing up in the area that has been reduced in height. These are called residual mountains. Nilgiri hills and the Raj Mahal hills of India are the examples of these types of mountains.

Q.2. Describe how plateaus are useful to man.

Ans. The plateaus are useful to man in the following way.

1. Storehouse of minerals: Plateaus are the storehouse of minerals. They are full of minerals. These minerals are used as raw material for our industries.

2. Generation of Hydel Power: Rivers falling down the edges of plateaus form waterfalls. These waterfall provide ideal sites for generating hydel power.

3. Cool Climate: The higher parts of the plateaus even in tropical and sub-tropical areas have cold climate. Hence, they have attracted people all over the country.

4. Useful for animal-rearing: Plateaus have large grassland areas suitable for animal rearing specially sheep-rearing.

Q.3. Why are the plains called “cradles of civilization”?

Ans. The plains are called cradles of civilization due to the following reasons:

1. Fertile soil: Generally plains have deep and fertile soil. The measures of irrigation are easily developed on the surface of the plain. That is why they are agriculturally important.

2. Growth of industry: These plains have helped in the growth of agro-based industries. This has given employment to millions of people, and registered a marked increase in the national production and per capita income.

3. Expansion of means of transportation: The plain have an even surface. It favours the building of roads, air ports and laying down railway line.

4. Centres of civilization: The plain have been the centres of modern and ancient civilizations. The major river valley civilizations of the world have flourished in the plains only. Indus and Nile river valleys are the examples.

5. Setting up of cities and towns: Early means of transport on land the growth of agriculture and industries in plains have resulted in the setting up and expansion of cities and towns. Rome, Tokyo, Kolkata, Varanasi are the examples.

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